钟瑾  女  博导  中国科学院微生物研究所
电子邮件: zhongj@im.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京朝阳区北辰西路1号院3号
邮政编码: 100101


    乳酸菌(Lactic Acid Bacteria, LAB)是一类能代谢产乳酸的细菌的总称,它们广泛应用于食品行业,也是肠道等重要的益生菌,还具备产生多种抗菌多肽的能力。因安全、耐酸及肠道定殖力等,乳酸菌还是酶及疫苗抗原良好的口服呈递载体。本研究组主要从事乳酸菌分子遗传及资源利用研究,具体包括:(1)乳酸菌生物活性产物如细菌素的生物合成、代谢调控、作用机制、结构功能等研究;(2)益生菌的益生分子机制研究;(3)肠道/生殖道及发酵食品/饲料的功能微生物组解析及调控研究;(4)功能乳酸菌及其代谢产物在健康、食品和农业等领域的应用基础研究等。




1999-09--2003-07   北京大学生命科学学院   博士


2011-07~现在, 中科院微生物研究所, 研究员
2009-10~现在, 中科院微生物所, 课题组长
2008-12~2011-07,中科院微生物所, 副研究员
2003-09~2008-12,中科院微生物所, 助理研究员




(1) 全国巾帼建功标兵, , 国家级, 2021
(2) 中科院科技促进发展奖, , 院级, 2020
(3) 中科院年度人物, , 院级, 2020
(4) 《微生物学报》优秀编委, , 其他, 2020
(5) 中科院大学生命科学学院精品课程, , 院级, 2019
(6) 《微生物学报》优秀编委, 其他, 2018
[1] 钟瑾, 王天威, 李黄轲轶, 张嘉琦, 滕坤玲, 邓娴, 宋显伟, 赵庆华, 曹晓风. 一种提高田菁和全株玉米混合青贮有氧稳定性的微生物添加剂及发酵方法. 202310810897.3, 2023-07-04.

[2] 张玉苗, 刘雪红, 刘龙祥, 王天威, 王君, 王燕, 尚帅, 许骥坤, 赵帅鹏, 钟瑾. 一种食叶草的组培快繁方法. CN: CN116649215A, 2023-08-29.

[3] 钟瑾. 一株可抑制致病菌和缓解便秘的唾液乳杆菌LSJ-2及其应用. 202211453978.4, 2022-11-21.

[4] 钟瑾. 一株可抑制致病菌和促排便的鼠李糖乳杆菌LRJ-1及其应用. 202211453868.8, 2022-11-21.

[5] 钟瑾. 一种利用拉巴豆与甜高粱混合发酵制备饲料的方法. 202110911164.X, 2021-08-09.

[6] 钟瑾, 孙佳豪, 王天威, 石伟雄, 马翠. 一种油莎豆茎叶和油菜秸秆混合青贮的方法. CN: CN115702668A, 2023-02-17.

[7] 钟瑾. 一种油莎豆茎叶和油菜秸秆混合青贮的方法. 202110907083.2, 2021-08-09.

[8] 钟瑾, 孙佳豪, 王天威, 石伟雄, 马翠. 一种利用拉巴豆与甜高粱混合发酵制备饲料的方法. CN: CN115702669A, 2023-02-17.

[9] 钟瑾. 一种田菁和甜高粱混合青贮的方法. 202110907045.7, 2021-08-09.

[10] 钟瑾, 石伟雄, 王天威, 孙佳豪, 马翠. 一种田菁和甜高粱混合青贮的方法. CN: CN115702667A, 2023-02-17.

[11] 钟瑾, 刘亚勇, 滕坤玲, 王天威, 夏天奇. 一株产羊毛硫肽和拉索肽的地衣芽孢杆菌. CN: CN114644688A, 2022-06-21.

[12] 钟瑾. 一株产羊毛硫肽和拉索肽的地衣芽孢杆菌. 202011498305.1, 2020-12-17.

