Yuanan Zhao, male, professor, doctoral supervisor,Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: yazhao@siom.ac.cn
Telephone: 021-69918743
Address: No. 390, Qinghe Road, Shanghai, 201800 China
Postcode: 201800
Research Areas
His research fields include the interaction mechanism between Laser and material , and measurement techniques related to laser induced damage.
Work Experience
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor
Teaching Experience
2014.4~2014.5 Measurement techniques of Optical Materials
Research Interests
Pacific-rim Laser Damage 2015,China,Laser induced defect decrement in DKDP crystals varied with photon energy,20150422
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX 2015,Germany, Investigation on measurement of mid-frequency wavefront error for large optics in high-power laser system, 20150622
徐俊海 硕士研究生 080300-光学工程
崔辉 硕士研究生 080300-光学工程
李泽汉 硕士研究生 085204-材料工程
郭佳露 硕士研究生 085204-材料工程
李成 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
彭小聪 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
彭丽萍 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
李婷 硕士研究生 085204-材料工程
林祥坤 硕士研究生 080300-光学工程
马浩 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
蒋行 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
冯操 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
莫之畅 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
刘徐熠 硕士研究生 080300-光学工程
邵宇辰 博士研究生 080502-材料学
陈美玲 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
吴逸 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
李嘉浩 硕士研究生 085400-电子信息
冯馨丹 硕士研究生 085400-电子信息
赵雅娣 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
汪俊 博士研究生 080502-材料学
彭喜庆 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
- Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structure on fused silica surface, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, corresponding author.
- Laser damage dependence on the size and concentration of precursor defects in KDP crystals: view through differently sized filter pores, Optics Letters, 2016, corresponding author.
- Modulations of the plasma scald on the downstream beam, Optics Communications, 2015, corresponding author.
- Modeling the effect of nanosecond laser conditioning on the femtosecond laser-induced damage of optical films, Optics Express, 2015, corresponding author.
- Mitigation of scattering defect and absorption of DKDP crystals by laser conditioning, Optics Express, 2015, corresponding author.
- Performance of rapid-grown KDP crystals with continuous filtration, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2015, corresponding author.
- Laser-induced damage of the optical films prepared by electron beam evaporation and ion beam sputtering in vacuum, Optik , 2014, the third author.
- Thermal-dynamical analysis of blister formation in chirped mirror irradiated by single femtosecond lasers, Applied Optics, 2014, the third author.
- CO2 laser mitigation of the ultraviolet laser damage site on a fused silica surface, Optical Engineering, 2014, corresponding author
- Ultrashort laser-driven stable-buckling of blisters in chirped mirror, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, corresponding author.
- Combining wet etching and real-time damage event imaging to reveal the most dangerous laser damage initiatorin fused silica, Optics letters, 2013, corresponding author.
- Real-time damage event imaging reveals the absorber inducing laser damage with low density in solgel antireflective coatings, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2013, corresponding author.
- Method of mitigation laser-damage growth on fused silica surface, Applied Optics, 2013,corresponding author.
- Investigations on the catastrophic damage in multilayer dielectric films, Applied Optics, 2013, corresponding author.
- Transmittance increase after laser conditioning reveals absorption properties variation in DKDP crystals, Optics Express, 2012, corresponding author
- Effect of nanosecond laser pre-irradiation on the femtosecond laser-induced damage of Ta2O5/SiO2 high reflector, Applied Optics, 2012, corresponding author.
- Femtosecond laser-induced damage of HfO2/SiO2mirror with different stack structure, Applied Optics, 2012, corresponding author
- Wavelength Dependence of Laser-Induced Bulk Damage Morphology in KDP Crystal: Determination of the Damage Formation Mechanism, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, corresponding author.
- Laser-Induced Bulk Damage Morphology in KDP Crystal: Determination of the Damage Formation Mechanism,Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, corresponding author.
- Further Investigation on the Damage Characteristic of nodular defects, Applied Optics, 2010, the third author.
- Characteristics of nodular defect in HfO2/SiO2 multilayer optical coatings, Applied Surface Science, 2010, the third author.
- Damage Characteristics of HfO2/SiO2 45° Incidence High Reflector in 1-on-1 and N-on-1 Tests, Chinese Optics Letters, 2010, the third author.
- An automated damage diagnostic system for laser damage threshold tests, Chinese Optics Letters , 2010, the third author.
- Studies of laser damage morphology reveal subsurface feature in fused silica, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2010, the second author.
- Laser conditioning process combining N/1 and S/1 programs to improve the damage resistance of KDP crystals, SPIE, 2010, the first author.