Yi-Zhi QU
Colledge of Material Sciences and Optoelectronic Technology
Email: yzqu@ucas.ac.cn
Telephone: 010-82640439
Address: Colledge of Material Sciences and Optoelectronic Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Postcode: 100049
Research Areas
Dielectronic recombination
electron impact excitation and ionization
Relativistic multi-channal theory for the dynamic process of atom
Charge trasfer for atom-ion collision
Plasma diagnistic
Dept. of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R.China
Solid States Physics
1987. 9 - 1990. 8, M.S.
Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Atomic and Molecular Physics
1992 9 - 1995. 8, Ph. D
Institute of Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Supervisor: Professor Jia-ming Li(C. M. Lee) and Zu-Gang Deng
Atomic and Molecular Physics
1995.9 - 1997.9, Post-doctor
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Supervisor: Professor Jia-ming Li(C. M. Lee)
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Work Experience
Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1997.9 - 2009.3, Associate professor , professor
College of Physical Sciences,
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009.4 - presnt , professor
College of College of Material Science and Opt-electonic techonology
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
1993 - 1999.3, visiting scholar
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China
2001.2 - 2002.10, STA fellow
Atomic Physics lab, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Japan
2003.9 visit Lab de physique des interfaces, Poly Technique Univ., France
2008.6 visit Department of Chemistry, Wupertal University, Gernamy
2009.12 visit Department of Chemistry, The Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Teaching Experience
Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Computational Physics
1997.9 - 2009.8, Associate professor,professor
College of Physical Sciences,
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Non-linear Optics
Foundamental of optoelctronic technology
2009.9 - presnt, professor
College of Material Sciences and Optoelctronic Technology
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Non-linear Optics
Foundamental of optoelctronic technology
1、Zhenqi Liu, Qing Liu, Yulong Ma, Fuyang Zhou, and Yizhi Qu*,
Influence of orbital sets on the Ar+(2s−1) multiple Auger decay,
Physical Review A 103 (2021) 063102
2、Zhenqi Liu(刘振旗), Qing Liu(刘青), Yulong Ma(马玉龙), Fuyang Zhou(周福阳), and Yizhi Qu(屈一至)*, Multiple Auger Decay Following Xe+Ionization,
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 38(2) (2021) 023201
3、Shuai Qin(秦帅), Cong-Zhang Gao(高聪章), Wandong Yu(余皖东)*,, and Yi-Zhi Qu(屈一至)*, Multi-Electron Transfer of Ar+ Colliding with Ne Atoms Based on a
Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 38(6) (2021) 063101
4、Xiao-Xia Wang, Kun Wang, Yi-Geng Peng, Chun-Hua Liu, Ling Liu5, Yong Wu, Heinz-Peter Liebermann, Robert J. Buenker and Yizhi Qu*, Charge transfer and excitation processes in low energy collisions of He+ ions with Li atoms,
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21(8)(2021) 210
5、Xiao-Xia Wang(王小霞), Kun Wang(王堃), Yi-Geng Peng(彭裔耕), Chun-Hua Liu(刘春华),Ling Liu(刘玲), Yong Wu(吴勇), Heinz-Peter Liebermann, Robert J. Buenker, and Yi-Zhi Qu(屈一至)*, Ab Initio Study of Single- and Double-Electron Capture Processes in Collisions of He2+ Ions and Ne Atoms, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 38(11)(2021) 113401
6、Qing Liu(刘青), Jiguang Li(李冀光), Jianguo Wang(王建国), and Yi-Zhi Qu(屈一至)*, Effect of Electron Correlation and Breit Interaction on Energies, Oscillator Strengths, and Transition Rates for Low-Lying States of Helium,
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 38(11)(2021) 113101
7、Fuyang Zhou, Yizhi Qu, Junwen Gao, Yulong Ma, Yong Wu & Jianguo Wang. Atomic-state-dependent screening model for hot and warm dense plasmas, Communication Physics 4 (2021)148.
