Name: Sanming Song
Position: Professor
Affiliation: Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Address: No.135 Chuangxin Rd, Hunnan District, Shenyang
Zip Code: 110179
Tel:+86 (024) 23972012
10, 2013 Harbin Institute of technology, Harbin,
Ph.D in Computer Science
Thesis title: Research on Modular Latching Dynamics in the Cortical Networks
Thesis advisor: Professor Hongxun Yao
06, 2008 Guangdong University for Technology, Guangzhou,
M.S. in Computer Science
Thesis title: Research on Gauss Mixture Clustering Algorithms in Image Retrieval
Thesis advisor: Associate Professor Qunsheng Yang
06, 2005 Hubei Minzu University, Enshi,
B.S. in Computer Science and Technology
Work Experience
01, 2021----present
Department of Underwater Robots, Shenyang Institute of Automation, CAS
Interests: Sonar image processing, Hydrophone signal processing, Underwater robotic cognition
01, 2016----01,2021
Associate Professor
Department of Underwater Robots, Shenyang Institute of Automation, CAS
Interests: Sonar image processing and underwater environment cognition
02, 2014----12, 2015
Postdoc Fellow(Research Assistant )
Cooperate with Professor Xisheng Feng (Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, CAE) on sonar image processing and underwater environment cognition, Department of Control Science and Engineering, Shenyang Institute of Automation, CAS
Postdoc Report: Underwater Sonar Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Markov Random Field
Journal paper:
1. Min Jiang, Sanming Song, J Michael Herrmann, Ji-hong Li, Yiping Li, Zhiqiang Hu, Jian Liu, Shuo Li, Xisheng Feng, Underwater Loop Closure Detection for Mechanical Scanning Imaging Sonar by Filtering the Similarity Matrix with PHD Filter, IEEE Access, Vol.7, 166614-166628. (SCI&EI IF:2.36)
2. Min Jiang, Sanming Song, Fengzhen Tang, Yiping Li, Jian Liu, Xisheng Feng, Scan registration for underwater mechanical scanning imaging sonar using symmetrical Kullback-Leibler divergence, Journal of Electronic Imaging (2019), Volume 28, Issue 1, 013026, Pages 1-11. (SCI&EI IF:0.78)
3. Sanming Song, J.Michael Herrmann, Bailu Si, Kaizhou Liu, Xisheng Feng, Two-dimensional forward-looking sonar image registration by maximization of peripheral mutual information, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (2017), Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 1-17. (SCI&EI IF:0.987)
4. Sanming Song, Bailu Si, J.Michael Herrmann, Xisheng Feng, Local autoencoding for parameter estimation in a Hidden Potts-Markov random field, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2016), Vol.25, No.5, Pages 2324-2336. (SCI&EI IF: 3.745), (ISI: 000374551200008,EI:20161702304103)
5. Sanming Song, Hongxun Yao, Alexander Yurievich Simonov, Latching Chains in K-Nearest-Neighbor and Modular Small-World Networks, Network Computation in Neural Systems(2015) Vol. 26, No. 1 , Pages 1-24 . (SCI IF: 0.87), (ISI: 000352479200001).
6. Sanming Song, Hongxun Yao, Alessandro Treves, A Modular Latching Chain, Cognitive Neurodynamics (2014)8:37-46. (SCI IF: 1.671), (ISI: 000329618700004)
7. Jiamin Lu, Sanming Song, Lang Gu, Fan Lu, Zhiqiang Hu, Shuo Li, Fundamental Frequency Detection of Underwater Target Noises Using DEMON Spectrum and LSTM Network, Applied Acoustics (in Chinese), 2021
Conference paper:
8. Jiamin Lu, Sanming Song, Zhiqiang Hu, Shuo Li, Fundamental frequency detection of underwater acoustic target using DEMON spectrum and CNN network, 2020 3rd IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems, 778-784.
9. Sanming Song, Yan Li, Zhigang Li, Zhiqiang Hu, Shuo Li, Gun Rae Cho, Ji-hong Li , Seabed Terrain 3D Reconstruction Using 2D Forward-Looking Sonar: A Sea-Trial Report From The Pipeline Burying Project, IFAC PapersOnLine, 52(21):175-180. (EI)
10. Min Jiang, Sanming Song, Yiping Li, Wenming Jin, Jian Liu, Xisheng Feng, A Survey of Underwater Acoustic SLAM System, International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2019) , pp.159:170. (EI)
11. Min Jiang, Sanming Song, Yiping Li, Jian Liu, Xisheng Feng, Scan Registration for Mechanical Scanning Imaging Sonar Using kD2D-NDT, Chinese Control and Decision Conference,CCDC 2018, pp.6425-6430. (EI)
12. Sanming Song, J.Michael Herrmann, Kaizhou Liu, Shuo Li, Xisheng Feng, Forward-looking sonar image mosaicking by feature tracking, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2016, pp.1613-1618.(EI)
13. Sanming Song, Bailu Si, Xisheng Feng, Kaizhou Liu, Label field initialization for MRF-based sonar image segmentation by selective autoencoding, MTS|IEEE Oceans 2016, pp.1-5, doi:10.1109/OCEANSAP.2016.7485644. (EI: 20162902613181)
14. Sanming Song, Bailu Si, J.Michael Herrmann, Xisheng Feng, Prior parameter estimation for Ising-MRF-based image segmentation by local center-encoding, MTS|IEEE Oceans, pp.1-5, doi:10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271429. (EI: 20160701916016).
15. Zhier Chen, Jiancheng Yu, Aiqun Zhang, Sanming Song, Control system for long-range survey hybrid-driven underwater glider, MTS|IEEE Oceans 2015, pp.1 - 6, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271706. (EI:20160701916099).
16. Sanming Song, Hongxun Yao,Stable Fast Rewiring Depends on the Activation of Skeleton Voxels, In Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP’2011),LNCS 7062.(EI:20114814553893)
17. Sanming Song, Hongxun Yao,Modular Scale-Free Function Subnetworks in Auditory Areas In Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP’2011),LNCS 7062.(EI:20114814553940)
18. Sanming Song, Hongxun Yao, Probe the Potts States in the Minicolumn Dynamics,In Proceedings of International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN’2011), LNCS 6675.(EI:20112314028336)
19. Sanming Song, Hongxun Yao, Who Dominates The Retinotectal Mapping? In Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI’2010) ISBN 978-1-4244-8040-1.(EI:20105013469308)
20. Sanming Song, Qunsheng Yang, Yinwei Zhan, Cov-HGMEM: An Improved Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm, The 4th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS’2008),LNCS 4993.(EI: 20082611338571)
21. Sanming Song, Qunsheng Yang, Yinwei Zhan, Some Question to Monte-Carlo Simulation in AIB Algorithm, The 4th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS’2008),LNCS 4993.(EI: 20082611338577)
Research Interests
Underwater sonar image processing(including image segmentation, object recognition and tracking, 3D reconstruction), ocean observation data analysis and neural computation
卢佳敏 硕士研究生 081104-模式识别与智能系统