Research Professor of Palaeobotany
Secretary General
Palaeontological Society of China
Nanjing Institute of Geology & Palaeontology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
Tel: +86-25-8328 2221;
Fax:+86-25-8335 7026
Mobile: +86-13952097125
E-mail: ydwang@nigpas.ac.cn
or: ydwang-67@163.com
1) Comparative anatomy and reproductive structures of fossil filicalean plants
2) Ultrastructures of fossil in situ spores of ferns and cuticles of gymnosperms
3) Anatomical investigations on major gymnosperm fossil plants (ginkgoales, cycads and conifers)
4) Diversity, palaeoecology, palaeoclimate and temporal-spatial distribution pattern of Mesozoic floras
5) Vegetation succession, climatic events and environmental evolution of the Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystem
6) Mesozoic greenhouse climate change and palaeoclimate reconstruction
1993-1996: Ph.D. (Doctor of Science), Northwest University, Xi'an, China. Subject: Palaeobotany and Palynology
1990-1993: Master of Science, Lanzhou Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Subject: Palynology and Stratigraphy
1986-1990: Bachelor of Science, Lanzhou University, China. Subject: Geology
2008 - Present: Ph.D. Program Advisor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2007-2008: Invited professor, Department of Geology, Nanjing University, China
2007.05-2007.06: Invited Visiting Professor, University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
2004.06-2004.08: Invited researcher, Department of Geological Sciences, Sunanaree University and Chingmai University, Thailand
2002-2003: Humboldt Research Fellow, Institute of Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, Germany
2001-2002: Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, USA
2001- Present: Research Professor, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS, Nanjing, China
1997-2000: Visiting Researcher in University of Utrecht (The Netherlands), University of Lyon1 (France), University of Tuebingen and Senckenburg Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Institute and Natural History Museum, Chiba; Institute of Natural History, Tokyo (Japan).
1998-2000: Associate Professor, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS, Nanjing, China
1996-1998: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS, Nanjing, China
2) Award of Studying Overseas Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2000)
3) Second Class Scientific Prize Award of Jiangsu Province (2010) for “Mesozoic plant diversity Evolution” (2010)
4) Golden Ammonites Awards for Jurassic Studies from International Subcommission of Jurassic System (2008)
5) The Outstanding Teacher Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2012)
6) Outstanding culturing scientist of higher level professional talents, Jiangsu Province (2007-2015)
7) Second Class Price Award for Progress in Science & Technology of the Ministry of Coal Industry, China (1997) for study on "Jurassic coal-bearing strata and coal accumulation in Northwest China" (collaborated with others).
Peer-reviewed articles
1) Jiang ZK, Wang YD*, Tian N, Xie AW, Zhang W, Li LQ, Huang M, 2019. The Jurassic fossil wood diversity from western Liaoning. Journal of Palaeongeography, 8(1):78-88. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42501-018-0018-y
2) Zikun Jiang*, Benpei Liu, Yongdong Wang*, Min Huang, Tom Kapitany, Ning Tian, Yong Cao, Yuanzheng Lu, Shenghui Deng, 2019. Tree ring phototropism and implications for the rotation of the North China Block. Scientific Reports, 9:4856 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41339-2
3) Tian N, Wang YD*, Zheng SL, et al., 2019. White rotting fungus with clamp-connections in coniferous wood from the Cretaceous in Heilongjiang Province, NE China. Cretaceous Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2018.11.011
4) Sakai Y, Wang YD, Matsuoka A, 2019. The Early Cretaceous fossil plants from the Itsuki and Nochino formations of the Tetori Group in the Kuzuryu area, central Japan and their paleoclimatic implications. Cretaceous Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2019.01.018
Lu Ning, WANG Yongdong, Mihai Emilian Popa, Xie Xiaoping, Li Liqin, Xi Shuna, Xin Cunlin, Chuntao Deng, 2019. Sedimentological and palaeoecological aspects of the Norian-Rhaetian transition (Late Triassic) in Xuanhan, Sichuan, South China. Palaeoworld, in press.
