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2020-12-28-2021-12-27,《Remote Sensing》, Topic Editor, Guest Editor
Lin, Z., Long, T., Jiao, W., Ye, Z., Zhang, D., He, G., 2024. Estimation and spatiotemporal analysis of actual evapotranspiration over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau using an Alpine Grassland-Adapted Priestley-Taylor model. Journal of Hydrology 641, 131756. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131756
Liu, Y., Long, T., Jiao, W., Du, Y., He, G., Zhang, Z., Wang, G., Peng, Y., 2024. Single Satellite Image Sharpening with Any-angle 2D MTF Estimation. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2024.3457906
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Zhang, Z., Wang, G., 2024. Practical On-Orbit Geometric Recalibration of GF-1 WFV Images Based on RPC Model. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett. 21, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2024.3425849
Du, Y., He, X., Chen, L., Wang, D., Jiao, W., Liu, Y., He, G., Long, T., 2024. Improving Unsupervised Object-Based Change Detection via Hierarchical Multi-Scale Binary Partition Tree Segmentation: A Case Study in the Yellow River Source Region. Remote Sensing 16, 629. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16040629
Gong, C., Long, T., Yin, R., Jiao, W., Wang, G., 2023. A hybrid algorithm with swin transformer and convolution for cloud detection. Remote Sensing 15, 5264. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15215264
Liu, Y., Long, T., Jiao, W., Chen, B., Cheng, B., Du, Y., He, G., Huang, P., 2023a. Leveraging “Night–Day” Calibration Data to Correct Stripe Noise and Vignetting in SDGSAT-1 Nighttime-Light Images. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 61, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2023.3300257
Liu, Y., Long, T., Jiao, W., Du, Y., He, G., Chen, B., Huang, P., 2023b. Automatic segment-wise restoration for wide irregular stripe noise in SDGSAT-1 multispectral data using side-slither data. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 26, 747–757. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2023.07.012
温春晖, 龙腾飞, 焦伟利, 林子镕, 刘永坤, 刘慧婵, 刘鸣, 何国金, 2023. 北京市典型居住区道路照明公众感知评价及模拟优化. 照明工程学报 34, 114–125.
龙腾飞, 焦伟利, 何国金, 王桂周, 张兆明, 2023. 国产光学卫星正射影像产品及自动生成算法. 遥感学报 27, 635–650. https://doi.org/10.11834/jrs.20232041
Liu, Y., Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Chen, B., Huang, P., 2022. A General Relative Radiometric Correction Method for Vignetting and Chromatic Aberration of Multiple CCDs: Take the Chinese Series of Gaofen Satellite Level-0 Images for Example. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 60, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2022.3141223
Long, T., Xu, Y., Zou, H., Lu, L., Yuan, T., Dong, Z., Dong, J., Ke, X., Ling, S., Ma, Y., 2022. A Generic Pixel Pitch Calibration Method for Fundus Camera via Automated ROI Extraction. Sens. 22, 8565. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22218565
Wei, M., Zhang, Z., Long, T., He, G., Wang, G., 2021. Monitoring Landsat Based Burned Area as an Indicator of Sustainable Development Goals. Earth’s Future 9. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EF001960
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Yin, R., Wang, G., Zhang, Z., 2020. Block Adjustment With Relaxed Constraints From Reference Images of Coarse Resolution. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 58, 7815–7828. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2020.2984533
Zhang, Z., Long, T., He, G., Wei, M., Tang, C., Wang, W., Wang, G., She, W., Zhang, X., 2020. Study on Global Burned Forest Areas Based on Landsat Data. Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 86, 503–508. https://doi.org/10.14358/PERS.86.8.503
Dong, Y., Jiao, W., Long, T., Liu, L., He, G., 2019a. Eliminating the Effect of Image Border with Image Periodic Decomposition for Phase Correlation Based Remote Sensing Image Registration. Sens. 19, 2329. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19102329
Dong, Y., Jiao, W., Long, T., Liu, L., He, G., Gong, C., Guo, Y., 2019b. Local Deep Descriptor for Remote Sensing Image Feature Matching. Remote Sensing 11, 430. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11040430