[13] 钟瑾, 王天威, 曹艳红, 骆爱群, 宣泽义. 一种发酵罗汉果渣及其制备方法与应用. CN: CN111718879A, 2020-09-29.

[14] 钟瑾, 王天威, 曹艳红, 骆爱群, 宣泽义. 一种发酵马蹄渣及其制备方法与应用. CN: CN111838406A, 2020-10-30.

[15] 钟瑾, 王天威, 曹艳红, 骆爱群, 宣泽义. 一种复合乳酸菌剂及其在甘蔗尾叶青贮中的应用. CN: CN111534456B, 2021-12-14.

[16] 钟瑾, 苏日娜, 骆爱群, 杨小盼, 刘亚勇, 王天威, 陶勇, 张杰. 一种利用发酵乳杆菌和纤维素酶制备青贮苜蓿的方法. CN: CN111434238A, 2020-07-21.

[17] 钟瑾, 骆爱群, 苏日娜, 倪奎奎, 陶勇. 一株高产阿魏酸酯酶的发酵乳杆菌及其应用. CN: CN108823131A, 2018-11-16.

[18] 钟瑾, 倪奎奎, 赵晶云, 朱保葛, 苏日娜, 刘小荣, 潘毅, 吕新云, 周国安, 骆爱群, 陶勇. 一种饲用大豆与甜高粱混贮的方法. CN: CN108935972B, 2022-03-22.

[19] 钟瑾, 倪奎奎, 赵晶云, 朱保葛, 苏日娜, 刘小荣, 潘毅, 吕新云, 周国安, 骆爱群, 陶勇. 一种饲用大豆与甜高粱混贮的方法. CN: CN108935972B, 2022-03-22.

[20] 钟瑾, 倪奎奎, 骆爱群, 苏日娜, 王天威. 一株高产阿魏酸酯酶的约氏乳杆菌及其应用. CN: CN108359624A, 2018-08-03.

[21] 钟瑾, 张丽, 王宁. 启动子增强系统及其在细菌中的应用. CN: CN108504656A, 2018-09-07.

[22] 钟瑾, 张杰, 张彤, 芦颖. 一株卷曲乳杆菌及其应用. CN: CN107937324A, 2018-04-20.

[23] 董恩球, 钟瑾, 张敏, 张欣, 王天威, 滕坤玲, 陶勇, 赵煜炜. 一株具益生特性且拮抗产肠毒性大肠杆菌的罗伊氏乳杆菌及应用. CN: CN108004179A, 2018-05-08.

[24] 钟瑾, 滕坤玲, 王天威, 陶勇, 宫俊杰, 张敏, 赵煜炜. 一种仔猪源解淀粉芽孢杆菌及其应用. CN: CN107723267A, 2018-02-23.

[25] 钟瑾, 葛晓璇, 滕坤玲. 一种提高乳酸菌NICE表达系统中nisin诱导效率的方法. CN: CN105950582A, 2016-09-21.

[26] 钟瑾, 赵方圆. 一种通过糖代谢调控因子提高乳链菌肽nisin产量的方法. CN: CN104387458A, 2015-03-04.

[27] 钟瑾, 王剑. 一种新型高效的羊毛硫细菌素cerecidin及其应用. CN: CN103483433A, 2014-01-01.

[28] 钟瑾, 芦颖, 陈美玲, 高涌, 滕坤玲. 一株来源于妇女生殖道产细菌素的益生乳酸菌. CN: CN102181383A, 2011-09-14.

[29] 钟瑾, 路遥, 陈美玲, 还连栋. 乳链菌肽突变体蛋白及其编码基因与应用. CN: CN101691397A, 2010-04-07.

[30] 钟瑾, 胡红梅, 孙志增, 刘家乐, 还连栋. 能与乳链菌肽结合的突变体蛋白及其编码基因与应用. CN: CN102002097A, 2011-04-06.

[31] 钟瑾, 张秋香, 还连栋. 含有重组人α-2b干扰素的重组乳酸菌及其应用. CN: CN101538572A, 2009-09-23.

