
张 林 男 博导 青藏高原研究所






1997.9-2001.7  云南大学生命科学与化学学院生物学基地班,获学士学位

2001.9-2007.7 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所生态学专业硕博连读,获博士学位


2007年7月至2010年6月  中国科学院青藏高原研究所,博士后 

2010年7月至2019年6月  中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员

2019年7月至今  中国科学院青藏高原研究所,聘期研究员

2022年8月至2024年2月 西藏自治区科技信息研究所副所长(中组部第十批援藏干部)

2022年3月至今  西藏自治区高原生物研究所副所长(中组部第十批援藏干部)


60. Wang Y, Zhang L*. 2025. From primary forests to rubber plantations: A huge ecological loss. The Innovation. doi.org/10.1016/j.xinn.2025.100836.

59. Wang Y, Wei H, Zhang L*. 2025. Driving forces of grass-livestock balance shifted from human activities to climate change on the top of the earth. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 380,109387.

58. Lin W, Lu X, Sigdel SR, Li J, Zhu H, Sun J, Zhang L, Zhang G, Camarero JJ, Liang E*. 2025. Disentangling the drivers of post-fire plant community dynamics in subalpine forests of the Tibetan Plateau. Fire Ecology (accepted)

57. Lei H, Li F, Xu-Ri*, Qu S,Shama R, Zhang L, Liang E. 2025. Effects of cultivation on soil carbon and nitrogen along an altitudinal gradient in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Forest Ecology & Management, 584, 122577.

56. Guo X, Tian L, Wang L, Zhang L, Zhao W. 2025. Quantitative identification of moisture sources over the Tibetan Plateau: spatial distributions and temporal variabilities. Journal of Climate 38:263-276.

55. Liu S, Li C, Zhang L, Cheng Y, Zhang Z, He F, Yao B, Han L, Ge Y, Chen B,Sun G, Shen C, Zhang L*. 2024. Elevational patterns of soil nitrogen forms and transformations in the southeastern Qinghai–Xizang Plateau. Ecosystem Health & Sustainability 10:Article 0231.

54. Shi N, Wang J*, Zhang L, Wu Y. 2024. Divergent adaptive strategies of paired Meconopsis species and their impact factors along the elevational gradients in the south-eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science 21. doi.org/10.1007/s11629-024-8859-6

53. Shi N, Tian B, Wang J*, Guo X, Zhang L, Wu N, Chen H, Wu Y, Du W. 2024. Assessing the fate of Sphagnum Moss in the Hengduan Mountains under climate change. Journal of Mountain Science 10.22541/essoar.168614680.06441935/v1

52. Zhang L, Zuo Z, Qiao X, Liu Y, Qu R, Zhao H, Wang Y, Zhao P, Zhang L, Wu Z, Wang Z*. 2024. Global leaf sulfur stoichiometry and the relationships with nitrogen and phosphorus: phylogeny, growth form and environmental controls. Proceedings in Royal Socity B 291: 20240206.

51. Sun J, Wang Y, Lee TM. Nie X, Wang T, Liang E, Wang Y, Zhang L, Wang J, Piao S, u Chen F & Fu B. 2024. Nature-based Solutions can help restore degraded grasslands and increase carbon sequestration in the Tibetan Plateau. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 154. 

50. Zhao W, Wang H, Zhang H, Zhang L*. 2024. Precipitation and anthropogenic activities regulate the changes of NDVI in Zhegucuo Valley on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science 21:607-618.

49. Guo Y, Zhang L, Shen W, Tang Y, Luo T*. 2024. Controls on plant nutrient use efficiency along subtropical to alpine gradients on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Vegetation Science 35:e13245.

48. Chen D, Li L, Chase JM, Jun Hu, Yin H, Zhao C, Shen G, Zheng C, Li T, Cheng X, Ma W,  Guo W, Zhang F, Zhou G, Zhang L, Mohammatm A, Lin Y, Xiong G,Liu X, Gong H, Chen F, Li Y, Xu Y, Yang X, Liao X, Huang X, Liu Q, Luo Y, Liu Q*. 2024. Multifaceted patterns of diversity and co-occurrence along an extensive survey of shrubland communities across China. Ecological Indicators158,111559.

