Yong Xiao
Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: yxiao@iue.ac.cn
Telephone: 0592-6190527; 18650801221
Address: 1799# Jimei Road, Xiamen, Fujian
Postcode: 361021
Research Areas
wastewater treatment
environmental microbiology
bioelectrochemical systems
microbial fuel cells
2007.9 - 2011.3 Hunan University, Ph.D
2004.9 - 2007.6 Hunan University, master
2000.9 - 2004.9 Hunan University, bachelor
2016.4 – 2018.4, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, postdoc
2014.1 – now, Institute of Urban Environment, associate professor
2011.7 – 2013.12, Institute of Urban Environment, assistant professor
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=06Yn2MwAAAAJ
Research ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-3636-2010
31. Le-Xing You#, Li-Dan Liu#, Yong Xiao*, You-Fen Dai, Bi-Lian Chen, Yan-Xia Jiang, Feng Zhao. Flavins mediate extracellular electron transfer in Gram-positive Bacillus megaterium strain LLD-1. Bioelectrochemistry, 2018, 119: 196-202 [URL].
30. Yong Xiao, Feng Zhao*. Electrochemical roles of extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2017, in press [URL].
29. Yong Xiao, En-Hua Zhang, Jingdong Zhang, You-Fen Dai, Zhaohui Yang, Hans E. M. Christensen, Jens Ulstrup, Feng Zhao*. Extracellular polymeric substances are transient media for microbial extracellular electron transfer. Science Advances, 2017, 3(7): e1700623 [free Fulltext URL]
28. Yicheng Wu, Yue Zheng, Yong Xiao, Zejie Wang, Feng Zhao*. Effect of electrode potentials on the microbial community of photo bioelectrochemical systems. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 33: 149-156 [URL]
27. You-Fen Dai, Yong Xiao*, En-Hua Zhang, Li-Dan Liu, Ling Qiu, Le-Xing You, Gurumurthy DM, Bi-Lian Chen, Feng Zhao. Effective methods for extracting extracellular polymeric substances from Shewanella oneidensisMR-1. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 74(12): 2987-2996 [URLFulltext].
26. Yi-cheng Wu, Yong Xiao, Ze-jie Wang, Feng Zhao*. Performance of bioelectrochemical systems inoculated Desmodesmus sp. A8 with different light sources. Bioremediation Journal, 2016, 20: 233-239.
25. Wu S., Xiao Y., Song P.P., Wang C., Yang Z.H., Slade R.C.T, Zhao F*. Riboflavin-mediated extracellular electron transfer process involving Pachysolen tannophilus. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 210: 117-121.
24. Xiao Y., Zheng Y., Wu S., Yang Z.H., Zhao F*. Nitrogen recovery from wastewater using microbial fuel cells. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2016, 10(1): 185-191
23. Xiao Y.*, Zheng Y., Wu S., Zhang E.H., Chen Z., Liang P., Huang X., Yang Z.H., Ng I.S., Chen B.Y., Zhao F*. Pyrosequencing reveals a core community of anodic bacterial biofilms in bioelectrochemical systems from China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:1410
22. Xiao Y.*, Zheng Y., Wu S., Yang Z.H., Zhao F*. Bacterial community structure of autotrophic denitrification biocathode by 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Microbial Ecology, 2015, 69(3): 492-499.
