电子邮件: zhuqingzhang@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市玉泉路19号(甲)
邮政编码: 100049
2005-2007 北京大学,化学与分子工程学院,理论生物中心,博士后
2008-2011 多伦多大学,医学院生物化学系,博士后
2011.6-现在 中国科学院大学,生命科学学院, 副教授、教授
1. Shaofeng Liao, Yujun Zhang, Yifei Qi*, Zhuqing Zhang*. Evaluation of sequences-based predictors for phase separating protein. Brief Bioinform. 2023: 24(4):bbad213.
2. Xiaoquan Chu†, Tanlin Sun†, Qian Li, Youjun Xu, Zhuqing Zhang*, Luhua Lai*, Jianfeng Pei*. Prediction of liquid-liquid phase separating proteins using machine learning. BMC Bioinformatics. 2022:23(1):72 [Highly Cited Papers, 2023]
3. Xi Wang†, Xiang Zhou†, Qinglin Yan†, Shaofeng Liao, Wenqin Tang, Peiyu Xu, Yangzhenyu Gao, Qian Li, Zhihui Dou, Weishan Yang, Beifang Huang, Jinhong Li, Zhuqing Zhang*. LLPSDB v2.0: an updated database of proteins undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation in vitro. Bioinformatics. 2022:38(7):2010-2014 (†equal contribution)
4. Qian Li†, Xiaojun Peng†, Yuanqing Li, Wenqin Tang, Jia'an Zhu, Jing Huang, Yifei Qi and Zhuqing Zhang*. LLPSDB: a database of proteins undergoing liquid–liquid phase separation in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020:48:D320-327 (†equal contribution) [ F1000Prime: https://f1000.com/prime/736585742]
5. Likun Zhao, Luhua Lai*, Zhuqing Zhang*. How calcium ion binding induces the conformational transition of the calmodulin N-terminal domain-an atomic level characterization. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2019,21;19795-19804. [2019 PCCP HOT ARTICLE]
6.Yanhua Ouyang, Likun Zhao, Zhuqing Zhang*. Characterization of the structural ensembles of p53 TAD2 by molecular dynamics simulations with different force fields. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2018,20:8676-8684.
7. Jie Hu, Tao Chen, Moye Wang, Hue Sun Chan*, Zhuqing Zhang*. A critical comparison of coarse-grained structure-based approaches and atomic models of protein folding. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2017,19:13629-13639. [2017 PCCP HOT ARTICLE]
8. Zhuqing Zhang*, Yanhua Ouyang, Tao Chen. Influences of heterogeneous native contact energy and many-body interactions on the prediction of protein folding mechanisms. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2016,18:31304-31311
9. Zhuqing Zhang, and Hue Sun Chan*. Transition paths, diffusive processes, and preequilibria of protein folding. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012,109:20919-20924
10. Hue Sun Chan*, Zhuqing Zhang, Stefan Wallin and Zhirong Liu. Native Topology, Local-Nonlocal Coupling, and Nonnative Interactions: Principles of Protein Folding from Coarse-Grained Models. Annu Rew Phys Chem. 2011,62:301-332
11. Zhuqing Zhang, and Hue Sun Chan*. Competition between Native Topology and Nonnative Interactions in Simple and Complex Folding Kinetics of Natural and Designed Proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010,107:2920-2925
12. Zhuqing Zhang, Hao Chen, Luhua Lai*. Identification of amyloid fibril-forming segments based on structure and residue-based statistical potential. Bioinformatics. 2007,23:2218-2225
13. Zhuqing Zhang, Hao Chen, Hongjun Bai, Luhua Lai*. Molecular dynamics simulations on the oligomer formation process of the GNNQQNY peptide from yeast prion protein Sup35. Biophys J. 2007,93;1484-1492