Chenyu Zhu, Associate Professor
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
Email: zhuchenyu@mail.iap.ac.cn
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9330-4294
Address: No. 81 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, P. O. Box 9804, Beijing 100029, P. R. China
Research Areas
Global climate change, Large-scale ocean circulation, Paleoclimate simulation
2014.09-2020.01 Ph.D. in Climatology (Physical Oceanography) Peking University
2018.01-2019.08 Visiting scholar The Ohio State University
2017.09-2018.01 Visiting scholar University of Wisconsin-Madison
2010.09-2014.07 B.S. in Atmospheric Science Ocean University of China
Work experiences
2023.10-Present Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS Associate Professor
2020.07 to 2022.10 POL, Ocean University of China Postdoc
2021.07-Present, Reviewer for: Journal of Climate, Geophysical Research Letters, Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Science Advances and others
1. Zhu, C., Sanchez, S., Liu, Z.*, Clark, P.U.*, He, C., Wan, L., Lu, J., Zhu, C., Li, L., Zhang, S., Cheng, L. (2024). Enhanced ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation. Science Advances, 10,eadp5156.
2. Zhu, C.*, Liu, Z.*, Zhang, S.*, Wu, L. (2023). Likely accelerated weakening of Atlantic Overturning Circulation Emerges in Optimal Salinity Fingerprint. Nature Communications, 14, 1245.
3. Zhu, C. and Liu, Z.* (2020). Weakening Atlantic overturning circulation causes South Atlantic salinity pileup. Nature Climate Change, 10: 998-1003.
4. Zhu, C.* and Cheng, L.* (2024). Sensitivity of AMOC fingerprints under future anthropogenic warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107170.
5. Zhu, C.*, Liu, Z.*, Zhang, S., Wu, L. (2021). Global oceanic overturning circulation forced by the competition between greenhouse gases and continental ice sheets during the last deglaciation. Journal of Climate, 34(18):7555-7570.
6. Zhu, C.*, Zhang, J.*, Liu, Z. et al. (2022). Antarctic warming during Heinrich Stadial 1 in a transient isotope-enabled deglacial simulation. Journal of Climate, 35:3753-3765.
7. Zhu, C.*, Liu, Z. & Gu, S. (2018). Model bias for South Atlantic Antarctic intermediate water in CMIP5. Climate Dynamics, 50: 3613-3624.
8. Zhu, C.* (2023). Deglacial change of Antarctic Bottom Water in transient simulations. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100333.
9. Chenyu Zhu, Fei Huang, Yunhao Shi, Zhenzhong Dang, Yuxuan Zhang. (2014). Spatial-Temporal Patterns of the Cold Surge Events in China in Recent 50 Years and Its Relationship with Arctic Sea Ice. J. Ocean Univ. China, 44(12):12-20 (in Chinese).
10. Du, X.*, Russell, J. M., Liu, Z., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Oppo, D. W., Mohtadi, M., Zhu, C., Galy, V. V., Schefuß, E.,Yan, Y., Rosenthal, Y., Dubois, N., Arbuszewski, J., and Gao, Y. (2023). North Atlantic cooling triggered a zonal mode over the Indian Ocean during Heinrich Stadial 1. Science Advances, 9, eadd490.
11. He, C., Liu, Z.*, Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E. C., Zhu, C., Tomas, R., Clark, P. U., Zhu, J., Jahn, A., Gu, S., Zhang,J., Nusbaumer, J., Noone, D., Cheng, H., Wang, Y., Yan, M. & Bao, Y. (2021). Hydroclimate footprint of pan-Asian monsoon water isotope during the last deglaciation. Science Advances, 7(4): eabe2611.
12. He, C., Liu, Z.*, Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E. C., Zhu, C., Tomas, R., Buizert, C., Severinghaus, I. P. (2021). Abrupt Heinrich Stadial 1 cooling missing in Greenland oxygen isotopes. Science Advances, 7(25): eabh1007.
13. He, C.*, Liu, Z., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E. C., Zhu, C., Tomas, R., Gu, S., Han, J., Jin, Y. (2021). Deglacial variability of South China hydroclimate heavily contributed by autumn rainfall. Nature Communications, 12, 5875.
14. Yang, G., Li, M.*, Zhang, S.*, Jin, Y., Zhu, C., Wang, Z., Yu, X., Wang, H., and Chen, Y. (2023). An Assessment of the Simulation of East-Asia Precipitation in the High-Resolution Community Earth System Model. Climate Dynamics, 61: 745-763.
15. Wen, Q.*, Zhu, C., Han, Z., Liu, Z., & Yang, H.* (2021). Can the topography of Tibetan Plateau affect the Antarctic bottom water? Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092448.
16. Li, L. *, Liu, Z. *, Zhu, C., He, C., Otto-Bliesner, B. L. (2021). Shallowing Glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water by Changes in Sea Ice and Hydrological Cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094317.
17. Du, X.*, Russell, J. M., Liu, Z., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Gao, Y., Zhu, C., Oppo, D. W., Mohtadi, M., Yan, Y., Galy, V. V., He, C. (2021). Deglacial trends in Indo-Pacific warm pool hydroclimate in an isotope-enabled Earth system model and implications for isotope-based paleoclimate reconstructions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 270:107188.
18. He, C.*, Liu, Z.*, Zhu, J., Zhang, J., Gu, S., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E., Zhu, C., Jin, Y. & Sun, J. (2020). North Atlantic subsurface temperature response controlled by effective freshwater input in“Heinrich”events. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 539: 116247.
19. Lv, L., Zhang, S.*, …Zhu, C., … (2023). An Improved Coupled Data Assimilation System with a CGCM Using Multi-Timescale High Efficiency EnOI-Like Filtering. Journal of Climate. 36(17): 6045-6067.
20. Zhu, C., Zhang, Z., Zhu, C., & Zhang, J. (2023). Potential role of mid-latitude seaway on early Paleogene Atlantic overturning circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL102794.
21. Wang, K., Zhang, S., Jin, Y., Zhu, C., Song, Z., Gao, Y., & Yang, G. (2024). Improved atmosphere-ocean coupled simulation by parameterizing sub-diurnal scale air-sea interactions. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16,e2023MS003903.
22. Wen, Q., Zhu, C., Chen, D., Liu,M., Ning, L., Yan, M., et al. (2023).Separating direct heat flux forcing andfreshwater feedback on AMOC changeunder global warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105478.
Honors & Distinctions
2017 Outstanding Student Peking University
2012, 2017 China National Scholarship MOE of China