Surname: Hu
First name: Zheng-Yi
Profession: Professor, PhD
Administraction management:
Vice Dean of College of Resources and Environment
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)
Coordinator in Chinese side at Water and Environment Field in Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC)
Vice Present of The International Scientific Center For Fertilizers (CIEC)
Email: zhyhu@ucas.ac.cn
Telephone: 86-10-8825-6542
Fax: 86-10-8825-6415
Address: 19A, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing100049, P.R. China
Research Areas
Non-point source pollution control
August 1987 - August1989: Studied and researched for Master Degree. Department of Soil and Agricultural-chemistry, Anhui Agricultural University; Department of Applied Chemistry, China Scientific and Technological University; Department of Soil and Agricultural-chemistry, Huazhong Agricultural University.
September 1983-July, 1987: Studied and researched for Bachelor’s degree of Agronomy Science, Department of Soil and Agricultural Chemistry, Anhui Agricultural University.
May 21, 2001 – Nov. 2002: Visiting Scientist and post-doctoral program, Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, FAL, Germany with a frame of a grant by German Max-Plank-Society.
Feb. 21, 2000 – Feb. 20, 2001: Visited Rothamsted Experiment Station, UK with a grant from Rothamsted International Fellowship.
Dec. 10 1999 – Feb. 12, 2000: Visiting researcher, Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, FAL, Germany.
May 25, 1998 - July 25, 1998: Visiting researcher, Department of Water and Environment Science, Linkoping University, Sweden.
Honors & Distinctions
Fellowship of Germany Max Planck Society for 18 months from May 21, 2001 to May 20, 2002.
The Jiangsu Province Science and Tech. Progress Award in 2006 (Non-point Source Pollution Control).
The Second Prize of National Natural Science of 2010 (China Ministry of Education).
Sulphur Award in China, The Sulphur Institute, Soil Science Society of China (2008)
PUBLICATIONS (2007-present)
1. LIU Xiao-ning, HU Zheng-yi, WANG Jin-zhi, ZHU Chun-you, WEN Guo-qi. Hydraulic retention time and stirring speed of stirring reactor recycle the studies of phosphorus in the urine[J]. Journal of Environment Science. 2014,34(1):67-72. (in Chinese)
2. Xiaoning Liu, Zhengyi Hu, Chunyou Zhu, Guoqi Wen, Xianchao Meng, Jia Lu. Effect of contact to the atmosphere and dilution on phosphorus recovery from human urine through struvite formation. Environmental Technology, 2014,35(3):271-277.
3. MENG Xian-chao, HU Zheng-yi, LIU Xiao-ning, WEN Guo-qi. Urinal urine source separation and phosphorus resource recovery key technology research [J]. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2014,31(1):61-66. (in Chinese)
4. Xiaoning Liu, Zhengyi Hu, Chunyou Zhu, Guoqi Wen, Xianchao Meng, Jia Lu. Influence of process parameters on phosphorus recovery by struvite formation from urine. Water Science and Technology, 2013. 2013, 68(11): 2434-2440
5. WU Ri-feng, LI Run-kui, LIU Sheng-gen, LI Zhi-peng, HU Zheng-yi, SONG Xian-feng. Research of Calibration Methods and Contrast Tests of Soil Moisture Sensors with Different Working Principles. Journal of Anhui Agri.Sci.2013,41(13) :6048-6050. (in Chinese)
6. FAN Jian-ling, HU Zheng-yi, ZHOU Jing, WU Cong-yang-hui. Comparative study on the observation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a forestland. China Environmental Science, 2013,33(5):786~792 (in Chinese)
7. Shi Y., Ziadi N., Messiage A., Lalande R., Hu Z. 2013. Changes in Soil P Fractions for a Long-Term Corn-Soybean Rotation with Tillage and P Fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 77(4): 1402-1412.
8. Shi Y., Lalande R., Hamel C., Ziadi N.*, Gagnon B., Hu Z. 2013. Seasonal variation of microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in soil under different tillage and phosphorus management practices. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 49: 803-818.
