电子邮件: yinnaiyi@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市
2012-09--2018-07 中国科学院大学 博士
2008-09--2012-07 河北大学 学士
2020-08~现在, 中国科学院大学, 副教授/长聘教轨助理教授
2018-07~2020-08,中国科学院大学, 博士后
Chemical Food Safety & Health
56. Ma, JN, Yin, NY*, Wang, PF, Cai, XL, Geng, ZQ, Fan, CF, Cui, YS*, Sjödin, A. 2024. Bioaccessibility assessment of arsenic and cadmium in polished and unpolished rice: Comparison of three in vitro methods. Food Research International 177, 113853.
55. Yin NY, Chang XH, Xiao P, Zhou Y, Liu XT, Xiong SM, Wang PF, Cai XL, Sun GX*, Cui YS*, Hu ZY. 2023. Role of microbial iron reduction in arsenic metabolism from soil particle size fractions in simulated human gastrointestinal tract. Environment International 174, 107911.
54. Li YP, Yin NY*, Cai XL, Wang PF, Fan CF, Chang XH, Liu XT, Geng ZQ, Cui LW, Du X, Cui YS*. 2023. Effects of calcium supplements on oral bioavailability of fluoride in soil based on in vivo and in vitro methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials 456, 131663.
53. Fan CF, Cui YS*, Zhang QR, Yin NY, Cai XL, Yuan XZ, Senadheera S, Cho Y, Ok YS*. 2023. A critical review of the interactions between rhizosphere and biochar during the remediation of metal(loid) contaminated soils. Biochar 5, 87.
52. Fu YQ, Du HL, Wang PF, Yin NY, Cai XL, Geng ZQ, Li YP, Cui YS*. 2023. Effects of foods and food components on the in vitro bioaccessibility of total arsenic and arsenic species from Hizikia fusiforme seaweed. Science of the Total Environment 900, 165775.
51. Chang XH, Cai XL, Yin NY, Wang PF, Fan CF, Liu XT, Li YP, Wang SP, Cui LW, Cui YS*. 2023. Arsenic and iron bioavailability in Caco-2 cells: The influence of their co-existence and concentration. Food and Chemical Toxicology 175, 113727.
50. Liu XT, Cai XL*, Wang PF, Yin NY, Fan CF, Chang XH, Huang XH, Du X, Wang SP*, Cui YS. 2023. Effect of manganese oxides on arsenic speciation and mobilization in different arsenic-adsorbed iron-minerals under microbially-reducing conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 445, 130602.
49. Yin NY, Han ZL, Jia WB*, Fu YQ, Ma JN, Liu XT, Cai XL, Chen XC, Cui YS. 2022. Effect of vitamin C supplement on lead bioaccessibility in contaminated soils using multiple in vitro gastrointestinal assays: mechanisms and health risks. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 243, 113968.
48. Yin NY, Cai XL, Wang PF, Feng R, Du HL, Fu YQ, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2022. Predictive capabilities of in vitro colon bioaccessibility for estimating in vivo relative bioavailability of arsenic from contaminated soils: arsenic speciation and gut microbiota considerations. Science of the Total Environment 818, 151804.
47. Li HB*, Xue RY, Chen XQ, Lin XY, Shi XX, Du HY, Yin NY, Cui YS, Li LN, Scheckel KG, Juhasz AL, Xue XM, Zhu YG*, Ma, LQ*. 2022. Ca Minerals and oral bioavailability of Pb, Cd, and As from indoor dust in mice: Mechanisms and health implications. Environmental Health Perspectives 130 (12), 127004.
46. Wang PF, Du HL, Fu YQ, Cai XL, Yin NY, Cui YS*. 2022. Role of human gut bacteria in arsenic biosorption and biotransformation. Environment International 165, 107314.
45. Cai XL, Yin NY, Liu XT, Wang PF, Du HL, Cui YS*, Hu ZY. 2022. Biogeochemical processes of arsenic transformation and redistribution in contaminated soils: combined effects of iron, sulfur, and organic matter. Geoderma 422, 115948.
