杨帆  男  硕导  中国科学院福建物质结构研究所
电子邮件: fanyang2013@fjirsm.ac.cn
通信地址: 厦门市集美大道1300号创新大厦1712室


1. 新型离子液体萃取体系在稀土绿色分离过程中的拓展,包含:新型非膦系绿色萃取剂的研发(只含C,H,O,N元素);新型离子液体支撑膜分离体系的构建及膜分离反应动力学的研究(基础型科研)。
2. 中性萃取剂在离子液体体系中对于稀土及其他稀贵金属离子萃取反应动力学及反萃机理的研究(基础型科研)。
3. 工业-民用废弃物中所含高值稀土-稀贵金属二次资源(废弃磁性,发光,催化,储能等材料)绿色回收再资源化(基础及产业化科研)。
4. 新型稀土功能纳米载体在大分子药物透皮输送TDDS中的应用与创新(交叉基础应用型研究)。
5. 新型离子液体系稀土氧化物精密研磨液的开发及产业化。(产业化科研) 
Rare-earth Secondary Resources ;Ionic Liquid ;Eco-friendly Recycling ;Green extractant ;Supported Liquid Membrane;rare-earth nano-carrier

Our individual abilities are limited. Collaborations with various experts are promising our future.





2009-04--2013-03   KYUSHU UNIV.(日本国立九州大学)   工学博士(Ph.D)
2006-10--2009-03   KYUSHU UNIV.(日本国立九州大学)   工学硕士
2000-09--2004-06   大连工业大学(原大连轻工业学院)   工学学士
2009/04 – 2013/03, Kyushu University (日本国立九州大学), 化学系统与工程系, G-COE国家重点实验室*(Science for Future Molecular Systems) , Group of Masahiro GOTO, Professor, 工学博士(中国留学基金委“CSC国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”以及日本文部省“JASSO”奖学金资助)
2007/04 – 2009/03, Kyushu University (日本国立九州大学), 化学系统与工程系, G-COE国家重点实验室*(Science for Future Molecular Systems) , Group of Masahiro GOTO, Professor, 工学硕士(日本国福冈县优秀留学生奖学金资助)
2000/09 – 2004/06, 大连工业大学(原大连轻工业学院), 应用化学系, 工学学士
KYUSHU UNIV.(日本国立九州大学),工学博士Ph.D(Chemical Systems and Engineering);工博甲等第2209号。


(1) 2012年“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”, 一等奖, 国家级, 2012
(2) 第七届“春晖杯”中国留学人员创新创业大赛, 一等奖, 部委级, 2012
(3) 第五届“春晖杯”中国留学人员创新创业大赛, 二等奖, 部委级, 2010
[1] 杨帆, 张雯娟, 薛丽燕. 一种稀土基钼酸盐高熵负热膨胀陶瓷材料及其制备方法. ZL202211185593.4, 2022-09-27.

[2] 周子健, 杨帆, 薛丽燕. 一种低频吸声用铬酸稀土高熵陶瓷粉体及其复合材料和应用. ZL202210815065.6, 2022-07-11.

[3] 杨帆, 郑竣峰, 薛丽燕, 江正明. 一种钼酸稀土基中高熵陶瓷材料及其制备方法和应用. ZL202210815065.6, 2022-07-11.

[4] 李战强, 杨帆, 陈恒, 薛丽燕, 吴静欣. 一种热光伏用稀土高熵铝酸盐陶瓷选择性发射体及其制备方法及应用. ZL202210366847.6, 2022-06-03.

[5] 邵志恒, 杨帆, 赵志钢. 一种柔性铈酸稀土高熵纳米纤维陶瓷膜及其制备方法和应用. CN: CN113135755A, 2021-07-20.

[6] 薛丽燕, 杨帆, 张雪松, 江正明, 周子健. 一种六边形片状稀土氧化铈的制备方法. CN:CN112919523B, 2022-01-05.

[7] 张雪松, 杨帆, 薛丽燕, 邵志恒, 张浩, 江正明, 林婉晴, 杜畅. 一种锆钽复合稀土基多孔高熵陶瓷及其制备方法. CN: CN114105672A, 2022-03-01.