9. WEN Guo-qi, HU Zheng-yi, LIU Xiao-ning, MENG Xian-chao, ZHU Chun-you. Adsorption Effect and Mechanism of the Ammonia Nitrogen by Modified Zeolite. Journal of Anhui Agri. Sci. 2013,41(13):5878-5881,5890. (in Chinese)
10. WEN Guo-qi, HU Zheng-yi, LIU Xiao-ning, MENG Xian-chao, ZHU Chun-you. Removal and recovery of ammonium nitrogen from dephosphorus urine wastewaster with adsorption column filled with modified zeolite[J]. Journal of Agro-Environment Science.2013,32(12):2488-2494. (in Chinese)
11. WU Cong-Yang-Hui, HU Zheng-Yi ect. Influence of soil-applied sulfur on the formation of iron plaque on the root surface of rice ( Oryza Sativa L.) seedlings[J]. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013, 30(4):485-496.
12. Chun-You Zhu, Peng Bao, Yu-Xin Ba, Jing Hua, Xiao-Ning Liu, Guo-hua Hou, Chun-Zao Liu, Zheng-Yi Hu. Remediation of dicofol type DDTs-contaminated sediments by Fe(II)-activated sodium persulfate oxidation. Environment and Pollution, 2013, 2(3).
13. HUANG Li-Juan,HU Zheng-Yi,LU Jia,BAO Peng,LIU Xiao-Ning,ZHOU Guo-Hui, Influence of Cl-and HCO3- ions on adsorption kinetics of F-on activated alumina in coalbed methane co-produced water, Journal of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , 2013, 30(2):79-85 (in Chinese)
14. Liu, XN (Liu, Xiaoning) ; Hu, ZY (Hu, Zhengyi) ; Zhu, CY (Zhu, Chunyou); Wen, GQ (Wen, Guoqi) ; Meng, XC (Meng, Xianchao)2013 Removal of fluoride and total dissolved solids from coalbed methane produced water with a movable ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis system DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 51(22-24): 4359-4367
15. Shi Y., Lalande R., Ziadi N., Sheng M., Hu Z. 2012. An assessment of the soil microbial status after 17 years of tillage and mineral P fertilization management. Applied Soil Ecology, 62: 14-23.
16. Peng Bao, Zheng-Yi Hu, Xin-Jun Wang, Jian Chen, Yu-Xin Ba, Jing Hua, Chun-You Zhu, Min Zhong, Chun-Yan Wu. 2012. Dechlorination of p,p’-DDTs coupled with sulfate reduction by novel sulfate-reducing bacterium Clostridium sp. BXM. Environmental Pollution, 162: 303-310.
17. Junli Hu, Zhengyi Hu, Xiangchao Cui, Jing Li, Xu Xia, Rui Yin, Xianggui Lin 2012 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES) EnhancesSulfate-reducing Bacterial Population andDichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)Dechlorination in an Anaerobic Paddy Soil. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 21:732–738
18. HUA Jing,HU Zheng-Yi,BAO Peng,BA Yu-Xin,WU Chun-Yan. Dechlorination process and mechanism of p,p'-DDT in waterlogged soils by dithionite, Journal of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012, 29(2):206-210 (in Chinese)
19. Xiaoqi Zhou,Chengrong Chen,Yanfen Wang,Zhihong Xu,Zhengyi Hu,Xiaoyong Cui,Yanbin Hao 2012 Effects of warming and increased precipitation on soil carbon mineralization in an Inner Mongolian grassland after 6 years of treatments. Biol Fertile Soils. 48:859-866
20. Liu Xiao-Ning, Hu Zheng-Yi, Zhu Chun-You, Wang Jin-Zhi, Shi Yi-Chao, Hu Li-Juan 2012 Studies on Technology for Controlling Pollutants from Decentralized Duck Breeding at Islet of Batyangdian . Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 14(3):132-137
21. Hua Jing, Hu Zheng-Yi, Bao Peng, Ba Yu-Xin, Wu Chun-Yan 2012 Dechlorination process and mechanism of p’p`-DDT in waterlogged soils by dithionite. Journal of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 29(2);206-210
22. JZ Wang, ZY Hu,X Q Zhou, ZZ An, , XN Liu, L L Jiang, KM Kang, M, Li, P Kardol. 2012. Effects of Reed Straw, Zeolite, and Superphosphate amendment on NH3 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Stored Duck Manure..Journal of Environmental. Quality,41: 1221-1227.