47. Zhang L*, Lu X, Zhu H, Gao S, Sun J, Zhu H, Fang J, Camarero JJ, Liang E. 2023. A rapid transition from spruce-fir to pine-broadleaf forests in response to disturbances and climate warming on the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plant Diversity, doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2023.03.002

46. Liu H, Zhang L, Ma Q, Zhao W, Chen Y. 2023. From tree to forest: Multiple carbon sink constraints. The Innovation, doi.org/10.1016/j.xinn.2023.100463.

45. Zhang L, Wang J. 2023. Mountain biodiversity, species distribution and ecosystem functioning in a changing world. Diversity 15, 799. 

44. Yang L, Cui G, Zhao W, Zhang Z, Luo T and Zhang L*. 2023. Sensitivity of radial growth of subalpine conifer trees to climate warming on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation, doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02470

43. Ale R, Zhang L, Cui G, Luo T. 2023. Leaf carbon isotope tracks the facilitation pattern of legume shrubs shaped by water availability and species replacement along a large elevation gradient in Trans-Himalayas. Annals of Botany, doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcad117

42. Sigdel SR, Liang E*, Rokaya MB, Rai S, Dyola N, Sun J, Zhang L, Zhu H, Chettri N, Chaudhary RP, Camarero JJ, Peñuelas J. 2023. Functional traits of a plant species fingerprint ecosystem productivity along broad elevational gradients in the Himalayas. Functional Ecology 37, 383-394.

41. Gong P, Wang X, Xue Y, Zhang L, Wang Y. 2023. Foliar uptake of persistent organic pollutants at alpine treeline , Journal of Hazardous Materials, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131388

40. Cui G, Pugnaire FI, Yang L, Zhao W, Ale R, Shen W, Luo T, Liang E, Zhang L*. 2023. Shrub-mediated effects on soil nitrogen determines shrub-herbaceous interactions in drylands of the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1137365.

39. Guo X, Tian L, Wang L, Zhang L. 2023. Spatiotemporal variabilities of the recent Indian summer monsoon activities in the Tibetan Plateau: A reanalysis of outgoing longwave radiation datasets. Journal of Climate 36:3955-3970.

38. Ma P, Zhao J, Zhang H, Zhang L, Luo T*. 2023. Increased precipitation leads to earlier green-up and later senescence in Tibetan alpine grassland regardless of warming. Science of the Total Envrionment, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162000

37. Zhou T, Du W, Wang J*, Zhang L, Gao J, Shi N, Wang L, Wu Y and Tian B. 2023. Divergent responses of plant functional traits and biomass allocation to slope aspects in four perennial herbs of the alpine meadow ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1092821.

36. Liu M*, Li Y, Du Z, Li W, Zhang L, Wang J, Chen J. 2023. Divergent coupling mechanism of precipitation on plant community multifunction across alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1122140.

35. Qu S, Shen C, Zhang L, Wang J, Zhang L, Chen B, Sun G, Ge Y. 2023. Dispersal limitation and host selection drive geo-specific and plant-specific differentiation of soil bacterial communities in the Tibetan alpine ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 863, 160944.

34. Xia C, Zhao W, Wang J, Sun j, Cui G, Zhang L*. 2023. Progress on geographical distribution, driving factors and ecological functions of Nepalese alder. Diversity 15, 59. 

33. Guo Y#, Zhang L#, Yang L, Shen W, Pan Y, Wright IJ, Luo Y, Luo T*. 2022. Enhanced leaf turnover and nitrogen recycling sustain CO2 fertilization effect on tree-ring growth. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6:1271-1278 (#contributed equally)

32. Deng Z, Zhao J, Wang Z, Li R, Guo Y, Luo T, Zhang L*. 2022. Stochastic processes drive plant community assembly in alpine grassland during the restoration period. Diversity 14, 832.

31. Zhao W, Luo T, Wei H, Alamu, Zhang L*. 2022. Relative impact of climate change and grazing on NDVI changes in grassland in the Mt. Qomolangma Nature Reserve and adjacent regions during 2000–2018. Diversity 14, 171. 

30. Zhang L*, Yang L,  Guo Y, Shen W, Cui GS. 2022. Leaf longevity in a timberline tree species Juniperus saltuaria in the Sergymla Mountains, southeastern Tibet. Journal of Resources Ecology, 13(1): 34-40.