[8] 张雪松, 杨帆, 邵志恒, 薛丽燕, 林婉晴, 江正明, 王凯先, 周子健. 一种铬酸稀土基多孔导电高熵陶瓷的制备方法及应用. CN: CN114105629A, 2022-03-01.

[9] 薛丽燕, 杨帆, 王凯先, 张雪松, 谢美英, 邵志恒, 杜畅, 林婉晴. 一种稀土掺杂钨酸基高熵陶瓷及其制备方法. CN: CN114075074A, 2022-02-22.

[10] 杨帆, 林婉晴, 赵志钢, 杜畅, 张雪松, 谢美英, 江正明, 薛丽燕. 一种三齿酰胺基修饰MIL型晶态材料及其制备方法和应用. CN: CN114058023A, 2022-02-18.

[11] 杨帆, 赵志钢, 白瑞熙. 一种兼具辐照屏蔽效应和隔热保温性能的稀土基气凝胶材料及其制备和应用. CN: CN110563435A, 2019-12-13.

[12] 白瑞熙, 张阳, 杨帆. 一种多胺功能化的三维石墨烯基气凝胶及其制备方法和用途. CN: CN110540191A, 2019-12-06.

[13] 范芳丽, 秦芝, 詹文龙, 杨帆, 赵志钢. 一种直接分离二氧化铀或者乏燃料中稀土元素的方法. CN: CN108538417A, 2018-09-14.

[14] 杨帆, 张阳, 赵志钢. 一种利用负载型石墨烯基材料去除210Po气溶胶的方法. CN:CN108568284B, 2021-05-18.

[15] 杨帆, 赵志钢, 张阳. 一种利用功能化石墨烯材料去除核电外排废水中放射性元素的方法. CN: CN108569690A, 2018-09-25.

[16] SUN, Liangcheng, YANG, Zhanfeng, ZHANG, Zhihong, LIU, Xiaoyu, LIU, Shufeng, YANG, Fan, LIU, Jixiang, WANG, Yu, LI, Jingya, LU, Fei, LOU, Shupu, LI, Hui, CHEN, Peixin, BAI, Yang, CHENG, Yu, WANG, Feng, ZHENG, Tiancang, XIA, Feng, SUN, Caina. METHOD FOR PREPARING NEODYMIUM-IRON-BORON PERMANENT MAGNETIC MATERIAL. CN: WO2018113717-A1, 2018-06-28.

[17] 杨帆, 张阳, 赵志钢. 一种含有有效官能团的萃取剂和吸附剂及其在钍金属萃取分离中的应用. CN:CN109082544B, 2021-05-18.

[18] 赵志钢, 杨帆, 陈鹏. 一种贵金属分离用萃取剂和应用该萃取剂萃取分离贵金属的方法. CN: CN108531746A, 2018-09-14.

[19] 赵盼盼, 杨帆, 赵志钢. 一种磷酸稀土纳米材料的连续性生产装置. CN: CN206560855U, 2017-10-17.

[20] 杨帆, 陈鹏, 赵志钢, 张阳. 一种用于放射性粉尘或放射性气溶胶处理的陶瓷膜移动床装置. CN: CN206560757U, 2017-10-17.

[21] 赵志钢, 陈鹏, 杨帆. 一种酸性离子液体及采用溶萃耦合电解法分离提纯稀土或稀贵金属的方法. CN: CN106399686A, 2017-02-15.

[22] 杨帆, 赵盼盼. 一种利用离子液体液相支撑膜系统制备磷酸化稀土纳米材料的方法及其制品和用途. CN: CN106185856A, 2016-12-07.

[23] 杨帆, 范芳丽, 秦芝. 一种新的除去乏燃料中稀土元素的方法. CN: CN105195328A, 2015-12-30.