1、Yulong Ma , Ling Liu, Luyou Xie, Yong Wu, Yizhi Qu, Jianguo Wang,
KLL dielectronic recombination of hydrogenlike carbon ion in Debye plasmas
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 241 (2020) 106731
2、Kun Wang(王堃), Xiao-Xia Wang(王小霞), Yi-Zhi Qu(屈一至)*, Chun-Hua Liu(刘春华),Ling Liu(刘玲), Yong Wu(吴勇), Robert J. Buenker,
Single- and Double-Electron Capture Processes in Low-Energy Collisions of N 4+ Ions with He, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 37(2) (2020) 023401
3、Yulong Ma , Ling Liu,* Yong Wu,,† Yizhi Qu, and Jianguo Wang
Theoretical investigation of electron-impact multiple ionization of O II-IV ions
Physical Review A 101 (2020) 052703
4、Kun Wang(王堃), Yi-Zhi Qu(屈一至)†, Chun-Hua Liu(刘春华), Ling Liu(刘玲), Yong Wu(吴勇), H P Liebermann, and Robert J. Buenker,Charge transfer in low-energy collisions of
Be 3+ and B 4+ ions with He, Chin. Phys. B 29(9) (2020) 093401
1、K Wang , Y Z Qu*, C H Liu, L Liu , Y Wu, H-P Liebermann and R J Buenker,
The influence of pseudo states on the singleelectron capture processes in low-energy collisions of N5+ with He, J. Phys. B 52 (2019) 075202
2、Yu KunYang, YongWu, Yi ZhiQu, Jian GuoWang, R.K.Janev, Song BinZhang,
Resonance studies using the contour deformation method in the complex momentum plane,
Physics Letters A 383 (2019) 1929–1936
1、Yulong Ma, Zhenqi Liu, Fuyang Zhou, and Yizhi Qu*,
Theoretical investigation of resonant multiple Auger decayof the core-excited 2 p3/2−1 4s state in argon,
Physical Review A 98, 043417 (2018)
2、Yu-Long Ma, Fu-Yang Zhou, Zhen-Qi Liu, and Yi-Zhi Qu*, Single and double Auger decay of 4f-ionized mercury including cascade and direct processes,
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27(5) (2018) 063201
3、Denghong Zhang, Luyou Xie, Jun Jiang, Zhongwen Wu,Chenzhong Dong, Yinglong Shi, and Yizhi Qu, Single Electron-impact single ionizaiton for W4+ and W5+,
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27(5) (2018) 053402
4、Lu-You Xie, Qian-Qian Man, Jian-Guo Wang, Yi-Zhi Qu and Chen-Zhong Dong
Relativistic R-matrix calculations for L-shell photoionization cross sections of C II
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27(8) (2018) 083201
1、Yulong Ma, Fuyang Zhou, Ling Liu, and Yizhi Qu*,
Multiple Auger decay probabilities of neon from the 1s-core-hole state,
Physical Review A 96 (2017),042504
2、Fuyang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Yizhi Qu and Jianguo Wang1,
Hyperfine induced transition probabilities from 4f 145s5p 3Po0;2 states in Sm-like ions,
J. Phys. B 50,215001 (2017)
3、Xingyu Li, Maomao Gong, Ling Liu, Yong Wu, Jianguo Wang, Yizhi Qu, and Xiangjun Chen,
Calculation of (e, 2e) triple-differential cross sections of formic acid: An application of the multicenter distorted-wave method,
Physical Review A95 (2017) 012703
4、Kun Ma, Zhan-Bin Chen, Lu-You Xie, Chen-Zhong Dong and Yi-Zhi Qu,
Relativistic effects on the linear polarization and angular distribution of x-ray radiation emitted by inner-shell photoionization of atoms,
J. Phys. B 50, 225202 (2017)
中国科学院研究生院学报,34(1) (2017) 15
1、 Fuyang Zhou,Yulong Ma, Yizhi Qu*,