1) Pole M, Wang Yongdong*, Dong C, Xie XP, Tian N, Li N, Zhou N, Lu N, Xie AW, Zhang XQ, 2018. Fires and storms recorded in a Triassic-Jurassic transition section in the Sichuan Basin, China. Palaeobio Palaeoenv, 98:29–47
2) Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Zheng Shaolin, Zhu Zhipeng, Liu Zhongjian, 2017. Permineralized osmundaceous and gleicheniaceous ferns from the Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, NE China. Palaeobio Palaeoenv, 98:165-176
3) Li Liqin, Wang Yongdong*, Vajda Vivi , Liu Zhaosheng , 2018. Late Triassic paleoclimate variations inferred by palynological records from Hechuan, southern Sichuan Basin, China. Geological Magazine, 155(8): 1793–1810 (SCI)
4) Xu XH, Yang LY, Sun BN, Yuan JD, Dong C, Wang YD, 2018. A new discovery of Chamaecyparis from the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, North China and its significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 257, 64-76 (SCI)
5) Dong C, Wang YD, Yang XJ, Sun BN, 2018. Whole-plant reconstruction and updated phylogeny of Austrohamia acanthobractea (Cupressaceae) from the Middle Jurassic of NE China. Int. J Plant Sci, 179(8): 640-662 (SCI)
6) Tian, N., Zhu, Z.P., Wang, Y.D*., Philippe, M., Chou, C.Y., Xie, A.W., 2018. Sequoioxylon zhangii sp. nov. (Sequoioideae, Cupressaceae s.l.), a new coniferous wood from the Upper Cretaceous in Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 257: 85-94 (SCI)
7) Zhang Yujin, TIAN Ning*, ZHU Zhipeng, WANG Yongdong*, WU Xinwei, ZHANG Zhibin, ZHANG Chao, SI Qiuliang and MA Yongfei, 2018. Two new species of Protocedroxylon Gothan (Pinaceae) from the Middle Jurassic of Eastern Inner Mongolia, NE China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 92(5):1685–1699 (SCI)
8) Tian Ning, Zhu Zhi-Peng, Wang Yong-Dong, Wang Si-Cong Wang, 2018. Occurrence of Brachyoxylon Hollick et Jeffrey from the Lower Cretaceous of Zhejiang Province, southeastern China. Journal of Palaeogeography, 7(4):316-325 https://doi.org/10.1186/ s42501-018-0008-0 (SCI)
9) 谢奥伟, 王永栋*, 田宁, 蒋子堃, 谢小平, 李丽琴, 席书娜, 柳伟波, 邓春涛, 2018. 中生代化石森林的高精度重建: 方法、进展与展望. 古生物学报, 57(3): 372-386
Xie Aowei, Wang Yongdong, Tian Ning, Jiang Zikun, Xie Xiaoping, Li Liqin, Xi Shuna, Liu Weibo, Deng Chuntao. 2018. A high-resolution reconstruction of Mesozoic fossil forests: Approaches, progresses, and perspectives. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 57: 372–386 (in Chinese with an English abstract)
10) 朱志鹏, 李丰硕, 谢奥伟, 田宁, 王永栋, 2018. 浙江新昌早白垩世木化石新材料及内含真菌菌丝化石. 地质学报, 92(6):1149-1162
11) 韩明慧, 张宜, 郑少林, 王永栋, 王沛颖, 杨佳林,2018. 辽宁本溪中三叠世苏铁类密脉中国似查米亚。地质与资源,27(1): 23-33
1) Guignard Gaetan, Yang Xiao-Ju, Wang Yong-Dong, 2017. Cuticle ultrastructure of Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis: Further taxonomical implications for Cheirolepidiaceae. Cretaceous Research, 71: 24-39 (SCI)
2) Xu XH, Yang LY, Sun BN, Wang YD, Chen P, 2017. A new Early Cretaceous Ginkgo ovulate organ with associated leaves from Inner Mongolia, China and its evolutionary significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 244, 163–181 (SCI)
3) Jiang Zikun, Huang Min, Liu Benpei, Lu Yuanzheng, Deng Shenghui, Wang Yongdong, 2017. The Relationship Between Phototropism And Plate Motion. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 91(1):345~346 (SCI)
4) Li Mingsong, Zhang Yang, Huang Chunju*, James Ogg, Linda Hinnov, Wang Yongdong*, Zou Zhuoyan, Li Liqin, 2017. Astronomical tuning and magnetostratigraphy of the Xujiahe Formation in South China and Newark Supergroup in North America: implications for the Late Triassic time scale. Earth and Plenary Science Letters, 475, 207–223 (SCI)
5) Li Qi-Jia, An Peng-Cheng, Jun Li, Zhen-Rui Zhao, Jing-Yu Wu, Wang Yong-Dong *, Yu-Ting Zhu, Su-Ting Ding, 2017. Cuticular structure of Storgaardia Harris from the Middle Jurassic of Northwest China and its systematic and biogeographical significances. Palaeoworld, 26:149–158 (SCI)
6) Xing LD, Lockley MG, Wang YD, Mike S. Pole, Hendrik Klein, Guangzhao Peng, Xiaoping Xie, Guoquan Zhang, Chuntao Deng, Michael E. Burns, 2017. New Middle Jurassic dinosaur track record from northeastern Sichuan Province, China. Swiss J Palaeontol, 136:359-364, DOI 10.1007/s13358-016-0123-4 (SCI)
7) Wang YD, Li LQ, Xie XP, Tian N, Dong C, Lu N, Zhou N, Xie AW, Ouyang H, Zhang GQ, Xi SN, Deng CT, 2017. The terrestrial Triassic-Jurassic boundary, stratigraphic sequences and biota in the Sichuan Basin. In: Tong JN and Wang YD (eds.), Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.227-322(英文专著章节)
8) Yang Qun, Joachim Reitner, Wang Yongdong, Mike Reich, 2017. Preface. In: Yang Q, Reitner J, Wang YD, Reich M (eds.), Critical Intervals in Earth Hiostory: Palaeonbiological Innovations. Abstract volume of the 2nd Joint Conference of the the Palaeontological Society of China and the Paläeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.III-VI (英文专著章节)
