Jing Xiong
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology
Email: jing.xiong@siat.ac.cn
Address: 1068 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen University Town, Nanshan, Shenzhen
Postcode: 518055
Research Areas
Intelligent Robot, Medical Robot, Image-guided Therapy Technologies
2004-09--2010-01 Tsinghua University Master & PhD
2000-09--2004-07 Tsinghua University Bachelor
Work Experience
2020.12 till now, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Scien, Professor of Engineering
2015~2020, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Scien, Associate Professor of Engineering
2012~2015, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Scien, Assistant Professor
2010~2012, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Postdoctoral Fellow
(1) A Mechanism-image Fusion Approach to Calibration of An Ultrasound-guided Dual-arm Robotic Brachytherapy System, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021
(2) A Review on Flexible Robotic Systems for Minimally Invasive Surgery, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020
(3)Magnetic resonance image (MRI) synthesis from brain computed tomography (CT) images based on deep learning methods for magnetic resonance (MR)-guided Radiotherapy, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2020
(4)Simulation of orthodontic force of archwire applied to full dentition using virtual bracket displacement method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2019
(5)Scatter correction for a clinical cone-beam CT system using an optimized stationary beam blocker in a single scan, Medical Physics, 2019
(6)An Ultrasound Image Fusion Method for Stereoscopic Laparoscopic Augmented Reality, Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics, 2019
(7)Semi-parametric training of autoencoders with Gaussian kernel smoothed topology learning neural networks, Neural Computing and Applications, 2018
(8)Individual tooth segmentation from CT images scanned with contacts of maxillary and mandible teeth, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2017
(9)A Central Pattern Generator Approach to Footstep Transition for Biped Navigation, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017
(10)Crown Segmentation from Computed Tomography Images with Metal Artifacts. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2016
(11)Human-robot Collaborated Path Planning for Bevel-tip Needle Steering in Simulated Human Environment. Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016
(12)Robotic Manipulation Planning using Dynamic RRT. Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics, 2016
(13)Toward accurate tooth segmentation from computed tomography images using a hybrid level set model, Medical Physics, 2015
(14)Path Planning for Flexible Needle Insertion System Based on Improved Rapidly-exploring Random Tree Algorithm, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2015
(15)Motion Planning and Control of a Robotic System for Orthodontic Archwire Bending, 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2015
(16) Dynamic Virtual Fixture on the Euclidean Group for Admittance-type Manipulator in Deforming Environments, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2014
(17) Webots-based Simulator for Biped Navigation in Human-living Environments, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2014
(18) Failure detection for over-discharged Li-ion batteries,Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference,2012
(19)Global navigation for humanoid robots using sampling-based footstep planners,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2011
(20) Parameter self-adaptation in biped navigation employing nonuniform randomized footstep planner,Robotica,2010
(21) A Deterministic Sampling-based Approach to Global Footstep Planning for Humanoid Robots,Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots,2009
(22) Design and clinical application of the interventional robot THMR-I,Proceedings of 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,2009
(1) 限束器叶片驱动装置、限束器及X射线机,发明,2013,专利号:201310478684.1
(2) 一种实现C臂系统随动运动的控制装置及控制方法,发明,2013,专利号:201310188296.X
(3) 一种X射线机限束器叶片驱动装置及X射线机限束器,发明,2013,专利号:201310400225.1
(4) 一种X射线成像机器人及其机械臂,发明,2013,专利号:201310339164.2
(5) 具有力矩感知功能的谐波减速器,发明,2013,专利号:201310441823.3
(6) 对三维目标建立统计形状模型的方法,发明,2013,专利号:201310450402.7
(7) 振动器,发明,2013,专利号:201310447058.6
(8) X射线机及其C型臂旋转机构,发明,2014,专利号:201410244518.X
(9) 三维X射线成像系统,发明,2014,专利号:201410799111.3
(10) 图像亮度的自动控制方法及自动控制系统,发明,2014,专利号:201410748537.6
(11) 口腔正畸器械制备机器人及其机械手,发明,2014,专利号:201410083066.1
(12) 一种新型口腔正畸力测量方法及装置,发明,2014,专利号:201410789525.8
(13) 口腔正畸弓丝成型装置及其控制方法,发明,2015,专利号:201510493082.2
(14) 一种立式移动穿刺机器人,发明,2015,专利号:201510955237.X
(15) 一种柔性穿刺针针尖自动跟踪装置及方法,发明,2016,专利号:201610710312.0
(16) 一种柔性针穿刺路径评估方法及系统,发明,2016,专利号:201610349546.7
(17) 放射治疗装置,发明,2016,专利号:201611040617.1
(18) 主从式蛇形机器人系统及其位置控制方法,发明,2016,专利号:201610430962.X
(19) 一种确定串联机器人反解结果的方法及装置,发明,2017,专利号:201710024382.5
(20) X光机、X光机旋转中心调整方法及装置,发明,2017,专利号:201710035095.4
(21) C型臂系统旋转角度校准装置及C型臂系统校准方法,发明,2017,专利号:201710038204.8
(22) 一种X光机的参数标定方法、装置及系统,发明,2017,专利号:201710049702.2
(23) 一种穿刺定位装置和具有该穿刺定位装置的前列腺放疗床,发明,2017,专利号:201711377504.5
(24) 柔性手术器械跟踪方法、装置、设备及存储介质,发明,2017,专利号:201711364739.0
(25) CT图像预测模型的训练方法、装置、设备及存储介质,发明,2018,专利号:201810710472.4
(26) 一种用于调整光栅间距的光栅阻挡器及方法、CBCT系统,发明,2018,专利号:201810836961.4
(27) MR图像预测模型的训练方法、装置、设备及存储介质,发明,2018,专利号:201810924191.9
(28) 一种用于植入放射性粒子的机器人,发明,2018,专利号:201811517515.3
(29) 一种膈运动辅助装置及膈运动辅助系统,发明,2019,专利号:201910163929.9
(30) 一种伸缩支撑杆、被动远心机构及其支撑杆的设计方法,发明,2019,专利号:201910395106.9
(31) 一种手部运动辅助与功能康复训练的软体机器人手套,发明,2019,专利号:201910536347.0
(32) 一种多角度超声图像融合方法、系统及电子设备,发明,2019,专利号:201910634955.5
(33) 一种静脉自动采血设备及使用方法,发明,2019,专利号:201911280827.1
(34) 一种双臂机器人穿刺系统标定方法及系统,发明,2021,专利号:202110324432.8
(35) 一种消化内镜导航方法和系统,发明,2021,专利号:202110183676.9
(36) 一种用于眼睑翻开的软体装置及方法,发明,2021,专利号:202110161526.8
(37) 一种微创手术器械定位方法和系统,发明,2021,专利号:202110084081.8
(38) 一种超声图像的成像质量评价方法,发明,2020,专利号:202011267333.2
(39) 一种根管治疗导板及其制备方法,发明,2020,专利号:202010700610.8
(40) 一种软体胸外按压装置,发明,2020,专利号:202010664586.7
(41) 一种口腔正畸治疗前后牙齿移动量计算方法和装置,发明,2020,专利号:202010146405.1