Single, double and triple Auger decay probabilities of C+ (1s2s22p2 2D, 2P) resonances,
Physical Review A 93 (2016) 060501(R) (Rapid Communications)
2、Chuan-Ying Li, Yong Wu, Yi-Zhi Qu, and Jian-Guo Wang,
Effects of radiation damping on photorecombination of C4+ ions for the KLL resonance,
Physical Review A94 (2016) 042702
物理学报 65 (2016)083201
1、T. C. Li, Y. Z. Qu*, Y. Wu, L. Liu, J. G. Wang, H.-P. Liebermann, and R. J. Buenker,
Charge transfer and association of Li+ colliding with Na from very low to intermediate energies,
Physical Review A 91(3) (2015) 052702
2、Li Tie-Cheng, Liu Chun-Hua, Qu Yi-Zhi*, Liu Ling, Wu Yong, Wang Jian-Guo, Liebermann H. P., Buenker R. J.,
Resonant charge transfer in slow Li+-Li(2s) collisions ,
Chin. Phys. B . 2015, 24(10): 0103401
3、Pei Li-Ya, Niu Jin-Yan, Wang Ru-Quan, Qu Yi-Zhi, Zuo Zhan-Chun, Wu Ling-An, Fu Pan-Ming,
Relationship between electromagnetically-induced transparency and Autler–Townes splitting in a Doppler-broadened system ,
Chin. Phys. B . 2015, 24(7): 074203
4、Qi Yue-Ying, Ye Dan-Dan, Wang Jian-Guo, Qu Yi-Zhi,
Fast-electron-impact ionization process by 3p of hydrogen-like ions in Debye plasmas,
Chin. Phys. B . 2015, 24(3): 033403.
5、Pei Li-Ya, Niu Jin-Yan, Wang Ru-Quan, Qu Yi-Zhi, Wu Ling-An, Fu Pan-Ming, Zuo Zhan-Chun,
Macroscopic effects in electromagnetically induced transparency ina Doppler-broadened system,
Chinese Physics B 2015, 24(1) 014205
1、Yan L L,Li X Y, Wu Y, Wang JG,Qu Y Z,
Radiative association processes to specific rovibrational levels in low-energy Na+ +87Rb collisions,
Physical Review A 90(3) (2014) 032714
2、Xie LY,Wang JG, Qu, YZ,Dong, CZ ,
Relativistic R-Matrix calculations for the photoionization cross sections of C II,Journal of Physics Conference Series 488 (2014) 022026
3、MA Kun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, DING Xiao-Bin, QU Yi-Zhi,
Polarization and Angular Distribution of L? X-Ray Following Inner-Shell 2p3/2 Photoionization of Magnesium-Like Ions,
Chinese Physics Letter 31 (5) (2014) 053201
4、MA Kun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, QU Yi-Zhi,
Polarization Transfer in the 2p3/2 Photoionization of Magnesiumlike Ions
Chinese Physics Letter 31 (10) (2014) 103201
1、C. H. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Z. Qu*, J. G. Wang and R. K. Janev,
Charge transfer cross section calculation and evaluation for Beq+ + H collisions,
AIP Conference Prodedings 545 (2013) 232
2、Li Chuan-Ying,Han Xiao-Ying, Wang Jian-Guo, Qu Yi-Zhi*,
Relativistic R-matrix studies of photoionization processes of Ar5+,
Chinese Physics B 21 (6) (2013) 123201
3、L. L. Yan, L. Liu, Y. Wu, Y. Z. Qu, J. G. Wang, and R. J. Buenker,
Charge transfer and association of Na+ with 87Rb atoms from extreme-low to intermediate energies,
Physical Review A 88(1) (2013) 012709
4、L. L. Yan, Y. Wu, Y. Z. Qu, J. G. Wang, and R. J. Buenker,
Single- and double-electron capture processes in the collisions of C4+ ions with He,
Physical Review A 88 (2) (2013) 022706
5、Robert J. Buenker, Heinz-Peter Liebermann, Yu Zhang, Yong Wu, Lingling Yan, Chunhua Liu, Yizhi Qu, and Jianguo Wang,