9) Tong Jinnan, Wang Yongdong, Sun Yuanlin, Zhou Chuanmin, Zhao Fangcheng, 2017. Preface. In: Tong JN, Wang YD (eds.): Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.I-II (英文专著章节)
10) Yang Qun, Joachim Reitner, Wang Yongdong, Mike Reich, 2017. Critical Intervals in Earth Hiostory: Palaeonbiological Innovations. Abstract volume of the 2nd Joint Conference of the the Palaeontological Society of China and the Paläeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-552 (英文论文专辑)
11) Tong Jinnan and Wang Yongdong (eds.), 2017. Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-327(英文论文专辑)
12) 王永栋*,田宁,蒋子堃,杨小菊,丁秋红,2017. 中国中生代木化石研究新进展:的有所变化及古气候波动。地学前缘,24(1):52-64
Wang YD*, Tian N, JIang ZK, Yang XJ, Ding QH, 2017. Recent advances in Mesozoic fossil wood studies in China: diversity variations and palaeoclimate implications. Earth Science Frontiers, 24(1): 52-64
13) 邓胜徽,卢远征,赵怡,樊茹,王永栋,杨小菊,李鑫,孙柏年,2017.中国侏罗纪古气候分区与演变。地学前缘,24(1):106-142
14) 吴向午,王永栋,2016. 中国银杏目植物化石记录。合肥:中国科学技术出版社,1-189页【中、英文专著】(Wu XIangwu, Wang Yongdong, 2017. Record of Megafossil Ginkgophytes from China. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-189).
2016 (18篇论文,专著2部,其中SCI- 16篇 )
1) Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong*, Philippe Marc, Zhang Wu, Tian Ning & Zheng Shaolin, 2016. A Jurassic wood providing insights into the earliest step in Ginkgo wood evolution. Scientific Reports, 6:38191 (SCI)
2) Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Philippe Marc, Li Liqin, Xie Xiaoping, Jiang Zikun, 2016. New record of fossil wood Xenoxylon from the Late Triassic in the Sichuan Basin, southern China and its palaeoclimatic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 464:65-75 (SCI)
3) Ding QH, Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Jiang ZK, Chen SW, Wang D, Zhang W, Zheng SL, Xie AW, Zhang GQ, Liu ZJ, 2015. Fossil coniferous wood from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota in western Liaoning, NE China: new material and palaeoclimate implications. Cretaceous Research, 61:57-70 (SCI)
4) Pole Mike, Wang Yongdong*, Bugdaeva Eugenia V., Dong Chong, Tian Ning, Li Liqin, Zhou Ning, 2016. The rise and demise of Podozamites in East Asia – An extinct conifer life style, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 464: 97-109 (SCI)
5) Tian N., Wang Yongdong*, Dong M., Li L.Q., Jiang Z.K., 2016. A systematic overview of fossil osmundalean ferns in China: diversity variation, distribution pattern and evolutionary implications. Palaeoworld, 25: 149–169 (SCI)
6) Zhou N., Wang Yongdong*, Li L.Q., Zhang X.Q., 2016. Diversity variation and tempo-spatial distribution of the Dipteridaceae ferns in the Mesozoic of China. Palaeoworld, 25:263–286 (SCI)
7) Li Liqing, Wang Yongdong*, 2016. Late Triassic palynofloras in the Sichuan Basin, South China: Synthesis and perspective. Palaeoworld, 25: 212–238 (SCI)
8) Li L.Q., Wang Yongdong*, Liu Z.S., Zhou N., Wang Y., 2016. Late Triassic palaeoclimate and palaeoecosystem variations inferred by palynological record in the northeastern Sichuan Basin, China. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 90:327–348 (SCI)
9) Wu J.Y., Ding S.T., Li Q.J., Sun B.N., Wang Yongdong*, 2016. Reconstructing paleoatmospheric CO2 levels based on fossil Ginkgoites from the Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic in Northwest China, Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 90:377–387 (SCI)
10) Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, Reitner J, 2016. Systematics and biodiversity of fossil Lagerstätten: Proceedings for joint conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft and the Palaeontological Society of China. Palaeoworld , 25 (2016) 135–137 (SCI)
11) Reitner, J, Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, 2016. Guest editors for Special issue “Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerstätten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher”. PalZ, 90:189-447 (19 international contributions) (SCI)
12) Reitner, J, Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, 2016. Editorial: special issue ‘‘Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerstätten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher’’. PalZ, 90:189 (SCI)
13) Reitner, J, Reich M, Yang Q, Wang Y, 2016. Preface: special issue ‘‘Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerstätten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher’’. PalZ (2016) 90:191–192 (SCI)
14) 蒋子堃,王永栋*,田宁,张武,郑少林,2016. 辽西北票中晚侏罗世髫髻山组木化石的古气候、古环境和古生态意义。地质学报,90 (8):1669-1678
Jiang, Z.K., Y.D. Wang, N. Tian, W. Zhang, and S.L. Zheng. 2016. Palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment implications of the middle–late Jurassic Tiaojishan formation, western Liaoning Province: Evidence form fossil wood data. Acta Geologica Sinica 90 (8): 1669–1678.
