
田宇 男 博导 沈阳自动化研究所






2007-04--2012-06 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 机械电子工程 工学博士
2004-09--2007-03 哈尔滨工程大学 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 工学硕士
2000-09--2004-07 哈尔滨工程大学 船舶与海洋工程 工学学士


2019-01--今 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 研究员
2015-01--2016-01 美国佐治亚理工学院 国家公派访问学者
2013-01--2018-12 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 副研究员
2009-06--2012-12 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 助理研究员

































Sang Q, Tian Y, Luo Y, Zhang F, Toward rapid and accurate ocean prediction: Integrating data-driven modelling with sensing data from a marine vehicle network, the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems, 2024

Du Y, Tian Y, Zhan W, Zheng F, Sang Q, Gao C, An autonomous control system for AUV acoustic target tracking, the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems, 2024

Wang D, Tian Y, Sun J, Hu T, Reducing vibration and noise in AUV propulsion systems: Optimizing power source design and experimental Evaluation, the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems, 2024

Zheng F, Tian Y, Zhan W, Yu J, Liu K, A Gaussian mixture multiple-model belief propagation filter for multisensor-multitarget tracking, Signal Processing, 2024

Shuang X, Zhang J, Tian Y, Algorithms for improving the quality of underwater optical images: A comprehensive review, Signal Processing, 2024

Ren K, Chen Z, Tian Y, Yu J, Li H, Tan Z, Numerical investigation on the effects of stingray flapping amplitudes and counts on self-burial performance, Ocean Engineering, 2024

Qu Y, Sun J, Yu J, Tian Y, Dong H, Deep-learning-based source localization using a local 3-D acoustic intensity field in a sound-speed mismatched deep-ocean environment, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024

Chen K, Chen Z, Yu J, Ren K, Jiao W, Chen K, Tian Y, Sun J, Reduced-order modeling method for flexibly connected dual-AUV system, Ocean Engineering, 2024

Jin Q, Tian Y, Yu J, Wang X, 一种基于海洋机器人观测的高分辨率海洋环境预测方法,舰船科学技术,2024

Jin Q, Tian Y, Zhan W, Sang Q, Yu J, Wang X, Dynamic data-driven application system for flow field prediction with autonomous marine vehicles, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023

Chen Z, Jiao W, Ren K, Yu J, Tian Y, Chen K, Zhang X, A survey of research status on the environmental adaptation technologies for marine robots, Ocean Engineering, 2023

Wang H,Tian Y,Xu H, Neural adaptive command filtered control for cooperative path following of multiple underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles along one path,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022

Zheng F, Tian Y, Zhan W, Yu J, Liu K, An IMM-BP based algorithm for tracking maneuvering underwater targets by multistatic marine robot networks, World Robot Congress-Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation, 2022

Zhan W, Tian Y, Sang Q, Zheng F, Jin Q, Yu J, Optimization of sensing locations of autonomous underwater vehicles for optimal environmental prediction and acoustic target tracking, OCEANS Conference, 2022

Jin Q, Tian Y, Sang Q, Zhan W, Yu J, Wang X, High-resolution and accurate spatial-temporal prediction of oceanographic fields via sparse observations from marine vehicle network using deep learning and data assimilation, OCEANS Conference, 2022

Qu Y, Sun J, Tian Y, Yu J, 3D deep residual convolutional neural network for underwater acoustic source localization using local acoustic intensity field, OCEANS Conference, 2022

Qu Y,Sun J,Tian Y,Yu J,基于局部声强场的声源定位深度神经网络, 中国声学学会会议,2022

Jin Q, Tian Y, Sang Q, Liu S, Yu J, Wang X, A deep learning model for joint prediction of three-dimensional ocean temperature, salinity and flow fields, CACRE Conference 2021

Sang Q, Tian Y, Jin Q, Yu J, A path planning strategy for marine vehicles based on deep reinforcement learning and data-driven dynamic flow fields prediction, CACRE Conference 2021

Li Y, Guo J, Guo X, Hu Z, Tian Y, Plankton detection with adversarial learning and a densely connected deep learning model for class imbalanced distribution, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021

Li Y, Guo J, Guo X, Zhao J, Yang Y, Hu Z, Jin Q, Tian Y, Toward in situ zooplankton detection with a densely connected YOLOV3 model, Applied Ocean Research, 2021

Ji D, Yao X, Li S, Tang Y, Tian Y, Model-free fault diagnosis for autonomous underwater vehicles using sequence convolutional neural network, Ocean Engineering, 2021

