Professor, Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair,Department of Journalism and Communication
Email: zhzy[at]
Address:19A Yuquan Rd.,Beijing,China
Postcode: 100049
Research Areas
Media Analysis
Methodology of Science
Science and Culture
PhM, East China Normal University (Shanghai), 1988
BS, Xiamen University (Xiamen, Fujian), 1985
Teaching Experience
2011-present, Professor, Chair, Department of Journalism and Communication, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2009-2011, Professor, Assciate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology, and director of the Center for Studies of Science, Technology and Society.
2003-2008, Associate Professor, Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology.
1988-1998, 1999-2000, Department of Political Science, East Shandong University (Formerly Yantai Teachers University).
Research Experience
1998-1999, Visiting Scholar, The Blaise Pascal Institute (formerly Center for the Studies of Science, Religion and Society), Vrije Universiteit (Free University, Amsterdam).
Peking University Innovation Prize, 2002
SYLFF Fellows at Peking University, 2002
Selected Publications
1. YUE Liyuan, Risk and Security: Expert Discourse Analysis in the Issue of "PX", Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2017,33(08):45-50.
2. ZHANG Lun, XU Dejin, ZHANG Zengyi, Communication Effect and Influencing Factors of an Online Health Campaign: A Case Study of "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" on Youku,JOURNALISM BIMONTHLY,,2017,(04):56-63+89+148.
3. ZHANG Fangxi, ZHANG Zengyi, Research on the Images of Scientists in the ShenBao, Journal of Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Tongxun)(Beijing, China) , 2017,39(04):99-104.
4.ZHANG Yiming, ZHANG Zengyi, Analysis of the Historical Relationship between the two levels of
Optical Societies in China (1997—1999),JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2017,19(03):161-168.
5.LI Xiaodan, ZHANG Zengyi, The Discourse Analysis on Chinese Newspaper Reports of "Climate Gate", Science and Society, 2017,7(01):95-107.
6.ZHOU Yi, ZHANG Zengyi, On Environmental Communication:A New Research Field, Studies on Science Popularization, 2017,12(01):34-40+105+108.
7.WU Rui, ZHANG Zengyi, On a Transmedia Analysis of the Case Concerning Tu Youyou being Awarded the Nobel Prize, Studies on Science Popularization, 2016,11(06):14-20+77+100.
8.ZHANG Yiming, ZHANG Zengyi, The Origin of the Chinese Optical Society, The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology Vol. 37 No. 3( 2016)
9.YUE Liyuan, ZHANG Zengyi, Current Status and Trends of Environmental Communication Studies: Based on the analysis of Environmental Communication, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2016,32(01):61-65.
10.SI Ge, ZHANG Lun, ZHANG Zengyi, Factors Influencing Online Products Rating on Social Media: Employing Text Mining Approach, Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication, 2015,37(06):38-58.
11.QIN Jing, ZHANG zengyi, Edible birds’ nest in science perspective: deconstruction or construction? Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2015,31(04):88-92.
12.HUANG Biaowen, ZHANG Zengyi, The different perceptions of health risk between expertise and public: a Lay Theory perspective, Science and Society, 2015,5(01):104-116.
13.ZHANG Fangxi, ZHANG Zengyi, Studies in Images of scientists: current status and problem, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2014,30(10):70-75.
14.QIN Jing, ZHANG Zengyi, Conflict between Two Knowledge Systems in Regimen of Food: A Case Study of Chinese Newspaper Reports about Edible Bird’s Nest, Science and Society, 2014,4(01):97-111.
15.ZHANG Zengyi, LI Yaning, evolution of Darwin’s religious belief, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (Beijing, China), 2013,35(06):85-92+127.
16.ZHANG Zengyi, CHI Yanwei, Studies of media coverage of Science and technology: methods and Trends, Science and Society, 2013,3(02):58-72.
17.ZHANG Yiming, ZHANG Zengyi, Einstein’s thought of logical simplicity and its origins, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2012,28(09):112-116.
18. ZHANG Zengyi,LI Yaning, Darwin and Capital: to Clarify a Historical Myth, Studies in Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Yanjiu) (Beijing, China),vol.25(2009), pp. 15-19.(first author)
19.LI Yaning, ZHANG Zengyi, Mayr’s Perspective on the Nature of the Darwinian Revolution, Modern Philosophy (Xiandai Zhexue)(Guangzhou, China), 2009, no.5, pp. 102-107.
20.ZHANG Zengyi, Understanding of the Darwinian Revolution, Studies in the History of Natural Science(Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu)(Beijing, China) , 2009, no.4, pp.501-512.
21.ZHANG Zengyi,LI Yaning,Evolution of the Concept of Scientific Literacy, Guizhou Social Sciences(Guizhou Shehui Kexue)(Guiyang, China), 2008, no.4, 11-15.
22.LI Yaning, ZHANG Zengyi, Science, Religion and Law: A Case Study of the Scopes Trial, Studies in Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu)(Beijing, China),vol.23(2007), pp. 13-17.
23.ZHANG Zengyi, LI Yaning, Communicating Science and Technology to the Public: A Case Study of MIT, Science Popularization(Kepu Yanjiu)(Beijing, China), 2009, no. 3, pp. 5-11.
