沈哲思  男    中国科学院文献情报中心
电子邮件: shenzhs@mail.las.ac.cn
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2012-09--2017-06   北京师范大学   博士研究生
2008-09--2012-07   北京师范大学   大学本科


2023-05~现在, 中国科学院文献情报中心, 青年创新研究员
2019-06~现在, 中国科学院文献情报中心, 副研究员
2017-07~2019-06,中国科学院文献情报中心, 博士后
2022-11-01-今,中国科学学与科技政策研究会信息计量学与给科学计量学专业委员会, 委员
2022-05-01-今,Journal of Data and Information Science, 副主编


[1] Menghui Li, Zhesi Shen. Science Map of Academic Misconduct. The Innovation[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  5(2): 1-2, 
[2] 廖宇, 刘敬仪, 沈哲思. 开放获取:起源、主要成效、面临阻碍和未来发展. 世界科技研究与发展[J]. 2024, 第 3 作者  通讯作者  46(1): 72-89, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7111512349.
[3] Jiandong Zhang, Zhesi Shen. Analyzing journal category assignment using a paper-level classifcation system: multidisciplinary sciences journals. Scientometrics[J]. 2024, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  
[4] 耿海英, 张建东, 杨立英, 沈哲思. 算法构建论文层次学科分类体系研究述评. 情报理论与实践[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者  通讯作者  46(8): 182-192, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7110204821.
[5] 丁洁兰, 沈哲思, 刘小慧, 孙粒, 杨立英. 化学十年:中国与世界--基于WoS论文的文献计量分析. 科学观察. 2023, 第 2 作者18(3): 14-36, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7110413901.
[6] 廖宇, 孟平, 杨立英, 沈哲思. 科技期刊布局模型的理论研究:基于学科与影响力维度. 图书情报工作[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者  通讯作者  null(24期): 24-33, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=G5Hy7WP7MHOarQ93M5OWezVQ5y-IJ-xrPdL-vsXJb5AJspQ6yMAfr8gvvC6zj_cX12x8COyu1Z68jWzM9njWRFvX1AhwFvjk6854xBMHqoOeumHtCf_Onw==&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=gb.
[7] 耿海英, 张建东, 杨立英, 沈哲思. 不同学科分类体系下学科结构画像的对比分析. 情报科学[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者  通讯作者  41(10期): 83-90+120, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-q19lQZUWGPSi7DhaKArGao6vR4gWIypVygcGTA5QecZ2ZbBMXOn05JVv_7rP7piwLx8sgmJ1xT8MXuREuJlhkEc8oUovmiDRITsRlcb_FsbCq48O9lFA==&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=gb.
[8] 朱曼曼, 沈哲思, 陈福佑, 杨立英. Review文献类型标注对科研评价结果的影响. 科学观察[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者17(5): 59-67, https://manu56.magtech.com.cn/kxgc/CN/Y2022/V17/I5/59.
[9] 耿海英, 杨立英, 沈哲思. 不同学科分类体系对机构科研影响力评价的影响研究. 图书情报工作[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者  通讯作者  66(23): 104-114, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108652384.
[10] 李立, 廖宇, 杨明, 王敏豪, 陈福佑, 沈哲思, 杨立英. JIF及其分区对不同国家学者投稿行为的影响研究——基于NPG的月度已录用论文投稿数据. 数据分析与知识发现[J]. 2022, 第 6 作者  通讯作者  6(12): 43-52, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7109002231.
[11] jielan ding, 沈哲思, Per Ahlgren, Tobias Jeppsson, David Minguillo, Johan Lyhagen. The link between ethnic diversity and scientifc impact: the mediating efect of novelty and audience diversity. Scientometrics[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者7759-7810, 
[12] 刘小慧, 沈哲思, 廖宇, 朱曼曼, 杨立英. 颠覆性指数的稳定时间窗研究. 图书情报工作[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  65(18): 49-57, https://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical/tsqbgz202118006.