[32] 钟瑾, 陈思维, 还连栋. 一种重组人胰岛素及其编码基因与应用. CN: CN101148473A, 2008-03-26.

[33] 钟瑾, 梁小波, 还连栋. 一种纳豆激酶的表达方法及其专用表达载体和工程菌. CN: CN1900289A, 2007-01-24.

[34] 钟瑾, 梁小波, 贾士芳, 孙玉芳, 陈美玲, 陈秀珠, 还连栋. 一株产生纳豆激酶的枯草芽孢杆菌. CN: CN100436576C, 2008-11-26.

[35] 钟瑾, 梁小波, 贾士芳, 孙玉芳, 陈美玲, 陈秀珠, 还连栋. 一种纳豆激酶及其编码基因与克隆和表达方法. CN: CN1814746A, 2006-08-09.

[36] 一种藜麦与甜高粱混合青贮的发酵方法. 2023-12-14.


[1] Li, Lili, Zhang, Jie, Zhou, Liyan, Shi, Haijuan, Mai, Hong, Su, Junchang, Ma, Xingwang, Zhong, Jin. The First Lanthipeptide from Lactobacillus iners, Inecin L, Exerts High Antimicrobial Activity against Human Vaginal Pathogens. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2023, 89(3): http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.02123-22.
[2] Xia, Tianqi, Teng, Kunling, Liu, Yayong, Guo, Yaoqi, Huang, Fuqing, Tahir, Muhammad, Wang, Tianwei, Zhong, Jin. A Novel Two-Component Bacteriocin, Acidicin P, and Its Key Residues for Inhibiting Listeria monocytogenes by Targeting the Cell Membrane. MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM[J]. 2023, 11(4): http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.05210-22.
[3] Teng, Kunling, Huang, Fuqing, Liu, Yayong, Wang, Yudong, Xia, Tianqi, Yun, Fangfei, Zhong, Jin. Food and gut originated bacteriocins involved in gut microbe-host interactions. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGYnull. 2023, 49(4): 515-527, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1040841X.2022.2082860.
[4] Huang, Fuqing, Wang, Tianwei, Zhang, Jiaqi, Tahir, Muhammad, Sun, Jiahao, Liu, Yayong, Yun, Fangfei, Xia, Tianqi, Teng, Kunling, Wang, Jiwen, Zhong, Jin. Exploring the bacterial community succession and metabolic profiles of Lonicera japonica Thunb. residues during anaerobic fermentation. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2023, 367: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128264.
[5] Tianwei Wang, Jiaqi Zhang, Weixiong Shi, Jiahao Sun, Tianqi Xia, Fuqing Huang, Yayong Liu, Huangkeyi Li, Kunling Teng, Jin Zhong. Dynamic Changes in Fermentation Quality and Structure and Function of the Microbiome during Mixed Silage of Sesbania cannabina and Sweet Sorghum Grown on Saline-Alkaline Land. MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM[J]. 2022, 10(5): https://doaj.org/article/6c1ca44fb73549b4b379a95a27f63d39.
[6] Haiwen Xu, Yanlin Xue, Na Na, Nier Wu, Yi Zhao, Lin Sun, Moge Qili, Tianwei Wang, Jin Zhong. Fermentation quality, bacterial community, and aerobic stability of ensiling Leymus chinensis with lactic acid bacteria or/and water after long-term storage. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2022, 13: https://doaj.org/article/fd95b652289446718ce74e9f65ec8576.
[7] Jin Zhong. Influence of Lactobacillus plantarum inoculation on the silage quality of intercropped Lablab purpureus and sweet sorghum grown in Saline-alkaline region. Frontiers in Microbiology[J]. 2022, [8] Jin Zhong. Repurposing the endogenous CRISPR-Cas9 system for high-efficiency genome editing in Lacticaseibacillus paracasei.. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY[J]. 2022, [9] 滕坤玲, 钟瑾. 益生菌产生的细菌素及其功能机制. 微生物学报[J]. 2022, 62(3): 858-868, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7106870819.
