杨延征  男  硕导  中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: yangyzh@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号生态中心
邮政编码: 100086




2012-09--2015-06   西北农林科技大学   博士


(1) A high-resolution gridded grazing dataset of grassland ecosystem on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in 1982–2015, SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2023, 

(2) Environmental changes drive soil microbial community assembly across arid alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, CATENA, 2023, 

(3) Consideration of climate change impacts will improve the efficiency of protected areas on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Consideration of climate change impacts will improve the efficiency of protected areas on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2022, 

(4) Detecting the Turning Points of Grassland Autumn Phenology on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Spatial Heterogeneity and Controls, REMOTE SENSING, 2021, 

(5) Leaf Trait Covariation and Its Controls: A Quantitative Data Analysis Along a Subtropical Elevation Gradient, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 2021, 

(6) Quantifying Leaf Trait Covariations and Their Relationships with Plant Adaptation Strategies along an Aridity Gradient, BIOLOGY-BASEL, 2021, 

(7) Climate Change Will Reduce the Carbon Use Efficiency of Terrestrial Ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: An Analysis Based on Multiple Models, FORESTS, 2020, 

(8) Trait-Based Climate Change Predictions of Vegetation Sensitivity and Distribution in China, FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2019, 

(9) Quantifying leaf-trait covariation and its controls across climates and biomes, NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 2019, 

(10) 植物功能性状对动态全球植被模型改进研究进展, Research progresses in improving dynamic global vegetation models(DGVMs) with plant functional traits, 科学通报, 2018, 第 1 作者

(11) A novel approach for modelling vegetation distributions and analysing vegetation sensitivity through trait-climate relationships in China, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016, 

(12) From plant functional types to plant functional traits: A new paradigm in modelling global vegetation dynamics, PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 2015,

( 1 ) 双碳目标下新一代陆地生态系统碳收支模型研发与应用, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2021-11--2023-10
( 2 ) 海南省陆域生态资产与生态系统生产总值核算, 负责人, 地方任务, 2021-03--2021-09