Dr Yonghao Sun
Male Ph.D. supervisor Institute of Physics, CAS
E-mail: ysun58@iphy.ac.cn
Address: Zhong Guan Cun Nan 3 Jie 8 Hao, Haidian, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100190
Research Areas
New-generation metallic glass
Metallic-liquid structure and physics
Oxidation of metals: mechanism and application
2012-10--2016-01 University of Cambridge Doctor of Philosophy
2011-10--2012-09 University of Cambridge Master of Philosophy
2007-08--2011-07 Tsinghua University Bachelor
Work Experience
2018-01~present, Institute of Physics CAS, Associate Professor
2016-01~2017-12,Johns Hopkins University, Postdoctoral Fellow
(1) Kinetically facilitated liquid-liquid transition in a metallic liquid, Acta Materialia, 2022, 通讯作者
(2) Liquid-to-liquid transition around the glass-transition temperature in a glass-forming metallic liquid, Acta Materialia, 2022,
(3) Boson-peak-like anomaly caused by transverse phonon softening in strain glass, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2021, 第 4 作者
(4) Effect of high-temperature up-quenching on stabilizing off-eutectic metallic glasses, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2021,
(5) Microstructure change in Fe-based metallic glass and nanocrystalline alloy induced by liquid nitrogen treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021,
(6) Regulated color-changing metallic glasses, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2021,
(7) Composition and size dependent torsion fracture of metallic glasses, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2021,
(8) Highly energetic and flammable metallic glasses, Highly energetic and flammable metallic glasses, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2020, 通讯作者
(9) Phase transformations in a Cu–Zr–Al metallic glass, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2020, 第 6 作者
(10) Nanosecond-pulsed laser welding of metallic glass, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 2020, 通讯作者
(11) Metallic Glacial Glass Formation by a First-Order Liquid-Liquid Transition, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2020,
(12) Dynamic relaxations of a metallic glass studied on cooling, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2020,
(13) Composition dependence of metallic glass plasticity and its prediction from anelastic relaxation – A shear transformation zone analysis, ACTA MATERIALIA, 2020,
(14) Determination of internal residual strain induced by cryogenic thermal cycling in partially-crystalized Fe-based metallic glasses, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2019,
(15) Energy state and properties controlling of metallic glasses by surface rejuvenation, INTERMETALLICS, 2019,
(16) Prominent role of chemical heterogeneity on cryogenic rejuvenation and thermomechanical properties of La–Al–Ni metallic glass, INTERMETALLICS, 2019,
(17) Microscopic characterization of structural relaxation and cryogenic rejuvenation in metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, 2019,
(18) Subsurface reconstruction and saturation of surface bonds, SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2018, 第 2 作者
(19) Shear-band affected zone revealed by magnetic domains in a ferromagnetic metallic glass., NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2018,
(20) Thermomechanical processing of metallic glasses: extending the range of the glassy state, NATURE REVIEWS MATERIALS, 2016, 第 1 作者
(21) Flow-induced elastic anisotropy of metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, 2016,
(22) Stored energy in metallic glasses due to strains within the elastic limit, PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, 2016,
(23) Rejuvenation of metallic glasses by non-affine thermal strain, NATURE, 2015,
(24) Pure shear stress reversal on a Cu-based bulk metallic glass reveals a Bauschinger-type effect, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2014, 通讯作者
(25) Atomistic simulation of dynamical and defect properties of multiferroic hexagonal YMnO3, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2011, 第 3 作者
(26) Contrast of color-changing metallic glasses reveals the glass properties beneath the surface, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
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