Yinxiong Li, Ph.D. Professor, Chairman of Academic Council Committee; Director, Institute of Public Health. International distinguished expert recruited by Chinese Government “Thousand Talents Program” in 2014.
Email: li_yinxiong@gibh.ac.cn
Research Areas
- Investigation of stem cell mediated liver repair in animal models
- Investigation alcohol induced birth defects, tissue regeneration and liver stem cell biology
1979-1985 Human Medical College, Medicine, MD.(Equivalent)
1987-1991 Peking Union Medical College, Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
1985-1987 Research Associate, Chinese Academy of Medicines Sciences (CAMS) and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC)
1991-1992 Assistant Professor in China at CAMS and PUMC Visiting Assistant Professor at China/Japan Friendship Hospital, Clinic Research Institute
1992-1994 Research Scientist, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
1993-2001 Research Scientist, Medical College of Georgia
2001-2004 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics and Cell Biology, Duke University Medical Center
2004-2010 Assistant Professor, Pediatrics and Cell Biology, Dept. of Medicine (Gastroenterology and Cardiology), Duke University Medical Center
2010-2011 Associate Professor, Medical University of South Carolina; Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, SMT Inc.
2012-present Professor, Director, Institute of Public Health,
Chief Medical Officer, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guanzhou Institutes of Biosciences and Heath;
Vice President, Fuda Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Affiliated hospital of GIBH-CAS
1. Li Y-X. Cancer cells possess the potential for speciation. J Exp Clin Immunol 2:46-47, 1990.
2. Hong ZT, Li Y-X. Effects of c-myc antisense RNA on cell growth and biological macromolecular biosynthesis of NIH/3T3 cells and gastric cancer cell lines. J China-Japan Friendship Hospital. 6:235-238, 1992.
3. Robinson-Benion C, Li Y-X, Holt JT. Gene transplantation: combined antisense inhibition and gene replacement strategies. Leukemia. 8:152-155, 1994. PMID: 8152283
4. Li Y-X, Fan M, Zhang J and Liang ZQ. Expression of antisense constructor reverses the tumorgenesis phenotype in HL60 cell line. Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy. 1995, 2(1) 34-38.
5. Li Y-X, Fan M, Zhang J and Liang ZQ. Expression of c-myc gene and biosynthesis of biological macromolecules in antisense transfectant HLR60-9. Chinese National Journal of Cancer research (Chung Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih) 18:16-19, 1996.
6. Li Y-X, Papkoff J, Sarkar NH. Antisense downregulation of a mouse mammary tumor virus activated protooncogene in mouse mammary tumor cells reverses the malignant phenotype. Virology 255:138-149, 1999. PMID: 10049829
7. Farrell M, Waldo K, Li Y-X, Kirby ML. A novel role for cardiac neural crest in heart development. Trends Cardiovasc Med 9:214-20, 1999. PMID: 10881754
8. Li Y-X, Farrell MJ, Liu RP, Mohanty N, Kirby ML. Double-stranded RNA injection produces null phenotypes in zebrafish. Development Biology. 217:394-405, 2000. PMID: 10625563
9. Chatterjee B., Li Y-X, Zdanowicz M., Sonntag J. M., Chin A. J., Kozlowski D. J., Valdimarsson G., Kirby M.L. and Lo C.W. Analysis of Cx43α1 promoter function in the developing zebrafish embryo. Cell Communication and Adhesion 8:289-92, 2001. PMID: 12064604
10. Kirby ML, Lawson A, Stadt HA, Kumiski DH, Wallis KT, McCraney E, Waldo KL, Li Y-X and Gary C. Schoenwolf. Hensen's node gives rise to the ventral midline of the foregut: implications for organizing head and heart development. Developmental Biology 253:175-188, 2003. PMID: 12645923