15) 王岩,李丽琴,张筱青,2016.煤中惰质组在泥炭沼泽古环境研究中的应用. 地质论评, 62(2):375-380
16) 张筱青,张国权,席书娜,李丽琴,邓春涛,王岩,周宁,王永栋*,宋宜,2016. 三叠系侏罗系界线古火灾事件研究:方法、进展及展。古生物学报,55(3):331-345
17) Jiang D.X., Robbins, N., Wang Y.D., Yang H.Q., 2016. Petrolipalynology. Springer. 1-263 pp. ISBN 978-3-662-47945-2. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47946-9. Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (英文专著)
1) Wang Yongdong*, Li L.Q., Guignard G., Dilcher D. L., Xie X.P., Tian N., Zhou N., Wang Y., 2015. Fertile structures with in situ spores of a dipterid fern from the Triassic in southern China. Journal of Plant Research, 128:445-457. DOI: 10.1007/s10265-015-0708-9 (SCI)
2) TIAN Ning, XIE AoWei, WANG YongDong*, JIANG ZiKun, LI LiQin, YIN YaLei, ZHU ZhiPeng, WANG JiaJia. New records of Jurassic petrified wood in Jianchang of western Liaoning, China and their palaeoclimate implications. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2015, 58 (12): 2154-2164 (SCI)
3) 王永栋, 孙柏年, 黄成敏, 全成, 2015. 地史时期古大气二氧化碳变化趋势与温室气候—以中生代白垩纪为例. 自然杂志,37(2):108-114.
英文引用:WANG Yong-dong, SUN Bai-nian, HUANG Cheng-min, QUAN Cheng, 2015. Variation of paleo-CO2 and greenhouse climate in the geological history: A case study from the Cretaceous of the Mesozoic. Chinese Journal of Nature, 37(2):108-114 (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2015.02.005
4) 刘兆生, 李丽琴, 王永栋*, 2015. 四川宣汉晚三叠世孢粉组合及其古植被和古气候意义. 微体古生物学报, 32(1):43-62.
Liu Z.S., Li LQ., Wang Y.D., 2015a. Late Triassic spore-pollen assemblage from Xuanhan of Sichuan, China. Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 32(1): 43-62 (in Chinese with English abstract)
13)刘兆生, 李丽琴, 王永栋 *, 2015. 重庆合川地区晚三叠世须家河组孢粉组合. 古生物学报, 54 (3): 279-304
Liu Z.S., Li L.Q., Wang Y.D., 2015b. Late Triassic Spore-pollen Assemblage from the Xujiahe Formation in Hechuan of Chongqing, China. Acta Palaeont. Sin., 54(3):279-304 (in Chinese with English abstract)
14)鲁宁, 谢小平, 王永栋, 李丽琴, 2015. 四川宣汉七里峡T3x /T2l 界线沉积环境演化分析。沉积学报, 33(6): 41-50 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Lu N, Xie X, Wang Y, Li L, 2015. The analysis of sedimentary environmental evolution of the T3x/T2l boundary transition in Qilixia of Xuanhan, Sichuan. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 33(6): 41-50 (in Chinese with English abstract).
15) 田宁, 王永栋, 蒋子堃, 李丽琴, 张武, 丁秋红, 2015. 紫萁科植物—漫长演化历史的见证者。大自然,4: 44-47
16) 周宁,李丽琴,王永栋,2015. 双扇蕨科植物的兴衰演化探秘。大自然,4: 48-51
17)王秀芹, 田宁, 王永栋, 朱志鹏, 李玉玲, 2015. 辽西义县下白垩统九佛堂组木化石的发现. 世界地质. 34(4): 879-885.
