Research professor
Email: Yangfandeng@gig.ac.cn
Research Areas
Based on the joint inversion method, I focus on the structure:
1) small-scale crustal structure and its relationship with fault zone and/or ore deposit;
2) large-scale lithospheric structure and its implication to the geological evolution;
3) Crust-mantle structure and its relationship with volatile distribution
2009.09-2014.07 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tectonophysics, a successive postgraduate and doctoral program.
2005.09-2009.07 China University of Geoscience, Geophysics, Bachelor. Class Ranking: 1/72
Work Experience
2022.01-now Research professor
2018.10-2019.11 Visiting scholar in Geophysics at Georgia Institute of Technology.
2015.08-2016.09 Visiting scholar in Geophysics at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
2014.07-2021.12 Associated research professor in Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2013.09-2014.03 Visiting scholar in Geophysics at University of Colorado Boulder,
Zhang, Z., Deng, Y.*, Xu, Y.-G., Li, X., 2024. A translithospheric magmatic system revealed beneath Changbaishan volcano. Geology, https://doi.org/10.1130/G52242.1.
Ma, J., Deng, Y.*, Li, X., Guo, R., Zhou, H., & Li, M., (2024). Recent advances in machine learning enhanced joint inversion of seismic and electromagnetic data. Surveys in Geophysics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-024-09867-3.
黄润青,邓阳凡*,陈瑛,熊成,张周. 2024. 2023 年广东河源 M≥4 地震序列震源参数及应力触发研究. 地球物理学报,https://doi.org/10.6038/cjg2024R0701
邓阳凡, 罗恒, 张周, 朱晟, 黄润青, 胡仲发, 李鑫, 2024. 地球陨石坑地球物理探测研究进展. 地球与行星物理论评, 55(2), 153-163.
Zhu, S., Deng, Y.*, Zhang, Z., Li, X., 2023. Geophysical-petrological modelling of the crust and upper mantle structure across the North-South Gravity Lineament in NE China: Insights into the lithospheric thinning mechanism. Terra Nova, https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12684.
Zhang, Z., Deng, Y.*, 2022. A generalized strategy from S-wave receiver functions reveals distinct lateral variations of lithospheric thickness in southeastern Tibet. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(11), e2022GC010619.
Zhang, Z., Deng, Y.*, Qiu, H., Peng, Z., Liu-Zeng, J., 2022. High-resolution structure of the creeping section of the Haiyuan Fault, NE Tibet, from data recorded by dense seismic arrays. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(9), e2022JB024468.
Deng, Y., Chen, Y., Li, P., Zhang, Z., Badal, J., 2022. A Synthesis of Geophysical Data in Southeastern North China Craton: Implications for the Formation of the Arcuate Xuhuai Thrust Belt. Journal of Earth Science 33, 552-566.
Deng, Y., Xu, Y.-G., Chen, Y., 2021. Formation mechanism of the North–South Gravity Lineament in eastern China. Tectonophysics 818, 229074.
Deng, Y., Byrnes, J. S., Bezada, M., 2021. New insights into the heterogeneity of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath South China from teleseismic body-wave attenuation. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(6), e2020GL091654.
Zhang, Z., Deng, Y.*, Yao, J., Zong, J., Chen, H., 2021. An array based seismic image on the Dahutang deposit, South China: Insight into the mineralization. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 310, 106617. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2020.106617
Deng, Y., Peng, Z., Liu-Zeng, J., 2020. Systematic search for repeating earthquakes along the Haiyuan fault system in Northeastern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(7), e2020JB019583.
Deng, Y., Li, J., Peng, T., Ma, Q., Song, X., Sun, X., Shen, Y., Fan, W., 2019. Lithospheric structure in the Cathaysia block (South China) and its implication for the Late Mesozoic magmatism. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 291, 24-34.(Most Cited PEPI Articles since 2018)
Deng, Y., Li, J., Song, X., Li, H., Xu, T., 2019. The lithospheric-scale deformation in NE Tibet from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave dispersion. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 30, 127-137.
