YU Yongliang
Email: ylyu AT ucas.ac.cn
Telephone and FAX: +86-10-88256133
Address: School of Engineering Science, UCAS, YUQUAN ROAD 19A, BEIJING, CHINA
Postcode: 100049
Research Areas
The flying and swimming animals, such as insects, bats, fish and dolphins, are the objects of study. The interaction between the animal’s flexible physical bodies and the surrounding fluid (air or water) can generate the forces which are needed in its locomotion. The high performance of animal locomotion is magic and interesting, with that more and more researchers and students fall in study. The subjects involve not only the fluid dynamics, but also the motor nerve, muscle mechanics, structure dynamics, mechanical constitutive relations of biomaterials et al.
2. Unsteady Flow and Vortex Flow
The principles of vortex flow; The relationship between the vortex flow in nature and technology and the forces on the submerged bodies; Vortex control.
1995.09-1999.07 University of Science and Technology of China, Undergraduate Student
Work Experience
2015.06--now: Professor of Fluid Mechanics, UCAS
2006.06--2015.05: Associate Professor of Fluid Mechanics, GUCAS (had changed its name to UCAS since July 2012)
2004.07--2006.05: Lecturer of Fluid Mechanics, GUCAS
Teaching Experience
1. Advanced Fluid Mechanics, 60 hours / 4.0 credits
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 40 hours / 2.0 credits
3. Elements of Vortex Flow, 40 hours / 2.0 credits
4. Vortex Flow in Nature and Technology, 20 hours / 1.0 credits
1. Li, Xian-Dong; Yu, Yong-liang; Bao, Lin*. Theory-based prediction of separation angle and peak pressure for laminar separated hypersonic compression corner flows. Phys Fluids. 2021, 33 (8), p. 86106. DOI: 10.1063/5.0062526.
2. Yu, Yong-liang; Huang, Kai-Jun. Scaling law of fish undulatory propulsion. Phys Fluids. 2021, 33 (6), p. 61905. DOI: 10.1063/5.0053721.
3. Hu, Qiang-Qiang; Yu, Yong-liang*. Hydrodynamic scaling law in undulatory braking locomotion. Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2021, 64 (7), 274711. DOI: 10.1007/s11433-021-1701-5.
4. Yu Yongliang, Li Xiandong, Wang Zhihui, Bao Lin. Theoretical modeling of heat transfer to flat plate under vibrational excitation freestream conditions[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 151(1): 0-119434.
5. Wang Zhongwei, Yu Yongliang*. “Energetics comparison between zebrafish C-shaped turning and escape: self-propelled simulation with novel curvature models”, Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2019, 26(4): 467-480.
6. Wang Z. H., Yu Y. L., Bao L.* “Heat Transfer in Nonequilibrium Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Recombination Reactions”, AIAA Journal, 2018, 56 (9), 3593-3599 (DOI: 10.2514/1.J056953)
7. Wang Z. W., Yu Y.L.* Tong B. G. “An energetics analysis of fish self-propelled swimming”. Science China, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018, 61, 074721(doi: 10.1007/s11433-017-9159-0)
8. Chen X.X. Wang Z.H., Yu Y.L.* (2015) “General Reynolds analogy for blunt-nosed bodies in hypersonic flows”. AIAA Journal, 53 (8), 2410-2416 (DOI: 10.2514/1.J053962). arXiv preprint arXiv: 1501.00371.
9. Guan, Z.-W. and Yu, Y.-L.* (2015). "Aerodynamics and mechanisms of elementary morphing models for flapping wing in bat forward flight." Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 36(5), 669-680. (doi: 10.1007/s10483-015-1931-7) "A study on aerodynamics and mechanisms of elementary morphing models for flapping wing in bat forward flight." arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.6824.
