Yuanbo LIU
PhD. & Professor
Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Telephone: 025-86882164 (office)
Address: 73# East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China

Research Areas

Quantitative Remote Sensing for Hydroclimatology




Selected Publications

  1. Liu Y et al. 2022. Shifting from homogeneous to heterogeneous surfaces in estimating terrestrial evapotranspiration: Review and perspectives. Science China Earth Sciences, 65, 197-214.
  2. Liu Y, Wu G. 2016. Hydroclimatological influences on recently iincreased droughts in China largest freshwater lake. Hydrology and Earth System Science. 20:93-107.
  3. Liu Y et al. 2016. Changing landscapes by damming: the Three Gorges Dam causes downstream lake shrinkage and severe droughts. Landscape Ecology. 31:1883-1890.
  4. Liu Y et al. 2013. Recent declines in China’s largest freshwater lake: trend or regime shift?Environmental Research Letters.
  5. Liu Y et al. 2012. A physical explanation of the variation in threshold for delineating terrestrial water surface from multi-temporal images: effects of radiometric correction.International Journal of Remote Sensing. DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.675452.
  6. Liu Y et al. 2012. A nonparametric approach to estimating terrestrial evaporation: validation in eddy covariance sites.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152:49-59. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.01.012
  7. Liu Y et al. 2011. Quantifying variability of satellite data in the reflective band for long-term monitoring of the Earth’s surface: inference from a multi-temporal relationship between remotely sensed pixels.International Journal of Remote Sensing 32:7717-7730. DOI:10.1080/01431161.2010.527394
  8. Liu Y et al. 2009. Discrepancy between ASTER- and MODIS- derived land surface temperatures: terrain effects.Sensors 9(2): 1054-1066. DOI:10.3390/s90201054
  9. Liu Y et al. 2007. Reducing the discrepancy between ASTER and MODIS land surface temperature products.Sensors 7: 3043-3057. DOI:10.3390/s7123043.
  10. Liu, Y et al. 2007. Detectability of day-to-day variability in the evaporative flux ratio: A field examination in the Loess Plateau of China,Water Resources Research
  11. Liu, Y et al. 2007. Radiometric correction for linear change-detection techniques: analysis in bi-temporal space,International Journal of Remote Sensing
  12. Liu, Y et al. 2006. Scaling of land surface temperature using satellite data: an examination on ASTER and MODIS products over a heterogeneous terrain area,Remote Sensing of Environment
  13. Liu, Y et al. 2006. Temporal influences on Landsat-5Thematic Mapper image in visible band,International Journal of Remote Sensing
  14. Liu, Y et al. 2004. Analysis of four change detection algorithms with a case study,International Journal of Remote Sensing
  15. Liu, Y et al. 2003. Examining landscape dynamics at a watershed scale using Landsat TM imagery for detection of wintering hooded cranes decline in Yashiro, Japan,Environmental Management

Research Interests

Quantitative Remote Sensing for Hydrology and Climate Change