44. Cai XL, Zhang ZN, Yin NY, Lu WY, Du HL, Yang M, Cui LW, Chen SB, Cui YS*. 2022. Controlling microbial arsenite oxidation and mobilization in arsenite-adsorbed iron minerals: the influence of pH conditions and mineralogical composition. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433, 128778.
43. Fan CF, Yin NY, Cai XL, Du X, Wang PF, Liu XT, Li YP, Chang XH, Du HL, Ma JN, Cui YS*. 2022. Stabilization of fluorine-contaminated soil in aluminum smelting site with biochar loaded iron-lanthanide and aluminum-lanthanide bimetallic materials. Journal of Hazardous Materials 426, 128072.
42. Yin NY, Li YP, Cai XL, Du HL, Wang PF, Han ZL, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2021. The role of soil arsenic fractionation in the bioaccessibility, transformation, and fate of arsenic in the presence of human gut microbiota. Journal of Hazardous Materials 401, 123366.
41. Yin NY, Li YP, Yang YT, Fan CF, Li Y, Du X, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2021. Human health risk assessment in aluminium smelting site: soil fluoride bioaccessibility and relevant mechanism in simulated gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Hazardous Materials 416, 125899.
40. Yin NY, Zhao YL, Wang PF, Du HL, Yang M, Han ZL, Chen XC, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2021. Effect of gut microbiota on in vitro bioaccessibility of heavy metals and human health risk assessment from ingestion of contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 279, 116943.
39. Wang PF, Yin NY, Cai XL, Du HL, Fu YQ, Geng ZQ, Sultana MS, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2021. Assessment of arsenic distribution, bioaccessibility and speciation in rice utilizing continuous extraction and in vitro digestion. Food Chemistry 346, 128969.
38. Yue CS, Du HL, Li Y, Yin NY, Peng B, Cui YS*. 2021. Stabilization of soil arsenic with iron and nano-iron materials: a review. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 21, 10-21.
37. Fu YQ, Yin NY, Cai XL, Du HL, Wang PF, Sultana MS, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2021. Arsenic speciation and bioaccessibility in raw and cooked seafood: influence of seafood species and gut microbiota. Environmental Pollution 280, 116958.
36. 陈晓晨, 韩泽亮, 张剑宇, 黄振佳, 尹乃毅*, 刘宪华, 刁国旺, 徐开钦. 中国典型土壤中铅的生物可给性的影响因素分析与健康风险评估. 生态环境学报 2021, 30 (1): 165-172.
35. 杜心, 杨玉婷, 尹乃毅, 崔岩山, 周晓峰*, 颜珣, 畅拓. 磷酸盐和氯化钙对铝电解厂氟污染土壤的稳定化效果研究. 轻金属 2021, 7: 52-55.
34. 陈晓晨*, 黄艺佳, 赵桐, 陈冠霖, 王俊杰, 袁梓芮, 张剑宇, 尹乃毅, 刁国旺, 徐开钦. 中国典型土壤中镉的生物可给性影响因素研究及其健康风险评估. 环境化学 2021, 40 (10): 3015-3023.
33. Yin NY, Cai XL, Zheng LR, Du HL, Wang PF, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2020. In vitro assessment of arsenic release and transformation from As(V)-sorbed goethite and jarosite: the influence of human gut microbiota. Environmental Science and Technology 54, 4432-4442.
32. Yin NY, Han ZL, Du HL, Wang PF, Li YP, Chen XC, Sun GX, Cui YS*, Hu ZY. 2020. Effect of dietary vitamins in oral bioaccessibility of lead in contaminated soils based on the physiologically based extraction test. Science of the Total Environment 747, 141299.
31. Sultana MS, Wang PF, Yin NY, Rahman MH, Du HL, Cai XL, Fu YQ, Cui YS*. 2020. Assessment of nutrients effect on the bioaccessibility of Cd and Cu in contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202, 110913.
30. Wang PF, Yin NY, Cai XL, Du HL, Li Y, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2020. Comparison of bioaccessibility and relative bioavailability of arsenic in rice bran: the in vitro with PBET/SHIME and in vivo with mice model. Chemosphere 259, 127443.
29. Cai XL, Yin NY, Wang PF, Du HL, Liu XT, Cui YS*. 2020. Arsenate-reducing bacteria-mediated arsenic speciation changes and redistribution during mineral transformations in arsenate-associated goethite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 398, 122886.