Adjustment of Born-Oppenheimer Electronic Wave Functions to Simplify Close Coupling Calculations,
J. Computational Chemistry,34 (2013) 928-937
6、Y. Y. Qi, L. N. Ning, J. G. Wang, and Y. Z. Qu,
Plasma effect on fast-electron-impact-ionization from 2p state of hydrogenlike Ions,
Physics of Plasmas 20 (2013) 123301
中国科学院研究生院学报,30(2) (2013) 172
1、Lingling Yan, Yizhi Qu*, Chunhua Liu, Jianguo Wang, and Robert J. Buenker,
Ab initio many-electron study for the low-lying states of the alkali hydride cations in the adiabatic representation,
J of Chem. Physics 136 (2012) 124304
2、C.Y. Li, Y.Z. Qu , J.G. Wang,
State-selective radiative recombination cross sections of argon ions,
J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 113 (2012) 1920
3、Yan Ling-Ling , Qu Yi-Zhi* , Liu Chun-Hua,Zhang Yu , Wang Jian-Guo, and Buenker Robert J,
Nonradiative charge transfer in the collisions of protons with rubidium atom,
Chinese Physics B 21 (6) (2012) 063401
4、Hu Xiao-Li , Qu Yi-Zhi, Zhang Song-Bin, and Zhang Yu,
Dielectronic recombination and resonant transfer excitation processes for helium-like krypton,
Chinese Physics B 21 (10) (2012) 103401
中国科学院研究生院学报,29(4) (2012) 439
6、L.Y. Xie, J.G. Wang, R.K. Janev, Y.Z. Qu, and C.Z. Dong,
Energy levels and multipole transition properties of C4+ ion in Debye plasmas,
The European Physics J. D 66 (2012) 125
1、Zhou Yu(周宇),Qu Yi-Zhi* (屈一至), Liu Chun-Hua(刘春华), Liu1 Xiao-Ju刘晓菊),
Radiative decay of proton colliding with Rb at low energies,
Chinese Physics Letters 28 (2011) 033401 (SCI)
2、X. J. Liu J. G. Wang, Y. Z. Qu and R. J. Buenker,
Single- and double-electron capture process in low-energy collisions of N3+ with He,
Physical Review A 84 (2011) 042706 (OCT 11 2011)
3、X. J. Liu, L. Liu, J. G. Wang, Y. Z. Qu, and B. J. Xiao,
Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy for a particles colliding with hydrogen atoms,
Physics of Plasmas 18 (2011) 103301
1、C.H. Liu, Y.Z. Qu*, J. G. Wang, Y. Li, and R. J. Buenker,
Charge transfer and association of protons colliding with potassium from very low to intermediate eenergies,
Physical Review A 81 (2010) 012707(SCI)
2、X.J. Liu, Y.Z. Qu*, B. J. Xiao, C. H. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. G. Wang and R. J. Buenker,
Radiative charge transfer and radiative association in He++Ne collisions,
Physical Review A 81 (2010) 022717(SCI)
3、X. J. Liu, Y. Z. Qu*, B. J. Xiao , C. H. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. G. Wang and R. J. Buenker,
Ab initio calculations of charge transfer in He+ colliding with Ne,
J.Phys.B 43(2010)085207 (SCI)
4、Zhang Song-Bin, Qi Yu-Ying, Qu Yi-Zhi, Chen Xiang-Jun, Wang Jian-Guo,
Positron-Impact Excitation of Hydrogen Atoms in Debye Plasmas,
Chinese Physics Letter 27 (2010) 013401 (SCI)
5、Shi-Lin Fang, Xin-Mei Li, Feng-Dong Jia, Jian-Guo Wang, Yi-zhi QU, Zhi-Ping Zhong,
Relativistic multichannel treatment of the autoionization Rydbergseries 3d4s(1D2) np 2P1/2 of scandium,
J.Phys.B 43(2010)135002
6、S. B. Zhang, J. G. Wang, R.K. Janev, Y. Z. Qu and X. J. Che,
