杨益民 男 博导 人文学院
博客 blog.sciencenet.cn/u/yympep
迄今为止,已在Science子刊、Nature子刊、《PNAS》《Cell》《Science Bulletin》《Journal of Archaeological Science》《Archaeometry》《Archaeological and Anthropological Science》《Journal of Cultural Heritage》《Journal of Glass Studies》《中国科技史杂志》《中国农史》等期刊上以第一或通讯作者发表论文100余篇,其中SSCI/ A&HCI/SCI论文50余篇。2014年明代官窑釉里红呈色机制的论文被北京光源选为“研究亮点”;2014年小河墓地开菲尔奶酪的论文被《Nature》选为“研究亮点”;2015年血残留物的论文刊登在《Analytical Methods》上,被选为热点文章之一;2016年小河墓地牛心化妆棒的论文被Nature Asia选为“研究亮点”;2016年殷墟甲骨文刻划工艺论文刊登在《Mircoscopy Research and Technique》上,被选为封面文章;古代蛋白质的研究成果被英国皇家化学学会(RSC)2017年出版、牛津大学Pollard教授等人编写的教材《Archaeological Chemistry》(3rd Edition)引用,介绍古代蛋白质分析在考古研究中的作用;2019年古代大麻吸食起源的工作刊登在《Science Advances》并选为“研究亮点”,同时《Science》进行了点评和深度报道;2020年在Nature子刊发表蒙古奶残留物的评论文章;2021年刘家洼遗址化妆品的论文被《Nature》选为“研究亮点”。2022年法门寺香料研究以《PNAS》封面文章发表。2024年开菲尔奶酪的古DNA研究在《Cell》发表。2025年中国铅钡玻璃原料来源和制作工艺研究在《Science Bulletin》发表。
目前担任中国科学技术史学会科技考古专业委员会常务副主任,《Journal of Archaeological Science》副主编,《Science Bulletin》特邀编委、《科学通报》特邀编委、《中国科技史杂志》编委、《史前考古》编委。
2018- 入选青年拔尖人才计划
2016.12-2017.2 英国约克大学生物考古中心访问学者
2014.6- 中国科学院大学人文学院教授
2013年度 中科院青年创新促进会会员
2009.5- 中德人类演化与科技考古联合实验室成员
2008.6- 2014.6 中国科学院研究生院人文学院
2008.4- 中德马普伙伴小组成员
2005.7-2008.6 中国科学院研究生院人文学院
2001.03-2001.07 中国科学技术大学物教助教
1. 2011年中科院研究生院优秀党员
2. 2011年中科院研究生院优秀个人
3. 2009年度北京市科学技术奖三等奖(排名第三)
4. 2006年中科院研究生院优秀个人
5. 2005届安徽省优秀毕业生和中国科学技术大学优秀毕业生
6. 2003年中国科大张宗植奖学金
7. 1998-1999, 二等优秀学生奖学金
8. 1996-1997, 三等优秀学生奖学金
9. 1995-1996, 三等优秀学生奖学金
Han, B., Zheng, D., Huang, D., Wang, J., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., *Jia, X., & * Yang, Y. 2024. Insights into cosmetic ingredients in the late Northern Song dynasty: A case study from the Shijiatang tomb, southern China. Archaeometry, online
DU, J., *ANTONELLI, F., MACRO, N., NIU, Y., BAI, J. & *YANG, Y. 2024. Salt Refining Technology at Zhongjingba Site in Nineteenth-Century Southwest China. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, online
Han, B., Lyu, N., Chen, X., Liu, J., Jin, S., Wang, L., Rao, H., *Hou G., *Yang, Y. ,2023. Hearth Residue Analysis Reveals Human Adaptation to the Younger Dryas on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Archaeology, online.
XU, S., LUO, Y., LI, Z., HOU, Y., LIU, N. & *YANG, Y. 2025. Adoption and adaption: The rise of Pb-Ba glass underlines the impact of soda glass along the pre-Silk Road. Science Bulletin, 70(2), 172-175
Han, B., Lyu, N., Yan, L., , Wang, T., Gao, J., Lin L., Rao H., *Yang, Y. 2025. Rapid screening of pottery lipid residue profile via comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1338, 343598
Rapid screening of pottery lipid residue profile via comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta
Aarab, A., Shojaee-Esfahani, A., Xu, S., & *Yang, Y. 2025.