11. Li Y-X, Zdanowicz M, Young L, Kumiski D, Leatherbury L and Kirby ML. Cardiac neural crest in zebrafish embryos contributes to myocardial cell lineage and early heart function Development Dynamics. 226:540-550, 2003. PMID: 12619138
12. Li Y-X, Kirby ML. Coordinated and conserved expression of alphoid repeat and alphoid repeat-tagged coding sequences. Developmental Dynamics 228(1):72-81, 2003. PMID: 12619138
13. Wilkbanks AM, Fralish GB, Kirby ML, Barak LS, Li Y-X* and Caron MG.* Arrestin 2 regulates zebrafish development through the sonic hedgehog pathway. Science. 306:2264-2267, 2004. (*co-correspondence authors). PMID: 15618520
14. Sicklick J, Li Y-X, Choi S, Qi Y, Chen W, Bustamante M, Huang J, Zdanowicz M, Camp T, Torbenson MS, Rojkind M and Diehl AM. Role for Hedgehog signaling in hepatic stellate cell activation and viability. Lab Investigation. 85:1368-80, 2005. PMID: 16170335
15. Sicklick JK, Li YX, Jayaraman A, Kannangai R, Qi Y, Vivekanandan P, Ludlow JW, Owzar K, Chen W, Torbenson MS, Diehl AM. Dysregulation of the Hedgehog pathway in human hepatocarcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis. 2005 Dec 8; [Epub ahead of print], 27:748-57, 2006. PMID: 1633918
16. Sicklick JK, Li YX, Melhem A, Schmelzer E, Zdanowicz M, Huang J, Caballero M, Fair JH, Ludlow JW, McClelland RE, Reid LM, Diehl AM. Hedgehog signaling maintains resident hepatic progenitors throughout life. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 27:748-57, 2006. PMID: 16322088
17. Hutson ML, Zhang P, Stadt HA, Sato A, Li YX, Burch J, Creazzo TL, Kirby ML, Cardiac arterial pole alignment is sensitive to FGF8 signaling in the pharynx. Developmental Biology, 295(2):486-97. 2006. PMID: 16765936
18. Sicklick JK, Choi SS, Bustamante M McCall SJ, Hernandez-Paz S, Huang J, Li YX, Rojkind M and Diehl AM. Evidence for Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in adult liver cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 291(4):G575-83. 2006. PMID: 16710052.
19. Suzuki A, McCall S, Choi SS, Sicklick JK, Huang J, Qi Y, Zdanowicz M, Camp T, Li YX and Diehl AM. Interleukin-15 increases hepatic regenerative activity. J Hepatol. 45(3):410-8. 2006. PMID: 16781000.
20. Choi SS, Sicklick JK, Ma Q, Yang L, Huang J, Qi Y, Chen W, Li YX, Goldschmidt-Clermont PJ and Diehl AM. Sustained activation of Rac1 in hepatic stellate cells promotes liver injury and fibrosis in mice. Hepatology. 44(5):1267-77, 2006. PMID: 1705826.
21. Li YX*, Yang HT, Danowicz M, Sicklick JK, Qi Y, Camp T and Diehl AM. Fetal Alcohol Exposure Impairs Hedgehog Cholesterol Modification and Signaling. Lab Invest. 87(3):231-40. 2007. (Presented as the Journal cover picture and with an Editorial Press Release) (* correspondence authors). PMID: 17237799.
22. Omenetti A*, Yang L*, Li YX, McCall SJ, Sicklick JK, Huang J, Choi S, Suzuki A and Diehl AM. Hedgehog mediated mesenchymal-epithelial interactions modulate hepatic response to bile duct ligation. Lab Invest. 87(5):499-514. 2007. (* Equally contribution). PMID: 17334411.
23. Jung Y, McCall SJ, Li YX and Diehl AM. Bile Ductules and Stromal Cells Express Hedgehog Ligands and/or Hedgehog Target Genes in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. Hepatology. 45(5):1091-6. 2007. PMID: 17464985
24. Yamaguchi K, Yang L, McCall S, Huang J, Yu XX, Pandey SK, Bhanot S, Monia BP, Li YX, Diehl AM. Inhibiting triglyceride synthesis improves hepatic steatosis but exacerbates liver damage and fibrosis in obese mice with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology. 45(6):1343-6. 2007. PMID: 17476695.
25. Yamaguchi K, Yang L, McCall S, Huang J, Yu XX, Pandey SK, Bhanot S, Monia BP, Li YX, Diehl AM. Diacylglycerol acyltranferase anti-sense oligonucleotides reduce hepatic fibrosis in mice with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatology 47:625-35. 2008. PMID: 18000880.