18) Tian Ning, Li Liqin, Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong, 2015. Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil wood in America. In: Zhang Wu, et al., An Introduction to the World’s Petrified Wood. Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 516-587. (专著章节)
19) Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong Li Liqin, 2015. Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil wood in Western Europe. In: Zhang Wu, et al. (ed.), An Introduction to the World’s Petrified Wood. Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 348-392. (专著章节)
LI, Liqin , WANG, Yongdong, LIU, Zhaosheng, ZHOU, Ning, WANG, Yan, 2014?. Late Triassic palaeoclimate and palaeoecosystem variations inferred by palynological record in the northeastern Sichuan basin, China. Science Reports of Niigata University, 29, 41-42.
Wang YD*, Huang CM, Sun BN, Quan C, Wu JY, Lin ZC, 2014. Paleo-CO2 variation trends and the Cretaceous greenhouse climate. Earth-Science Reviews, 129:136-147 (SCI)
Tian N, Wang YD*, Zhang W, Jiang ZK, 2014. A new structurally preserved fern rhizome of Osmundaceae (Filicales) Ashicaulis wangii sp. nov. from the Jurassic of western Liaoning and its significances for palaeobiogeography and evolution. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57(4): 671-681. (SCI)
Tian N, Wang YD*, Philippe M, Zhang W, Jiang ZK, Li LQ, 2014. A specialized new species of Ashicaulis (Osmundaceae, Filicales) from the Jurassic of Liaoning, NE China. Journal of Plant Research, 127:209-219 (SCI)
Wang Yongdong*, Wu Xiangwu, Yang Xiaoju, Duan Wei, Li Liqin, 2014. The discovery of Jurassic plants from Shenzhen of Guangdong, southern China and related significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(28):3630–3637. (SCI)
Jiang Zikun, Liu Benpei, Huang Min, Deng Shenghui, Lu Yuanzheng, Liu Lu, Li Mingming, Dong Shuxin And Wang Yongdong, 2014. The Phototropism of Jurassic Petrified Wood in North China Plate. Acta Geologica Sinica, 88(5):1352-1355 (SCI)
王永栋*, 吴向午, 杨小菊, 段维, 李丽琴, 2014. 广东深圳地区侏罗纪植物化石的发现及意义. 科学通报, 59(19): 1874-1880.
田宁, 王永栋*, 张武, 蒋子堃, 2014. 辽西侏罗纪紫萁根茎化石新材料(Ashicaulis wangii sp. nov.)及古生物地理学和演化意义.中国科学:地球科学, 44(10): 2262- 2273
李丽琴, 王永栋*, 2014. 孢粉生态群模型(SEG)及其在古环境研究中的应用. 古生物学报, 53(3): 335-344
Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Jiang Zikun and David L. Dilcher, 2013. Ashicaulis beipiaoensis sp. nov., a new osmundaceous fern species from the Middle Jurassic of Liaoning Province, northeastern China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 74(3): 328-339 (SCI)
Yang Xiaoju, Wang Yongdong, Zhang Wu, 2013. Occurrences of Early Cretaceous fossil woods in China: Implications for paleoclimates. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 385(1): 213–220 (SCI)
Sun BN, Du BX, Ferguson DK, Chen JL, He YL, Wang Yongdong, 2013. Fossil Equisetum from the Lower Cretaceous in Jiuquan Basin, Gansu, Northwest China and its paleoclimatic significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 385: 202–212 (SCI)
Wang Yongdong, Tian Ning, Jiang Zikun, Xie Xiaoping, Huang Qisheng, Li Liqin, 2013. Floral and ecological changes across the Triassic – Jurassic transition in the Sichuan basin, SW China. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p.180-181.
Reitner, J., Yang, Qun, Wang Yongdong, Reich, M.(eds.), 2013. Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p.1-217
Yang Qun,Wang Yongdong, 2013. Preface. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p.9
Li Liqin, Wang Yongdong, Liu Zhaosheng, 2013. Late Triassic palynofloras and their palaeoenvironmental significance from Xuanhan of Sichuan Province, southwestern China. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p.99-100.
Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong, Zhang Wu, Jiang Zikun, 2013. New data of fossil Osmundaceous ferns (Filicales) from the Middle Jurassic of western Liaoning and their evolutionary significance. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p.165-166.
王永栋,蒋子堃,李丽琴,2013. 欧洲地区中、新生代木化石. 见:张武等主编, "世界木化石概论". 北京:地质出版社, 351-396.
