崔岩山 男 博导 资源与环境学院
2011/02-2012/02 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,土壤质量系, 访问学者;
2008/08-2008/10 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,土壤质量系, 访问学者。
2006/06-2012/05 中国科学院大学,资源与环境学院,副教授;
2004/06-2006/05 中国科学院大学,资源与环境学院,讲师;
1. Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Lirong Zheng, Huili Du, Pengfei Wang, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. In vitro assessment of arsenic release and transformation from As(V)-sorbed goethite and jarosite: The influence of human gut microbiota. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54 (7): 4432-4442.
2. Huili Du, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Pengfei Wang, Yan Li, Yaqi Fu, Mst. sharmin Sultana, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Lead bioaccessibility in farming and mining soils: The influence of soil properties, types and human gut microbiota. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 708: 135227.
3. Xiaolin Cai, Pengfei Wang, Zejiao Li, Yan Li, Naiyi Yin, Huili Du, Yanshan Cui*. Mobilization and transformation of arsenic from ternary complex OM-Fe(III)-As(V) in the presence of As(V)-reducing bacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 381: 120975.
4. Chunyong Wang, Juan Li, Yutao Wu, Yi Song, Ruyin Liu, Zicheng Cao, Yanshan Cui*. Shifts of the nirS and nirK denitrifiers in different land use types and seasons in the Sanjiang Plain, China. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2019, 59 (10): 1040-1048.
5. Naiyi Yin, Pengfei Wang, Yan Li, Huili Du, Xiaochen Chen, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Arsenic in rice bran products: in vitro oral bioaccessibility, arsenic transformation by human gut microbiota, and human health risk assessment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67 (17): 4987-4994.
6. Chunyong Wang, Yanshan Cui*. Recognition of a new Cr(VI)-reducing strain and study of the potential capacity for reduction of Cr(VI) of the strain. BioMed Research International, 2019, 5135017.
7. Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Zejiao Li, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Variability of chromium bioaccessibility and speciation in vegetables: The influence of in vitro methods, gut microbiota and vegetable species. Food Chemistry, 2019, 277: 347-352.
8. Naiyi Yin, Rui Gao, Brett Knowles, Jiasheng Wang, Pengfei Wang, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Formation of silver nanoparticles by human gut microbiota. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651: 1489-1494.
9. Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Zejiao Li, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Nutritional status affects the bioaccessibility and speciation of arsenic from soils in a simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644: 815-821.
10. Naiyi Yin, Xiaochen Chen*, Huili Du, Pengfei Wang, Xiaolin Cai, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Investigation of bioaccessibility of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in market vegetables in the colon using PBET combined with SHIME. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 17578.
11. Xiaolin Cai, Xiaochen Chen*, Naiyi Yin, Huili Du, Guoxin Sun, Wang LH, Xu YD, Chen YQ, Yanshan Cui*. Estimation of the bioaccessibility and bioavailability of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in Chinese vegetables using the in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model: the influence of gut microbiota. Food & Function, 2017, 8: 4592-4600.
12. Naiyi Yin, Huili Du, Pengfei Wang, Xiaolin Cai, Peng Chen, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Interindividual variability of soil arsenic metabolism by human gut microbiota using SHIME model. Chemosphere, 2017, 184: 460-466.
13. Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Zhennan Zhang, Zejiao Li, Xiaochen Chen, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. In vitro study of soil arsenic release by human gut microbiota and its intestinal absorption by Caco-2 cells. Chemosphere, 2017, 168: 358-364.
14. Xiaolin Cai, Zhennan Zhang, Naiyi Yin, Huili Du, Zejiao Li, Yanshan Cui*. Comparison of arsenate reduction and release by three As(V)-reducing bacterium isolated from arsenic contaminated soil of Inner Mongolia, China. Chemosphere, 2016, 161: 200-207.
15. Naiyi Yin, Huili Du, Zhennan Zhang, Xiaolin Cai, Zejiao Li, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Variability of arsenic bioaccessibility and metabolism in soils by human gut microbiota using different in vitro methods combined with SHIME. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 566-567: 1670-1677.