[1] Zexing Xie, Meiying Xie, Tingting Tang, Fan Yang, Liyan Xue, Zhengming Jiang. β -Diketone-Driven Deep Eutectic Solvent for Ultra-Efficient Natural Stable Lithium-7 Isotope Separation. SEPARATIONS[J]. 2023, 10(111): https://doaj.org/article/c2966f70b2804292bac39e65dbb62064.
[2] Junfeng Zheng, Zhanqiang Li, Yong Zheng, Weijun Zhao, Fengzhi Tan, Fan Yang, Heng Chen, Liyan Xue. A novel rare-earth high-entropy RE6MoO12 with high near-infrared reflectance as a promising inorganic "cool pigment". CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2023, 49(1): 558-564, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.09.023.
[3] Meng Zhang, Weijun Zhao, Jingxin Wu, Zhanqiang Li, Liyan Xue, Fan Yang, Fengzhi Tan, Heng Chen. Promising Rare-Earth-Doped, Electrospun, ZnO Nanofiber N‑type 2 Semiconductor for Betavoltaic Batteries. ACS Omega[J]. 2023, [4] Tingting Tang, Fan Yang, Meiying Xie, Liyan Xue, Zhengming Jiang, Zexing Xie, Kaixian Wang, ZhiWan Li, Laiyao Geng, Tianxi Hu. Highly efficient separation and enrichment of hafnium from zirconium oxychloride solutions by advanced ion-imprinted membrane separation technology. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE[J]. 2023, 668: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2022.121237.
[5] Chang Du, Shuai Ma, Meiying Xie, Fan Yang, Zhigang Zhao, Yun Chen, Ying Ma. Recovery of high-value rare earth elements from waste NdFeB by the water-soluble ammonium salt Hbetcl. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2023, 308: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2022.122946.
[6] Hu, Yanqin, Qin, Ben, Li, Xiaoyan, Yang, Fan, Lee, ChuanPin, Xie, Meiying, Xue, Liyan. Ultraselective Extraction Reprocessing of 99TcO4-/ReO4-with a Promising Carbamic Acid Extractant System. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2023, [7] Zhixiong Song, Shuwen Yu, Kaixian Wang, Zhengming Jiang, Liyan Xue, Fan Yang. Novel Sc-doped Bi3TiNbO9 ferroelectric nanofibers prepared by electrospinning for visible-light photocatalysis. JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS[J]. 2023, 41(3): 365-373, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jre.2022.01.010.
[8] Wenjuan Zhang, Zhanqiang Li, Zijian Zhou, Fan Yang, Yong Zheng, Zhaoli Liu, Liyan Xue, Heng Chen. High Entropy Rare-Earth Molybdate Ceramics with Broad OperatingTemperature Window and Anti-Hygroscopicity Ability: A Promising Strategy for Negative Thermal Expansion Materials. ACS Applied engineering materials[J]. 2023, [9] Chen, Yongli, Cai, Weijie, Zhang, Meng, Xie, Meiying, Tan, Fengzhi, Yang, Fan. Highly elastic aerogel derived from spent coffee grounds as oil removal adsorbent. KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING[J]. 2022, 39(6): 1517-1523, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11814-021-1052-5.
[10] Ben Qin, Yanqin Hu, Meiying Xie, Liyan Xue, Chunfa Liao, Fan Yang. Highly Selective Adsorption of 99TcO4−/ReO4− by a Novel Polyamide-Functionalized Polyacrylamide Polymer Material. toxics[J]. 2022, [11] Zhou, Zijian, Xue, Liyan, Yang, Fan, Jiang, Zhengming, Wang, Kaixian, Xie, Meiying, Chen, Heng. Promising rare-earth high-entropy ceramic driving foamed silicon rubber composite to reduce 100-300 Hz low-frequency noise. MATERIALS LETTERS[J]. 2022, 313: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2022.131824.
[12] Yu, Shuwen, Qin, Ben, Yang, Fan, Xie, Meiying, Xue, Liyan, Zhao, Zhigang, Wang, Kaixian. Unlocking the limits of diffusion and adsorption of metal-crosslinked reduced graphene oxide membranes for gas separation. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE[J]. 2022, 586: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.152868.