Characterizing the earliest black and turquoise wares in 12th Century
Persia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 61, 104928.
王吕婷, 艾力江·艾沙, 石丹姝, 李敬朴, 韩宾, *杨益民. 2025.喀什地区汗诺依遗址大陶瓮的有机残留物分析. 科学通报, 70(1), 96–106
杨益民,王昌燧. 2024.科技考古对当今中国发展的重要意义及今后工作思考. 国家创新发展战略,2,89-93
*AARAB, A., RAJABI, R., MIRBAQERI, S. & *YANG, Y. 2024. Noninvasive analysis of Safavid dynasty seven-color (haft-rang) tiles in central Iran through hyperspectral imaging and portable XRF. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139, 509.
LIU, Y., MIAO, B., LI, W., HU, X., BAI, F., ABUDURESULE, Y., LIU, Y., ZHENG, Z., WANG, W., CHEN, Z., ZHU, S., FENG, X., CAO, P., PING, W., YANG, R., DAI, Q., LIU, F., TIAN, C., *YANG, Y. & *FU, Q. 2024. Bronze Age cheese reveals human-Lactobacillus interactions over evolutionary history. Cell, 187, 5891-5900.e8.
YANG, Y. 2024. The herding revolution in China under the impact of the 4.2 ka climate event. Archaeological Research in Asia, 38, 100503.
屈亚婷*, 饶慧芸, 崔建新, 伊弟利斯·阿不都热苏勒, 李文瑛, 胡兴军, 金普军, 杨益民*. 2024.新疆青铜早期多种生物遗存的C、N稳定同位素分析.科学通报, 69, 4311-4322.
WANG, L., REN, G., HAN, B. & *YANG, Y. 2024b. Characterization of lamp oil residues from Tangchaodun Site, Xinjiang, northwest China during the 8th−13th centuries CE. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 56, 104574.
杨益民, 2024. 黄牛之路:从伏尔加河流域到黄河流域, 中国农史,1,3-15.
高惠婷, 郭长江, 韩宾, 徐思雯 & 杨益民, 2024. 湖北随州枣树林墓地青铜器表面纹饰的填彩分析. 文物保护与考古科学, 36(1), 130-136.
Xu, S., Deng, F., Abuduresule, I., Li, W., Hu, X., & *Yang, Y. 2024. New insights on the origin of fired steatite beads in China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 163, 105939.
Lyu, N., Yan, L., Wang, T., Lin, L., *Rao, H., *Yang, Y. , 2024. Characterization of pottery foodcrusts through lipid and proteomic analyses: A case study from the Xiawan site in Yixing city, East China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 161, 105902.
吕楠宁, 马明梁, 中合, 高慧 & 杨益民 2024. 山东茌平教场铺遗址陶鬶用途的分子证据. 《北方考古》第17辑. 北京, 文物出版社. 240-253
吕楠宁, 王涛, 郁金城, 饶慧芸, 韩宾, *杨益民, 2023. 北京上宅遗址出土陶片的脂质分析与先民生计策略, 中国科学: 地球科学 53, 1808-1816.
李敬朴,杨益民,2023. 酒类遗存的残留物分析——问题、方法与展望. 东方考古,第22集:207-226.
刘理, 饶慧芸, *杨益民, 2023. 基于质谱的动物考古学研究现状与展望, 文物保护与考古科学 35, 153-162.
谷舟, 杨益民, 2023. 经济学视角下雕版印刷术起源问题的再探讨, 自然辩证法通讯 45, 86-93.
Sun, N., Ma, Q., Han, B., *Yang, Y., 2023. New insights into the subsistence strategies of the northwest frontier of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046–771 BCE) through pottery lipid analysis, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15, 80.
Lyu, N., Wang, T., Yu, J., Rao, H., Han, B., *Yang, Y., 2023a. Pottery lipid analysis at the Shangzhai site, Beijing, and its implication for subsistence strategy, Science China Earth Sciences 66, 1789-1797.