23. Peng Bao, Zheng-Yi Hu, Min Qiao, Yu-Xin Ba, Chun-Yan Wu, Chun-You Zhu, Jing Hua, Jian-Zhi Wu. 2011. Dechlorination of DDT and DDE by Dithionite in Dicofol Type DDTs-Contaminated Soil. J Chem Chem Eng, 5: 917-928
24. Yu-Xin Ba, Zheng-Yi Hu, Peng Bao, Min Qiao, Jing Hua & Chun-Yan Wu, Jian-Zhi Wu. 2011. Ferrous ions accelerate sulfide-induced abiotic dechlorination of DDT in waterlogged paddy soil and in soil solution. J Soils Sediments, 11: 1209-1220.
25. Yonghong Wu, Zhengyi Hu, Linzhang Yang, Bruce Graham , Philip G. Kerr. 2011. The removal of nutrients from non-point source wastewater by a hybrid bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 102: 2419-2426.
26. Yonghong Wu, Zhengyi Hu, Philip G. Kerr, Linzhang Yang. 2011. A multi-level bioreactor to remove organic matter and metals, together with its associated bacterial diversity. Bioresource Technology, 102: 736-741.
27. SHI YiChao, HU ZhengYi, LONG WeiGuo, XIAXu, ZHU ChunYou, BA YuXin, ZHAO YanWen. 2011. Effect of crop rotation on ion accumulation in secondary salinization soil of vegetable field in greenhouse. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 19(3):548-553.
28. Wu Yonghong, Hu Zhengyi, Yang Linzhang. 2011. Strategies for controlling agricultural non-point source pollution: reduce-retain-restoration (3R) theory and its practice. Transactions of the CSAE, 27(5): 1-6.
29. LIU Hui, LIU Zhongzhen, YANG Chaohai, HU Zhengyi, ZHAO Yanwen. 2011. Mechanism and Characteristics of Phosphorus adsorption Dynamics of Foreshore Reclamation Paddy Soils. Soils, 43(2): 197-202
30. LU Jia, HU Zhengyi. 2011. Comparison of mineralization rates and nitrogen potentials in foreshore reclamation long-term cultivated paddy soils and adjacent upland soils. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 17(1): 62-70.
31. Yonghong Wu, Philip G. Kerr, Zhengyi Hu, Linzhang Yang.2010. Removal of cyanobacterial bloom from a biopond–wetland system and the associated response of zoo benthic diversity. Bioresource Technology, 101: 3903-3908.
32. YonghongWu, PhilipG.Kerr, ZhengyiHu, LinzhangYang. 2010. Eco-restoration: Simultaneous nutrient removal from soil and water in acomplex residential ecrop land area. EnvironmentalPollution, 158: 2472-2477.
33. Jian-Ling Fan, Zheng-Yi Hu, Noura Ziadi, Xu Xia, Cong-Yang-Hui Wu. 2010. Excessive sulfur supply reduces cadmium accumulation in brown rice (Oryza sativa L.).Environmental Pollution, 158: 409-415.
34. M. X. Gao; Z. Y. Hu; G. D. Wang; X. Xia. 2010. Effect of Elemental Sulfur Supply on Cadmium Uptake into Rice Seedlings When Cultivated in Low and Excess Cadmium Soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41(8): 990-1003.
35. Wu YH, Kerr PG, Hu ZY, Yang LZ. 2010. Eco-restoration: Simultaneous nutrient removal from soil and water in a complex residential-cropland area. Environmental Pollution, 158(7): 2472-2477.