26. Yang L, Wang Y, Mao H, Fleig S, Omenetti A, Brown KD, Sicklick JK, Li YX, Diehl AM. Sonic hedgehog is an autocrine viability factor for myofibroblastic hepatic stellate cells. Journal of Hepatology 48:98-106. 2008. PMID: 1802272. PMC2196213.
27. Mao H., Diehl AM., Li YX. Sonic Hedgehog Ligand Partners with Caveolin-1 for Intracellular Transportation. Lab Invest. 89:290-300. 2009. PMID: 19139721. PMC2647995
28. Fan ZJ., Zhang ZX., Li, YX. Relationship between birth size and coronary heart disease in China. Annals of Medicine 42 (8): 596-602. 2010 DOI: 10.3109/07853890.2010.514283
29. Robert G. Gourdie, Tereance A. Myers, Alex McFadden, Li YX, Jay D. Potts., Self-Organizing Tissue-Engineered Constructs in Collagen Hydrogels. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(1):99-106. 2012 DOI: 10.1017/S1431927611012372
Patents Approved:
1. Li Y-X. Nucleic Acid Filter for Tumorigenic Factors. USA Patent Number: 6,117,846, Approved and published date: September 16, 2000
2. Li Y-X. Farrell M, Kirby ML. Composition and method for in vivo and in vitro attenuation of gene expression using double stranded RNA. USA Patent Number: 7,888,325, Approved and published date: February 15, 2011
Patents Pending:
1. Li Y-X., Michael Farrell and Kirby ML. Composition and Method for IN VIVO and IN VITRO Attenuation of Gene Expression Using Double Stranded RNA. Published number: 20090215880 published date: August 27, 2009
2. Li Y-X., Michael Farrell and Kirby ML. Composition and method for in vivo and in vitro attenuation of gene expression using double stranded RNA 20090156520; June 18, 2009
3. Li Y-X. and Kirby ML. Formation and rejuvenation of organs and alcohol damaged organ regeneration through stem cell nutrients. Published number: 20090137544 published date: May 28, 2009
4. Li Y-X. Enhanced broad-spectrum UV radiation filters and methods. Published number: 20080233626 published date: September 25, 2008
5. Li Y-X. and Kirby ML. Gene profiling of single or multiple cells. Published number: 20050118602 published date: June 2, 2005
6. Li Y-X., Michael Farrell and Kirby ML. Composition and method for in vivo and in vitro attenuation of gene expression using double stranded RNA. Published number: 20040147475 published date: July 29, 2004
7. Li Y-X., Michael Farrell and Kirby ML. Composition and method for in vivo and in vitro attenuation of gene expression using double stranded RNA. Published number: 20020114784 published date: August 22, 2002
Lu Shendong, Li Yin-Xiong, et al. Editor, Modern Experimental Technology of Molecular Biology. (A textbook for undergraduate and graduate in China). National College Publishing, Inc. Beijing, China (1993). Second Edition (1995), Third Edition (2000).
Research Interests
The research group is interested of drug discovery, stem cell research and disease biomarker screening, particularly interested in chronic liver disease and metabolic syndrome.
1. Li Y. -X, Zdanowicz M, Lo CW and Kirby ML. Dissection of connecxin 43 promoter regulatory elements of tissue specificity. Abstract of Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference P29. Oral presentation (2001)
2. Yin-Xiong Li and Margaret L. Kirby. Laser microdissection captured cells gene expression profile analysis hunting down ventral axis molecular players in vertebrates involved in three human genetic syndromes. Oral presentation in functional Genomics section in The Seventh International Human Genome Meeting organized by The Human Genome Organization (HUGO) in Shanghai.(April, 2002)
3. Li Y-X., M. Zdanowicz, H. Stadt and M. Kirby. The ventral midline endoderm constitutes a molecularly distinct population of cells. 61st Development Biology Annual Meeting abstract 368. (2002). Oral presentation.
4. Li Y-X., and Kirby ML. Laser microdissection captured cells gene expression profile analysis hunting down ventral axis molecular players in vertebrates involved in three human genetic syndromes. Functional Genomics section in The Seventh International Human Genome Meeting organized by The Human Genome Organization (HUGO). (2002). Invited Speaker.
