张朋昌 男 硕导 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所
电子邮件: zhangpengchang@opt.ac.cn
通信地址: 西安市信息大道17号
邮政编码: 710119
电子邮件: zhangpengchang@opt.ac.cn
通信地址: 西安市信息大道17号
邮政编码: 710119
2012-04--2016-03 日本京都大学 工学博士2007-08--2010-03 西安电子科技大学 工学硕士2003-09--2007-06 河海大学 工学学士
2016-04~现在, 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所, 副研究员
( 1 ) 高分辨率图像扫描装置, 发明, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 264905880( 2 ) 扫描仪光电系统及其控制方法, 发明, 2018, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 264905971( 3 ) 基于多光谱成像的绘画颜料识别系统及方法, 发明, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 264906610
[1] Zhang, Pengchang, Arre, Toque Jay, IdeEktessabi, Ari. A line scan camera-based structure from motion for high-resolution 3D reconstruction. JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE[J]. 2015, 16(5): 656-663, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2015.01.003.[2] Toque Jay Arre, Zhang Pengchang, Wang Peng, IdeEktessabi Ari, Tremeau A, Schettini R, Tominaga S. High-Resolution Multispectral Scanning for Mesoscopic Investigation of Discoloration of Traditional Japanese Pigments. COMPUTATIONAL COLOR IMAGING, CCIW 2015null. 2015, 9016: 195-207, [3] 张朋昌. Identification, Analysis and Elimication of Craquelures in Old Oil Painting Images. Proceedings of Archiving Conference. 2015, [4] Zhang, Pengchang, Toque, Jay Arre, IdeEktessabi, Ari. Influence of imaging resolution on color fidelity in digital archiving. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION[J]. 2015, 32(11): 2044-2048, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000367201600015.[5] Murayama Yusuke, Zhang Pengchang, IdeEktessabi Ari, Sampat N, Tezaur R, Battiato S, Fowler BA, Georgiev TG, Imai FH, Lumsdaine A, Matherson KJ, Wuller D. Metamer density estimation using an identical ellipsoidal Gaussian mixture prior. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Xnull. 2014, 9023: [6] 张朋昌. A High Speed Dynamic System for Scanning Reflective Surface with Rotating Polarized Filters. Digital Heritage Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014, [7] 张朋昌. A Line Scan Camera based Stereo Method for High Resolution 3D Image Reconstruction. Proceedings of SPIE. 2014, [8] Murayama Yusuke, Toque Jay Arre, Zhang Pengchang, IdeEktessabi Ari, Sampat N, Battiato S. Bayesian estimation of device spectral sensitivities and its application for improvement of color accuracy using color balancing filter. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY IXnull. 2013, 8660: [9] 张朋昌. xperimental Evaluation of Bayesian Image Reconstruction Combined with Spatial-Superresolution and Spectral Reflectance Recovery. VISAPP. 2013, [10] 张朋昌. Bayesian Estimation of Camera Characteristics including Spectral Sensitivities from a Color Chart Image without Manual Parameter Tuning. VISAPP. 2013,
( 1 ) 高分辨率光谱成像技术在文物保护中的应用研究, 主持, 部委级, 2016-10--2018-09( 2 ) 中国古代壁画典型颜料库建设(第一期), 主持, 院级, 2018-01--2019-01( 3 ) 唐墓壁画分析专用高分辨率多光谱扫描仪研制与应用, 主持, 省级, 2018-01--2020-12( 4 ) 精细光谱成像创新团队, 参与, 省级, 2017-01--2020-01( 5 ) 艺术品高清光谱图像特征分析, 主持, 院级, 2017-10--2018-09
(1)A line scan camera based stereo method for high resolution 3D image reconstruction 2014-02-02
凌浠 硕士研究生 081002-信号与信息处理
高瑞雪 硕士研究生 081002-信号与信息处理