29. Shi N, Wang C, Wang J*, Wu N, Niyati N, Zhang L, Wang L, Sun J, Du W, Wei Y, Chen W, Wu Y. 2022. Biogeographic patterns and richness of the Meconopsis species and their influence factors across the Pan-Himalaya and adjacent regions. Diversity 14, 661. 

28. Shen W,  Zhang L, Luo T*. 2022. Causes for the increase of early-season freezing events under a warmer climate at alpine treelines in southeast Tibet. Agricultrual and Forest Meteorology 316, 108863.

27. Qiu Y, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhou X, Zhang L*. 2022. Athyrium aberrans (Athyriaceae), a new species of the lady ferns from southeastern Xizang, China, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Phytotaxa 533(3) 165-172.

26. Liu M, He W, Zhang Z, Sun J*, Cong N, Nie X, Wang Y, Zhang L, Yang B, Chen Y, Zhou H, Shao X, Wang Y, Chen Y, Zhou H, Shao X, Wang Y. 2022. Mutual feedback between above- and below-ground controls the restoration of alpine ecosystem multifunctionality in long-term grazing exclusion. Journal of Cleaner Production, doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130184

25. Cui G, Zhang L*, Shen W, Guo Y, Liang E. 2022. Intensity, frequency and rate of insect herbivory for an alpine Rhododendron shrub: elevational patterns and leaf age effects. Alpine Botany 132, 233-243.

24. Fan X, Zhang L, Zhang LB, Zhang L*. 2021. Selliguea wusugongii (Polypodiaceae), a new fern species from southeastern Xizang, China based on morphological and molecular evidence. Phytotaxa 480(1): 57-68.

23. Wang Y, Liu M, Chen Y, Zeng T, Lu X, Yang B, Wang Y, Zhang L, Nie X, Xiao F*, Zhang Z* and Sun J. 2021. Plants and microbes mediate the shift in ecosystem multifunctionality from low to high patterns across alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 760599. 

22. Li S, Sun J*, Zhou T, Zhao M, Cong N, Zhang L. 2021. Biologic and abiotic factors regulate dissolved organic nitrogen with low and high nutrient concentrations on Tibetan Plateau, respectively. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9.  doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.702713

21. Zhang L, Zhang S, Li Q*, Quan C. 2020. Reduced stomatal frequency with rising elevation for Kobresia royleana on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation 24, e01326. 

20. Zhang L*, Yang L, Shen W. 2020. Dramatic altitudinal variations in leaf mass per area of two plant growth forms at extreme heights. Ecological Indicators 110. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105890

19. Li X, Zhang L, Luo T*. 2020. Rainy season onset mainly drives the spatiotemporal variability of spring vegetation green-up across alpine dry ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 10:18797.

18. Fu T, Liang E, Lu X*, Gao S, Zhang L, Zhu H, Rossi S, Camarero JJ.  2020. Tree growth responses and resilience after the 1950-Zayu-Medog earthquake, southeast Tibetan Plateau. Dendrochronologia 62: 125724. 

17. Zhang Q, Liu Q, Yin H, Zhao C, Zhang L, Zhou G, Yin C, Lu Z, Xiong G, Li Y, Li J, Xu W, Tang Z, Xie Z. 2019. C:N:P stoichiometry of Ericaceae species in shrubland biomes across Southern China: influences of climate, soil and species identity. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:346-357.

16. Ale R, Zhang L, Li X, Bhakta RB, Pugnaire FI, Luo T*. 2018. Leaf d13C as an indicator of water availability along elevation gradients in the dry Himalayas. Ecological Indicators 94: 266-273.

15. Ale R, Zhang L, Li X, Bhakta RB, Pugnaire FI, Luo T*. 2018. Water shortage drives interactions between cushion and beneficiary species along elevation gradients in dry Himalayas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123(1): 226-238.

14. Shen W*,  Zhang L, Guo Y, Luo T. 2018. Causes for treeline stability under climate warming: Evidence from seed and seedling transplant experiments in southeast Tibet. Forest Ecology and Management 408: 45-53.

13. Luo T*, Liu X, Zhang L, Li X, Pan Y, Wright IJ. 2018. Summer solstice marks a seasonal shift in temperature sensitivity of stem growth and nitrogen-use efficiency in cold-limited forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 248: 469-478.