10. Chen X.X., Wang Z.H., Yu Y.L.* (2015) “Nonlinear shear and heat transfer in hypersonic rarefied flows past flat plates.” AIAA Journal, 53 (2): 413-419 (DOI: 10.2514/1.J053168)
11. Yu, Y.L.*, and Guan Z.W. (2015) “Learning from Bat: Aerodynamics of actively morphing wing”. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. 5(1), 13-15 (DOI: 10.1016/j.taml.2015.01.009)
12. Yu, Y.-L.* (2014). "The virtual power principle in fluid mechanics". Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 744: 310-328. (doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.45)
13. Meng X.Y., Suo X.M., Fan B.Y., Yu Y.L. and Ding Y.S. (2014) “Study of the post separation pH adjustment by a microchip for the analysis of aminoglycoside antibiotics.” RSC Adv., 4, 55108 (doi: 10.1039/c4ra10597d)
14. Guan, Z.-W., Yu, Y.-L.* (2014)."Aerodynamic mechanism of forces generated by twisting model-wing in bat flapping flight". Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 35(12): 1607-1618. (DOI: 10.1007/s10483-014-1882-6)
15. Guan, Z.-W., Yu, Y.-L.* (2014). "Morphing models of a bat wing in flapping flight". Applied Mechanics and Materials 461: 254-261 (doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.461.254)
16. Zhang, W., Yu, Y.-L, Tong, B.-G. (2014). "Prediction of fish body’s passive visco-elastic properties and related muscle mechanical performance in vivo during steady swimming". SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 57(2): 354–364 (doi: 10.1007/s11433-013-5372-2)
17. Liu, G., Y.-L. Yu and B.-G Tong. (2012). "Optimal energy-utilization ratio for long-distance cruising of a model fish." Physical Review E 86(1): 016308. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016308)
18. Liu, G., Y.-L. Yu and B.-G Tong. (2011). "Flow control by means of a traveling curvature wave in fishlike escape responses." Physical Review E 84(5): 056312. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056312)
19. Yang, Y., G.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2010). "A study on flow physics of burst-and-coast swimming of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi) based on measurements and numerical simulations." Journal of Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms 1(1): 30-38. (dio:10.5226/jabmech.1.30)
20. Yang, Y., G.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2009). "Flow physics of routine turns of Koi Carp (Cyprinus Carpio Koi)." Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 4(1): 67-81. (doi: 10.1299/jbse.4.67)
21. Yang, Y., G.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2008). "Two-dimensional self-propelled fish motion in medium: an integrated method for deforming body dynamics and unsteady fluid dynamics." Chinese Physics Letters 25(2): 597-600. (doi:10.1088/0256-307X/25/2/066)
22. Bao, L., J.-S. Hu, Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2006). "Viscoelastic constitutive model related to deformation of insect wing under loading in flapping motion. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics." Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) 27(6): 741-748. (doi: 10.1007/s10483-006-0604-1)
23. Yu, Y.-L. and B.-G. Tong (2005). "A flow control mechanism in wing flapping with stroke asymmetry during insect forward flight." ACTA Mechanica Sinica (English Series) 21(3): 218-227. (doi:10.1007/s10409-005-0032-z)
24. Hu, W.-R., Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2004). "A numerical and analytical study on a tail-flapping model for fish fast C-start." ACTA Mechanica Sinica (English Series) 20(1): 16-23. (doi: 10.1007/BF02484240)
25. Yu, Y.-L., B.-G. Tong, et al. (2003). "An analytic approach to theoretical modeling of highly unsteady viscous flow excited by wing flapping in small insects." ACTA Mechanica Sinica (English Serials) 19(6): 508-516. (doi: 10.1007/BF02484240)
26. Chen X. X., Wang Z. H., Yu Y. L. “General Reynolds analogy on curved surfaces in hypersonic rarefied gas flows with non-equilibrium chemical reactions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016, 1768: 150009
27. Yu Y.L. (2015). “A novel approach to uncover mechanisms of aerodynamic forces acting on a body in incompressible flows.” 7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics ( ICFM7),145-149,2015.5.24-2015.5.27。
28. Liu, G., Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2011). "A Numerical Simulation of a Fishlike Body’s Self-propelled C-start." AIP Conference Proceedings 1376. Issue 1, p.480-483 (DOI: 10.1063/1.3651953)
29. Zhang, W., Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2011). "Fish Swimming: Patterns in the Mechanical Energy Generation, Transmission and Dissipation from Muscle Activation to Body Movement." AIP Conference Proceedings 1376. Issue 1, p.476-479 (doi: 10.1063/1.3651952)
30. Yang, Y., G.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Yu, and B.-G Tong. (2009). A numerical investigation on the flow physics of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi) burst-and-coast swimming. The Fourth International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms - ISABMEC 2009. H. Liu. Shanghai, China.
31. Bao, L., Y.-F. Sun, Y.-L. Yu. (2009). Three dimensional effects in tail-beat model of fish. The Fourth International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms - ISABMEC 2009. H. Liu. Shanghai, China.
32. Bao, L. and Y.-L. Yu (2007). Preliminary Modeling of the Fluid-Structure Interaction on a deformable insect wing in flapping. Proceeding of the fifth international conference on fluid mechanics, Tsinghua University Press & Springer: 638-641. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-75995-9_212)
33. Yu, Y.-L. and B.-G. Tong (2006). On theoretical modeling of unsteady viscous flow excited by flapping wings during insect forward flight. 3rd International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ISABMEC 2006). Okinawa , Japan.
