Email: rclin@ibcas.ac.cn
Telephone: 010-62836905
Address: 中国科学院植物研究所
Postcode: 100093
1. Tang W, Ji Q, Huang Y, Jiang Z, Bao M, Wang H, Lin R* (2013). FHY3 and FAR1 transcription factors integrate light and abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, doi:10.1104/pp.113.224386
2. Jing Y, Lin R* (2013). PICKLE is a repressor in seedling de-etiolation pathway. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 8: e25026.
3. Chen D, Xu G, Tang W, Jing Y, Ji Q, Fei Z, Lin R* (2013). Antagonistic bHLH/bZIP transcription factors form transcriptional modules that integrate light and reactive oxygen species signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 25: 1657-1673
4. Jing Y, Zhang D, Wang X, Tang W, Wang W, Huai J, Xu G, Chen D, Li Y, Lin R*. Arabidopsis chromatin remodeling factor PICKLE interacts with transcription factor HY5 to regulate hypocotyl cell elongation. Plant Cell, 25:242-256, 2013
5. Tang W#, Wang W#, Chen D, Ji Q, Jing Y, Wang H, Lin R*. Transposase-derived proteins FHY3/FAR1 interact with PHYTOCHROME- INTERACTING FACTOR 1 to regulate chlorophyll Biosynthesis by modulating HEMB1 during deetiolation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 24:1984-2000, 2012
6. Li G, Siddiqui H#, Teng Y#, Lin R#, Wan X-Y, Li J, Lau N-S, Ouyang X, Dai M, Wan J, Devlin PF, Deng XW, Wang H. Coordinated transcriptional regulation underlying the circadian clock in Arabidopsis. Nature Cell Biology, 13: 616-622, 2011 (#equal contribution)
7. Sun X, Feng P, Xu X, Guo H, Ma J, Chi W, Lin Rongchen, Lu C, Zhang L. A chloroplast envelope-bound PHD transcription factor mediates chloroplast signals to the nucleus. Nature Communication, 2: 477, 2011
8. Ouyang X, Li J, Li G, Li B, Chen B, Shen H, Huang X, Mo X, Wan X, Lin R, Li S, Wang H, Deng XW. Genome-wide binding site analysis of FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3 reveals its novel function in Arabidopsis development. Plant Cell, 23: 2514-2535, 2011
9. Lin R, Teng Y, Park H, Ding L, Wang H. Discrete and essential roles of the multiple domains of Arabidopsis FHY3 in mediating phytochrome A signal transduction. Plant Physiology, 148: 981-992, 2008
10. Park H, Ding L, Dai M, Lin R, Wang H. Multisite phosphorylation of Arabidopsis HFR1 by casein kinase II and a plausible role in regulating its degradation rate. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283: 23264-23273, 2008
11. Lin R, Park H, Wang H. Role of Arabidopsis RAP2.4 in regulating light- and ethylene-mediated developmental processes and drought stress tolerance. Molecular Plant, 1: 42-57, 2008
12. Lin R, Ding L, Casola C, Ripoll DR, Feschotte C, Wang H. Transposase-derived transcription factors regulate light signaling in Arabidopsis. Science, 318: 1302-1305, 2007
13. Lin R, Wang H. Targeting proteins for degradation by Arabidopsis COP1: teamwork is what matters. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49: 35-42, 2007
14. Lin R, Wang H. Two homologous ATP-binding cassette transporter proteins, AtMDR1 and AtPGP1, regulate Arabidopsis photomorphogensis and root development by mediating polar auxin transport. Plant Physiology, 138: 949-964, 2005
15. Yang J, Lin R, Hoecker U, Liu B, Xu L, Wang H. Repression of light signaling by Arabidopsis SPA1 involves post-translational regulation of HFR1 protein accumulation. The Plant Journal, 43: 131-141, 2005
16. Yang J, Lin R, Sullivan J, Hoecker U, Liu B, Xu L, Deng XW, Wang H. Light regulates COP1-mediated degradation of HFR1, a transcription factor essential for light signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 17: 804-821, 2005
17. Shen Y, Ma L, Feng S, Lin R, Qu L-J, Chen Z, Wang H, Deng XW. Arabidopsis FHY1 protein is regulated by light via phytochrome A and 26S proteasome. Plant Physiology, 139: 1234-1243, 2005
18. Lin R, Wang H. Arabidopsis FHY3/FAR1 gene family and distinct roles of its members in light control of Arabidopsis development. Plant Physiology, 136: 4010-4022, 2004
19. Deng Y, Lin RC, Jing Y, Wang Q, Li L, Liu B, Kuang T. Expression of vde gene integrated into tobacco genome in antisense and overexpressed ways. Photosynthetica, 41: 137-141, 2003
20. Lin RC, Xu C, Li L, Kuang T. Xanthophyll cycle and its molecular mechanism in photoprotection. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44: 379-383, 2002
21. Lin RC, Li L, Kuang T. Molecular cloning, in vitro expression and enzyme activity analysis of violaxanthin deepoxidase from Oryza sativa L. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47: 449-451, 2002
22. Lin RC, Ting Z, Li L, Kuang T. A rapid and efficient DNA minipreparation suitable for screening transgenic plants. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 19: 379a-379e, 2001
23. Xu C, Lin RC, Li L, Kuang T. Increase in resistance to low temperature photoinhibition following ascorbate feeding is attributable to an enhanced xanthophyll cycle activity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves. Photosynthetica, 38: 221-226, 2000
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