24.ZHANG Zengyi, Beyond the Science Wars: From Conflict to Dialog, Studies in Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu)(Beijing, China), vol.22 (2006) , no.4: 11-15
25.ZHANG Zengyi, Perspectives on the Framework of Scientific Literacy for All Chinese, Science(Kexue)(Shanghai, China),vol.56(2004),no.6:35-38, also in Archiving public Scientific Lieracy: Theory and Practice, Papers Contributed to the International Forum on Scientific Literacy, Beijing 2004, Hunan Science and Technology Publisher, 2006
26.ZHANG Zengyi, On the Benchmark of Scientific Literacy for All Chinese, in Essays on Scientific Literacy Action Plan for All Chinese, China Science Popularization Press, 2005, pp.511-547
27.ZHANG Zengyi, Demarcation of Science: A Case Study of the Monkey Trial, Modern Philosophy(Xiandai Zhexue)(Gaungzhou, China ), 2006, no.2: 52-58
28.ZHANG Zengyi, The Origin of Anti-Evolution Movement in America, Science & Culture Review(Kexue Wenhua Pinglun) (Beijing, China),vol.2 no.3:28-40
29.ZHANG Zengyi, Demarcation of Science: A Case Study of McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, Journal of Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Tongxun)(Beijing, China) , vol.26(2004),no.1: 10-14.
30.ZHANG Zengyi, Positioning the Benchmark of Scientific Literacy for All Chinese, Scientific Chinese(Kexue Zhongguoren) (Beijing, China ), 2005,No.1
31.ZHANG Zengyi, Science and Culture: Separate or Harmonious? Trans-cultural Dialog(Kuawenhua Duihua), no.14, Shanghai Culture Press, 2004
32.ZHANG Zengyi, Darwin’s Methodology and Evolution Controversies, Studies in Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Yanjiu)(Beijing, China),vol.19(2003), pp.6-9
33.ZHANG Zengyi, A Century Long Controversies between Creation and Evolution in America, Twenty-first Century (Hangkong),No.72 (Aug.2002),pp.84-94
34.ZHANG Zengyi, The Encounter Between Thomas Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce, Journal of Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Tongxun)(Beijing, China), vol.24(2002), no.4:1-5
35.ZHANG Zengyi, Science and Religion: A New discipline, Foreign Social Sciences(Guowai Shehui Kexue)(Beijing, China), no.2,2000, pp.11-15
36.ZHANG Zengyi, Building a Bridge of Understanding: Science and Christian Belief in China, Studies in Science and Theology, ESSST 2000 year’s book.
37.ZHANG Zengyi, Galileo: Natural truth and Scriptural Interpretation, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (Beijing, China), vol.15 (1999) , no.1: 54-58
38.ZHANG Zengyi, Galileo and Roman Catholic Church, Journal of Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Tongxun)(Beijing, China) , vol.21(1999),no.3:50-58
39.ZHANG Zengyi, Christians response to Darwinism, Journal of Dialectics of Nature(Ziran Bianzhengfa Tongxun)(Beijing, China) , vol.20(1998),no.6
40.ZHANG Zengyi, The Translating enterprise in Jiannan Arsenal Bureau, Studies in Modern History(Jindiashi Yanjiu)(Beijing, China), 1996, no.3, pp.212.-223.
1.ZHANG Zengyi, Creation-evolution Controversies in America: The Demarcation of Science in the Society(Changshilun yu Jinhualun de Shijizhizheng), Zhongshan(SUN Yat-sen) University Press, 2006.
2.Sun Xiaoli, ZHANG Zengyi(ed.), Ten-pair Core Concepts in Scientific Methodology (Kexue Fangfa zhong de Shida Guanxi), Xuelin Press (Shanghai,China), 2004
Translation Books
1.ZHANG Zengyi, WANG Guoqiang, SUN Xiaochun, One Culture? A Conversation about Science (edited by Jay A.Labinger and Harry Collins, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001), Shanghai Science & Technology Education Press, 2006,2017.
2.ZHANG Zengyi, Darwin and Fundamentalism ( by Merryl Wyn Davies, Icon Books Ltd, 2000), Peking University Press, 2005.
3.ZHANG Zengyi, Is Economics Becoming a Hard Science, (edited by Antoine D’Autume, Jean Cartelier, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 1997), Economic Science Press (Beijing), 2002
4.ZHANG Zengyi, Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen Scientist (by Richard P. Feynman, Reading, Mass: Perseus Books, 1998), Shanghai Science & Technology Press, 2000
Chairman of the Division of Scientific Methodology, The Chinese Society for Dialetics of Nature / Philosophy of Nature, Science and Technology
Member of Executive Council, The Chinese Society for Dialetics of Nature / Philosophy of Nature, Science and Technology
Member,Innovation Method Society
Member, Beijing Society for Journalists and Editors of Science and Technology
Teaching Courses
Comparative Studies for Media Coverage of Science and Technology
Courses Taught
Methodology of Science
Setected Readings in History of Science
Sociology of Science
Science, Technology and Society
An Introduction to Modern Science and Technology
An Introduction to Mass Communication
Survey and Research Methods in Social Science