
方震    研究员/博导  中国科学院空天信息创新研究院
电子邮件: zfang@mail.ie.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街科电大厦1112室(邮编:





1.  无感式(毫米波雷达、压电陶瓷)体征监测技术

2.  基于柔性超声阵列的血流动力学、组织成像监测技术

3.  多模态呼吸慢病监测、评估技术

4.  穿戴式、无感式心理压力、情绪、疲劳度评估技术


1.  医学大数据平台管理技术

2.  新原理、新方法医学信息挖掘技术

3.  基于新型医疗电子的数字疗法研究


080903 微电子学与固体电子学

0809Z1 生物电子学



  1. Zhang H, Jian P, Yao Y, et al. Radar-Beat: Contactless beat-by-beat heart rate monitoring for life scenes[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 86: 105360.
  2. Wu P, Bai Z, Xu L, et al. New approaches for rapid setpoint determination and uninterrupted tracking in non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring based on volume-clamp method[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 86: 105305.
  3. Geng F, Bai Z, Zhang H, et al. Contactless and Continuous Blood Pressure Measurement According to caPTT Obtained from Millimeter Wave Radar[J]. Measurement, 2023: 113151.
  4. Yao Y, Zhang H, Liu C, et al. Unsupervised Learning-Based Unobtrusive Fall Detection Using FMCW Radar[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3301887.
  5. Yao Y, Zhang H, Xia P, et al. mmSignature: Semi-supervised human identification system based on millimeter wave radar[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 126: 106939.
  6. Yan B, Wang P, Du L, et al. mmGesture: Semi-supervised gesture recognition system using mmWave radar[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 213: 119042.
  7. He Z, Tang M, Wang P, et al. Cross-scenario automatic sleep stage classification using transfer learning and single-channel EEG[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 81: 104501. 
  8. Yao Y, Liu C, Zhang H, et al. Fall detection system using millimeter-wave radar based on neural network and information fusion[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(21): 21038-21050.
  9. Yan B, Zhang H, Yao Y, et al. Heart signatures: Open-set person identification based on cardiac radar signals[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022, 72: 103306.
  10. He Z, Du L, Wang P, et al. Single-channel EEG sleep staging based on data augmentation and cross-subject discrepancy alleviation[J]. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 149: 106044. 
  11. He Z, Zhang H, Chen X, et al. Hemorrhagic risk prediction in coronary artery disease patients based on photoplethysmography and machine learning[J]. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1): 19190. 
  12. Tang M, Zhang Z, He Z, et al. Deep adaptation network for subject-specific sleep stage classification based on a single-lead ECG[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022, 75: 103548. 
  13. Xia P, He Z, Bai Z, et al. A novel multi-scale 2D CNN with weighted focal loss for arrhythmias detection on varying-dimensional ECGs[J]. Physiological Measurement, 2022, 43(10): 104003.
  14. He Z, Du L, Du S, et al. Machine learning for the early prediction of head-up tilt testing outcome[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021, 69: 102904. 
  15. Yan B, Zhang H, Yao Y, et al. Heart signatures: Open-set person identification based on cardiac radar signals[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022, 72: 103306.
  16. Zhou R, Wang C, Zhang P, et al. ECG-based biometric under different psychological stress states[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2021, 202: 106005.
  17. Qu X, Huang Z, Xu Y, et al. Cheetah: An accurate assessment mechanism and a high-throughput acceleration architecture oriented toward resource efficiency[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020, 40(5): 878-891.
  18. Wang C, Chen X, Du L, et al. Comparison of machine learning algorithms for the identification of acute exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease[J]. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2020, 188: 105267.
  19. He Z, Du L, Zhang P, et al. Early sepsis prediction using ensemble learning with deep features and artificial features extracted from clinical electronic health records[J]. Critical care medicine, 2020, 48(12): e1337-e1342.
  20. Tang M, Xia P, He Z, et al. Wavelet-based real-time calculation of multiple physiological parameters on an embedded platform[J]. Physiological Measurement, 2020, 41(2): 025010.


  1. 慢阻肺急性加重移动预警和管理系统的研发    国家重点研发计划

  2. 呼吸慢病健康管理平台及智能评估模型构建    国家重点研发计划

  3. 应急远程医疗人工智能信息管理与指挥系统    国家重点研发计划

  4. 老年围手术期风险分级与差异化管理技术方案研究  国家重点研发计划

  5. 多传感器集成信息融合柔性超声阵列传感技术及其血流监测应用研究   国自然

  6. 中国医学科学院“个性化呼吸慢病管理创新单元”  中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程

  7. 多项新型医疗电子技术横向开发、技术转让,以及多领域多部门深度合作、应用




1. 在国内率先开展压电陶瓷、毫米波雷达等无感式监测技术研究,基于人工智能技术开展无感式技术在心率失常、脑卒中、慢阻肺、呼吸暂停等领域的数字疗法研究,以及基于无感或穿戴技术的精神压力、情绪和疲劳度实时评估技术;

2. 完成基于恒定容积法及容积控制技术的无创连续血压及血流动力学检测技术的国内首台套设备研制,并在此基础上开展多模态信息智能麻醉态势感知系统和低血压预测等技术研究;

3. 研制新型容积二氧化碳图设备、运动肺功能设备、呼吸机和高流量经鼻氧疗一体化设备,以及基于多模态临床数据的肺功能评估模型,构建一体化呼吸慢病监测、评估和治疗闭环管理系统;

4. 研制多模态柔性/刚性高密度超声阵列电子皮肤,实现多脏器、血管等人体组织的穿戴式连续高分辨率成像,血管的多普勒血流速流量监测,以及灌注实时监测技术等。

发表SCI/EI检索论文200余篇,授权国家发明专利50余项。获第十届国际发明展览会“发明创业奖”金奖(2018年),产学研促进会创新成果一等奖(2020年),军事科学技术进步奖一等奖(2022年)等奖项。参与HealthComCOMPSACAPCOTICIAICMAN等医疗电子、计算机、传感器相关领域国际会议筹备,并做会议特邀报告和主持会议。担任Computer in industrySCI期刊的医疗电子技术相关专刊主编。