王永栋, 田宁, 2013. 美洲地区中、新生代木化石. 见:张武等主编, "世界木化石概论". 北京:地质出版社, 528-605.
王永栋,2013. 香溪煤系及植物群. 见:陈旭,袁训来主编,地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南. 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社,275-284.
戴静, 孙柏年, 谈树成, 高博, 赵志芳, 王永栋, 2013. 福建永安坂头组植物及古气候分析. 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版), 43(1): 158-171
Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong*, Zheng ShaoLin, Zhang Wu & Tian Ning, 2012. Occurrence of Sciadopitys-like fossil wood (Coniferales) in the Jurassic of western Liaoning and its evolutionary implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(6): 569-572(*通讯作者) (SCI)
蒋子堃, 王永栋*, 郑少林, 张武, 田宁, 2012. 辽西侏罗纪金松型木化石的新发现及演化意义.科学通报, 57(1): 32-35 (*通讯作者) (封面文章)
戴静, 孙柏年, 刀克群, 董重, 王永栋, 田宁, 2012. 福建永安下白垩统坂头组枝脉蕨属一新种 Cladophlebis yonganensis sp. nov. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 37(3): 401-410
Sun BN, Dai J., Wang YD, Jia H, Yan DF, Jiang ZK, 2011. Pseudofrenelopsis fossils from Cretaceous gypsum beds in Guixi, Jiangxi Province, China and their geological significance. Island Arc, 20:43–56
Wang YD, Zhang H, 2010. Fertile organs and in situ spores of a new dipteridaceous fern (Hausmannia sinensis) from the Jurassic of northern China. Proceedings of Royal Society B, 277, 311–320.
Wang YD, Fu BH, Xie XP, Huang QS, Li K, Li G., Liu ZS, Yu JX, Pan YH, Tian N, Jiang ZK, 2010. The terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. University of Science & Technology of China Press, 1-216
Wang YD, Yang XJ, Guignard G., Deng SH, Tian N, Jiang ZK, 2009. The fossil Gleicheniaceous ferns of China: Biodiversity, systematics, spore ultrastructure and evolution. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 156: 139-156.
Wang YD, Yang XJ, Zhang W, Zheng SL, Tian N, 2009. Biodiversity and palaeoclimatic implications of fossil woods from the non-marine Jurassic of China. Episodes, 32(1) 13-20.
Guignard G, Wang YD, Ni Q, Tian N, JiangZK, 2009. A dipteridaceous fern with in situ spores from the Lower Jurassic in Hubei, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 156: 104–115
Yang XJ, Guignard G., Thévenard F., Wang YD, Barale, G., 2009. Leaf cuticle ultrastructure of Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis (Chow et Tsao) Cao ex Zhou (Cheirolepidiaceae) from the Lower Cretaceous Dalazi Formation of Jilin, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 153(1-2): 8-18.
Wang X, Li N, Wang YD, Zheng SL, 2009. The discovery of whole-plant fossil cycad from the Upper Triassic in western Liaoning and its significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54: 3116-3119.
Wang YD, Ni Q, Tian N, Jiang ZK, 2008. Diversity variation and tempo-spatial distribution of Otozamites (Bennettitales) in the Mesozoic of China. Palaeoworld, 17: 222-234.
Jiang DX, Wang YD*, Robbins E. I., Wei J, Tian N, 2008. Mesozoic non-marine petroleum source rocks determined by palynomorphs in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Geological Magazine 145 (6): 868–885 (*corresponding author).
Tian N, Wang YD*, Jiang ZK, 2008. Permineralized rhizomes of the Osmundaceae (Filicales): fossil records, diversity and tempo-spatial distribution pattern. Palaeoworld, 17: 183-200 (*corresponding author)
Jiang ZK, Wang YD, Tian N, 2008. Preliminary investigations on fossil diversity variation of the Mesozoic Marattialean ferns in China. Global Geology, 11(3): 130-134.
Tian N, Wang YD, Yang XJ, Ni Q, Jiang ZK, 2008. Preliminary study on the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic strata and floral variation in Hechuan region of Chongqing, southern Sichuan Basin. Global Geology, 11(3): 125-129
Sun BN, Xiao L, Xie SP, Deng SH, Wang YD, Jia H, Turner S, 2007. Quantitative analysis of Paleoatmospheric CO2 level Based on stomatal characters of fossil Ginkgo from Jurassic to Cretaceous in China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 81(6): 901-809.
Wang YD, Wu XW, 2007. Records and diversity of fossil Bryophytes in China. Chenia, 9:61-72.