Photodetachment of Hydrogen Negative Ions in Debye Plasmas,
Physical Review A 81 (2010)065402
7、C. H. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Z. Qu, J. G. Wang and R. K. Janev,
Radiative and nonradiative charge transfer in collision of Be2+ and B3+ ions with H atom,
Physical Review A 82 (2010) 022710
8. Y. Zhang, C. H. Liu, Y. Wu, J. G. Wang, Y. Z. Qu, and J. Yan,
Low-energy charge transfer in collisions of He2+ with H in a Debye plasma,
Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 052706 (SCI)
1、C. H. Liu, Y. Z. Qu*, Y. Zhou,J. G. Wang, Y. Li, and R. J. Buenke,
Radiative charge transfer in collisions of H+ with Na at very low energies,
Physical Review A 79 (2009) 042706 (SCI)
2、C. H. Liu, Y. Z. Qu*, J. G. Wang, Y. Li, and R. J. Buenke,
Radiative charge transfer and radiative association of protons colliding with Na at low energies,
Physics Letters A 373 (2009) 3761. (SCI)
3、X. J. Liu , Y. Z. Qu, B.J. Xiao and J. G. Wang,
Theoretical studies on dielectronic recombination of neonlike gold and its effects on plasma ionization balance and radiation energy,
The European Physics J. D 55 (2009) 57 (SCI)
4、Y.Y.Qi, Y.Wu, J.G.Wang, and Y.Z.Qu,
The generalized oscillator strengths of hydrogenlike ions in Debye plasmas,
Physics Plasmas, 16 (2009) 023502 (SCI)
5、LIU Xiao-ju, QU yi-zhi, XIAO bing-jia, WANG jian-guo,
Relativistic effects of oscillator strengths for Na-like ions,
High Power Laser and Particle Beam, 21 (2009) 281- 286
2008 and before
C. H. Liu, Y. Z. Qu*, L. Liu, J. G. Wang, Y. Li, H.-P.Liebermann, P. Funke, and R. J. Buenke,
Charge transfer and excitation in slow proton collisions with sodium,
Physical Review A 78 (2008),024703
Jing-Yang Wang, Zhi-Ping Zhong, Feng-Dong Jia, Yi-Zhi Qu and Yin-Peng Zhong,
Theoretical analysis of ionic autoionization spectra of lanthanum in the energy region of 90213-91800 cm-1,
J. Phys. B 41 (2008) 085002.
WANG Huang-Chun, QU Yi-Zhi and LIU Chun-Hua,
Relativistic Configuration Interaction Studies on Generalized Oscillator Strength of Krypton,
Chinese Physics Letter, 24 (2007) 1901
QU Yi-Zhi, PENG Yong-Lu,
Relativistic Multichannel Treatment of Krypton Spectra Across the First Ionization Threshold,
Chinese Physical Letter, 22 (2005) 1884;
ZHANG Xin-Feng, PENG Yong-Lun, ZHONG Zhi-Ping, QU Yi-Zhi et al,
Theoretical Analysis of Ionic Autoionization Spectra of Lanthanum in the Energy Region 90650-91506 cm-1,
Chin. Phys. Lett. 20(2003)1242.
Ya-Qiong Xu, Yi-Zhi Qu, Xiang-Hui Zhang and Jia-Ming Li
Theoretical study of dielectronic recombination between electron and heliumlike carbon ions.
Phys. Rev. A 62 (2000) 022705
C.Z. Dong, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu and J.M. Li,
Dielectronic recombination and resonance transfer and excitation of Ca19+ ion,
Physica Scripta, vt80B (1999) 301-302.
Jun Yan, Yi-Zhi Qu, and J.M. Li,
Simulations of X-ray transmission through Laser-produced plasmas
High Power Laser and Particle Beam, 11 (1999) 65-70
Yi-Zhi Qu, Jian-Guo Wang, Jian-Kui Yuan, and Jia-Ming Li,
Relativistic dielectronic recombination process: electron and H-like ion
Phys. Rev. A 57 (1998) 1033-1037 .