5. Li Y-X and Kirby ML. Optimization of the conditions for micro-dissected single or multiple cells for gene profiling analysis. Symposium on phenotyping mouse cardiovascular function and development. NHLBI/NIH (2002). Oral Presentation.
6. South Carolina Medical University, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,
April 17-18, 2003. Talk: Developmentally regulated dsRNA expression from highly tandem repeat sequence and its possible role in vertebra development.
7. Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Center for Biomedical research, September 12-13, 2002. Invited Talk: Gene silence and vertebrate development.
8. NIH Invited Speaker, 2007, April 18, Bethesda, MD. Invited speaker: Environmental effect on Hedgehog Signaling and Stem Cells
9. South Carolina Medical University, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center, March 15-17, 2011. Invited visitor talk: Cholesterol, Alcohol and Birth Defects
10. International Prevention and Therapy of Cancer Conference, Oct 19, 2011, Macao, Invited Speaker: Hedgehog Signaling and tumorigenesis
11. Adult Hepatic Progenitor Cell and Injured Liver Regeneration in Fish Models. Oct 3, 2012, City of Hope, Beckman Institute, International Stem Cell Conference.
12. Keynote speaker: Stem cell and tumorigenesis, Dec 19, 2012, Guangzhou, Fuda International Symposium of cancer therapy.
13. Invited speaker, Hedgehog Signaling, Stem Cell and Liver Diseases, Jan. 8, 2013. The Wadsworth Center, New York state Department of Health, Albany, New York.
14. Invited Seminar, Alcohol inhibits Hedgehog signaling resulting in fetal developmental defects, Jan 18, 2013, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, Roanoke, Virginia.
15. Invited Speaker, Liver adult stem and regeneration liver chronic diseases. Mar. 2, 2013, 2th Beijing conference of stem cell research and translational medicine, Beijing, China.
2005-2008 American Heart Association, Study Section, Cellular and Molecular Biology
2007-present Regular scientific reviewer of the Journal of Gastroenterology; The Journal of Proteomics; Hepatology; Cell Regeneration
2009 NIH Study Section, Challenge Grant Editorial Panel 18, Center for Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panel (ZRG1 DKUS A58, Liver stem cell study)
2010 NIH Study Section, NIAAA Special Emphasis Panel (ZAA1, DD 01, Alcohol center grant)
2011 Honorary Chairman, Macau Charity Anti-Cancer Association
2012 National Natural Science Foundation, China, Grant application reviewer of genetics and bioinformatics, cell biology, developmental biology and reproductive biology
2012 Evaluation Experts of the National Science and Technology Awards, China
2012 Director, National Strategic Plan of 2020 in Biomedicine and Health, CAS
2013 Adjunct Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
寇尚龙 02 63228
伍飞马 01 19183
郭东升 01 19183
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徐莹莹 01 19183
阿依妮萨罕·如则 02 19434
谭圣林 02 19183
柯欣荣 02 63228
陶家旺 02 19183
徐国胜 01 19183
刘艳丽 01 19183
熊月 01 19183
潘廷才 01 19183
Honors & Distinctions
1985 Highest Honors, Outstanding M.D. Graduated Student Hunan Medical University
1987 Award of Outstanding Young Scientist, Issued by Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
1991 International Young Scientist Travel Award in June. Issued by the United Nations of Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO).
1992 Chief of the National Molecular Biological Techniques Training Center, CAMS
1992 Award for “Outstanding Correspondent” of the J Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences issued by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
1992-1994 NIH Fogarty international research fellowship award
1996 National Science & Technology Progress Prize issued by: National Health Ministry, People’s Republic of China
1996 National Excellence Educational Publishing Prize issued by: National Education Ministry, National News and Publication Agency, People’s Republic of China
1999 Designated as an “Alien with Extraordinary Ability in Science and Education” by the US Immigration and Naturalization Service
2004 ChunHui Program Scholar awarded by Ministry of Education People’s Republic of China
2006 Duke Stanback Award for environmental factors, stem cell and tumorgenesis research
2008 NIH Invited Keynote Speaker
2011 Macao China Anti-Cancer Charity Association, Honorary President