36. Wu YH, Kerr PG, Hu ZY, Yang LZ. 2010. Removal of cyanobacterial bloom from a biopond-wetland system and the associated response of zoobenthic diversity. Bioresource Technology, 101(11): 3903-3908.
37. Jianling Fan,Noura Ziadi,GillesBe langer,Leon EtienneParen,Athyna Cambouris,Zhengyi Hu. 2009. Cadmium accumulation in potato tubers produced in Quebec. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 89(4): 425-443
38. Jianling Fan, Zhengyi Hu, TijianWang, Jing Zhou, CongyanghuiWu, XuXia. 2009. Atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition to a typical red soil forestland insoutheastern China. Environ Monit Assess, 159: 241-253.
39. Yichao Shi, Zhengyi Hu, Silvia Haneklaus, Weiguo Long, Xu Xia, Yanwen Zhao, Tian Lin, Ewald Schnug. 2009. Suitability of soil electrical conductivity as an indicator of soil nitrate status in relation to vegetable cultivation practices in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Agriculture and Forestry Research, 59(2): 151-158.
40. Jia Lu, Zhengyi Hu, Zhihong Xu, Zhihong Cao, Shunyao Zhuang, Linzhang Yang, Xiangui Lin, Yuanhua Dong, Rui Yin, Jinlong Ding,Yunfei Zheng. Effects of rice cropping intensity on soil nitrogen mineralization rate and potential in buried ancient paddy soils from the Neolithic Age in China’s Yangtze River Delta, J Soils Sediment . 2009, 9: 526-536.
41. Long Weiguo, Shi Yichao, Zhao Yanwen, Hu Zhengyi, Lin Tian, Xia Xun, Liu Guoqun, Xu Shijiao. 2009. Analysis on Nitrate Nitrogen Content of Soils for Planting Vegetable in Different Areas of Yangtze River Delta. Gui zhou Agricultural Sciences, 37(7): 65-67.
42. Lu Haiyan, Hu Zhengyi, Pang Yuwan, Zhang Ruijie, Yin Xiaofeng, Wu Yong hong. 2009. Spatial-Variability of Field Ditches Water Quality in the Mixed Area of Suburban Residents and Farmland. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 23(3): 16-24.
43. He Na, Lan Zengquan, Wu Yonghong, Hu Zhengyi. 2009. Phosphorus Adsorption Characteristics of Red Soil in Northern Suburban Area of the Dianchi Lake. JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 29(3): 15-18.
44. Zhang Ruijie, Hu Zhengyi, Lin Guolin, Wu Yonghong, Yin Xiaofeng, Lu Haiyan. 2009. The Character of Discarded Chinese Chive’s Decomposition in the Furrowand Its Effect on Water Environment. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 23(2): 213-218.
45. Fan Jianling, Hu Zhengyi, Wang Tijian, ZhouJing. 2009. Dynamics of dry deposition velocities of atmospheric nitrogen compounds in abroad leaf forest land. China Environmental Science, 29(6): 574-577.
46. Hu Zhengyi, Xia Xu, Wu Congyanghui, Fan Jianjing. 2009. Chemical Behaviors of Sulfur in the Rhizosphere of Rice and Its Impacts on Heavy Metals Uptake in Ricec. Soils, 41(1): 27-31.
47. XIA Xu, HU Zhengyi, GAO Mingxia, WU Cong YangHui, FAN Jianling. 2009. Elements Leakage from Roots in Extracting Iron Plaque on the Rice Root Surface and Optimization of Extraction Conditions. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 40(6): 1288-1291.
48. Zhang Ruijie, Hu Zhengyi, Lin Guolin, Peng Yuwan, Yin Xiaofeng, Wu Yonghong. 2009. Influence of Elemental Sulfur on Ammonia Volatilization in a Vegetable Soil in the Northern Bank side of Dianchi Lake. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 40(3): 636-639.
