张鹏 研究员、博导,中国科学院分子植物卓越创新中心
电子邮件: zhangpeng@cemps.ac.cn
ORCiD ID:orcid.org/0000-0002-4868-1306
通信地址: 上海枫林路300号1号楼1011室
邮政编码: 200032
木薯(Manihot esculenta)和甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)是我国重要的薯类经济作物,特别在粮食安全和农业结构调整中发挥着重要作用。因其适应性强、产量高、应用广泛等特性,成为粮食安全的保障和发展生物质能源的重要原材料。我们的研究目标是利用分子生物学手段解答与木薯和甘薯生产密切关联的基本科学问题,并研发新技术来弥合科学发现和应用之间的差距。通过发掘木薯和甘薯种质,并专注于关键的生物问题,目标是使其更高产、更好的工业应用原材料和有利于在边缘土地生长,以保障粮食安全和营养。我们寻求不同的生物技术方法,以提高木薯和甘薯产量和淀粉品质,增强抗逆性,改善其营养。建立的遗传转化和基于CRISPR/Cas9的基因组编辑系统为研究这两种块根类作物提供了必要的分子工具。主要目标包括:(1)更好地了解块根作物的"源-库"关系;(2)阐释储藏根发育和淀粉积累的分子调控模式;(3)发掘低温、干旱、贫瘠土壤及采后生理性衰变的分子应激反应和遗传改良;(4) 培育高产、高淀粉及营养好的新型品种。
2001.02-2005.12,瑞士联邦理工大学-苏黎世(ETH Zurich),博士后、高级研究助理Oberassistant
(2) 中科院网络科普联盟“科普启明星”个人奖, 院级, 2018
(3) 第二届三农科技服务金桥奖, , 其他, 2015
(4) 泰安市科技进步奖, 二等奖, 市地级, 2014
(5) 第八届大北农科技奖促进奖, 其他, 2013
(6) 泰安市科技进步奖, 一等奖, 市地级, 2012
(7) 中国科学院院地合作奖先进个人(科技类), 一等奖, 部委级, 2011
(8) 明治生命科学奖, 其他, 2011
(9) The Jubilee Prize 2003 of the Eiselen Foundation Ulm, 特等奖, 其他, 2004
1. Zhou W#, Zhao S#, He S, Ma Q, Lu X, Hao X, Wang H, Yang J, Zhang P* (2020) Production of very‐high‐amylose cassava by post transcriptional silencing of branching enzyme genes. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62(6): 832-846. (Cover story)
2. Wang H#, Wu Y#, Zhang Y, Yang J, Fan W, Zhang H, Zhao S, Yuan L*, Zhang P* (2019) CRISPR/Cas9-based mutagenesis of starch biosynthetic genes in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) for the improvement of starch quality. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20:4702.
3. Zhang B, Zhou W, Qiao D, Zhang P*, Zhao S-m, Zhang L, Xie F* (2019) Changes in nanoscale chain assembly in sweet potato starch lamellae by downregulation of biosynthesis enzymes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67: 6302-6312. (Cover story)
4. Zhang Y, Deng G, Fan W, Yuan L, Wang H*, Zhang P* (2019) NHX1 and eIF4A1‑stacked transgenic sweetpotato shows enhanced tolerance to drought stress. Plant Cell Reports 38:1427-1438.
5. Zhong Y, Ahmed S, Deng G, Fan W, Zhang P*, Wang H* (2019) Improved insect resistance against Spodoptera litura in transgenic sweetpotato by overexpressing Cry1Aa toxin. Plant Cell Reports 38:1439-1448.
6. Yan W#, Wu X#, Li Y, Liu G, Jiang T, Cui Z, Ma Q, Luo L*, Zhang P* (2019) Cell wall invertase 3 affects cassava productivity via regulating sugar allocation from source to sink. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 541.
7. Wang H*, Wang C, Fan W, Yang J, Appelhagen I, Wu Y, Zhang P* (2018) A novel glycosyltransferase catalyses the transfer of glucose to glucosylated anthocyanins in purple sweet potato Journal of Experimental Botany 69(22):5444-5459.
8. Zhang P*, Fan W, Wang H, Wu Y, Zhou W, Yang J (2018) Developing new sweet potato varieties with improved performance. In: Wang-Pruski G (Ed.) Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 1, Breeding improved varieties. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge UK.