12. Zhang L*, Cui G, Shen W, Liu X. 2016. Cover as a simple predictor of biomass for two shrubs in Tibet. Ecological Indicators 64: 266-271.

11. Liu X*, Nie Y, Luo T, Yu J, Shen W, Zhang L. 2016. Seasonal shift in climatic limiting factors on tree transpiration: evidence from sap flow observations at alpine treelines in Southeast Tibet. Frontiers in Plant Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01018

10. Pugnaire FI*, Zhang L, Li R, Luo TX. 2015. No evidence of facilitation collapse in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 233-242.

9. Shen W, Zhang L, Liu X, Luo T*. 2014. Seed-based treeline seedlings are vulnerable to freezing events in the early growing season under a warmer climate: evidence from a reciprocal transplant experiment in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 187: 83-92.
8. Zhang L*, Luo T, Liu X, Wang Y. 2012. Altitudinal variation in leaf construction cost and energy content of Bergenia purpurascens. Acta Oecologica 43: 72-79.
7. Wang Z, Zhang L*. 2012. Leaf shape alters the coefficients of leaf area estimation models for Saussurea stoliczkai in central Tibet. Photosynthetica 50(3): 337-342. 
6. Kong GQ, Luo T*, Liu X, Zhang L, Liang E. 2012. Annual ring widths are good predictors of changes in net primary productivity of alpine Rhododendron shrubs in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Plant Ecology 213(11): 1843-1855.
5. Zhang L*, Pan L. 2011. Allometric models for leaf area estimation across different leaf age groups of evergreen broadleaved trees in a subtropical forest. Photosynthetica 49(2): 219-226. 
4. Zhang L, Luo T*, Zhu H, Daly C, Deng K. 2010. Leaf lifespan as a simple predictor of  evergreen forest zonation in China. Journal of Biogeography 37(1): 27-36. 
3. Zhang L*, Liu X. 2010. Non-destructive leaf area estimation for Bergenia purpurascens across timberline ecotone, southeast Tibet. Annales Botanici Fennici 47(5): 346-352. 
2. Zhang L*, Luo T, Liu X, Kong G. 2010. Altitudinal variations in seedling and sapling density and age structure of timberline tree species in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30: 76-80. 
1. Luo T*, Zhang L, Zhu H, Daly C, Li M, Luo J. 2009. Correlations between net primary productivity and foliar carbon isotope ratio across a Tibetan ecosystem transect. Ecography 32: 526-538. 

57. 张林*,张亚琳,周威,陈莎莎,洛松拉措. 2025. 1980—2022年《西藏科技》论文合著情况浅析. 西藏科技,46(待发表)

56. 董彪,张林,王忠,袁龙义,江明喜,乔秀娟*. 2025. 西藏察隅县维管植物多样性及区系分析. 高原科学研究,9(2)(待发表)

55. 雷昊晶,旭日,曲松波,沙马日布,李凤滋,张林,梁尔源. 2025. 藏东南墨脱海拔梯度上农业活动对土壤无机氮含量的影响. 中国科学院大学学报,42(2):45-55.

54. 张宁,王金牛,罗栋梁,张林,徐波,吴彦. 2025. 季节性雪被厚度对高山草甸4种优势晚花植物生物量分配的影响. 草业科学 34(2): 67-80.

53. 丹增晋美,土艳丽,张林. 2024. 基于文献计量的西藏自治区高原生物研究所科研产出态势分析. 西藏科技, 46(12): 26-32.

52. 王金牛,魏彦强,张林,罗栋梁,王忠,孙建. “以山为名”的高寒生态研究. 草业科学, 2024, 41(8): 1781-1787.

51. 何家莉,张宁,石凝,王金牛*,孙建,张林,吴彦. 2024. 杜鹃花属植物国内研究势态与热点分析的文献计量综述. 草业科学, 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2022-0353.

50. 景梦洁,赵旺林,刘新圣,张林*. 2024. 西藏原始墨脱冷杉林微气候特征. 高原科学研究, 8(1): 18-28.

49. 张欣茹,崔光帅,左振君,王忠,杨柳,张林*. 2024. 西藏雅鲁藏布江流域中段砂生槐不同器官C、N、P化学计量特征. 草业科学, 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2023-0645.

