Xiaolei Yang, Professor
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100190, China
Email: xyang@imech.ac.cn
Research Areas
Turbulence widely exists in natural and engineering problems, which have important influences on various natural phenomena and industrial processes, such as mass transport, energy harvesting and system reliability and stability. Turbulence has the characteristics of stochastic, multi-scale and multiphysics, which brings great challenges to the study of complex turbulent flows. The exponetial increase of computing power has made it possible to study complex engineering turbulence problems by means of simulation. In our research, taking simulation as the key tool, with applications in offshore wind energy, sediment transport, marine vehicle noise and blood flow, we mainly work in the following three areas:
1) Develop computational methods for engineering turbulence;
2) Study the mechanism of complex turbulence; and
3) Develop low-order models suitable for engineering applications.