张凡 女 汉族 博导 青藏高原研究所
Telephone: 62849383
Mobile phone:
Address: 北京海淀区双清路18号
Postcode: 100085

Research Areas

Water Resources and Numerical  Modeling


  • Aug. 2001-May 2005 University of Central Florida, Civil Engineering, Ph.D.
  • Aug. 1998-Jun. 2000 Tsinghua University, Civil Engineering, M.S.
  • Aug. 1994-Jun. 1998 Tsinghua University, Environmental Engineering, B.S.


Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, July 2009-present
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, January , 2011-present
Science Editor,Journal of Mountain Science, 2011-present

Work Experience
  • Sep. 2009-present     Professor, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Mar. 2008-Sep. 2009  Research Staff Scientist,  Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  • May 2005-Mar. 2008  Research Associate, Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  • Aug. 2000-May 2005    Research Assistant, University of Central Florida, USA

Teaching Experience

Master and Ph.D supervisor since 2010

Honors & Distinctions

  • Best Paper Award, GeoShanghai 2010,  2010  
  • Hundred Talent Award, Chinese  Academy of Sciences, 2010  
  • Who’sWho in America,  Marguis Who’sWho , 2009  


Selected Publications:

Book Editors

  1. Zhang, F., G. T. Yeh, and J. C. ParkerEditors. Ground Water Reactive Transport Models. Bentham Science Publishers. ISBN 978-1-60805-306-3, 2012.