28. Cai XL, Wang PF, Li ZJ, Li Y, Yin NY, Du HL, Cui YS*. 2020. Mobilization and transformation of arsenic from ternary complex OM-Fe(III)-As(V) in the presence of As(V)-reducing bacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials 381, 120975.
27. Du HL, Yin NY, Cai XL, Wang PF, Li Y, Fu YQ, Sultana MS, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2020. Lead bioaccessibility in farming and mining soils: the influence of soil properties, types and human gut microbiota. Science of the Total Environment 708, 135227.
26. 李小娟, 徐佳燕, 张剑宇, 陈何勋, 李楠, 刘宪华, 尹乃毅, 徐开钦, 陈晓晨*. 利用in vitro试验的城市土壤重金属健康风险研究及其对中国土壤污染调查的启示. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版) 2020, 53 (10): 1001-1012.
25. Yin NY, Wang PF, Li Y, Du HL, Chen XC, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2019. Arsenic in rice bran products: in vitro oral bioaccessibility, arsenic transformation by human gut microbiota, and human health risk assessment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67, 4987-4994.
24. Yin NY, Gao R, Knowles B, Wang JS, Wang PF, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2019. Formation of silver nanoparticles by human gut microbiota. Science of the Total Environment 651, 1489-1494.
23. Wang PF, Yin NY, Cai XL, Du HL, Li ZJ, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2019. Variability of chromium bioaccessibility and speciation in vegetables: the influence of in vitro methods, gut microbiota and vegetable species. Food Chemistry 277, 347-352.
22. 李岩, 尹乃毅, 都慧丽, 王鹏飞, 孙国新, 崔岩山*. 不同含磷化合物修复铅污染土壤后的人体健康风险评价. 环境化学 2019, 7: 1146-1452.
21. Wang PF, Yin NY, Cai XL, Du HL, Li ZJ, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2018. Nutritional status affects the bioaccessibility and speciation of arsenic from soils in a simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 644, 815-821.
20. Remaili TM, Yin NY, Bennett WW, Simpson SL, Jolley DF, Welsh DT. 2018. Contrasting effects of bioturbation on metal toxicity of contaminated sediments results in misleading interpretation of the AVS-SEM metal-sulfide paradigm. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts 20, 1285-1296.
19. 李泽姣, 崔岩山*, 尹乃毅, 蔡晓琳, 都慧丽, 王鹏飞. 砷氧化菌对胡敏酸络合As(Ⅲ)的氧化作用. 环境科学 2018, 10: 4778-4782.
18. Yin NY, Du HL, Wang PF, Cai XL, Chen P, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2017. Interindividual variability of soil arsenic metabolism by human gut microbiota using SHIME model. Chemosphere 184, 460-466.
17. Yin NY, Cai XL, Du HL, Zhang ZN, Li ZJ, Chen XC, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2017. In vitro study of soil arsenic release by human gut microbiota and its intestinal absorption by Caco-2 cells. Chemosphere 168, 358-364.
16. Yin NY, Chen XC*, Du HL, Wang PF, Cai XL, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2017. Investigation of bioaccessibility of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in market vegetables in the colon using PBET combined with SHIME. Scientific Reports 7, 17578.
15. Cai XL, Chen XC*, Yin NY, Du HL, Sun GX, Wang LH, Xu YD, Chen YQ, Cui YS*. 2017. Estimation of the bioaccessibility and bioavailability of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in Chinese vegetables using the in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model: the influence of gut microbiota. Food & Function 8, 4592-4600.
14. 王鹏飞, 尹乃毅, 都慧丽, 蔡晓琳, 李泽姣, 孙国新, 刘文菊, 崔岩山. 添加奶粉对土壤中铬、镍、锰、铜生物可给性的影响. 环境化学 2017, 36 (07): 1451-1456.
13. 都慧丽, 尹乃毅, 张震南, 蔡晓琳, 李泽姣, 王鹏飞, 孙国新, 崔岩山. 肠道微生物对土壤中铜、锌、锰生物可给性的影响. 生态毒理学报 2017, 12 (03): 301-308.