34. Bao, L., Y.-L. Yu, B.-G Tong. (2006). Viscoelastic constitutive model of insect wing under loading in flapping motion. 3rd International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ISABMEC 2006). Okinawa , Japan.
35. Yu, Y.-L., B.-G. Tong, et al. (2004). An analytical study on rotation timing control of wing flapping in small-insect flight. 4th international conference on fluid mechanics, Dalian, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag.
36. Yu, Y.-L., B.-G. Tong, et al. (2003). Aerodynamic characteristics of wing flapping with asymmetric stroke-cycles during insect forward flight. 2nd international symposium on aqua bio-mechanisms / international seminar on aqua bio-mechanisms. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
37. Hu, W.-R., Y.-L. Yu, et al. (2003). Flow physics revisited in fish fast C-start. 2nd international symposium on aqua bio-mechanisms / international seminar on aqua bio-mechanisms. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
38. 余永亮; 孙德军; 陆夕云. 工程科学的践行者--纪念童秉纲院士. 力学进展. 2021, 51 (1), pp. 145–154. DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-21-004.
39. 沈昊嫣, 朱博闻, 王智慧, 余永亮. 鳗鲡模式游动的鱼体变形曲率波的转播特性研究. 力学学报, 2019, 51(4): 1022-1030
40. 童秉纲, 余永亮.”流体力学研究要创造应用理论”. 空气动力学学报, 2018, 36(01), 1-3.
41. 余永亮. "蝙蝠飞行的空气动力学研究进展." 空气动力学学报2018, 36(01): 129-134.
42. 朱毅, 余永亮. “二维鳐鱼模型的近壁面增推效应”. 中国科学院大学学报. 2017, 34(1): 23-31.
43. 童秉纲, 余永亮, 王智慧. “应用流体力学领域采用的理论建模方法及流动物理分析的探索” [J]. 气体物理, 2016,1(5):1-8.
44. 张冰冰,余永亮(2014). “斑马鱼C型起动中动力学特性的活体实验研究”. 实验力学, 29(6): 727-736 (doi: 10.7520/1001-4888-14-057) {Zhang B.-B., Yu, Y.-L. (2104). “Living body experimental study of dynamic characteristics of Zebrafish C-start swimming”. Journal of Experimental Mechanics, 29(6): 727-736 (doi: 10.7520/1001-4888-14-057)}
45. 张薇,余永亮,童秉纲 (2014). “鱼类巡游中的活体肌肉力学性能预测.” 力学学报, 46(4): 619-625. (EI) Zhang Wei, Yu Yongliang, Tong Binggang. (2014) Prediction of mechanical properties of fish muscle in vivo dring steady swimming. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 46(4): 619-625 (doi: 10.6052/0459-1879-14-053)
46. 童秉纲, 余永亮, 鲍麟 (2011). "技术科学要求创造工程技术的理论." 工程研究 3(1): 12-18.
47. 孙一峰, 鲍麟, 余永亮 (2010). "矩形平板典型非定常拍动的三维效应研究." 中国科学院研究生院学报 27(1): 1-9.
48. 鲍麟, 余永亮 (2008). “粘弹性蜻蜓型翼挥拍的流固耦合求解途径初探.” 空气动力学学报 26: 35-50.
49. 陆夕云, 余永亮, 尹协振 (2008). “飞行和游动的生物运动力学研究.” 空气动力学学报 26: 1-5.
50. 徐明, 余永亮, 鲍麟 (2006). "蜻蜓拍翼前飞中模型翼动态柔性变形的气动效应研究." 中国科学院研究生院学报 23(6): 729-735.
51. 鲍麟, 胡劲松, 余永亮等 (2006). "昆虫翼拍动中受载变形的粘弹性本构模型." 应用数学与力学 27(6): 655-662.
52. 余永亮, 童秉纲, 马晖扬 (2005). "昆虫拍翼方式的非定常流动物理再探讨." 力学学报 37(3): 257-265. Yu, Y.-L., B.-G. Tong, et al. (2005). "Unsteady flow mechanisms revisited in insect flapping flight" ACTA Mechanica Sinica (Chinese Series) 37(3): 257-265
Research Interests
1. Biomechanics of Animal Locomotion
2. Aerodynamics and Aerothermodynamics
3. Unsteady flow and Vorex Control