[13] Yu Liao, Zhesi Shen, Liying Yang. Identification of milestone papers in physics via reference publication year spectroscopy. 数据科学与信息计量学(英文)[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  null(2): 1-18, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=00002H8G57587JP0MNDO7JP1MLR.
[14] 闫群娇, 孟平, 沈哲思. 数据驱动的交叉型英文科技期刊青年编委遴选方法——以《数据与情报科学学报(英)》为例. 中国科技期刊研究[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者32(11): 1418-1425, https://www.cjstp.cn/CN/10.11946/cjstp.202106300524.
[15] 郭红梅, 沈哲思, 曾建勋. 基于文献引证及其内容相似度的主题混合聚类方法研究. 情报理论与实践[J]. 2020, 第 2 作者43(9): 165-170, https://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical/qbllysj202009024.
[16] 刘小慧, 沈哲思, 廖宇, 杨立英. 科研论文颠覆性指数的改进及其影响因素研究. 图书情报工作[J]. 2020, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  64(24): 84-91, https://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical/tsqbgz202024011.
[17] Liao Yu, Shen Zhesi, Yang Liying. Identification of Milestone Papers in Physics via Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy. 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (ISSI2019), VOL II[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  null(null): 2493-2494, 
[18] Gao, Liang, Yu, Senbin, Li, Menghui, Shen, Zhesi, Gao, Ziyou. Weighted h-index for Identifying Influential Spreaders. SYMMETRY-BASEL[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者11(10): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000495457600077.
[19] Shen Zhesi, Chen Fuyou, Yang Liying, Wu Jinshan. Node2vec Representation for Clustering Journals and as A Possible Measure of Diversity. JOURNAL OF DATA AND INFORMATION SCIENCE[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者4(2): 79-92, https://doaj.org/article/45800c396fd241a398100bbc4318b74d.
[20] Hu, ZhaoLong, Shen, Zhesi, Han, Jianmin, Peng, Hao, Lu, JianFeng, Jia, Riheng, Zhu, XiangBin, Zhao, Dandan. Localization of diffusion sources in complex networks: A maximum-largest method. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者527: 121262, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.121262.
[21] Shen, Zhesi, Yang, Liying, Di, Zengru, Wu, Jinshan. Large enough sample size to rank two groups of data reliably according to their means. SCIENTOMETRICS[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者118(2): 653-671, http://ir.las.ac.cn/handle/12502/10380.
[22] Shen Zhesi, Yang Liying, Wu Jinshan. Two indicators rule them all: Mean and standard deviation used to calculate other journal indicators based on lognormal distribution of citation counts. 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (ISSI2019), VOL II[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者null(null): 2598-2599, 
[23] Liang Gao, Senbin Yu, Menghui Li, Zhesi Shen, Ziyou Gao. Weighted h-index for Identifying Influential Spreaders. SYMMETRY[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者11(10): https://doaj.org/article/d9e6f95601744457a60189f5814135f6.
[24] An Zeng, Zhesi Shen, Jianlin Zhou, Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Yougui Wang, H. Eugene Stanley, Shlomo Havlin. Increasing trend of scientists to switch between topics. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者10(1): 1-11, 
[25] Hu, ZhaoLong, Shen, Zhesi, Tang, ChangBing, Xie, BinBin, Lu, JianFeng. Localization of diffusion sources in complex networks with sparse observations. PHYSICS LETTERS A[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者382(14): 931-937, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2018.01.037.
[26] Shen, Zhesi, Yang, Liying, Wu, Jinshan. Lognormal distribution of citation counts is the reason for the relation between Impact Factors and Citation Success Index. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS. 2018, 第 1 作者12(1): 153-157, http://ir.las.ac.cn/handle/12502/10381.
[27] Li, Menghui, Yang, Liying, Zhang, Huina, Shen, Zhesi, Wu, Chensheng, Wu, Jinshan. Do mathematicians, economists and biomedical scientists trace large topics more strongly than physicists?. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS[J]. 2017, 第 4 作者11(2): 598-607, 
[28] Zeng, An, Shen, Zhesi, Zhou, Jianlin, Wu, Jinshan, Fan, Ying, Wang, Yougui, Stanley, H Eugene. The science of science: From the perspective of complex systems. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS. 2017, 第 2 作者714: 1-73, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2017.10.001.