Lyu, N., Li, Y., Yang, S., Yue, J., Tian, F., Rao, H., Han, B., *Yang, Y., 2023b. Microdestructive analysis with Py-GC/MS for the identification of birch tar: a case study from the Huayang site in late Neolithic China, The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 580.
Ren, M., Yang, Y., Rao, H., Gu, A., Lei, Y., & *Yang, Y., 2023. Birch bark tar ornaments: identification of 2000-year-old beads and bracelets in southwest China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15(12), 186.
Liu, X., Ren, M., Fu, Y., Hu, Y., Wang, S., *Yang, Y., 2023. New insights into the use of Neolithic pottery in Guangxi of South China: organic residue analysis of experimental and archaeological pottery, Heritage Science 11, 1-15.
Chen, D., Tang, J., Yu, M., *Yang, Y., Wang, C., 2023. Identification of a source of nephrite from late Shang Yinxu by multispectral imaging, Heritage Science 11, 1-12.
Han B., Zhang B., Chong J., Sun Z., *Yang Y.. Beauty and chemistry: the independent origins of synthetic lead white in east and west Eurasia. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2022, 9, 281.
Ren, M., *Guan, L., Wang, N., Xu, C., Cui, Y., He, D., Wang, C., & *Yang, Y. 2022. Investigation of the manufacture development of early Chinese ink in the Western Han dynasty. Archaeometry, 64 (5), 1213-1225
Xu, S., Wang, B., Han, B., & *Yang,
Y. 2022. The production of Indo-Pacific monochrome drawn glass beads
in the Sasanian Empire: Insights from Xinjiang, northwest China. Ceramics International, 48(18), 26055-26062
Ren, M., Ren, X., Wang, X. *Yang, Y. 2022. Characterization of the incense sacrificed to the sarira of Sakyamuni from Famen Royal Temple during the ninth century in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(21), e2112724119 PNAS封面报道
Yang, Yimin, 2022. Review of Development History of Ancient Chinese Glass Technology edited by Fuxi Gan and translated by Hong Li and Lisong Hou, Technology and Culture 63 (2), 595–96.
刘 理,饶慧芸,王 博,韩 宾,杨益民. 彩绘蛋白质类胶料来源的ZooMS鉴定:以阿斯塔那墓地泥塑为例. 见:北京大学考古文博学院、北京大学中国考古学研究中心编.考古学研究(十三)上册. 科学出版社,2022, 702-711
Ren, M., Wang, R., *Yang, Y. , 2022. Diet communication on the early Silk Road in ancient China: multi-analytical analysis of food remains from the Changle Cemetery. Herit Sci 10, 46
Xu, S., Qiao, B., *Yang, Y., 2022. The rise of the Maritime Silk Road about 2000 years ago: Insights from Indo-Pacific beads in Nanyang, Central China, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42, 103383.
Li, J., Yang, J., Cao, J., Nan, P., Gao, J., Shi, D., Han, B., *Yang, Y., 2022. Characterization of liquor remains in Beibaie site, central China during the 8th century BCE, Microchemical Journal 177, 107293.
Han, B., Sun, Z., Chong, J., Lyu, N., Rao, H., *Yang, Y. . Lipid residue analysis of ceramic vessels from the Liujiawa site of the Rui State (early Iron Age, north China). Journal of Quaternary Science , 2022, 37(1), 114-122
孙诺杨,胡松梅,孙周勇,郭小宁,韩宾,*杨益民.陕北地区动物骨骼的脂肪酸单体碳同位素分析.第四纪研究,2022, 42(1),69-79
李敬朴, *杨益民. 中东地区砂玻器(Fritware)的起源与发展 [J]. 广西民族大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 27(3): 52-60
Han, B., Chong, J., Sun, Z., Jiang, X., Xiao, Q., Zech, J., Roberts, P., Rao, H., *Yang, Y., 2021. The rise of the cosmetic industry in ancient China: Insights from a 2700-year-old face cream. Archaeometry 63(5): 1042-1058. Nature研究亮点
Han B., Niang J., Rao H., Lyu N., Oda H., Sakamoto S., *Yang Y. and *Sablier M. (2021). Paper fragments from the Tibetan Samye Monastery: Clues for an unusual sizing recipe implying wheat starch and milk in early Tibetan papermaking. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36: 102793.