9. Zhang P*, Ma Q, Naconsie M, Wu X, Zhou W, Yang J (2017) Advances in genetic modification of cassava. In: Hershey C (Ed.) Achieving sustainable cultivation of cassava Volume 2, Genetics, breeding, pests and diseases. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge UK.
10. Bi H, Fan W, Zhang P* (2017) C4 protein of Sweet Potato Leaf Curl Virus regulates brassinosteroid signaling pathway through interaction with AtBIN2 and affects male fertility in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1689.
11. Yang J, Moeinzadeh M-H, Kuhl H, Helmuth J, Xiao P, Haas S, Liu G, Zheng J, Sun Z, Fan W, Deng G, Wang H, Hu F, Zhao S, Fernie AR, Boerno S, Timmermann B, Zhang P*, Vingron M* (2017) Haplotype-resolved sweet potato genome traces back its hexaploidization history. Nature Plants 3: 696-703.
12. Zhou W, He S, Naconsie M, Ma Q, Zeeman SC, Gruissem W, Zhang P* (2017) Alpha-glucan, water dikinase 1 affects starch metabolism and storage root growth in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Scientific Reports 7: 9863
13. Shi S, Zhang X, Mandel MA, Zhang P, Zhang Y, Ferguson M, Amuge T, Rounsley S, Liu Z*, Xiong Z* (2017) Variations of five eIF4E genes across cassava accessions exhibiting tolerant and susceptible responses to cassava brown streak disease. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0181998.
14. Ruan M-B*, Guo X, Wang B, Yang Y-L, Li W-Q, Yu X-L, Zhang P, Peng M* (2017) Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis enables identification of abiotic stress-responsive MYB transcription factors in cassava (Manihot esculenta). Journal of Experimental Botany 68(13): 3657-3672.
15. Ge J, Hu Y, Wang H, Huang Y, Zhang P*, Liao Z*, Chen M* (2017) Profiling of anthocyanins in transgenic purple-fleshed sweet potatoes by HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97(14): 4995-5003.
16. An D, Ma Q, Wang H, Yang J, Zhou W, Zhang P* (2017) Cassava C-repeat binding factor 1 gene responds to low temperature and enhances cold tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis and cassava. Plant Molecular Biology 94(1-2): 109-124.
17. Fan WJ, Wang HX, Wu YL, Yang N, Yang J, Zhang P* (2017) H+-pyrophosphatase IbVP1 promotes efficient iron use in sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]. Plant Biotechnology Journal 15: 698-712.
18. Lu F, Liang X, Lu H, Li Q, Chen Q*, Zhang P*, Li K*, Liu G, Yan W, Song J, Duan C, Zhang L (2017) Overproduction of superoxide dismutase and catalase confers cassava resistance to Tetranychus cinnabarinus. Scientific Reports 7: 40179.
19. Naconsie M, Zhang P* (2016) Transgenic technologies in cassava for nutritional improvement and viral disease resistance: a key strategy for food security in Africa. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 3(4): 285-294. (Review)
20. An D, Ma Q, Yan W, Zhou W, Liu G, Zhang P* (2016) Divergent regulation of CBF regulon on cold tolerance and plant phenotype in cassava overexpressing Arabidopsis CBF3 gene. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1866.
21. Fan W, Wang H, Zhang P* (2016) Engineering glycinebetaine metabolism for enhanced drought stress tolerance in plants. In: Hossain MA et al. (Eds.), Drought Stress Tolerance in Plants, Volume 2, Molecular and Genetic Perspectives. Chapter 18, pp. 513-530. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. (Review)
22. Ma Q, Zhang T, Zhang P*, Wang Z-Y*. (2016) Melatonin attenuates postharvest physiological deterioration of cassava storage roots. Journal of Pineal Research 60(4): 424-434.
23. Liao WB, Wang G, Li YY, Wang B, Zhang P*, Peng M* (2016) Reactive oxygen species regulate leaf pulvinus abscission zone cell separation in response to water-deficit stress in cassava. Scientific Reports 6: 21542.
24. Wang H, Yang J, Zhang M, Fan W, Firon N, Pattanaik S, Yuan L, Zhang P* (2016) Altered phenylpropanoid metabolism in the maize Lc-expressed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) affects storage root development. Scientific Reports 6: 18645.