16. Zhennan Zhang, Naiyi Yin, Huili Du, Xiaolin Cai, Yanshan Cui*. The fate of arsenic adsorbed on iron oxides in the presence of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. Chemosphere, 2016, 151: 108-115.
17. Zhennan Zhang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Zhenzhou Wang, Yanshan Cui*. Arsenic redox transformation by Pseudomonas sp. HN-2 isolated from arsenic-contaminated soil in Hunan, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 47: 165-173.
18. Naiyi Yin, Zhenzhou Zhang, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. In vitro method to assess soil arsenic metabolism by human gut microbiota: Arsenic speciation and distribution. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (17): 10675-10681.
19. Naiyi Yin, Yanshan Cui*, Zhennan Zhang, Zhenzhou Wang, Xiaolin Cai, Jiaojiao Wang. Bioaccessibility and dynamic dissolution of arsenic in contaminated soils from Hunan, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15: 584-593.
20. Yanshan Cui, Liping Weng. Interpretation of heavy metal speciation in sequential extraction using geochemical modelling. Environmental Chemistry, 2015, 12 (2): 163-173.
21. Yanshan Cui, Liping Weng. Arsenate and phosphate adsorption in relation to oxides composition in soils: LCD modeling. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (13), 7269-7276.
22. Jin Fu, Yanshan Cui*. In vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model to estimate cadmium and lead bioaccessibility/bioavailability in two vegetables: The influence of cooking and additives. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013, 59: 215-221.
23. Miao Chen, Yanshan Cui*, Fan Bai, Jiaojiao Wang. Effect of two biogas residues application on copper and zinc fractionation and release in different soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25(9): 1865-1873.
24. Xiaochen Chen, Jia Niu, Yanshan Cui*. In vitro digestion/centrifugal ultrafiltration to determine the oral bioavailability of lead in soils. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2012, 10 (1): 681-684.
25. Yanshan Cui, Xiaochen Chen. Lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) bioaccessibility in various soils from south China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 177 (1-4): 481-92.
26. Yanshan Cui, Jin Fu, Xiaochen Chen. Speciation and bioaccessibility of lead and cadmium in soil treated with metal-enriched Indian mustard leaves. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23 (4): 624-632.
27. Yanshan Cui, Na Zhao. Oxidative stress and change in plant metabolism of maize (Zea mays L.) growing in contaminated soil with elemental sulfur and toxic effect of zinc. Plant Soil and Environment, 2011, 57: 34-39.
28. Yanshan Cui, Xin Du. Soil heavy-metal speciation and wheat phytotoxicity in the vicinity of an abandoned lead-zinc mine in Shangyu City, eastern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 62: 257-264.
29. Yanshan Cui, Xin Du, Liping Weng, Willem H. Van Riemsdijk. Assessment of in situ immobilization of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) in contaminated soils with phosphate and iron: Solubility and bioaccessibility. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2010, 213: 95-104.
30. Yanshan Cui, Xin Du, Liping Weng, Yongguan Zhu. Effects of rice straw on the speciation of cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) in soils. Geoderma, 2008, 146: 370-377.
31. Yanshan Cui, Qingren Wang. Physiological responses of maize to elemental sulphur and cadmium stress. Plant Soil and Environment, 2006, 11: 523-529.
32. Yanshan Cui, Qingren Wang. Interaction effect of zinc and elemental sulphur on their uptake by spring wheat (Triticumaestivum, L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2005, 28: 639-649.
33. Yanshan Cui, Yiting Dong, Haifeng Li, Qingren Wang. Effect of elemental sulphur on solubility of soil heavy metals and their uptake by maize. Environment International, 2004, 30: 323-328.
34. Yanshan Cui, Qingren Wang, Yiting Dong, Haifeng Li, Christie Peter. Enhanced uptake of soil Pb and Zn by Indian mustard and winter wheat following combined soil application of elemental sulphur and EDTA. Plant and Soil, 2004, 261: 181-188.