Qu, Y., Hu, X., Wang, T., *Yang, Y., 2020. Early interaction of agro-pastoralism in Eurasia: New evidence from millet-based foods consumption of Afanasyevo humans in the southern Altai Mountains, Xinjiang, China, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 195
Yang Y., 2020. Archaeometry should be based on Archaeology. A comment on Lin et al. (2019), Journal of Archaeological Science 119, 105149
Sun, N., Wang, R., Han, B., Rao, H., Yang, M., *Yang, Y., 2020. Nondestructive identification of a jet bead from the Changle Cemetery in Ningxia, China, Microchemical Journal 157, 104907.
Gu, Z., Luo, W., Jiang, X., Liu, N., Fu, Y., Zhang, L., Yang, M., *Yang, Y., 2020. Copper-Red Glass Beads of the Han Dynasty Excavated in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China, Journal of Glass Studies 62, 11-21.
Yang, Y., 2020. Dairying transformed Mongolia, Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, 288-289
肖琪琪, 易立, 饶慧芸, *杨益民, 2020. 成都光华村街唐墓出土琥珀的红外分析, 文物保护与考古科学 32, 84-89.
肖琪琪, 胡兴军, 阿里甫, 饶慧芸, 任萌, *杨益民, 2020. 新疆洛浦县比孜里墓地出土食物遗存的科技分析, 第四纪研究 40, 441-449.
任萌, 杨益民, 仝涛, 李林辉, 赤列次仁, 吴妍, 2020.西藏阿里曲踏墓地及加嘎子墓地可见残留物的科技分析, 考古与文物 1, 122-128
任萌, 杨益民,临淄齐故城阚家寨遗址出土蛋壳样品的蛋白质组学分析.见:中国社会科学院考古研究所, 山东省文物考古研究院, 淄博市临淄区齐文化发展研究中心编著,《临淄齐故城治铸考古》(中编).北京:科学出版社,2020:742-747
Ren, M., Tang, Z., Wu, X., Spengler, R., Jiang, H., *Yang, Y., Boivin, N., 2019. The origins of cannabis smoking: Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs, Science Advances 5, eaaw1391. Science深度报道
孙青丽,朔知,吴妍,*杨益民, 2019. 安徽含山凌家滩遗址出土刻槽盆的淀粉粒分析, 人类学学报, 132-147.
RAO, H., WANG, Q., REN, X., ZHANG, Z., HUANG, W., YUAN, Q., JIANG, X., *Yang, Y. 2019. Earliest use of birch bark tar in Northwest China: evidence from organic residues in prehistoric pottery at the Changning site. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28(2),199-207.
饶慧芸, 杨益民, 2019. 古代桦树皮资源利用的研究进展. 科技考古与文物保护技术 第二辑. 武仙竹主编. 科学出版社, 北京.
谷舟, 杨益民, 2019. 隋唐时期佣书活动与雕版印刷术发展关系的再探讨, 中国出版史研究, 96-104.
Qu, Y., Hu, Y., Rao, H., Abuduresule, I., Li, W., Hu, X., Jiang, H., Wang, C., *Yang, Y., 2018. Diverse lifestyles and populations in the Xiaohe culture of the Lop Nur region, Xinjiang, China, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 2005-2014.
GUO, Y., JIANG, Q., LIU, Y., HUANG, W., WU, Y., *Yang, Y. 2018. Provenance analysis of pottery from the Neolithic Diaolongbei site, Hubei Province, China by using NAA and petrography analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 21, 200-207.
Ren, M., Wang, R.,*Yang, Y., 2018. Identification of the proto-inkstone by organic residue analysis: a case study from the Changle Cemetery in China, Heritage Science 6, 19.
*Yang, Y., Wang, C., Gao, X., Gu, Z., Wang, N., Xiao, T., Wang, C., 2018. Micro-CT investigation of ostrich eggshell beads collected from Locality 12, the Shuidonggou site, China, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 305-313.
