Yan Zhu, PI, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: zhuyan@ibp.ac.cn
Telephone: +86-10-64888539
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China
Postcode: 100101
Research Areas
Sensory and perception; Social behaviors; Desire and motivation; Learning and memory; Neurological state of the brain.
Research Interests
One of the biggest challenge of modern science is to understand 'How the brain works'. The answer, although still elusive,
has profound implications, both for appreciating our own minds, ranging
from intelligence to emotion, and for treatments of brain diseases that
have brought much sufferings to individuals and society. As the first
step, we set to understand how a minature brain works. Using Drosophila, the fruit fly, as a model organism, we are investigating the neural
substrate underlying complicated but well conserved behaviors,
including learning&memory, social interactions, desire and