  1. Zhang, F.*,  H. Zhang, S. C. Hagen, M. Ye, D. Wang, D. Gui, C. Zeng, L. Tian, J. Liu. Snow  cover and runoff modeling in a high mountain catchment with scarce data: effects  of temperature and precipitation parameters. Hydrological Processes. 29, 52–65  (2015)
  2. Shi, X., T. Lei, F. Zhang, and Y. Yan. Velocity measurement  of water flow within gravel layer with electrolyte tracer method under virtual  boundary condition. Journal of Hydrology. 527, 387–393(2015)
  3. Shi, X., F. Zhang*,  L. Tian, D.R. Joswiak, C. Zeng, D. Qu,. Tracing Contributions to Hydro-isotopic  Differences between Two Adjacent Lakes in the Southern Tibetan Plateau.  Hydrological Processes. 28, 5503–5512 (2014)
  4. Zhang, H., F. Zhang*,  X. Shi, C. Zeng, D.-S. Shih, G.-T. Yeh, D.R. Joswiak. Influence of River Channel  Geometry in Stream Flow Modeling and Guidelines for Field Investigation.  Hydrological Processes. 28(4): 2630-2638 (2014).
  5. Wang, G., X. Yan*, F.  Zhang, C. Zeng, D. Gao. Traffic-Related Trace Element Accumulation in  Roadside Soils and Wild Grasses in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Int. J.  Environ. Res. Public Health 11, 456-472 (2014)
  6. Zeng, C.*, F. Zhang,  Y. Chen, D. R. Joswiak. Impact of alpine meadow degradation on soil hydraulic  properties over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology. 478: 148-156  (2013).
  7. Zeng, C., Q. Wang*, F.  Zhang, J. Zhang. Temporal changes in soil hydraulic conductivity with  different soil types and irrigation methods. Geoderma, 193-194: 290-299 (2013).  
  8. Yeh, G.T.*, J.-P. Gwo,  M. D. Siegel, M.-H. Li, Y. Fang, F. Zhang, W.  Luo, S. B. Yabusaki. Innovative mathematical modeling in environmental  remediation. Journal of Environmental  Radioactivity.119, 26–38 (2013).  
  9. Yan, X., F. Zhang*,  D. Gao, C. Zeng, W. Xiang and M. Zhang. Accumulations of Heavy Metals in  Roadside Soils Close to Zhaling, Eling and Nam Co Lakes in the Tibetan Plateau.  Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 10(6), 2384-2400 (2013).
  10. Yan, X.*, D. Gao, F.  Zhang, C. Zeng, W. Xiang and M. Zhang. Relationships between Heavy Metal  Concentrations in Roadside Topsoil and Distance to Road Edge Based on Field  Observations in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public  Health 10(3), 762-775 (2013)
  11. Zhang,  F.*, G. T. Yeh, J.C.  Parker, H. Zhang, X. Shi1, C. Wang, R.Gu. A reaction-based river/stream water  quality model: reaction network decomposition and model application.  Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 23(5): 605-620 (2012).
  12. Shi, X.* and F.  Zhang. A preliminary study on measurement of sediment concentration in  hill-slope runoff with electrolyte tracer. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic  Sciences. 23(5), 597-604 (2012).
  13. Zeng, C. Q. Wang*, F.  Zhang. Evaluation of hydraulic parameters obtained by different measurement  methods for heterogeneous gravel soil. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic  Sciences. 23(5): 585-596 (2012).
  14. Yan, X., F. Zhang*,  C. Zeng, M. Zhang, L.P. Devkota, T. Yao. Relationship between Heavy-Metal  Content of Soil and Corresponding Grass in Roadside Farmland. International  Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 9(9):3209-3226 (2012).
  15. Shi, X., F. Zhang, T.  Lei*, R. Chuo, S. Zhou, Y. Yan. Measuring Shallow Water Flow Velocity with  Virtual Boundary Condition Signal in the Electrolyte Tracer Method. Journal of  Hydrology. 452-453:172-179 (2012).
  16. Shi, X., W. Chen, F.  Zhang, and L. Wu*. Simulating Bromide transport from soil to overland flow:  application and evaluation of interfacial diffusion-controlled model. Journal of  Hydrologic Engineering. 2012, 17(5): 628-634.
  17. Zhang, F.*,  X. Yan, C. Zeng, M. Zhang, S. Shrestha, L. P. Devkota, and T. Yao. Influence of  Traffic Activity on Heavy Metal Concentration of Roadside Farmland Soil in  Mountainous Areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public  Health. 9(5): 1715-1731 (2012).
  18. Zhang, F.*,  W. Luo, J.C. Parker, S.C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine and B. Gu.  Modeling uranium transport in acidic contaminated groundwater with base  addition. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 190: 863–868 (2011).
  19. Tang, G.,* E. F. D'Azevedo, F. Zhang, J. C. Parker, D. B. Watson and P. M.  Jardine. Application of A Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Approach for Parallel Groundwater  Model Calibration on Multi-Core Computers. Computers and geosciences. 36:  1451–1460 (2010) .
  20. Zhang, F.*,  Wu, W.-M., Jack C. Parker, Tonia Mehlhorn, Shelly D. Kelly, Kenneth M. Kemner,  Gengxin Zhang, Christopher Schadt, Scott C. Brooks, Craig S. Criddle, David B.  Watson, Philip M. Jardine.. Kinetic analysis and modeling of oleate and ethanol  stimulated uranium (VI) bio-reduction in contaminated sediments under sulfate  reduction conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 183: 482-489 (2010)
  21. Zhang,  F.*, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M.  Jardine and B. Gu. Prediction of uranium and technetium sorption during  titration of contaminated acidic groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials.  178: 42-48 (2010).
  22. Zhang, F.*  and J. C. Parker. An Efficient Modeling Approach to Simulate Heat Transfer rate  between Fracture and Matrix Regions for Oil Shale Retorting. Transport in porous  media. 84:229-240 (2010).
  23. Yeh, G. T.*, Y. Fang, F.  Zhang, J. Sun, Y. Li, M. H. Li, and M. D. Siegel. "Numerical Modeling of  Coupled Fluid Flow and Thermal and Reactive Biogeochemical Transport in Porous  and Fractured Media". Computational Geosciences. 14(1): 149-170. (2010).
  24. Mayes, M. A.*, G. Tang, P. M. Jardine, L. D. McKay, X.  L. Yin, M. N. Pace, J. C. Parker, F. Zhang, T.  L. Melhorn and R. Dansby-Sparks. Influence of Sedimentary Bedding on Reactive  Transport Parameters under Unsaturated Conditions. Soil Science Society of  America Journal. 73:1938-1946 (2009)
  25. Zhang, F.*,  J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, Y.-J. Kim, P. M. Jardine and D. B. Watson.  Comparison of Approaches to Calibrate a Surface Complexation Model for U(VI)  Sorption to Weathered Saprolite. Transport in Porous Media Journal. 78 (2):  185-197. (2009)
  26. Zhang, F.*,  W. Luo, J. C. Parker, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine,  and B. Gu Geochemical Modeling of Reactions and Partitioning of Trace Metals and  Radionuclides during Titration of Contaminated Acidic Sediments. Environmental  Science and Technology. 42 (21): 8007-8013 (2008).
  27. Yan X.*, E. Radwan, F.  Zhang, and J. C. Parker. Evaluation of Dynamic Passing Sight Distance  Problem Using a Finite Element Model. Journal of Transportation Engineering.  134:225-235. (2008).
  28. Zhang, F.*,  G. T. Yeh, J. C. Parker, and P. M. Jardine. "A reaction-based river/stream water  quality model: Model development and numerical schemes". Journal of Hydrology.  348: 496-509 (2008).
  29. Zhang, F.*,  L. Jiang, G. T. Yeh, and J. C. Parker. "An Adaptive Local Grid Refinement and  Peak/Valley Capture Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Transport Problems with Moving  Sharp-Fronts". Transport in Porous Media Journal. 72: 53-69. (2008).
  30. Zhang, F.*,  W. Luo, D. B. Watson, J. C. Parker, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding and P. M. Jardine. A  reactive transport model to simulate uranium immobilization through pH  manipulation. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 72(12): Meeting abstract A1080-  A1080 (2008).
  31. Zhang, F.,  J. C. Parker, W. Luo, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, and P.  M. Jardine*. Subsurface transport and biogeochemistry modeling at IFC site, Oak  Ridge, TN. Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 236: GEOC  48.(2008).
  32. Jardine, P. M., D. B. Watson, G.  Baker, C.C. Brandt, S.C. Brooks, C.S. Criddle, C.T. Gaten, B. Gu, J. Horita,  S.S. Hubbard, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Kostka, J. Luo, A.V.  Palumbo, J.C. Parker, T.J. Phelps, C.W. Schadt, B.P. Spalding, W.N. Wu, F. Zhang, and J. Zhou. Research Highlights and  Future Directions of the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project:  Implications to Future EM Remedial Decisions and Strategies. Abstract of Papers  of the American Chemical Society, 236: NUCL 84. (2008).
  33. Zhang, F.*, G. T. Yeh, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, M. N. Pace,  Y.-J. Kim, P. M. Jardine, and D. B. Watson. "A reaction-based paradigm to model  reactive chemical transport in groundwater with general kinetic and equilibrium  reactions". Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 92: 10-32 (2007).