Wu XW, Zhou ZY, Wang YD, 2007. Nomenclatural notes on some ginkgoalean fossil plants from China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 45(6): 880-883
Zhang W, Wang YD*, Zheng SL, Yang XJ, Li Y, Fu XP and Li N, 2007. Taxonomic investigations on permineralized conifer woods from the Late Paleozoic Angaran deposits of northeastern Inner Mongolia, China and their palaeoclimatic significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 144:261-285 (*corresponding author)
Wang YD, Zhang W, Zheng SL, Pratueng J, P J. Grote, N Boonchai, 2006. Recent advances in the study of Mesozoic-Cenozoic petrified wood from Thailand. Progress in Natural Science, 16(5): 501-506
Wang YD, Saiki, K., Zhang W, Zheng SL, 2006. Biodiversity and palaeoclimate of the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation from West Liaoning. Progress in Natural Science,16: 222-230.
Zhang W, Wang YD*, Saiki K, Li N and Zheng SL, 2006. Structurally preserved cycad-like stem, Lioxylon liaoningense gent. et sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic in Western Liaoning, China. Progress in Natural Science, 16: 236-248 (*corresponding author)
Matsumoto M., Saiki K., Zhang W, Zheng SL, Wang YD, 2006. A new species of Osmundaceous fern rhizome, Ashicaulis macromedullosus sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic, northern China. Palaeontological Research, 10(3):195-205
Wang YD, Cao ZY, Thevenard, F., 2005. Additional data on Todites (Osmundaceae) from the Lower Jurassic – with special references to the palaeogeographical and stratigraphical distributions in China. Geobios, 38:823-841
Wang YD, Mosbrugger V, Zhang H, 2005. Early-Middle Jurassic vegetation and climate events in the Qaidam Basin, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 224: 200-216
Wang YD, Guignard G, Thevenard F, Dilcher D, Barale G., Mosbrugger V. XJ Yang, Mei S.W., 2005. Cuticular anatomy of Sphenobaiera huangii (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Jurassic of Hubei, China. American Journal of Botany, 92(4) : 709-721
Wang YD, Zhang W, Zheng SL, Saiki K., Li Nan, 2005. New discovery of fossil cycad-like plants from the Middle Jurassic of Western Liaoning. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(16): 1804-1807
Tuetkena T, Pfretzschner H-U, Vennemann TW, Sun G, Wang YD, 2004. Paleobiology and skeletochronology of Jurassic dinosaurs: implications from the histology and oxygen isotope compositions of bones. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 206: 217– 238.
Saiki K, Wang YD, 2003. Preliminary analysis of climate indicate plant distribution in the Early Cretaceous of China. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 21(8): 813-822.
Shen GL, Wang YD, 2003. Permian floral events in North Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. Cour. Forsch. Inst. Senckenburg, 241: 43-49
Jiang DX, Wang YD*, 2002. Middle Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblage from the Yanan Formation of Dongsheng, Inner Mongolia. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44 (2): 230-238(*corresponding author)
Wang YD, 2002. Fern ecological implications from the Lower Jurassic in Wetsrn Hubei, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 119: 125-141.
Zhou ZY, Zhan B, Wang YD, G Guignard, 2002. A new Karkenia (Ginkgoales) from the Jurassic Yima Formation, Henan, China and its megaspore membrane ultrastructure. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 120: 91-105
Wang YD, G. Guignard and G. Barale, 2001. Ultrastructure of in situ Marattia asiatica (Marattiaceae) spores from the Lower Jurassic in Hubei, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 162(4): 927-936
Wang YD, G. Guignard and G. Barale, 1999. Morphological and ultrastructural studies on spores in situ of Oligocarpia (Gleicheniaceae) from the Lower Permian of Xinjiang, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 160 (5): 1035-1045
Wang YD, 1999. Fertile organs and in situ spores of Marattia asiatica (Kawasaki) Harris (Marattiales) from the Lower Jurassic Hsiangchi Formation in Hubei, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 107(3/4): 125-134.
Wang YD, Wu XY, 1999. Oligocarpia kepingensis sp. nov. from the Permian of Northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang and its in situ spores. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (4): 108-112.
Wang YD, Mei SW, 1999. Fertile organs and in situ spores of a matoniaceous fern from the Lower Jurassic of West Hubei. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (14): 1333-1337.
Wang YD, Shen GL and Wu XY, 1996. Micro- and megafloral remains of Namurian H-G1 Zones from Zhongwei, Ningxia, China. Palaeobotanist, 45:224-232
Shen GL, Wang YD, Wang J, Liu HQ, Zhang SQ, 1996. Tectonic implications of Permian floras in China. Palaeobotanist, 45:324-328
Wang YD, 1995. Palynological zonations and paleoecology of Carboniferous sequence from Zhongwei of Ningxia, China. Palaeobotanist, 44: 48-61
Books & Monographs
1) Wang YD, Fu BH, Xie XP, Huang QS, Li K, Li G., Liu ZS, Yu JX, Pan YH, Tian N, Jiang ZK, 2010. The terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. Hefei: University of Science & Technology of China Press, 2010, 1-216.