12. Yin NY, Du HL, Zhang ZN, Cai XL, Li ZJ, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2016. Variability of arsenic bioaccessibility and metabolism in soils by human gut microbiota using different in vitro methods combined with SHIME. Science of the Total Environment 566-567, 1670-1677.
11. 尹乃毅, 都慧丽, 张震南, 蔡晓琳, 李泽姣, 孙国新, 崔岩山*. 利用SHIME模型探究肠道微生物对土壤中镉、铬、镍生物可给性的影响. 环境科学 2016, 37 (6), 2353-2358.
10. Cai XL, Zhang ZN, Yin NY, Du HL, Li ZJ, Cui YS*. 2016. Comparison of arsenate reduction and release by three As(V)-reducing bacterium isolated from arsenic contaminated soil of Inner Mongolia, China. Chemosphere 161, 200-207.
9. Zhang ZN, Yin NY, Du HL, Cai XL, Cui YS*. 2016. The fate of arsenic adsorbed on iron oxides in the presence of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. Chemosphere 151, 108-115.
8. Zhang ZN, Yin NY, Cai XL, Wang ZZ, Cui YS*. 2016. Arsenic redox transformation by Pseudomonas sp. HN-2 isolated from arsenic-contaminated soil in Hunan, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 47, 165-173.
7. Yin NY, Zhang ZN, Cai XL, Du HL, Sun GX, Cui YS*. 2015. In vitro method to assess soil arsenic metabolism by human gut microbiota: arsenic speciation and distribution. Environmental Science and Technology 49, 10675-10681.
6. Yin NY, Cui YS*, Zhang ZN, Wang ZZ, Cai XL, Wang JJ. 2015. Bioaccessibility and dynamic dissolution of arsenic in contaminated soils from Hunan, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments 15, 584-593.
5. 王振洲, 崔岩山*, 张震南, 尹乃毅, 蔡晓琳, 都慧丽. 生菜和油菜中砷的生物可给性及其对人体的健康风险评估. 中国科学院大学学报, 2015, 32 (6): 735-742.
4. 王振洲, 崔岩山, 张震南, 王姣姣, 尹乃毅. Caco-2细胞模型评估金属人体生物有效性的研究进展. 生态毒理学报 2014, 9 (06): 1027-1034.
3. 兰砥中, 雷鸣, 周爽, 廖柏寒, 崔岩山, 尹乃毅, 沈跃. 体外模拟实验法评价湘南某矿区大米中重金属的人体健康风险. 农业环境科学学报 2014, 33 (10): 1897-1903.
2. 尹乃毅, 崔岩山*, 张震南, 王姣姣, 王振洲, 蔡晓琳. 土壤中金属的生物可给性及其动态变化的研究. 生态环境学报 2014, 23 (2), 317-325.
1. 尹乃毅, 罗飞, 张震南, 王姣姣, 王振洲, 蔡晓琳, 宋静, 崔岩山*. 土壤中铜的生物可给性及其对人体的健康风险评价. 生态毒理学报 2014, 9 (4), 23-30.
(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2023-2026, 主持
(3) 中国科学院项目, 2023-2026, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 2021-2023, 主持
(1) 国科大青年教师科研能力提升项目, 2023-2024, 主持
(7) 人体肠道微生物对砷的代谢作用:砷功能基因的思考. 第四届砷青年论坛. 2023-05-13
(6) 生命早期环境重金属暴露对婴幼儿肠道菌群的影响. 第八届青年地学论坛. 2023-05-07
(5) 土壤砷的人体健康风险评价—XAFS技术的应用. 第十三届全国XAFS会议. 2023-04-25
(4) 人体肠道微生物对矿物质吸附砷的释放及转化. 第六届青年地学论坛. 2019-10-12
(3) In vitro assessment of soil arsenic metabolism by human gut microbiota. SETAC Gold Coast. 2017-09-04
(2) Assessment of soil arsenic bioaccessibility and metabolism using two in vitro methods combined with SHIME model. The 8th IWCB. 2015-10-18
(1) Impact of human gut microorganisms on arsenic speciation from contaminated soils upon in vitro method. EPPH. 2015-04-10