
张云海 男 博导 中国科学院植物研究所
电子邮件: zhangyh670@ibcas.ac.cn
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电子邮件: zhangyh670@ibcas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区香山南辛村20号木兰楼平房六排5门
邮政编码: 100093
2007-09--2017-06 中国科学院大学(中国科学院植物研究所) 生态学博士
2003-09--2007-06 东北师范大学 生态学学士
2003-09--2007-06 东北师范大学 生态学学士
2019-09~现在, 中国科学院植物研究所, 研究员、博士后导师
2017-10~2019-08,Georgia Institute of Technology, 博士后
2016-12~2017-09,Aarhus University, 客座博士后
2015-10~2016-10,Lancaster University, 访问学者
2014-07~2019-09,中国科学院植物研究所, 博士后
2017-10~2019-08,Georgia Institute of Technology, 博士后
2016-12~2017-09,Aarhus University, 客座博士后
2015-10~2016-10,Lancaster University, 访问学者
2014-07~2019-09,中国科学院植物研究所, 博士后
2023-10-21-今,中国植物学会, 副秘书长
2020-11-01-今,草地生态监测与数字草业创新联盟, 副秘书长
2019-12-25-今,中国治沙暨沙业学会盐碱地治理专业委员会, 副主任委员
2020-11-01-今,草地生态监测与数字草业创新联盟, 副秘书长
2019-12-25-今,中国治沙暨沙业学会盐碱地治理专业委员会, 副主任委员
(1) 中国生态学学会青年科技奖, 其他, 2022
(1) Nitrogen deposition magnifies the positive response of plant community production to precipitation: Ammonium to nitrate ratio matters, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2021,
(2) Winter nitrogen enrichment does not alter the sensitivity of plant communities to precipitation in a semiarid grassland, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2021,
(3) Plant-bacteria-soil response to frequency of simulated nitrogen deposition has implications for global ecosystem change, FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2020,
(4) Nitrogen addition does not reduce the role of spatial asynchrony in stabilising grassland communities, ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2019,
(5) Global change effects on plant communities are magnified by time and the number of global change factors imposed, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2019,
(6) Asymmetry in above- and belowground productivity responses to N addition in a semi-arid temperate steppe, GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY, 2019,
(7) Scale dependence of the diversity-stability relationship in a temperate grassland, JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2018,
(8) Effects of the frequency and the rate of n enrichment on community structure in a temperate grassland, JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY, 2018,
(9) Climate variability decreases species richness and community stability in a temperate grassland, OECOLOGIA, 2018,
(10) Mowing exacerbates the loss of ecosystem stability under nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland, FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2017,
(11) Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities, ECOLOGYLETTERS, 2017,
(12) Nitrogen enrichment weakens ecosystem stability through decreased species asynchrony and population stability in a temperate grassland, GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2016,
(13) Fewer new species colonize at low frequency N addition in a temperate grassland, FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2016,
(14) Productivity depends more on the rate than the frequency of N addition in a temperate grassland, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2015,
(15) Increase in ammonia volatilization from soil in response to N deposition in Inner Mongolia grasslands, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2014,
(16) Hierarchical responses of plant stoichiometry to nitrogen deposition and mowing in a temperate steppe, PLANT AND SOIL, 2014,
(17) Rapid plant species loss at high rates and at low frequency of N addition in temperate steppe, GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2014,
(18) Ammonia emissions from soil under sheep grazing in Inner Mongolian grasslands of China, JOURNAL OF ARID LAND, 2013,
(19) 氮沉降强度和频率对羊草叶绿素含量的影响, 生态学报, 2013,
(2) Winter nitrogen enrichment does not alter the sensitivity of plant communities to precipitation in a semiarid grassland, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2021,
(3) Plant-bacteria-soil response to frequency of simulated nitrogen deposition has implications for global ecosystem change, FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2020,
(4) Nitrogen addition does not reduce the role of spatial asynchrony in stabilising grassland communities, ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2019,
(5) Global change effects on plant communities are magnified by time and the number of global change factors imposed, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2019,
(6) Asymmetry in above- and belowground productivity responses to N addition in a semi-arid temperate steppe, GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY, 2019,
(7) Scale dependence of the diversity-stability relationship in a temperate grassland, JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2018,
(8) Effects of the frequency and the rate of n enrichment on community structure in a temperate grassland, JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY, 2018,
(9) Climate variability decreases species richness and community stability in a temperate grassland, OECOLOGIA, 2018,
(10) Mowing exacerbates the loss of ecosystem stability under nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland, FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2017,
(11) Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities, ECOLOGYLETTERS, 2017,
(12) Nitrogen enrichment weakens ecosystem stability through decreased species asynchrony and population stability in a temperate grassland, GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2016,
(13) Fewer new species colonize at low frequency N addition in a temperate grassland, FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2016,
(14) Productivity depends more on the rate than the frequency of N addition in a temperate grassland, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2015,
(15) Increase in ammonia volatilization from soil in response to N deposition in Inner Mongolia grasslands, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2014,
(16) Hierarchical responses of plant stoichiometry to nitrogen deposition and mowing in a temperate steppe, PLANT AND SOIL, 2014,
(17) Rapid plant species loss at high rates and at low frequency of N addition in temperate steppe, GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2014,
(18) Ammonia emissions from soil under sheep grazing in Inner Mongolian grasslands of China, JOURNAL OF ARID LAND, 2013,
(19) 氮沉降强度和频率对羊草叶绿素含量的影响, 生态学报, 2013,
( 1 ) 内蒙古典型草原植物多样性对氮沉 降的响应:十六年连续定位实验研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-01--2024-12
( 2 ) 天然草地恢复技术与近顶极群落构建, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2020-11--2025-10
( 3 ) 草地生态系统稳定性, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2024-12
( 2 ) 天然草地恢复技术与近顶极群落构建, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2020-11--2025-10
( 3 ) 草地生态系统稳定性, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2024-12