2)Sun BN, Yan DF, Xie SP, Wang YD, 2009. Fossil plant stomata, carbon isotope analysis and its applications. Beijing: Science Press, 2009,pp.222 (in Chinese with English summary).
3) Zhang W, Li Y, Zheng SL., Li N, Wang YD, Yang XJ, Yang JQ, Yi TM, Fu XP., 2008. Fossil wood of China. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House, 2008, 356 pp.
4) Sun G, Zheng SL, Dilcher, D., Wang YD., Mei SW, 2001. Early angiosperm and their associated plants in western Liaoning. Shanghai: Shanghai Sci & Edu Press, 227pp
5) Zhang H, Xiong CW, Li HT, Zhang H, Wang YD, Sun BN, 1998. Jurassic coal-bearing strata and coal accumulation in Northwest China. Beijing. Geological Publishing House. 317 pp, 100 plates (in Chinese with English summary).
1) Comparative anatomy and reproductive structures of fossil filicalean plants
2) Ultrastructures of fossil in situ spores of ferns and cuticles of gymnosperms
3) Anatomical investigations on major gymnosperm fossil plants (ginkgoales, cycads and conifers)
4) Diversity, palaeoecology, palaeoclimate and temporal-spatial distribution pattern of Mesozoic floras
5) Vegetation succession, climatic events and environmental evolution of the Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystem
6) Mesozoic greenhouse climate change and palaeoclimate reconstruction
2) “Systematics, diversity and environmental background of the Jurassic floras from western Liaoning”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (2013-2016))
3) “Mesozoic plant evolution and environmental background”, the Team Program of Scientific Innovation and Interdisciplinary Cooperation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013-2015)
4) “Early Mesozoic climate-environmental variation and life evolution in Yangtze Block region, south China”, the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009-2011)
5) “Systematics and diversity evolution of the Fern floras across the Triassic and Jurassic transition in east Sichuan and west Hubei Provinces”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (2010-2012)
6) “Marine and non-Marine Jurassic: global correlation and major geological events”, UNESCO-IUGS International Geoscience Program IGCP 506 (2005-2010)
7) “Palaeoclimate reconstruction of major episode of Cretaceous in China”, State Key Basic Science Program (973) of Ministry of Science and Technology, China (2006-2010)
8) “Comparative anatomy, diversity and macroevolution of major Mesozoic fern flora”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (2005-2007)
9) “Fine and ultrastructures of Mesozoic plants: biodiversity and palaeoclimate control”, International Collaboration program between Chinese Academy of Sciences and CNRS of France (2001-2003)
10) “Comparative anatomy of permineralized plants in East Asia”, Sino-Japan joint program funded by JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences)(2000-2004)
2007-2013: Laboratory of Palaeobotany, University of Lyon1, France. Supported by CNRS of France and National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2004-2006: Department of Geological Sciences, Sunanaree University and Chingmai University, Thailand. Supported by Sunanarnee University.
2002-2003: Institute of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Germany. Supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
2001-2002: Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, USA. Supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2000-2001: Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Tuebingen, Germany. Supported by Max-Planck Gesellschaft of Germany and Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1999-2003: Institute and Natural History Museum, Chiba, Japan. Supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS).
1997-2003: Laboratory of Palaeobotany, University of Lyon1, France. Supported by CNRS of France and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1997, 2000: Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Supported by National Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC)
倪庆 硕士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学(含:古人类学
田宁 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
蒋子堃 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
李丽琴 硕士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
李丽琴 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
张筱青 硕士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
周宁 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
谢奥伟 硕士研究生 085217-地质工程
李青 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
朱衍宾 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
安鹏程 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
许媛媛 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
黄转丽 硕士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
陈泓宇 博士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
李孟鸽 硕士研究生 070903-古生物学与地层学
2) Co-leader, UNESCO-IUGS International Geoscience Program IGCP 506
3) Editorial Member, International journal of “Volumina Jurassic” (published in Poland)
4) Editorial Member, “Acta Palaeontologica Sinica” and “Evolution of Life”
5) Secretary General, the Palaeontological Society of China (PSC)
6) Council Member, Palaeobotanical Subcomissions, Botanical Society of China and Palaeontological Society of China
7) Member of China National Expert Commission of Palaeontology
8) Secretary General of 8th Inter. Congress on the Jurassic System (2010, Sichuan, China)
9) Scientific Secretary of Executive Committee, the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress (2006, Beijing, China)
10) Member of Botanical Society of America