35. Yanshan Cui, Qingren Wang, Christie Peter. Effect of elemental sulphur on uptake of zinc, cadmium and sulphur by oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown in zinc and cadmium contaminated soil. Communication in Soil Science Plant Analysis, 2004, 35: 2905-2916.
36. Yanshan Cui, Qingren Wang, Yiting Dong, Haifeng Li. Elemental sulfur effects on Pb and Zn uptake by Indian mustard and winter wheat. Journal of Environmenal Science, 2003, 15: 836-840.
37. 李泽姣, 崔岩山*, 蔡晓琳, 王鹏飞. 土壤铬污染对赤子爱胜蚓抗氧化酶活性的影响[J]. 中国科学院大学学报, 2020, 1: 20-26.
38. 岳昌盛, 都慧丽, 彭犇, 崔岩山*. 利用体外方法评估不同淋洗剂对土壤中砷的淋洗效果及其健康风险[J]. 地学前缘, 2019, 6: 42-48.
39. 李岩, 尹乃毅, 都慧丽, 王鹏飞, 孙国新, 崔岩山*. 不同含磷化合物修复铅污染土壤后的人体健康风险评价[J]. 环境化学, 2019, 7: 1146-1452.
40. 王春勇, 夏龙, 王鹏飞, 崔岩山*. 农田、退耕还湿地、天然草本沼泽土壤重金属和农药的分布及潜在生态风险评价--以抚远市乌苏镇东兴村为例[J]. 湿地科学, 2019, 2: 222-227.
41. 崔岩山, 王鹏飞, 琚宜文. 纳米材料在土壤重金属污染修复中的应用[J]. 地球科学, 2018, 5: 1737-1745.
42. 李泽姣, 崔岩山*, 尹乃毅, 蔡晓琳, 都慧丽, 王鹏飞. 砷氧化菌对胡敏酸络合As(Ⅲ)的氧化作用[J]. 环境科学, 2018, 10: 4778-4782.
43. 王鹏飞, 尹乃毅, 都慧丽, 蔡晓琳, 李泽姣, 孙国新, 刘文菊, 崔岩山*. 添加奶粉对土壤中铬、镍、锰、铜生物可给性的影响[J]. 环境化学, 2017, 36 (7): 1451-1456.
44. 都慧丽, 尹乃毅, 张震南, 蔡晓琳, 李泽姣, 王鹏飞, 孙国新, 崔岩山*. 肠道微生物对土壤中铜、锌、锰生物可给性的影响[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2017, 12 (3): 301-308.
45. 肖康, 胡杰, 崔岩山*. 复合药剂对不同类型重金属污染土壤的固化修复[J]. 安全与环境学报, 2017, 2: 660-664.
46. 尹乃毅, 都慧丽, 张震南, 蔡晓琳, 李泽姣, 孙国新, 崔岩山*. 利用SHIME模型探究肠道微生物对土壤中镉、铬、镍生物可给性的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2016, 37 (6): 2353-2358. EI
47. 王振洲, 崔岩山*, 张震南, 尹乃毅, 蔡晓琳, 都慧丽. 生菜和油菜中砷的生物可给性及其对人体的健康风险评估[J]. 中国科学院大学学报, 2015, 32 (6): 735-742.
( 2 ) 土壤亚砷酸盐氧化菌与铁氧化物相互作用下砷的氧化与赋存机制研究, 主持, 国家级, 2016-01--2019-12
( 3 ) 土壤中重金属(Cr)的生态风险评估方法研究, 主持, 国家级, 2016-01--2020-12
( 4 ) 退耕还湿后湿地生态系统的动态监测和稳定性评估, 主持, 国家级, 2016-07--2020-12
( 5 ) 国家自然基金重点项目子课题, 主持, 国家级, 2017-01--2021-12
( 6 ) 人体肠道微生物对土壤砷的形态转化机制及其影响因素研究, 主持, 国家级, 2019-01--2022-12
博士:张震南,尹乃毅,王春勇, 蔡晓琳,Sharmin Sultana