J.-G. Wang, T.-Q. Chang, and Yi-Zhi Qu,
Calculation of dielectronic recombination cross sections and rate coefficient for heliumlike carbon
The European Physical Journal D. 2 (1998) 231-235
Cheng Zhu, Jian-Guo Wang, Yi-Zhi Qu, and Jia-Ming Li,
Radiative transition processes between initial and final channels
Phys. Rev. A 57 (1998) 1747-1752 .
L. Vo ky, P. Faucher, H. L.Zhou, A. Hilbert, Y.-Z. Qu et al
Inner-shell photoionization of ground-state lithium: Theoretical calculation in the photon energy region of hollow atomic states,
Phys. Rev. A 58 (1998) 3688
Jun Yan, Yi-Zhi Qu, Lan Voky, and Jia-Ming Li
Phys. Rev. 57 (1998) 997-1005
Chen-Zhong Dong, Jian-Gou Wang, and Yi-Zhi Qu,
Channel dependence of dielectronic recombination rate coefficients of Fe+25 , Chinese Physics Letter, 15 (1998) 263-265,
C.Z. Dong, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu and G.Y. Chen,
Theoretical study on dielectronic recombination of C4+ ion,
Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys. 15, Supp (1998).
Chen-Zhong Dong, Jian-Gou Wang, and Yi-Zhi Qu
Resonance Contribution to 1S-2S Electro-impact Excitation of He+ Ion
Acta Physica Sinica (over sea edition), 7 (1998) 277-282
L. Vo Ky, P. Faucher, A. Hibbert, J.-M. Li, Yi-Zhi Qu et al
Inner-shell photoionization of ground-state lithium: Theoretical calculation in the photo energy region below 130 eV including 1snln’l’ Rydberg resonancesseries,
Phys. Rev. A 57 (1998) 1045-1057
Jia-Ming Li, Lan Vo Ky, Yi-Zhi Qu, Jun Yan, et al
Eigenchannel Treatment of R-Matrix Theory,
Phys. Rev. A 55 (1997) 3239-3242
Yi-Zhi Qu, Jian-Guo Wang, and Jia-Ming Li
Inelastic collision process of Rb atom between initial and final channels,
Acta Physica Sinica, 46 (1997) 249
Jia-Ming Li, Lan Vo Ky, Jun Yan, Yi-Zhi Qu, and Pei-Hong Zhang,
Eigenchannel Theory and R-Matrix Theory,
Chinese Physics Letter, 13 (1996) 902
R.C.Zhao, W.Huang, X.Y.Xu, X.M.Tong, Yi-Zhi Qu, et al
Abnormal branching ratios in laser-excited Rydberg series of YB+, Ba+, Sr+ ,
Phys. Rev. A 53 (1996) 3994
Yi-Zhi Qu, Jian-Guo Wang, Xiao-Min Tong, and Jia-Ming Li,
Electron impact excitation cross section and rate -- revised Bethe formulas,
Chinese Physical Letter, 12 (1995) 581
Jian-Guo Wang, Yi-Zhi Qu and Jia-Ming Li,
Theoretical calculation of dielectronic recombination cross sections for hydrogenlike helium,
Phys. Rev. A 52 (1995) 4274
Research Interests
Dielectronic recombination
electron impact excitation and ionization
Relativistic multi-channal theory for the dynamic process of atom
Charge trasfer for atom-ion collision
Plasma diagnistic
王焕春 硕士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
刘春华 博士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
周宇 硕士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
王泽 硕士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
胡骁骊 硕士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
闫玲玲 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
刘玲 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
李传莹 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
李铁成 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
刘忠新 硕士研究生 085202-光学工程
周福阳 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
马玉龙 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
王堃 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
刘振旗 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
秦帅 硕士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
王小霞 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
刘青 博士研究生 070201-理论物理
张会会 硕士研究生 070203-原子与分子物理
刘石 博士研究生 070201-理论物理