Prof. Lifu Zhang
Email: zhanglf@radi.ac.cn
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.20 Datun Rd,Chaoyang District,Beijing China,100101
Tel:8610 64839450 Fax:8610 64839450
Research Areas
Doctoral supervisor, Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, leader of the hyperspectral remote sensing research team; Vice Chairman/Secretary-General of the China Remote Sensing Committee, member of the Academic Committee of the ACRS Association, deputy director of the Expert Committee of the China Remote Sensing Applications Association Member, executive director of the Chinese Society for Space and Space Science, deputy director of the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping, etc.; IEEE Senior Member, serving as an editorial board member of "Journal of Remote Sensing" and "Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition)", International Journal " Frontiers in Imaging " Specialty Chief Editor, "Remote Sensing" Board Member . Hosted national key R&D projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China key funds, XPCC Innovation Team, and other provincial and ministerial level projects. He has published more than 200 papers, including 90 SCI papers in internationally renowned publications such as Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE TGRS, and IEEE TGRL. He has written more than 100 articles, applied for more than 100 patents, authorized 3 PCT international patents, and registered more than 30 software works. Won the first prize of the XPCC Science and Technology Progress Award in 2021, the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2018 (ranked second), the Outstanding Contributor of the 2016 Chinese Academy of Sciences Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, the second prize of the Military Science and Technology Progress Award, and the second prize of the Geographic Information Science and Technology Progress Award. Award, Third Prize for Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Progress and other awards.
1997-2000 M.E. Wuhan University, National Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing
2001-2005 Ph.D. Wuhan University, National Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing
2020.03- present Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2012.09- 2020.03 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Laboratory, Deputy Director of Center for Applied Technology of Earth Observation, Professor
2012.01- 2012.09 Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Laboratory, Professor
2011.06- 2011.12 Earth Science and Resource Engineering, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Sydney, Australia, Advanced Visiting Researcher
2010.08- 2011.05 Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Scientist, Director of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Laboratory
2007.10- 2010.07 Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Scientist,
2005.07- 2007.10 Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University,Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2003.09-2004.09 Department of Information and Computer Sciences,Nara Women’sUniversity of Japan, Visiting Researcher
1992.07-2000.10 Wuhan University, Assistant Researcher
1. Lifu Zhang, shunshi Hu, et al. The Effects of Solar Irradiance Spectra on Calculation of Narrow Band Top-of-Atmosphere Hyperspectral Reflectance, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2014, in press (SCI, IF:2.874)
2. Qingxi Tong, Yongqi Xue, Lifu Zhang*. Progress in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Science and Technology in China over the Past Three Decades,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014,7(1):70-91. (SCI, IF:2.874)
3. Yang Hang, Zhang Lifu*, Gao Yingqian et.al. Temperature and Emissivity Separation from Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI) Data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 2013, 79 (12):1099-1107. (SCI,IF2.042)
4. Tong Shuai,Xia Zhang *, Lifu Zhang, Jinnian Wang. Mapping Global Lunar Abundance of Plagioclase, Clinopyroxene and Olivine with Interference Imaging Spectrometer Hyperspectral Data Considering Space Weathering Effect,ICARUS, 2013, 222(1): 401–410. (SCI)
5. ZHAOHeng-qian,ZHANGLi-fu*,WUTai-xia1,HUANG Changping . “Research on the Model of Spectral Unmixing for Minerals Based on Derivative of Ratio Spectroscopy”, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2013, 33(1):172-176.(SCI)
6. Liu Kai; Zhang Li-fu*; Yang Hang; Zhu Hai-tao; Jiang Hai-ling; Li Yao. 2013, Hyperspectral Unstructured Background Target Detection Approach Based on Object-Oriented Analysis SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 33(6):1653-1657(SCI)
7. Huang, C., L. Zhang*, J. Fang, and Q. Tong.2012. "A Radiometric Calibration Model for the Field Imaging Spectrometer System." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. (99): 2465-2474. (SCI,IF:3.467)
8. Chen, Xiaoping, Lifu Zhang*, Xia Zhang, and Bo Liu.2013. "Comparison of the sensor dependence of vegetation indices based on Hyperion and CHRIS hyperspectral data." International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34 (6):2200-2215,(SCI)
9. Taixia Wu, Lifu Zhang*,Yi Cen, 2013. Polarized spectral measurement and analysis of Sedum spectabile Boreau using a field imaging spectrometer system, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6(2)724-730
10. Lifu Zhang, Changping Huang, Taixia Wu, Feizhou Zhang and Qingxi Tong, Laboratory Calibration of the Field Imaging Spectrometer System, Sensors. 2011, 11(3):2408-2425. (SCI,2008 IF:1.905)
11. YANGHang,ZHANGLi-fu*,HUANGZhao-qiang,ZHANG X uewen, et al.Quantitative Inversion of Rock SiO2 Content Based on Thermal Infrared Emissivity Spectrum, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2012,32(6):1611 – 1615.