[10] Jin Zhong. High-throughput discovery of novel lanthipeptides and producers by metagenomic mining of isolates population (MMIP) from Chinese spicy cabbage. Food Research International[J]. 2022, [11] Zhang, Jie, Li, Lili, Gu, Shujie, Teng, Kunling, Ren, Jinwei, Liu, Guoxia, Zhong, Jin. Characterization of a Novel Fructosyltransferase from Lactobacillus crispatus, InuCA, That Attaches to the Cell Surface by Electrostatic Interaction. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2022, 88(4): http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.02399-21.
[12] 钟瑾. 益生菌、益生元、后生元与食物过敏. 微生物学报[J]. 2022, [13] Teng, Kunling, Huang, Fuqing, Liu, Yayong, Wang, Yudong, Xia, Tianqi, Yun, Fangfei, Zhong, Jin. Food and gut originated bacteriocins involved in gut microbe-host interactions. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1040841X.2022.2082860.
[14] 孙佳美, 刘智全, 钟瑾, 王天威, 王相权, 孙昌荣, 高树琴, 潘庆民. 云贵高原生态草牧业立体发展模式探索:以云南省永善县为例. 草业科学[J]. 2022, 39(2): 381-390, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7106753832.
[15] Zhang, Jie, Li, Lili, Zhang, Tong, Zhong, Jin. Characterization of a novel type of glycogen-degrading amylopullulanase from Lactobacillus crispatus. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY[J]. 2022, 106(11): 4053-4064, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00253-022-11975-2.
[16] Jin Zhong. Fermentation weight loss, fermentation quality, and bacterial community of ensiling sweet sorghum with lactic acid bacterial and different silo density. Frontiers in Microbiology[J]. 2022, [17] Huang, Fuqing, Teng, Kunling, Liu, Yayong, Wang, Tianwei, Xia, Tianqi, Yun, Fangfei, Zhong, Jin. Nisin Z attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced mastitis by inhibiting the ERK1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE[J]. 2022, 105(4): 3530-3543, http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-21356.
[18] Yang, Jing, Li, Yi, Tang, Na, Li, Juan, Zhou, Juan, Lu, Shan, Zhang, Gui, Song, Yuqin, Wang, Chao, Zhong, Jin, Xu, Jianguo, Feng, Jie. The human gut serves as a reservoir of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae. GUT MICROBES[J]. 2022, 14(1): http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19490976.2022.2114739.
[19] Xia, Tianqi, Wang, Tianwei, Sun, Jiahao, Shi, Weixiong, Liu, Yayong, Huang, Fuqing, Zhang, Jiaqi, Zhong, Jin. Modulation of Fermentation Quality and Metabolome in Co-ensiling of Sesbania cannabina and Sweet Sorghum by Lactic Acid Bacterial Inoculants. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2022, 13: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.851271.
[20] Jiahao Sun, Tianwei Wang, Fuqing Huang, Yayong Liu, Weixiong Shi, Cui Ma, Jin Zhong. Silage Fermentation: A Potential Microbial Approach for the Forage Utilization of Cyperus esculentus L. By-Product. FERMENTATION[J]. 2021, 7(273): https://doaj.org/article/aa5091af45764eb68d50695bfbfedcc7.
[21] Fuqing Huang, Kunling Teng, Yayong Liu, Yanhong Cao, Tianwei Wang, Cui Ma, Jie Zhang, Jin Zhong. Bacteriocins: Potential for Human Health. OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY[J]. 2021, 2021: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/5518825.