49. Shan Feng, Wang Shuping,Wang Huihui, Hu Zhengyi. 2009. Temporal-Spatial Variability of Nitrogen in Surface Water of Paddy Fields in Taihu Region. Journal of Jilin Agricultural University, 31(3): 284-290.
29. Su Manli, Zhao Yanwen, Hu Zhengyi, Wang Lixiang. 2009. Study on Pollution Characteristies of Rural Waste water in Tai Lake Region. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi, 21(7): 176-179.
50. Wang Lixiang, Lv Jialong, Zhuang Shunyao, Hu Zhengyi. 2009. Characteristics of Phosphorus Adsorption on Paddy Soil and River Sediment in East China. Soils, 41(3): 402-407.
51. ZhaoYanwen, LiuHui, Hu Zhengyi, Zhuang Shunyao, Luo Xianping, Cao Zhihong, Yang Linzhang. 2009. Profile Distribution of Fertility Parameters of Foreshore Reclamation Paddy Soil. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 40(1): 56-59.
52. Hu Junli, Lin Xiangui, Chu Haiyan, Yin Rui, Zhang Huayong, Wang Junhua, Cao Zhihong, Hu Zhengyi. 2007. Effects of rice cultivation on microbial functional diversity in ancient and present paddy soils. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 44(2): 280-287. (In Chinese)
53. Hu Junli, Lin Xiangui, Chu Haiyan, Yin Rui, Wang Junhua, Zhang Huayong, Cao Zhihong, Hu Zhengyi. Different nitrogen supply capacities and nitrogen fertilizer efficiencies in in ancient and present paddy soils. Acta Pedologica Sinica (in Chinese), 2007, 44(3): 556-560.
54. PANG Yuwan , HU Zhengyi, Gu Siyu, ZHUANG Shunyao, LIN Tian. Influences of Elemental Sulfur and Dicyandiamide on Urea Transformation in a Vegetable Soil from the Northern Bankside of Dianchi Lake Region. Chinese Journal of Soil Science (in Chinese), 2007, 38(6): 1154-1157.
55. LIMin, ZHANG Ligan, HU Zhengyi. 2007. Elemental sulphur oxidation in the rhizosphere of rice and its impact on iron, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur uptake in rice. Journal of An hui Agricultural University, 34(3): 426-431. (In Chinese)
56. SUN Benhua, HU Zhengyi, Lv Jialong, ZHOU Lina, XU Chengkai. 2007. Effects of Simulated N Deposition on Cation Leaching from Red Soil in Southern. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 21(1):18-21. (In Chinese)
57. ZhengYi Hu, YongGuan Zhu, Min Li, LiGan Zhang, ZhiHong Cao. 2007. Sulfur (S)-induced enhancement of iron plaque formation in the rhizosphere reduces arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Environmental Pollution, 147:387-393.
58. Hu ZhengYi, XU ChengKai1, ZHOU LiNa1, SUN BenHua, HE YuanQiu, ZHOU Jing, CAO ZhiHong. 2007. Contribution of Atmospheric Nitrogen Compounds to N Deposition in a Broadleaf Forest of Southern China. Pedosphere, 17(3): 360-365. (SCI)
59. Zhihui Yang, Bal Ram Singh, Sissel Hansen, Zhengyi Hu, Hugh Riley. 2007. Aggregate Associated Sulfur Fractions in Long-Term (>80 Years) Fertilized Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 163-170.