12. LIUBo,TONGQing-xi,ZHANGLi-fu,ZHANGXia et al. Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Spectral Characteristics of Leaves of Karst Plant during Dehydration Using a Field Imaging Spectrometer System. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2012,32 (6):1460 - 1465
13. Zhang Lifu, Zhang Xuewen,HuangZhaoqiang, Yanghang,Zhang Feizhou.Quantitative Estimation of CaO Content in Surface Rocks Using Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Emissivity, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis.2011, 31(11):2940 – 2943(SCI)
14. Lifu Zhang, Bo Liu, Bing ZhangQingxi Tong.AnEvaluate the effect of spectral response function of satellite sensor to precision of universal pattern decomposition method.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2010,31(8):2083-2090,( SCI, 2008IF:1.041)
15. Zhang Lifu, Zhang Liangpei, Yan Lei, Yang Shaowen, Fujiwara Noboru, Muramatsu Kanako, and Daigo Motomasa. Hyperspectral data transformation and vegetation index performance based on the universal pattern decomposition method, Journal of imaging science and technology, 2007,51(2):141-147 (SCI,170AE,EI:072610670624)
16. Zhang, Lifu, Furumi, S., Murumatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L. Sensor-independent analysis method for hyperspectral data based on the pattern decomposition method, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006, 27(21) : 4899-4910(SCI:120KX,2008IF:1.041,EI: 064910290265)
17. Zhang, Lifu, Furumi, S., Murumatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L. A New Vegetation Index Based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007, 28(1):107-124(SCI:134OR, 2008IF:1.041,EI: 072710684235)
18. Zhang, Lifu, Fujiwara, N., Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Daigo, M., and Zhang L Assessment of the universal pattern decomposition method using MODIS and ETM+ data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007, 28(1):125-142(SCI:134OR, 2008IF:1.041,EI: 072710684236)
19. ZHANG Li-Fu, ZHANG Xue-Wen, Huang Zhao-Qiang,YANG Hang,ZHANG Fei-Zhou. Quantitative Estimation of CaO Content in Surface Rocks Using Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Emissivity. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(SCI)
20. Liu B., Zhang L.*, Zhang X., Zhang B., Tong Q. Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach. Sensors. 2009, 9(4):3090-3108. (SCI,2008IF:1.905).
21. HUANG Changping, ZHANG Lifu*, ZHANG Xiaohong, ZHENG Lanfen, TONG Qingxi. Study on Discrimination of Varieties of Milk Based on FISS Imaging spectral Data. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(1):214-218. (SCI)
22. ZHANG Xue-wen, ZHANG Li-fu*, HUANG Chang-ping ,ZHENG Lan-fen, TONG Qing-xi. Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Meat Discrimination Based on FISS Imaging Spectral Data. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(8):287-2190(SCI)
23. Li Bo, Yan Lei, Zhang Lifu.Evaluation of Sensor Spectral Parameters for the Simulation Accuracy of the Vegetation Spectrum, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(7): 1843-1847 (SCI).
24. Liu Bo, Fang Junyong, Liu Xue, Zhang Lifu, Zhang Bing, Tong Qingxi. Research on Crop-weed Discrimination Using a Field Imaging Spectrometer. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(7):1830-1833 (SCI).