Jiang, X., Ma, Y., Chen, Y., Li, Y., *Ma, Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, C.,*Yang, Y., 2018. Raman analysis of cobalt blue pigment in blue and white porcelain: A reassessment, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 190, 61-67.
孙青丽,夏秀敏,王慧,吕良波,吴妍,*杨益民.广州榄园岭遗址先民祭祀遗迹的炭屑和植硅体分析.文物保护与考古科学. 2017;29(4):53-61
陈典,*杨益民, 2017.纸为书用——论纸张大规模生产对早期书法艺术发展的影响,中国科技史杂志38, 210-219.
Mai, H.,*Yang, Y., Jiang, H., Wang, B., Wang, C., 2017. Investigating the materials and manufacture of Jinzi: The lining of Futou (Chinese traditional male headwear) from the Astana Cemeteries, Xinjiang, China, Journal of Cultural Heritage 27, 116-124.
Zhang, G., Wang, S., Ferguson, D.K., Yang, Y., Liu, X., Jiang, H., 2017. Ancient plant use and palaeoenvironmental analysis at the Gumugou Cemetery, Xinjiang, China: implication from desiccated plant remains, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9, 145-152.
Liu, N.,*Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Hu, W., Jiang, X., Ren, M., *Yang, M., Wang, C., 2017. Nondestructive characterization of ancient faience beads unearthed from Ya’er cemetery in Xinjiang, Early IronAge China, Ceramics International 43, 10460–10467.
Rao, H.,*Yang, Y., Hu, X., Yu, J., Jiang, H., 2017. Identification of an Ancient Birch Bark Quiver from a Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618–907) Tomb in Xinjiang, Northwest China, Economic Botany 71, 32-44.
Jiang, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., *Ma, Q., Wang, C.,*Yang, Y., 2017. Prototype Doucai porcelain — A special form of ancient Honglvcai in Cizhou kiln, Jin Dynasty (1115–1234 AD), China, Ceramics International 43, 1371-1377.
Wu, Y., Guo, X., Wang, W., Chen, X., Zhao, Z., Xia, X., Yang, Y., 2017. Red pigments and Boraginaceae leaves in mortuary ritual of late Neolithic China: A case study of Shengedaliang site, Microscopy Research and Technique 80, 231-238.
Zhao, X., Tang, J., Gu, Z., Shi, J.,*Yang, Y.,Wang, C., 2016. Investigating the tool marks on oracle bones inscriptions from the Yinxu site (ca., 1319–1046 BC), Henan province, China, Microscopy Research and Technique 79, 827-832.
Xie, M., Shevchenko, A., Wang, B., Shevchenko, A., Wang, C., *Yang, Y., 2016. Identification of a dairy product in the grass woven basket from Gumugou Cemetery (3800 BP, northwestern China), Quaternary International 426, 158-165.
Li, Y., Yang, Y., Zhu, J., Zhang, X., Jiang, S., Zhang, Z., Yao, Z., Solbrekken, G., 2016. Colour-generating mechanism of copper-red porcelain from Changsha Kiln (A.D. 7th–10th century), China, Ceramics International 42, 8495-8500.
杨益民, 2016.古代蛋白质分析在考古学中的应用,郑州大学学报:哲学社会科学版49, 102-105.
任萌,罗武干,赵亚军,麦慧娟,饶慧芸,*杨益民,王昌燧. 2016.甘肃酒泉西沟村魏晋墓铜甑釜残留物的脂质分析,文物保护与考古科学. 28, 106-112.
Gu, Z., Kenoyer, J.M., *Yang, Y., 2016. Investigation of ancient Harappan faience through LA-ICP-AES and SR-μ CT, Journal of Instrumentation, 11, C04001.
Mai, H.,*Yang, Y., Abuduresule, I., Li, W., Hu, X., Wang, C., 2016. Characterization of cosmetic sticks at Xiaohe Cemetery in early Bronze Age Xinjiang, China, Scientific Reports 6, 18939.
Rao, H., Li, B.,*Yang, Y., Ma, Q., Wang, C., 2015a. Proteomic identification of organic additives in the mortars of ancient Chinese wooden buildings, Analytical Methods 7, 143-149.