48. 杨柳,崔光帅,夏晨曦,阿拉姆,孙建,王金牛,罗栋梁,张林*. 2023. 高寒灌丛对气候变暖的生态响应及适应性研究进展. 草业科学, 40(2): 378-393.

47. 刘新圣,蔡路路,张亦赟,张林*. 2023. 黄山松林生物量随海拔梯度的变化特征. 森林与环境学报,43(5): 516-522. 

46. 田炳辉,王金牛*,汪沐阳,石凝,罗栋梁,张林,朱牛,张宁,吴宁,盖艾鸿. 2024. 泛喜马拉雅区域藏原羚栖息地潜在分布、生态廊道及其影响因子. 草业科学,10.11829/j.issn.1001 0629.2023-0306. 

45. 李传虹,张林,刘四义,韩丽丽,姚保民,申聪聪,郝志鹏,张丽梅*. 2023. 青藏高原灌丛土壤碳氮含量及其相关功能基因分布特征. 生态学报,DOI:10.20103/j.stxb.202301310161

44. 朱牛,孙建,石凝,王金牛,张林,罗栋梁,申承,盖艾鸿. 2023. 短期围栏封育对高寒草甸植物群落及土壤理化性质的影响. 草地学报. 31(03):834-843.

43. 张林*,王金牛,赵旺林. 2023. 青藏高原生态文明高地前沿研究:从理论到实践 . 西藏科技,45(11):3-5.

42. 张林*,杜晓辉,赵旺林,孙建,黄雪菊,斯确多吉. 2023. 植被地带性分布和植物功能性状对拉萨南北山绿化的启示. 西藏科技,45(11):93-100.

41. 张宁,王金牛*,朱牛,张林,田炳辉. 2023. 西藏芒康山莽措湖退化草地中瑞香狼毒的小枝性状:不同海拔和发育阶段影响. 西藏科技,45(11):29-38.

40. 罗栋梁*,金会军,吴青柏,何瑞霞,张林,王金牛,李晓英. 2023. 保护多年冻土,助力双碳目标的实现. 西藏科技,45(11):82-87.

39. 姜丽丽,王艳芬,罗丹,汪亚峰,张林,赵威葳,汪诗平,聂晓伟*. 2023. 西藏种植优质高产芜菁的可行性分析. 西藏科技,45(11):88-92.

38. 雷昊晶,旭日*,曲松波,沙马日布,李凤滋,张林,梁尔源. 2023. 藏东南墨脱海拔梯度上农业活动对土壤无机氮含量的影响. 中国科学院大学学报,DOI:10. 7523/j.ucas. 2023. 043.

37. 陈美镕,聂晓伟,张学民,王宗松,宋赵有,阿旺,王奇,汪诗平,李耀明,斯确多吉,张林,严俊,周华坤,石培礼,姜丽丽*. 2023. 西藏那曲适宜建植人工草地的牧草筛选研究. 草地学报,31(10): 2897-2904.

36. 罗栋梁*,雷汶杰,康建芳,王金牛,孙建,张林,魏彦强,陈方方,高怡婷. 2023. 高山多年冻土区地面温度研究进展. 草业科学, 40(4): 942-964.

35. 石钰琛,王金牛*,吴宁,石凝,王丽华,孙建,张林,陈文凯,吴彦,何家莉. 2023. 不同功能型园林植物枝叶性状的差异与关联. 应用与环境生物学报,doi:10.19675/j.cnki.1006-687x.2022.07030

34. 张宁,王金牛*,石凝,王丽华,朱牛,田炳辉,张林,盖艾鸿. 2023. 岷江源区两种优势针叶树当年生小枝性状与生物量分配随海拔的分异规律. 生态学报,43(23), 9814-9826.

33. 赵旺林,张林,王渊, 范丽卿,纪应勋. 2023. 西藏雅鲁藏布大峡谷国家级自然保护区确认熊猴分布. 四川动物,42(5):533.

32. 张林*,黄雪菊,张亚琳,周威,王俊杰. 2023. 从国家自然科学基金看西藏自治区的基础研究及其竞争力. 西藏科技, 44(1):19-23.

31. 陈莎莎,张林,陈庆芝. 2023. 西藏地区科技期刊30年发展回顾. 西藏科技, 44(3):35-40.