[29] Han, Xiao, Cao, Shinan, Shen, Zhesi, Zhang, Boyu, Wang, WenXu, Cressman, Ross, Stanley, H Eugene. Emergence of communities and diversity in social networks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA[J]. 2017, 第 3 作者114(11): 2887-2891, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000396094200043.
[30] Li, Jingwen, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Grebogi, Celso, Lai, YingCheng. Universal data-based method for reconstructing complex networks with binary-state dynamics. PHYSICAL REVIEW E[J]. 2017, 第 2 作者95(3): 032303-1-032303-12, http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.95.032303.
[31] Shen, Zhesi, Yang, Liying, Di, Zengru, Wu, Jinshan. How large is large enough?. 16thInternationalconferenceonScientometrics&Informetrics. 2017, 第 1 作者http://ir.las.ac.cn/handle/12502/9550.
[32] Shen Zhesi, Yang Liying, Di Zengru, Wu Jinshan, ISSI, Atanassova I, Bertin M, Mayr P. How large is large enough?. 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (ISSI 2017). 2017, 第 1 作者288-299, 
[33] Li Menghui, Yang Liying, Zhang Huina, Shen Zhesi, Wu Chensheng, Wu Jinshan, ISSI, Atanassova I, Bertin M, Mayr P. Do Mathematicians, Economists and Biomedical Scientists Trace Large Topics More Strongly Than Physicists?. 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (ISSI 2017). 2017, 第 4 作者300-311, 
[34] Shen, Zhesi, Cao, Shinan, Wang, WenXu, Di, Zengru, Stanley, H Eugene. Locating the source of diffusion in complex networks by time-reversal backward spreading. PHYSICAL REVIEW E[J]. 2016, 第 1 作者93(3): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000371415800003.
[35] 庄倩, 沈哲思, 何琳, 狄增如. 空间网络的标度性质对Naming Game演化行为的影响. 复杂系统与复杂性科学[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者13(3): 19-25, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=670163807.
[36] Han, Xiao, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Lai, YingCheng, Grebogi, Celso. Reconstructing direct and indirect interactions in networked public goods game. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者6: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep30241.
[37] Gao, XinDong, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu. Emergence of complexity in controlling simple regular networks (vol 114, 68002, 2016). EPL. 2016, 第 2 作者115(1): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000384457600035.
[38] Gao, XinDong, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu. Emergence of complexity in controlling simple regular networks. EPL[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者114(6): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000382324500032.
[39] Shen, Zhesi, Yang, Liying, Pei, Jiansuo, Li, Menghui, Wu, Chensheng, Bao, Jianzhang, Wei, Tian, Di, Zengru, Rousseau, Ronald, Wu, Jinshan. Interrelations among scientific fields and their relative influences revealed by an input-output analysis. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS[J]. 2016, 第 1 作者10(1): 82-97, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2015.11.002.
[40] Fu, Ling, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Fan, Ying, Di, Zengru. Multi-source localization on complex networks with limited observers. EPL[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者113(1): http://dx.doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/113/18006.
[41] Han, Xiao, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Di, Zengru. Robust Reconstruction of Complex Networks from Sparse Data. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS[J]. 2015, 第 2 作者114(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.028701.
[42] Tang, SiQi, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Di, Zengru. Uncovering transportation networks from traffic flux by compressed sensing. EUROPEANPHYSICALJOURNALB[J]. 2015, 第 2 作者88(8): http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjb/e2015-60234-y.
[43] Ma, Long, Han, Xiao, Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Di, Zengru. Efficient Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Networks from Time Series via Compressed Sensing. PLOS ONE[J]. 2015, 第 3 作者10(11): http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0142837.
[44] Shen, Zhesi, Wang, WenXu, Fan, Ying, Di, Zengru, Lai, YingCheng. Reconstructing propagation networks with natural diversity and identifying hidden sources. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2014, 第 1 作者5: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000340615500014.


( 1 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2022-01--2025-12