Rao, H.,*Yang, Y., Abuduresule, I., Li, W., Hu, X., Wang, C., 2015b. Proteomic identification of adhesive on a bone sculpture-inlaid wooden artifact from the Xiaohe Cemetery, Xinjiang, China, Journal of Archaeological Science 53, 148-155.
Zhang, G., Wang, S., Ferguson, D.K., Yang, Y., Liu, X., Jiang, H., 2015. Ancient plant use and palaeoenvironmental analysis at the Gumugou Cemetery, Xinjiang, China: implication from desiccated plant remains, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 1-8.
Zheng, H., Jiang, H., Zhang, Y., Lü, E.,*Yang, Y., Wang, C., 2015. Early Processed Triticeae Food Remains in The Yanghai Tombs, Xinjiang, China, Archaeometry 57, 378-391.
邓峰,罗武干,*杨益民, 2015. 砣具配合解玉砂雕刻玉器纹饰的可能性分析, 人类学学报 34, 537-543.
解明思,蒋洪恩,*杨益民, 伊弟利斯•阿不都热苏勒, 胡新军, 王昌燧, 2015. 新疆克里雅河北方墓地出土食物遗存的植物微体化石分析, 东方考古(第11集), 394-401.
崔彪, 李乃胜, 杨益民, 燕生东, 王守功, 2015. 山东寿光双王城商代盐业遗址土样的初步科学研究, 中国文物科学研究 No.40, 70-73.
Gu, Z., Pan, W., Song, G., Qiu, Z.,*Yang, Y., Wang, C., 2014a. Investigating the tool marks of stone reliefs from the Mausoleum of Cao Cao (AD155–AD220) in China, Journal of Archaeological Science 43, 31-37.
Gu, Z., Zhu, J., Xie, Y., Xiao, T.,*Yang, Y., Wang, C., 2014b. Nondestructive analysis of faience beads from the Western Zhou Dynasty, excavated from Peng State cemetery, Shanxi Province, China, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 29, 1438-1443.
Hao, W., Yang, Y., Zhu, J., Gu, Z., Xie, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, L., 2014. XANES investigation of Chinese faience excavated from Peng State Cemetery site in Western Zhou Period (BC1046–BC771), Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 133-135.
Ming, C., Yang, Y., Zhu, J., Guan, L., Fan, C., Xu, C., Yao, Z., Kenoyer, J.M., Song, G., Wang, C., 2014. Archaeometric investigation of the relationship between ancient egg-white glazed porcelain (Luanbai) and bluish white glazed porcelain (Qingbai) from Hutian Kiln, Jingdezhen, China, Journal of Archaeological Science 47, 78-84.
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郭峥栋,李乃胜,杨益民,郇勇,王昌燧. 河北涞源阁院寺辽、明两代建筑砖瓦的初步分析.见:文物科技分析(第七辑).北京:科学出版社,2010,182-186
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金爽, 周卫荣, 凡小盼, 杨益民, 董亚巍, 王昌燧, 2009. 蚁鼻钱铜范浇铸隔离层的模拟制备与分析, 中国钱币, 18-21.
李涛, 杨益民, 王昌燧, 方晓阳, 谢云峰, 施继龙, 2009. 司马金龙墓出土木板漆画屏风残片的初步分析, 文物保护与考古科学, 23-28.
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杨益民, 汪丽华, 朱剑, 王昌燧, 阎焰, 陈栋梁, 何伟, 黄宇营, 华巍, 徐伟, 2008c. 红绿彩瓷化妆土的线扫描分析, 核技术 31, 653-657.
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杨益民, 冯敏, 毛振伟, 王昌燧, 凌雪, 龚明, 孙新民, 郭木森, 2005. 汝瓷及其仿制品瓷釉的显微结构分析和 “汝钧不分” 难题的破解, 分析测试学报 24, 16-20.
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朱剑, 毛振伟, 杨益民, 冯敏, 王昌燧, 孙新民, 郭木森, 黄宇营, 何伟, 2002. 汝瓷成分的线扫描分析, 核技术 25, 853-858.
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