60. FAN Jianling, HU Zhengyi, ZHUANG Shunyao, ZHOU Jing, WANG Tijian, LIU Cuiying. 2007. Observation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition into Forestland. China Environmental Science, 27(1): 7-9. (EI)
61. Gao M.X, Hu Z.Y, Wang G..D. 2007. The extraction and elemental analysis of iron plaque from the surface of rice roots. Environmental Chemistry, 26(3): 331-334. (In Chinese)
62. ZHAO Yanwen ,SHI Yichao, HU Zhengyi ,NIU Gaohua ,SUN Yan. 2007. Cultivation land protection based on national food security in Yangtze River Delta. Resources and Environment in the Yangtza Basin. 16(4): 461-465. (In Chinese)
63. Zhuang Shunyao, Wang Mingkuang, Hu Zhengyi. 2007. N K-edge XANES analysis of soil organic N from high mountain forests. Acta Pedologica Sinica, , 44(2): 368-372. (In Chinese)
64. LI Jiu-hai, DONG Yuan-hua, CAO Zhi-hong, CHENG Yue-qin, LU Jia, YANG Lin-Zhang, LIN Xian-gui, HU Zheng-yi, ZHANG Gang-ya, YIN Rui. 2007. Vertical Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAils) in Two Prehistoric Paddy Soft Profiles. Journal of Agro-Environment Science, 26(1): 224-229. (In Chinese)
65. ZHAO Yanwen, BI Dongmei, ZHAO Quanzhi , LIU Changzhen , HU Zhengy. 2006. Physiological and ecological effects of sulfur fertilization on soybean. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 17(12): 118-122. (In Chinese)
66. SUN Benhua, HU Zhengyi , Lü Jialong, ZHOU Lina, XU Chengkai. 2007. Effects of Simulated N Deposition on Cation Leaching from Red Soil in Southern. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 21(1): 18-21. (In Chinese)
67. Li Chunhai, Zhang Gangya, Yang Linzhang, Lin Xiangui, Hu Zhengyi, Dong Yuanhua, Cao Zhihong, Zheng Yunhei, Ding Jinlong. 2007. Pollen and phytolith analyses of ancient paddy fields at Chuodin site, The Yangtze River Delta, Pedosphere, 17(2): 209-218.
1、 Dryland percolating water collector
Application number:200610037907.0
Publication Number:CN1818603
Inventor:LIN Tian, HU Zheng-yi, YANG Lin-zhang, SHI Wei-ming, LI Guo-dong
2、 Vegetable garden soil nitrogen and phosphorus runoff control ecological intercept method
Application number:200610037908.5
Publication Number:CN1823564
Inventor:HU Zheng-yi, WANG Cai-rong, LIN Tian, LI Guo-dong, YANG Lin-zhang, SHI Wei-ming, WU Xi-jun
3、 A kind of ecological ditch sewage purification method
Application number:200610097845.2
Publication Number:CN951837
Inventor:HU Zheng-yi, WU Yong-hong, YANG Lin-zhang, LIN Xian-gui,
WANG Yi-ming
4、 A decentralized sewage source separation processing and recycling method
Application number:200910087882.9
Publication Number:CN101928093A
Inventor: HU Zheng-yi, ZHU Chun-you
5、 One method of recovery of N and P from domestic wastewater.
Application number:201110211703.5
Publication Number:CN102897876A
Inventor:HU Zheng-yi, WEN Guo-qi, MENG Xian-chao, LIU Xiao-ning,
ZHU Chun-you
Research Interests
The Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Institute for Crop and Soil Science; Julius Kühn-Institut; Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI); Bundesallee 50, Germany
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
Agrium Company
鲍鹏 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
卢佳 博士研究生 090301-土壤学
樊建凌 博士研究生 090321-环境污染过程与生态修复
陆海燕 博士研究生 090321-环境污染过程与生态修复
吴丛杨慧 博士研究生 090301-土壤学
夏旭 硕士研究生 083001-环境科学
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王金枝 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
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温国期 硕士研究生 430130-环境工程
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朱晓琦 硕士研究生 083001-环境科学
李猛 博士研究生 090301-土壤学
臧海兴 硕士研究生 085229-环境工程
温国期 博士研究生 090301-土壤学
穆静 博士研究生 090301-土壤学
张向茹 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
刘莉 硕士研究生 085229-环境工程
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孙笑蕾 硕士研究生 083001-环境科学
贾懿曼 博士研究生 090301-土壤学
王国曦 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
唐司尘 硕士研究生 095103-农业资源利用
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刘聪 博士研究生 070501-自然地理学
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单丽雯 硕士研究生 077601-环境科学