21. Xiao Y*, Xu H.Y., Xie H.M, Yang Z.H., Zeng G.M. Comparison of the treatment for isopropyl alcohol wastewater from silicon solar cell industry using SBR and SBBR. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 12(7): 2381-2388
20. Zheng Y., Xiao Y., Yang Z.H.*, Wu S., Xu H.J., Liang F.Y., Zhao F*. The bacterial communities of bioelectrochemical systems associated with the sulfate removal under different pHs. Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49(8): 1345-1351
19. Liu L.D., Xiao Y.*, Wu Y.C., Chen B.L.*, Zhao F. Progress in the research of electron transfer mediators in microbial electrochemical systems. Progress in Chemistry, 2014, 26(11): 1859-1866 (in Chineseas 刘利丹, 肖勇*, 吴义诚, 陈必链*, 赵峰. 微生物电化学系统电子中介体. 化学进展, 2014, 26 (11): 1859-1866)
18. Wu S, Xiao Y, Wang L, Zheng Y, Chang K.L., Zheng Z.Y., Yang Z.H.*, Varcoe J.R., Zhao F*. Extracellular electron transfer mediated by flavins in Gram-positive Bacillus sp. WS-XY1 and yeast Pichia stipitis. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 146: 564-567
17. Wu Y.C., Wang Z.J., Zheng Y., Xiao Y., Yang Z.H., Zhao F*. Light intensity affecting the performance of photo microbial fuel cells with Desmodesmus sp. A8 as cathodic microorganism. Applied Energy, 2014, 116(1): 86-90
16. Zheng Y, Wang C, Zheng ZY, Che J, Xiao Y, Yang Z.H., Zhao F*. Ameliorating acidic soil using bioelectrochemistry systems. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(107): 62544-62549
15. Xiao Y., Wu S., Zhang F., Wu Y.C., Yang Z.H., Zhao F*. Promoting electrogenic ability of microbes with negative pressure. Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 229(1): 79-83
14. Xiao Y., Wu S., Yang Z.H., Zheng Y., Zhao F*. Isolation and identification of electrochemically active microorganisms. Progress in Chemistry, 2013, 25(10): 1771-1780 (in Chinese as 肖勇, 吴松, 杨朝晖, 郑越, 赵峰. 电化学活性微生物的分离与鉴定. 化学进展, 2013, 25 (10): 1771-1780)
13. Xiao Y., Wu S., Yang Z.H., Wang Z.J., Yan C.Z., Zhao F*. In situprobing the effect of potentials on the microenvironment of heterotrophic denitrification biofilm with microelectrodes. Chemosphere. 2013, 93(7): 1295-1300
12. Liang F.Y., Xiao Y., Zhao F*. Effect of pH on sulfate removal from wastewater using a bioelectrochemical system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 218: 147-153
11. Wang Z.J., Zheng Y., Xiao Y., Wu S., Wu Y.C., Yang Z.H., Zhao F*. Analysis of oxygen reduction and microbial community of air-diffusion biocathode in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 144: 74-79
10. Wang Z.J, Deng H., Chen L.H, Xiao Y., Zhao F*. In situmeasurements of dissolved oxygen, pH and redox potential of biocathode microenvironments using microelectrodes. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 132: 387-390
9. Chen L.X., Xiao Y., Zhao F*. Biocathodes in microbial fuel cells. Progress in Chemistry, 2012, 24(1): 157-162 (in Chinese as 陈立香, 肖勇, 赵峰. 微生物燃料电池生物阴极. 化学进展, 2012, 24 (1): 157-162)
8. Huang C., Chen X.L.*, Liu T.Z., Yang Z.H., Xiao Y., Zeng G.M., Sun X.X. Harvesting of Chlorella sp using hollow fiber ultrafiltration. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2012, 19(5): 1416-1421
7. Xiao Y., Zeng G.M.*, Yang Z.H., Ma Y.H., Huang C., Shi W.J., Fan C.Z. Effects of continuous thermophilic composting (CTC) on bacterial community in the active composting process. Microbial Ecology, 2011, 62(3): 599-608
6. Xiao Y., Zeng G.M.*, Yang Z.H., Ma Y.H., Huang C., Xu Z.Y., Fan C.Z. Changes in the actinomycetal communities during continuous thermophilic composting as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and quantitative PCR. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(2): 1383-1388
5. Luo Y.L., Yang Z.H.*, Xu Z.Y., Zhou L.J., Zeng G.M., Huang J., Xiao Y., Wang L.K. Effect of trace amounts of polyacrylamide (PAM) on long-term performance of activated sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 189(1): 69-75
4. Xu Z.Y., Zeng G.M.*, Yang Z.H., Xiao Y., Cao M., Sun, H.S., Chen Y. Biological treatment of landfill leachate with the integration of partial nitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation and heterotrophic denitrification. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(1): 79-86
3. Xiao Y., Zeng G.M.*, Yang Z.H., Shi W.J., Huang C., Fan C.Z., Xu Z.Y. Continuous thermophilic composting (CTC) for rapid biodegradation and maturation of organic municipal solid waste. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(20): 4807-4813
2. Xiao Y., Zeng G.M.*, Yang Z.H., Liu Y.S., Ma Y.H., Yang, L., Xu Z.Y. Coexistence of nitrifiers, denitrifiers and Anammox bacteria in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor as revealed by PCR-DGGE. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2009, 106(2): 496-505
1. Yang Z.H.*, Xiao Y., Zeng G.M., Xu Z.Y., Liu Y.S. Comparison of methods for total community DNA extraction and purification from compost. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2007, 74(4): 918-925
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