
张良 男 中国科学院昆明植物研究所
电子邮件: zhangliang@mail.kib.ac.cn
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电子邮件: zhangliang@mail.kib.ac.cn
通信地址: 昆明市盘龙区蓝黑路132号
邮政编码: 650000
1. 植物系统分类:主要以蕨类植物为代表,采用经典分类学、分子系统学、细胞学等学科的研究方法开展系统分类研究。
2. 区域植物多样性研究:通过野外考察收集植物标本、实验材料、影像等,综合形态学、细胞学和分子系统学等方面的证据鉴定标本,确定物种名录,进一步揭示研究区的植物多样性特点。
- Nie, L.-Y., Zhang, L., Liang, Z.-L., Pollawatn, R., Yan, Y.-H., Lu, N.T., Knapp, R., Wan, X., Cicuzza, D., Chen, X.-X., Chen, H.-F., Wang, A.-H., Liao, Y.-J., Wang, F.-G., & Zhang, L.-B. (2023). Phylogeny, character evolution, and biogeography of the fern genus Bolbitis (Dryopteridaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 178: 107633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107633
- Zhang, L., & Zhang, L.-B. (2022). Phylogeny, character evolution, and systematics of the fern family Ophioglossaceae based on Sanger sequence data, plastomes, and morphology. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 107512. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2022.107512
- Zhang, L., Fan, X.-P., Petchsri, S., Zhou, L., Pollawatn, R., Zhang, X., Zhou, X.-M., Lu, N.T., Knapp, R., Chantanaorrapint, S., Limpanasittichai, P., Sun, H. , Gao, X.-F. & Zhang, L.-B. (2020). Evolutionary relationships of the ancient fern lineage the adder's tongues (Ophioglossaceae) with description of Sahashia gen. nov. Cladistics 36: 380–393. Https://doi.org/10.1111/cla.12408
- Zhang, L., Zhou, X.-M., Liang, Z.-L., Fan, X.-P., Lu, N.T., Song, M.-S., Knapp, R., Gao, X.-F. , Sun, H. & Zhang, L.-B. (2020). Phylogeny and classification of the tribe Lepisoreae (Polypodiaceae; pteridophyta) with the description of a new genus, Ellipinema gen. nov., segregated from Lepisorus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 148: 106803. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106803
- Zhang, L., Lu, N.T., Zhou, X.-M., Chen, D.-K., Knapp, R., Zhou, L., Guo, L., Luong, T.T., Sun, H., Gao, X.-F. & Zhang, L.-B. (2019). A plastid phylogeny of the Old World fern genus Leptochilus (Polypodiaceae): Implications for cryptic speciation and progressive colonization from lower to higher latitudes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 134: 311–322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2019.01.013
- Zhang, L. & Zhang, L.-B. (2018). A classification of the fern genus Tectaria (Tectariaceae; Polypodiales). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 103: 188–199. https://doi.org/10.3417/2017007
- Zhou, X.-M., Zhang, L., Lu, N.T., Gao, X.-F. & Zhang, L.-B. (2018). Pteridryaceae—A new fern family of Polypodiineae (Polypodiales) including taxonomic treatments. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56: 148–173. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12305
- Zhang, L. & Zhang, L.-B. (2018). Phylogeny and systematics of the brake fern genus Pteris (Pteridaceae) based on molecular (plastid and nuclear) and morphological evidence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 118: 265–285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2017.09.011
- Zhang, L., Zhou, X.-M., Chen, D.-K., Schuettpelz, E., Knapp, R., Lu, N.T., Luong, T.T., Dang, M.T., Duan, Y.-F., He, H., Gao, X.-F. & Zhang, L.-B. (2017). A global phylogeny of the fern genus Tectaria (Tectariaceae: Polypodiales) based on plastid and nuclear markers identifies major evolutionary lineages and suggests repeated evolution of free venation from anastomosing venation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114: 295–333. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2017.05.020
- Zhang, L., Zhou, X.-M., Lu, N.T. & Zhang, L.-B. (2017). Phylogeny of the fern subfamily Pteridoideae (Pteridaceae; Pteridophyta), with the description of a new genus: Gastoniella. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109: 59–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2016.12.037
- Zhang, L., Schuettpelz, E., Rothfels, C. J., Zhou, X.-M., Gao, X.-F. & Zhang, L.-B. (2016). Circumscription and phylogeny of the fern family Tectariaceae based on plastid and nuclear markers, with the description of two new genera: Draconopteris and Malaifilix (Tectariaceae). Taxon 65: 723–738. https://doi.org/10.12705/654.3
- Zhang, L., Rothfels, C. J., Ebihara, A., Schuettpelz, E., Péchon, T. L., Kamau, P., He, H., Zhou, X.-M., Prado, J., Field, A., Yatskievych, G., Gao, X.-F. & Zhang, L.-B. (2015). A global plastid phylogeny of the brake fern genus Pteris (Pteridaceae) and related genera in the Pteridoideae. Cladistics 31: 406–423. https://doi.org/10.1111/cla.12094
- Zhang, L.-B. & Zhang, L. (2015). Didymochlaenaceae: A new fern family of eupolypods I (Polypodiales). Taxon 64: 27–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/641.4
- Zhang, L.-B. & Zhang, L. (2012). The inclusion of Acrophorus, Diacalpe, Nothoperanema, and Peranema in Dryopteris: The molecular phylogeny, systematics, and nomenclature of Dryopteris subg. Nothoperanema (Dryopteridaceae). Taxon 61: 1199–1216. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.616003
李恒, 李嵘,马文章,张良,王欣宇. 2020. 高黎贡山植物资源与区系地理. 武汉:湖北科学技术出版社.
税玉民,陈文红,武建勇,司马永康,杨治国,张良,马文章等. 2020. 云南河口县野生高等植物及植被多样性. 昆明:云南科技出版社.
·2015–19: 周新茂,博士,中国科学院成都生物研究所;卷柏属的系统分类研究
·2016–20: Ngan Thi Lu,博士,中国科学院成都生物研究所/越南自然历史博物馆;复叶耳蕨属的系统分类研究
·2019–21: 范雪萍,硕士,中国科学院成都生物研究所;肿足蕨科的系统分类研究
·2020–23: 万霞,博士,中国科学院成都生物研究所/密苏里植物园;叉蕨科的生物地理学研究
·2020–23: 邱永玲,硕士,云南大学;西藏墨脱鳞毛蕨科和蹄盖蕨科的多样性研究
·2020–23: 杨建军,硕士,云南大学;禾叶蕨类的系统分类研究