30. 李文成,王向涛,王迎新,周天财,孙建*,张林,王金牛,罗栋梁,魏彦强,赵宁宁. 2022. 繁殖体简述及其对高寒草原生态系统恢复的影响. 草业科学, 39(11): 2361-2379.

29. 崔光帅,罗天祥,梁尔源,张林*. 2022. 干旱半干旱区灌丛对草本植物的促进作用研究进展. 植物生态学报, 46(11):1321-1333.

28. 陈莎莎,周威,刘丽娜,次仁平措,张林*. 2022. 《西藏科技》46年回顾:历程、问题与展望. 西藏科技, 44(11):17-21.

27. 赵旺林, 王渊, 刘务林, 刘震, 阙品甲, 张林*. 2021. 西藏墨脱县发现灰腹角雉. 四川动物, 40(5):591.

26. 刘秋蓉,李丽,胡君,刘美,周国英,阳小成,张林,巩合德,刘庆. 2021. 青藏高原东部高寒杜鹃灌丛群落生物量分配及其与气候因素的关系. 应用与环境生物学报. 2022,28(05):1120-1128.

25. 芦晓明, 付婷, 杜琪琪, 张林, 王亚锋, 梁尔源*. 2019. 藏东南亚高山暗针叶林干扰迹地森林更新调查. 科学通报, 64: 2907-2914

24. 赵旺林, 罗天祥, 张林*. 2019.  气候变化与放牧对西藏典型高寒荒漠草地植被指数变化的相对影响. 生态学报, 39(22): 8494-8503.

23. 黄艳, 李月蛟, 樊利华, 张子良, 马志良, 张林, 赵春章*. 2019. 粗枝云杉外生菌根介导的土壤碳氮过程对增温的响应. 应用与环境生物学报, 25(06): 1319-1326.

22. 沈维*, 张林,  罗天祥. 2017. 高山林线变化的更新受限机制研究进展. 生态学报, 37(9): 2858-2868.

21. 崔光帅, 张林*, 沈维, 刘新圣, 王媛韬. 2017. 西藏雅鲁藏布江流域中段砂生槐灌丛生物量分配及碳密度研究. 植物生态学报, 41(1): 53-61.

20. 王媛韬, 张林*, 沈维, 刘新圣, 罗天祥. 2017. 藏东南色季拉山林线过渡带生长季低温事件的海拔分布特征. 山地学报, 35(3): 308-315.

19. 贺合亮, 阳小成, 李丹丹, 尹春英, 黎云祥, 周国英, 张林, 刘庆*. 2017. 青藏高原东部窄叶鲜卑花碳、氮、磷化学计量特征. 植物生态学报,41(1):126-135.

18. 金远亮, 王忠, 张林*. 2015. 西藏当雄县高寒草地NDVI的海拔分异特征及其指示. 自然资源学报, 30(6): 929-937.

17. 刘新圣, 聂玉琴, 邱秀文, 文锋, 张林, 罗天祥. 2015. 基于树木径向生长仪监测高寒地区树木生长和水分利用的研究进展. 世界林业研究, 28(3): 19-25.

