Sijin Liu, Tuor of PHD students
Email: sjliu@rcees.ac.cn
Address: Shuangqing Road 18, Haidian District, Beijing city, China
Postalcode: 100085
Research Areas
Environmental medicine and Environmental toxicology, main contents: (1) The molecular mechanisms of environmental pollutants on blood cell damage. (2) Environment of oncology and the mechanism of tumor progression. (3) Biological safety of artificial nanomaterials.
2001.09-2004.07 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Work Experience
2008.02-2009.08 Lecturer, Tufts university school of medicine, the United States
2007.07-2008.01 Research assistant, The Harvard University school of medicine
2004.08-2007.06 Postdoctoral, Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT), the United States
Teaching Experience
1. The application of modern biotechnology in environmental health research.
2. Research progression of environmental pollution and hazard.
1. Ma, J., Liu, R., Wang, X., Liu, Q., Chen, Y., Valle, RP., Zuo, YY., Xia, T.*, Liu, S.* (2015) Crucial Role of Lateral Size for Graphene Oxide in Activating Macrophages and Stimulating Pro-inflammatory Responses in Cells and Animals. ACS Nano. 9:10498-515.
2. Qian, Y., Zhang, J., Hu, Q., Xu, M., Chen, Y., Hu, G., Zhao, M.*, Liu, S.* (2015) Silver nanoparticle-induced hemoglobin decrease involves alteration of histone 3 methylation status. Biomaterials. 70:12-22.
3. Wang, Z., Xia, T.*, Liu, S.* (2015) Mechanisms of nanosilver-induced toxicological effects: more attention should be paid to its sublethal effects. Nanoscale. 7:7470-81.
4. Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Yang, K., Du, J., Xu, Y.*, Liu, S.* (2015). Myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF-1) suppresses prostate tumor growth through enforcing ferroportin-conducted iron egress. Oncogene. 34:3839-47.
5. Chen, Y., Wang, Z., Xu, M., Wang, X., Liu, R., Liu, Q., Zhang, Z., Xia, T., Zhao, J., Jiang, G., Xu, Y.*,Liu, S.* (2014). Nanosilver incurs an adaptive shunt of energy metabolism mode to glycolysis in tumor and nontumor cells. ACS Nano. 8:5813-25.
6. Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., He, J., Xu, Y.*, Liu, S.* (2014) ROCK has a crucial role in regulating prostate tumor growth through interaction with c-Myc. Oncogene. 33:5582-91.
7. Qu, G., Liu, S.*, Zhang, S., Wang, L., Wang,X., Sun, B., Yin, N., Gao, X., Xia,T., Chen, J.J., Jiang,G. (2013). Graphene Oxide Induces Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4)-Dependent Necrosis in Macrophages. ACS Nano. 7:5732-45.
8. Wang, Z., Liu, S.*, Ma, J., Qu, G., Wang, X., Yu, S., He, J., Liu, J., Xia, T., Jiang, G. (2013). Silver Nanoparticles Induced RNA Polymerase-Silver Binding and RNA Transcription Inhibition in Erythroid Progenitor Cells. ACS Nano. 7: 4171-86.
9. Qu, G., Zhang, C., Yuan, L., He, J., Wang, Z., Wang, L., Liu, S.*, and Jiang, G. (2012). Quantum Dots Impair Macrophagic Morphology and the Ability of Phagocytosis by Inhibiting the Rho-Associated Kinase Signaling. Nanoscale. 4: 2239-44.
10. Suragani, R.N., Zachariah, R.S., Velazquez, J.G., Liu, S., Sun, C.W., Townes, T.M., and Chen, J.J.* (2012) Heme-regulated eIF2alpha kinase activated Atf4 signaling pathway in oxidative stress and erythropoiesis.Blood. 119:5276-84.
11. Liu, S., Goldstein, R.H., Scepansky, E.M., and Rosenblatt, M.* (2009). Inhibition of Rho-Associated Kinase Signaling Prevents Breast Cancer Metastasis to Human Bone. Cancer Res. 69: 8742-51.
12. Liu, S., Suragani, R., Wang, F., Han, A., Zhao, W., Andrews, N.C., and Chen, J.J.* (2007). The Function of Heme-Regulated eIF2-alpha Kinase in Murine Iron Homeostasis and Macrophage Maturation. J Clin Invest. 117: 3296-305.
Research Interests
Environmental medicine and Environmental toxicology
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