Ji D,Fang W,Zhu H,Li S,Tang Y,Tian Y,Yao Q, 基于相对测量的水下机器人主动定位方法研究, 电子学报,2021

Wang X,Tian Y,一种自主/遥控水下机器人共享控制方法,机械设计与制造,2021

Wang X,Tian Y,一种基于行为的自主/遥控水下机器人共享控制方法,舰船科学技术,2020

Jin Q, Tian Y, Yu J, Wang X, Sang Q, Kang S, A DDDAS system for estimation and adaptive observation of ocean current field with marine vehicles,CCC Conference,2020

Peng S, Zhu Y, Li Z, Li Y, Xie Q, Liu S, Luo Y, Tian Y, Yu J, Improving the real-time marine forecasting of the northern south China sea by assimilation of glider observed T/S profiles, Scientific Reports, 2019

Li W, Tian Y, Chemical plume tracing and mapping via swarm robots, in Handbook Handbook of Research on Design, Control, and Modeling of Swarm Robotics, IGI Global, 2016

Tian Y, Li W, Zhang F, Moth-inspired chemical plume tracing via autonomous underwater vehicle with only a pair of separated chemical sensors, OCEANS Conference, 2015

Quan W, Zhang Z, Zhang A, Zhang Q, Tian Y, A geometrically exact formulation for three-dimensional numerical simulation of the umbilical cable in a deep-sea ROV system, China Ocean Engineering, 2015

Tian Y, Li W, Zhang A, Yu J, Zhang Q, Li Y, From simulation to validation: Moth-inspired chemical plume tracing with an autonomous underwater vehicle, OCEANS Conference, 2014

Tian Y, Zhang A, Li W, Yu J, Li Y, Zeng J, A behavior-based planning strategy for deep-sea hydrothermal plume tracing with autonomous underwater vehicles, OCEANS Conference, 2014

Tian Y, Zhang A, Li W, Yu Y, Zhang Q, Li Y, A bio-inspired strategy for deep-sea hydrothermal non-buoyant plume tracing with autonomous underwater vehicles, WCICA conference, 2014

Li Y, Xia C, Huang Y, Ge Y, Tian Y, Visual features extraction and types classification of seabed sediments, ICIRA Conference, 2014

Li S, Yu J, Li Y, Tian Y, Marine observation network based on underwater vehicles,  WUWNET Conference, 2014

Tian Y, Zhang A, Li W, A behavior-based planning algorithm for tracking of deep-sea hydrothermal buoyant plumes with autonomous underwater vehicles, CCC Conference, 2013

Tian Y, Li W, Zhang A, A Lagrangian particle random walk model for simulating a deep-sea hydrothermal plume with both buoyant and non-buoyant features, China Ocean Engineering, 2013

Tian Y, Kang X, Li Y, Li W, Zhang A, Yu J, Li Y, Identifying rhodamine dye plume sources in near-shore oceanic environments by integration of chemical and visual sensors, Sensors, 2013

Yu J, Zhang F, Zhang A, Jin W, Tian Y, Motion parameter optimization and sensor scheduling for the sea-wing underwater glider, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2013

Tian Y, Li W, Zhang A, 自主水下机器人深海热液羽流追踪仿真环境, 机器人, 2012

Tian Y, Zhang A, Li W, 基于混合模糊P+ID控制的欠驱动AUV路径跟踪控制及仿真, 系统仿真学报, 2012

Tian Y, Zhang A, Li W, 一种水下机器人模糊P+ID控制方法,机械设计与制造, 2011

Tian Y, Zhang A, Li W, 3D path-following of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles, CCC Conference, 2011

Tian Y, Li W, Zhang A, Yu J, Behavior-based control of an autonomous underwater vehicle for adaptive plume mapping, ICICIP Conference, 2011

Yu J, Zhang A, Jin W, Chen Q, Tian Y, Liu C, Development and experiments of the sea-wing underwater glider, China Ocean Engineering, 2011

Tian Y, Zhang A, Simulation environment and guidance system for AUV tracing chemical plume in 3-Dimensions, CAR 2010 Conference, 2010

Tian Y, Zhang A, Development of a guidance and control system for an underwater plume exploring AUV, WCICA Conference, 2010

Kang X, Xu H, Feng X, Tian Y, Formation evaluation of multi-AUV system for deep-sea hydrothermal plume exploration, IHMSC Conference, 2009

Shi K, Tian Y, Yu J, Liu J, 基于栅格地图的多化学羽流源定位, 仪器仪表学报, 2008

Zhu J, Su Y, Li Y, Tian Y, AUV近水面运动的积分变结构控制及仿真, 系统仿真学报, 2007



