电子邮件:zjh@mail.iggcas.ac.cn; geophysics.zhang@gmail.com
1. 第一作者SCI论文
[1] Zhang J., W. Yang, S. Hu, Y. Lin, G. Fang, C. Li, W. Peng, S. Zhu, Z. He, B. Zhou, H. Lin, J. Yang, E. Liu, Y. Xu, J. Wang, Z. Yao, Y. Zou, J. Yan, and Z. Ouyang. Volcanic History of the Imbrium Basin: A Close-up View from the Lunar Rover Yutu. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112(17): 5342–5347.
[2] Zhang J.H., and Z.X. Yao, 2013, Optimized explicit finite-difference schemes for spatial derivatives using maximum norm. Journal of Computational Physics, 250, 511–526.
[3] Zhang J.H., and Z.X. Yao, 2013, Optimized finite-difference operator for broadband seismic wave modeling. Geophysics, 78, A13–A18.
[4] Zhang J.H., and Z.X. Yao, 2012, Globally optimized finite-difference extrapolator for strongly VTI media. Geophysics, 77, T125–T135.
[5] Zhang J.H., and Z.X. Yao, 2011, Reducing two-way splitting error of FFD method in dual domains. Geophysics, 76, S165–S175.
[6] Zhang J.H., W.M. Wang, S.Q. Wang, and Z.X. Yao, 2010, Optimized Chebyshev Fourier migration: a wide-angle dual-domain method for media with strong velocity contrasts. Geophysics, 75, S23–S34.
[7] Zhang J.H., S.Q. Wang, and Z.X. Yao, 2009, Accelerating 3D Fourier migration with Graphics Processing Units. Geophysics, 74, WCA129–WCA139.
[8] Zhang J.H., W.M. Wang, and Z.X. Yao, 2009, Comparison between the Fourier finite-difference method and the generalized-screen method. Geophysical Prospecting, 57, 355–365.
[9] Zhang J.H., W.M. Wang, L.Y. Fu, and Z.X. Yao, 2008, 3D Fourier finite-difference migration by alternating-direction-implicit plus interpolation. Geophysical Prospecting, 56, 95–103.
[10] Zhang J.H., and T. Zheng, 2015, Receiver function imaging with reconstructed wavefields from sparsely scattered stations. Seismological Research Letters, 86, 165–172.
[11] 张金海, 王卫民, 赵连锋, 姚振兴, 2007, 傅里叶有限差分法三维波动方程正演模拟. 地球物理学报, 50, 1854–1862.
2. 国内发明专利、PCT发明专利
[1] 张金海, 王淑琴, 姚振兴, 2012, 一种地质构造的三维成像数据的获取方法及装置, 专利号:ZL 200910242122.0,类型:国内发明专利(已授权)
[2] 张金海, 王卫民, 姚振兴, 2012, 一种地质构造的三维成像数据的获取方法及装置, 专利号:ZL 201010111269.9,类型:国内发明专利(已授权)
[3] 张金海, 姚振兴, 2012, 一种优化系数获取方法、装置及相关波场模拟方法、装置, 申请号:PCT/CN2012/084083,类型:国际发明专利(已受理)
[4] 张金海, 宋汉杰, 姚振兴, 2015, 一种地震信号的处理方法、装置和系统, 申请号:PCT/CN2015/085576,类型:国际发明专利,申请日:2015年7月30日,已受理
3. 软件著作权
[1] 张金海, 姚振兴. 二维非规则炮集记录规则化软件. 证书号:软著登字第0241859号. 受权日期:2010年10月14日
[2] 张金海,姚振兴. 模拟退火法求取傅里叶有限差分法的全局优化系数软件. 证书号:软著登字第0241857号. 受权日期:2010年10月14日
4. 其它论文
[1] Song Hanjie, Jinhai Zhang, Zhenxing Yao. Normal moveout for long offset in isotropic media using Padé approximation. Applied Geophysics, 2016 (Accepted).
[2] Yingjie Gao, Jinhai Zhang, Zhenxing Yao. Third-order symplectic integration method with inverse time dispersion transform for long-term simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 2016, 314 (2016) 436–449.
[3] Yingjie Gao, Hanjie Song, Jinhai Zhang, Zhenxing Yao. Comparison of artificial absorbing boundaries for acoustic wave equation modeling. Exploration Geophysics, 2016, Doi: 10.1071/EG15068
[4] Yingjie Gao, Jinhai Zhang, Zhenxing Yao. Unsplit complex frequency shifted perfectly matched layer for second-order wave equation using auxiliary differential equations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 138 (6):EL551–EL557.
[5] Wang S.Q., J.H. Zhang, 2014, Fast image inpainting using exponential-threshold POCS plus conjugate gradient, The Imaging Science Journal, 62, 161–170.
[6] 曹雷, 张金海, 姚振兴 .2015. 利用三维高斯射线束成像进行地震定位. 地球物理学报, 58, 481–494.
[7] 朱遂伟, 张金海, 姚振兴, 2008, 基于多参量的模拟退火全局优化傅里叶有限差分算子. 地球物理学报, 51, 1844–1850.
[8] 丁帆, 张金海, 姚振兴, 2011, 长偏移距地震资料的优化契比雪夫动校正方法. 地球物理学进展, 26, 836–842.
[9] 周伟, 张金海, 姚振兴, 2012, 非均匀VTI介质切比雪夫傅里叶深度偏移方法. 地球物理学进展, 27, 1359–1365.
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,部委级,2011-01--2013-12