16. 贺合亮, 阳小成, 王东, 孙誉育, 尹春英, 李婷, 黎云祥, 周国英, 张林, 刘庆*. 2015. 青藏高原东部窄叶鲜卑花灌丛土壤C、N、P生态化学计量学特征.  应用与环境生物学报, 21,1128-1135.
15. 张林*, 阎恩荣, 魏海霞, 刘新圣, 沈维. 2014. 藏东南色季拉山林线过渡带7个灌木的叶氮回收潜力. 植物生态学报, 38(12): 1325-1332.
14. 俞洁辉,刘新圣,罗天祥,张林*. 2012. 念青唐古拉山北麓草甸海拔分布上限土壤温湿度的季节变化. 地理学报, 67(9): 1246-1254.
13. 胡梦瑶,张林*,罗天祥,沈维. 2012. 西藏紫花针茅叶功能性状沿降水梯度的变化. 植物生态学报, 36 (2): 136-143.
12. 潘璐,张林*. 2011. 古田山自然保护区四个常绿阔叶树种叶面积的估算模型. 浙江林业科技, 31(1): 23-27.
11. 刘新圣*,张林,孔高强,罗天祥. 2011. 藏东南色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉林线地带地上生物量随海拔的变化特征. 山地学报, 29(3): 362-368.
10. 张林*,金冬梅. 2010. 针叶树种叶面积的主要测定方法. 北京:第八届全国生物多样性保护与持续利用研讨会论文集. 46-50.
9. 张林*,王礼茂. 2010. 三北防护林体系森林碳密度及碳贮量动态.干旱区资源与环境,24(8): 136-140. 
8. 张林*,王礼茂,王睿博. 2009. 长江中上游防护林体系森林植被碳贮量及固碳潜力估算. 长江流域资源与环境,18(2): 104-108. 
7. 张林,罗天祥*,邓坤枚,李文华. 2008. 云南松比叶面积和叶干物质含量随冠层高度的垂直变化规律. 北京林业大学学报,30(1): 42-46.
6. 邓坤枚,罗天祥*,张林,王学云,李长会. 2005. 云南松林的根系生物量及其分布规律的研究. 应用生态学报, 16(1): 21-24.
5. 陈飞宇,罗天祥*,张林,邓坤枚,田晓娅. 2005. 江西九连山常绿阔叶林主要树种叶建成消耗的比较. 生态学报,26: 2485-2493. 
4. 张林,黄永,罗天祥*,戴强,邓坤枚. 2005. 林分各器官生物量随林龄的变化规律研究. 以杉木、马尾松人工林为例. 中国科学院研究生院学报,22(2): 170-177.
3. 全成*,张林. 2005. 黑龙江嘉荫地区古近纪早期古气候分析. 地质论评,51(1):10-15.
2. 张林,罗天祥*,邓坤枚,戴强,黄永,蒋正富,陶明友,曾开益. 2004. 广西黄冕林场次生常绿阔叶林的生物量及第一性生产力. 应用生态学报,15(11): 2029-2033. 
1. 张林,罗天祥*. 2004. 植物叶寿命及其相关叶性状的生态学研究进展. 植物生态学报,28(6): 844-852.



西藏自治区自然科学基金重点项目“西藏高寒草地优势种对季风气候的物候适应策略”(XZ202501ZR0070, 2025-2026)[主持]

西藏科技计划基地与人才项目“墨脱水热组合环境的垂直分异规律及关键机制”(XZ202401JD0025, 2024-2026)[主持]


西藏自治区自然科学基金重点项目“围栏封育对西藏干旱半干旱区变色锦鸡儿灌-草互作关系的影响”(XZ202301ZR0027G, 2023-2024)[主持]



西藏自治区科技重点研发项目“小叶杜鹃、香柏人工种植关键技术研究与示范”课题“小叶杜鹃、香柏等野生植物生长的生物与非生物限制因子研究”(XZ202101ZY0005G, 2021-2023)[主持]



国家自然科学基金面上项目“西藏干旱半干旱区变色锦鸡儿灌丛树轮宽度对生产力长期变化的指示”(41471039, 2015-2018)[主持]



中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“生态系统固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力” 专题“西藏自治区灌丛碳汇研究”(XDA0105030305, 2011-2015) [主持]

国家自然科学青年基金“藏东南高山常绿灌木及草本植物叶寿命指数对气候变化敏感性的比较研究”(40901038, 2010-2012)[主持]  

第45批中国博士后科学基金面上项目“叶寿命与常绿森林植被地理分布的内在联系机理” (20090450473, 2010-2012) [主持] 



王媛韬  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

赵旺林  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

杨柳  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

阿拉姆  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

夏晨曦  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

崔光帅  博士研究生  071300-生态学  


杨柳  博士研究生  071300-生态学  

张欣茹  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  




赵旺林,2016-2019,  硕士论文题目:西藏高寒草地植被生长变化特征及其归因分析

杨   柳,2017-2020,  硕士论文题目:青藏高原东南部主要针叶树种径向生长对温度变化的敏感性研究





杨   柳,2020- ,博士生

赵旺林,2022- ,  博士生(西藏大学)

张欣茹,2023- ,硕士生

任泽茜,2023- ,博士生(浙江大学联合培养)

王   威,2023- ,博士生(长安大学联合培养)

王钰茜,2024- ,博士生

杨书锦,2024- ,硕士生(长安大学联合培养)

胡婉君,2024- ,硕士生(西藏大学)