Long, T., Zhang, Z., He, G., Jiao, W., Tang, C., Wu, B., Zhang, X., Wang, G., Yin, R., 2019. 30 m Resolution Global Annual Burned Area Mapping Based on Landsat Images and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing 11, 489. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11050489
Dong, Y., Jiao, W., Long, T., He, G., Gong, C., 2018a. An Extension of Phase Correlation-Based Image Registration to Estimate Similarity Transform Using Multiple Polar Fourier Transform. Remote Sensing 10, 1719. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10111719
Dong, Y., Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Zhang, Z., 2018b. A Novel Image Registration Method Based on Phase Correlation Using Low-Rank Matrix Factorization With Mixture of Gaussian. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 56, 446–460. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2017.2749436
Jiang, W., He, G., Leng, W., Long, T., Wang, G., Liu, H., Peng, Y., Yin, R., Guo, H., 2018a. Characterizing Light Pollution Trends across Protected Areas in China Using Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7, 243. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi7070243
Jiang, W., He, G., Long, T., Guo, H., Yin, R., Leng, W., Liu, H., Wang, G., 2018b. Potentiality of Using Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Light Imagery to Investigate Artificial Light Pollution. Sens. 18, 2900. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18092900
Jiang, W., He, G., Long, T., Ni, Y., Liu, H., Peng, Y., Lv, K., Wang, G., 2018c. Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for Surface Water Extraction in Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Images. Remote Sensing 10, 755. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10050755
Jiang, W., He, G., Long, T., Liu, H., 2017. Ongoing Conflict Makes Yemen Dark: From the Perspective of Nighttime Light. Remote Sensing 9, 798. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9080798
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Zhang, Z., 2016. A Fast and Reliable Matching Method for Automated Georeferencing of Remotely-Sensed Imagery. Remote Sensing 8, 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8010056
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., 2015a. RPC Estimation via l1-Norm-Regularized Least Squares (L1LS). IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 53, 4554–4567. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2015.2401602
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Zhang, Z., Cheng, B., Wang, W., 2015b. A generic framework for image rectification using multiple types of feature. Isprs J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 102, 161–171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.01.015
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., 2014a. Nested Regression Based Optimal Selection (NRBOS) of Rational Polynomial Coefficients. Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 80, 261–269. https://doi.org/10.14358/PERS.80.3.261
Long, T., Jiao, W., He, G., Wang, W., 2014b. Automatic Line Segment Registration Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Expectation-Maximization Algorithm. IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 7, 1688–1699. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2273871
龙腾飞, 焦伟利, 王威, 2013. 基于面特征的遥感图像几何校正模型. 测绘学报 42, 540–545.
( 2 ) 基于新型泛化模型的超大幅宽卫星影像快速高精度几何处理技术研究, 负责人, 研究所科学与颠覆性技术研究先导基金, 2023-06--2025-05
( 3 ) 青年创新促进会, 负责人, 中国科学院人才项目, 2019-01--2022-12
( 4 ) 基于松弛约束的卫星影像序列多特征地面无控协同定位, 负责人, 自然科学基金青年项目, 2018-01--2020-12
( 5 ) 30m分辨率全球多源卫星数据定量化处理, 负责人, 国家重点研发计划子课题, 2016-01--2021-12
( 6 ) 基于认知计算的遥感卫星下行数据即时服务的理论与方法研究, 几何技术负责人, 自然科学基金重点项目, 2018-01--2022-12
( 7 ) 地球大数据科学工程——CASEarth DataBank 系统建设, 主任设计师, A类先导专项, 2018-01--2022-12
( 8 ) 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究-生态系统特征参数遥感反演, 副组长, 国家任务, 2019-01--2024-12
( 9 ) 全时序地表反射率地理格网RTU产品研制, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2021-01--2021-12
GABAM 2015
Long, T.; Zhang, Z.; He, G.; Jiao, W.; Tang, C.; Wu, B.; Zhang, X.; Wang, G.; Yin, R. 30 m Resolution Global Annual Burned Area Mapping Based on Landsat Images and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 489.
温春晖 硕士研究生 085700-资源与环境
王龙飞 硕士研究生 070503-地图学与地理信息系统
冶龙 硕士研究生 085700-资源与环境