Deng, Y., Levandowski, W., 2018. Lithospheric Alteration, Intraplate Crustal Deformation, and Topography in Eastern China. Tectonics, 37, 4120-4134.
Deng, Y., Li, J., Song, X., Zhu, L., 2018. Joint Inversion for Lithospheric Structures: Implications for the Growth and Deformation in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9), 3951-3958.
Deng, Y., Levandowskic, W., Kusky, T., 2017. Lithospheric density structure beneath the Tarim basin and surroundings, northwestern China, from the joint inversion of gravity and topography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 460, 244-254.
Deng, Y., Chen, L., Wu, J., Xu, T., Romanelli, F., Panza, G.F., 2017. Lateral variation in seismic velocities and rheology beneath the Qinling-Dabie orogen. Science China Earth Sciences, 60, 576–588.
Deng, Y., Tesauro, M., 2016. Lithospheric strength variations in Mainland China: tectonic implications. Tectonics, 35, 2313-2333.
Deng, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, P., Essa, K.S., Xu, T., Liang, X., Badal, J., 2016. Magmatic underplating beneath the Emeishan large igneous province (South China) revealed by the COMGRA-ELIP experiment. Tectonophysics, 672, 16-23.
Deng, Y., Shen, W., Xu, T., H.Ritzwoller, M., 2015. Crustal layering in northeastern Tibet: a case study based on joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion. Geophysical Journal International, 203, 692–706.
Zhang, Z., Teng, J., Romanelli, F., Braitenberg, C., Ding, Z., Zhang, X., Fang, L., Zhang, S., Wu, J., Deng, Y.*, Ma, T., Sun, R., Giuliano, P.F. 2014. Geophysical constraints on the link between cratonization and orogeny: Evidence from the Tibetan Plateau and the North China Craton. Earth-Science Reviews, 130, 1-48.
Deng, Y., Zhang, Z., Mooney, W., Badal, J., Fan, W. and Zhong, Q., 2014. Mantle origin of the Emeishan large igneous province (South China) from the analysis of residual gravity anomalies. Lithos, 204, 4-13.
Deng, Y., Zhang, Z., Badal, J., Fan, W., 2014. 3-D density structure under South China constrained by seismic velocity and gravity data. Tectonophysics, 627, 159-170.
Deng, Y., Panza, G.F., Zhang, Z., Romanelli, F., Ma, T., Doglioni, C., Wang, P., Zhang, X., Teng, J., 2014. Transition from continental collision to tectonic escape? A geophysical perspective on lateral expansion of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Earth, Planets and Space, 66(1), 1-10.
Deng, Y., Zhang, Z., Fan, W., P rez-Gussiny , M., 2014. Multitaper spectral method to estimate the elastic thickness of South China: Implications for intracontinental deformation. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(2), 193-203.
Deng, Y., Fan, W., Zhang, Z. and Liang, K., 2014. The gravity and isostatic Moho in North China Craton and their implications to seismicity. Earthquake Science, 27(2), 197-207.
Deng, Y., Fan, W., Zhang, Z., Badal, J., 2013. Geophysical evidence on segmentation of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault and its implications on the lithosphere evolution in East China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 263-276.
邓阳凡, 李守林, 范蔚茗, 刘佳, 2011. 深地震测深揭示的华南地区地壳结构及其动力学意义. 地球物理学报, 54(10), 2560-2574.
I have collaborations with Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Illinois,
Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, USGS, Utrecht University, University of Zaragoza, University of Rome, University of Trieste.
Welcome to contact me if you are interested in my research.
Welcome international student.
Honors & Distinctions
The Scholarship in China University of Geoscience (Beijing) at Geophysics. 2006-2009.
The Merit Student in China University of Geoscience (Beijing). 2008
The Scholarship from China National Petroleum Corporation. 2008.
CAS Presidential Scholarship,2014
Excellent young Scholar in Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, 2014
Ten major scientific and technological progress of Chinese Geological Society, 2015
Tuguangchi Award for Excellent Young Scholar, 2017
The Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS, 2018