[22] MontalbanLopez, Manuel, Scott, Thomas A, Ramesh, Sangeetha, Rahman, Imran R, van Heel, Auke J, Viel, Jakob H, Bandarian, Vahe, Dittmann, Elke, Genilloud, Olga, Goto, Yuki, Grande Burgos, Maria Jose, Hill, Colin, Kim, Seokhee, Koehnke, Jesko, Latham, John A, Link, A James, Martinez, Beatriz, Nair, Satish K, Nicolet, Yvain, Rebuffat, Sylvie, Sahl, HansGeorg, Sareen, Dipti, Schmidt, Eric W, Schmitt, Lutz, Severinov, Konstantin, Suessmuth, Roderich D, Truman, Andrew W, Wang, Huan, Weng, JingKe, van Wezel, Gilles P, Zhang, Qi, Zhong, Jin, Piel, Joern, Mitchell, Douglas A, Kuipers, Oscar P, van der Donk, Wilfred A. New developments in RiPP discovery, enzymology and engineering. NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTSnull. 2021, 38(1): 130-239, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0np00027b.
[23] 钟瑾. 创制现代草产品加工科技体系 保障大粮食安全. 中国科学院院刊[J]. 2021, [24] Pengwei Li, Meng Chen, Wei Tang, Zhengyan Guo, Yuwei Zhang, Min Wang, Geoff P Horsman, Jin Zhong, Zhaoxin Lu, Yihua Chen. Initiating polyketide biosynthesis by on-line methyl esterification. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2021, 12(1): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24846-7.
[25] Liu, Y, Teng, K, Wang, T, Dong, E, Zhang, M, Tao, Y, Zhong, J. Antimicrobial Bacillus velezensis HC6: production of three kinds of lipopeptides and biocontrol potential in maize. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2020, 128(1): 242-254, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jam.14459.
[26] Wang, Tianwei, Teng, Kunling, Cao, Yanhong, Shi, Weixiong, Xuan, Zeyi, Zhou, Jianhui, Zhang, Jie, Zhong, Jin. Effects of Lactobacillus hilgardii 60TS-2, with or without homofermentative Lactobacillus plantarum B90, on the aerobic stability, fermentation quality and microbial community dynamics in sugarcane top silage. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2020, 312: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123600.
[27] 王天威, 曹艳红, 杨果, 钟瑾. 乳酸菌对青贮品质及草食家畜健康的影响. 中国科学:生命科学[J]. 2020, 50(9): 927-938, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7103155568.
[28] 张彤, 钟瑾. 前导肽切割位点对Ⅱ类羊毛硫细菌素切割酶活性的影响. 微生物学通报[J]. 2019, 46(9): 2198-2206, http://dx.doi.org/10.13344/j.microbiol.china.190120.
[29] Yang, Xiaopan, Teng, Kunling, Su, Rina, Li, Lili, Zhang, Tong, Fan, Keqiang, Zhang, Jie, Zhong, Jin. AcrR and Rex Control Mannitol and Sorbitol Utilization through Their Cross-Regulation of Aldehyde-Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AdhE) in Lactobacillus plantarum. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 85(4): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000457934800003.
[30] Su, Rina, Ni, Kuikui, Wang, Tianwei, Yang, Xiaopan, Zhang, Jie, Liu, Yayong, Shi, Weixiong, Yan, Liu, Jie, Chen, Zhong, Jin. Effects of ferulic acid esterase-producing Lactobacillus fermentum and cellulase additives on the fermentation quality and microbial community of alfalfa silage. PEERJ[J]. 2019, 7: https://doaj.org/article/06e89ae40fd44836ba39de5e9f4a90a5.
[31] 王天威, 滕坤玲, 刘刚, 刘亚勇, 张欣, 董恩球, 印遇龙, 钟瑾. 微生态制剂对断奶仔猪肠道健康的影响及作用机制. 中国科学:生命科学[J]. 2019, 97-107, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=74678875504849574850484849.
[32] 高树琴, 胡兆民, 韩勇, 刘智全, 潘庆民, 段瑞, 钟瑾, 景海春. 生态草牧业在我国精准扶贫中的作用和潜力――中国科学院植物研究所科技扶贫实践与模式探索. 中国科学院院刊[J]. 2019, 34(2): 223-230+126, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2019&filename=KYYX201902014&v=Mjk4NjkrUnZGaXpuVXJ2SkxqVFNkckc0SDlqTXJZOUVZSVI4ZVgxTHV4WVM3RGgxVDNxVHJXTTFGckNVUjdxZVo=.
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