电子邮件: zhuangp@scbg.ac.cn
通信地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号
邮政编码: 510650
Ping Zhuang Ph.D.
My research interests focus on the migration and transformation of environmental pollutants in farmland soil and coastal sediments, consider the interrelationships between various physico-chemical properties and pollutants, as well as the coupling mechanism between pollutants and C or N. At the same time, we also focus on the toxicology and health effects of pollutants, and develop methods for testing and remediating contaminated ecosystems.
2012-01~2013-04,美国康奈尔大学, 博士后
2007-07~现在, 中国科学院华南植物园, 助研,副研
2004-04-19-2030-12-31,环境生态网, 创办人、主编
一直致力于污染环境修复和土壤环境质量与健康风险评价研究,在土壤环境污染与修复、钝化修复技术、重金属污染与毒性效应、海岸带污染物的环境行为以及健康风险评价等方向积累了丰富的工作经验。主持承担国家自然科学基金3项、广东省市等科研项目共10项,作为研究骨干参加国家、省部级等科研项目20余项。已发表学术论文60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文33篇,分别发表在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《FOOD CHEMISTRY》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《CHEMOSPHERE》和《Plant and Soil》等国际权威或主流期刊上,SCI刊物总被引数超过4000次,单篇最高被引数超过1000次(WOS平台),两篇入选ESI高被引论文。获得2020年广东省科技进步二等奖(排名第二),获得国家发明专利授权8件。
Zhuang P*, Chen XH, Sun S, Li YW, Mo H, 2024 .Bioaccessibility and bioavailability of Pb and Cd in rice is affected by propolis and its extracts and Fe intervention. Science of The Total Environment, 951, 175697
Sun S, Zhuang P*,Li ZA, Mo, H. 2024.Transmembrane and transcriptome analysis reveals the mechanism of dietary supplements in reducing cadmium absorption and toxicity, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 36, 103771(*通讯作者)
Chen FM, Mao P, Wang MM, Li YW, Li YX, Xia KF, Chen JT, Mo H, Wang FM, Li ZA, Zhuang P*, Benefit evaluation of in-situ Cd immobilization with naturally occurring minerals using an analytical hierarchy process. Chemosphere 2024, 347, 140720
Zhuang P*, Chen FM, Chen XH, Sun S, Li YW, Mo H, Li ZA, The influence of food on in vivo Cd and Pb relative bioavailability in rice, Food Chemistry Advances, 2023. 2, 100302
Mao, P, Wu JT, Li F, Sun S, Huang R, Zhang LL, Mo JM, Li ZA*, Zhuang P*, Joint approaches to reduce cadmium exposure risk from rice consumption, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 429(5): 128263(*通讯作者)
Chen XH, Chen FM, Sun S, Li YW, Li YX, Mo H, Li ZA, Zhuang P*, Effect of polishing on lead and cadmium bioavailability in rice and its health implications, Foods, 2022, 11, 2178(*通讯作者)
Zhuang P*, Sun S, Zhou XF, Mao P, McBride BM, Zhang CS. Li YW, Xia HP, Li ZA, 2020. Bioavailability and bioaccessibility of cadmium in contaminated rice by in vivo and in vitro bioassays. Science of the Total Environment 719, 137453
Sun S, Zhou XF, Li YW, Li YX, Xia HP, Li ZA, Zhuang P*. 2020, Use of dietary components to reduce bioaccessibility and bioavailability of cadmium in rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68, 4166−4175 (*通讯作者)
Sun S, Zhou XF, Cui XY, Fan YX, McBride MB, Li YW, Li YX, Li ZA*, Zhuang P*, 2020. Exogenous plant growth regulators improved phytoextraction efficiency by Amaranths Hypochondriacus L. in Cd contaminated soil. Plant Growth Regulation. 90(1): 29-40 (*通讯作者)
Li F, Li ZA*, Mao P, Li YW, Li YX, McBride MB, Wu JT, Zhuang P*, 2019. Heavy metals availability, bioaccessibility and leachability in contaminated soil: Effects of pig manure and earthworms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26(20):20030-20039 (*通讯作者)
Zhuang P, Sun S, Su F, Li F, Zhou XF, Mao P, Li YW, Li ZA, Zhang CS. 2018. Dietary strategies to reduce the oral bioaccessibility of cadmium and arsenic in rice. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25:33353–33360
Lu HP, Zou B, Li,YW, Wu JT, Shen Y, Tao YT, Li ZA, Zhuang P*. 2017. Influences of calcium silicate on chemical forms and subcellular distribution of cadmium in Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. Scientific Reports. 7:40583(*通讯作者)
Zhuang P, Zhang CS, Li YW, Zou B, Mo H, Wu KJ, Wu JT, Li ZA. 2016. Assessment of influences of cooking on cadmium and arsenic bioaccessibility in rice, using an in vitro physiologically-based extraction test. Food Chemistry. 213: 206–214
Zhuang P, Li YW, Zou B, Li ZA. 2016. Oral bioaccessibility and human exposure of cadmium and lead from market vegetables in Pearl River Delta, South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(23):24402-24410
Lu HP#, Zhuang P#, Li ZA*, Tai YP, Zou B, Li YW, McBride MB. 2014. Contrasting effects of silicates on cadmium uptake by three dicotyledonous crops grown in contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21(16): 9921-9930 (#共同第一作者)
Zhuang P, Li ZA, McBride MB, Zou B. 2013. Health risk assessment for consumption of fish originating from ponds near Dabaoshan mine, South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 20(8): 5844-5854.
Ding P#, Zhuang P#, Li ZA, Xia HP. 2013. Accumulation and detoxification of cadmium by larvae of Prodenia litura (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) feeding on Cd-enriched amaranth leaves. Chemosphere. 91(1):28-34 (#共同第一作者)
Zhuang P, McBride MB. 2013. Changes during a century in trace element and macronutrient concentrations of an agricultural soil. Soil Science. 178(3):105-108.
Zhuang P, Zou B, Li NY, Li ZA. 2013. Heavy metal contamination in soil and soybean near the Dabaoshan mine, South China. Pedosphere 23(3): 298-304
Zhuang P, McBride MB, Xia HP, Li NY, Li ZA. 2009. Health risk from heavy metals via consumption of food crops in the vicinity of Dabaoshan mine, South China. Science of the Total Environment. 407(5): 1551-1561. (引用超过1000次,高被引论文)
Zhuang P, Zou B, Li NY, Li ZA. 2009. Heavy metal contamination in soils and food crops around Dabaoshan mine in Guangdong, China:implication for human health. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 31(6):707-715.
Zhuang P, Zou HL, Shu WS. 2009. Biotransfer of heavy metals along a soil-plant-insect-chicken food chain. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 21(6):849-853
Zhuang P, Shu WS, Li ZA, Liao B, Li JT. 2009. Removal of metals by sorghum plants from contaminated land. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 21(10): 1432-1437
Zhuang P, Yang QW, Wang HB, Shu WS. 2007. Phytoextraction of heavy metals with eight plant species in the field. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 184:235–242
Zhuang P, Ye ZH, Lan CY, Xie ZW, Shu WS. 2005. Chemically assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals contaminated soils using three plant species. Plant and Soil, 276: 153-162
Mao P, Zhuang P, Li F, McBride MB, Ren WD, Li YX, Li YW, Mo H, Fu HY, Li ZA*, Phosphate addition diminishes the efficacy of wollastonite in decreasing Cd uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.) in paddy soil, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 687, 441-450