25. Zhang, L., Zhang L , Fujiwara, N. , and Muramatsu, K. The universal pattern decomposition method based on the hyper spectral satellite remotely sensed data, Journal of Geomatics and information science of Wuhan University, 2005, 30(3):264-268.
26. Zhang, Lifu., Zhang L , Fujiwara, N. , and Muramatsu, K. Calculation of the terrestrial vegetation index VIUPD using MODIS data, Journal of Geomatics and information science of Wuhan University, 2005, 30(8):690-702.
27. Tong Q X, Xue Y Q, Wang J N, Zhang L F et. al. Development and application of the Field Imaging Spectrometer System. Journal of Remote Sensing. 2010, 14(3):409-422.
28. Huanhu Qin, Lifu Zhang. Design of Hyperspectral Multidimensional Database for Rock and Mineral. IEEE The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011.
29. Yanghang, Zhang Lifu, Fang Junyong, Tong Qingxi. Vegetation Edge Feather Extracting Based on Wavelet Transform. ICFCC2010,3 :733-737.
30. Xuewen Zhang, Lifu Zhang , and Changping Huang. Quantitative Estimation of Cold Storage Time of Meat Using Hyperspectra Data,The International Conference on Remote Sensing,Environment and Transportation Engineering ,RSETE 2011.
32. Hang Yang, Lifu Zhang, Li Liu, Qingxi Tong. temperature and emissivity separation from TASI data based on wavebands selection. IGARSS2011.
36. Yang Hang, Zhang Lifu, Fang Junyong, Zhang Xia, Tong Qingxi. Algorithm Research of Buiding Materials Emissivity Extracting. IGARSS2010: 3350 - 3353.
37. YANG Hang, ZHANG Xia, HE Hai-xia, ZHANG Li-fu, TONG Qing-xi.The Optimal Choice of Edge-Radiation-Distortion Correction Methods for OMIS-II Hyperspectral Images,Remote Sensing for Land &Resources,2010(2):17-21.
38. Zhang Lifu, Yan Lei and Yang Shaowen. Narrowband vegetation index performance using the AVIRIS hyper-spectral remotely sensed data,SPIE, Geoinformatics2006, Wuhan, 2006, 6419: 64190M1-M7.
39. Zhang, L., Fujiwara, N.; Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Daigo, M., Zhang, L., Yan, L.Validate the universal pattern decomposition method using satellite data acquired over the Three Gorges region. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6043 I, MIPPR 2005: SAR and Multispectral Image Processing, 2005, p 60430G.
40. Zhang, L., Fujiwara, N., Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Daigo, M., Zhang, L.; Yan, L.Validate the universal pattern decomposition method using satellite data acquired over the Three Gorges region. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6042 I, ICMIT 2005: Control Systems and Robotics, 2005, p 60430G.
41. Zhang Lifu, Yan Lei, and Yang Shaowen. Vegetation index derived from the AVIRIS hyper-spectral airborne imagery, International Congress of Imaging Science, Rochester, New York, May 7, 2006, 314-316.
42. Zhang Lifu, Zhang Liangpei, Fujiwara Noboru, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, and Daigo Motomasa. Land Cover Classification based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method, the 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Saint Petersburg, Russian, 2005, 6.
43. Zhang Lifu, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, Fujiwara Noboru, Daigo Motomasa, and Zhang Liangpei A New Vegetation Index Based on the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method, Proceeding of the 36th conference, Chiba University, Journal of remote sensing society of Japan, 2004, 36:27-28.
44. Daigo Motomasa, Zhang Lifu, Fujiwara Noboru, Furumi Shinobu, Muramatsu Kanako, and Zhang Liangpei. Universality of Modified Pattern Decomposition Method for Satellite Data Analysis, Proceeding of the 35th conference, Nagaoka, Journal of remote sensing society of Japan, 2003, 35:131-132.
45. Zhang Lifu, Mitsushita, Y., Furumi, S., Muramatsu, K., Fujiwara, N., Daigo, M., and Zhang, L. Universality of Modified Pattern Decomposition Method for Satellite Sensor, Asia GIS conference Publications, 2003, Wuhan University, China.
Research Interests
Mechanism and Application of Polarized-light Remote Sensing