[13] Huang, Yanmei, Chen, Xirong, Jiang, Zhengming, Wang, Kaixian, Xue, Liyan, Yang, Fan. Rare earth tungstate high-entropy ceramic powders containing holmium with broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral activity. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[J]. 2022, 925: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166721.
[14] Bai, Ruixi, Yang, Fan, Meng, Lingyi, Zhao, Zhigang, Guo, Wanghuan, Cai, Chunqing, Zhang, Yang. Polyethylenimine functionalized and scaffolded graphene aerogel and the application in the highly selective separation of thorium from rare earth. MATERIALS & DESIGN[J]. 2021, 197: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109195.
[15] Zhang, Xuesong, Li, Yuguang, Li, Changxiang, Yang, Fan, Jiang, Zhengming, Xue, Liyan, Shao, Zhiheng, Zhao, Zhigang, Xie, Meiying, Yu, Shuwen. A novel (La0.2Ce0.2Gd0.2Er0.2Tm0.2)(2)(WO4)(3) high-entropy ceramic material for thermal neutron and gamma-ray shielding. MATERIALS & DESIGN[J]. 2021, 205: https://doaj.org/article/5e328a0e6e254e379b4ce5028710ee91.
[16] Lee, ChuanPin, Hu, Yanqin, Chen, Dongyang, Wu, Enhui, Wang, Ziteng, Wen, Zijin, Tien, NengChuan, Yang, Fan, Tsai, ShihChin, Shi, Yunfeng, Liu, YiLing. An Improved Speciation Method Combining IC with ICPOES and Its Application to Iodide and Iodate Diffusion Behavior in Compacted Bentonite Clay. MATERIALS[J]. 2021, 14(22): http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma14227056.
[17] Zhang, Xuesong, Xue, Liyan, Yang, Fan, Shao, Zhiheng, Zhang, Hao, Zhao, Zhigang, Wang, Kaixian. (La0.2Y0.2Nd0.2Gd0.2Sr0.2)CrO3: A novel conductive porous high-entropy ceramic synthesized by the sol-gel method. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS[J]. 2021, 863: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.158763.
[18] Lin, Wanqing, Zhao, Zhigang, Yang, Fan, Liu, Zhaoli, Tan, Fengzhi, Xie, Meiying, Ma, Ying, Meng, Lingyi. Promising priority separation of europium from lanthanide by novel DGA-functionalized metal organic frameworks. MINERALS ENGINEERING[J]. 2021, 164: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2021.106831.
[19] Ma, Shuai, Yang, Fan, Tan, Fengzhi, Xie, Meiying, Yu, Shuwen, Xue, Liyan, Li, Zhiwan, Hu, Tianxi. Highly efficient and selective solvent extraction of zirconium and hafnium from chloride acid solution including amic acid extractant. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 279: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119779.
[20] Zhao, Weijun, Yang, Fan, Liu, Zhaoli, Chen, Heng, Shao, Zhiheng, Zhang, Xuesong, Wang, Kaixian, Xue, Liyan. A novel (La0.2Sm0.2Eu0.2Gd0.2Tm0.2)(2)Zr2O7 high-entropy ceramic nanofiber with excellent thermal stability. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 47(20): 29379-29385, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.07.105.
[21] Zhang, Hao, Yang, Fan, Bai, Ruixi, Zhao, Zhigang, Cai, Chunqing, Li, Jianguo, Ma, Ying. Facile preparation of Ce enhanced vinyl-functionalized silica aerogel-like monoliths for selective separation of radioactive thorium from monazite. MATERIALS & DESIGN[J]. 2020, 186: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2019.108333.
[22] Guo, Wanghuan, Zhao, Zhigang, Yang, Fan, Xie, Meiying, Shao, Zhiheng, Xue, Liyan, Zhang, Yang, Lin, Wanqing, Du, Chang, Zhang, Yongjian. Control of the separation order of Au(III), Pd(II), and Pt(IV) achieved by site-controllable carboxyl-functionalized diethylaminoethyl celluloses. CELLULOSE[J]. 2020, 27(17): 10167-10181, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000574326200003.
[23] Guo, Wanghuan, Zhang, Jinbo, Yang, Fan, Tan, Fengzhi, Zhao, Zhigang. Highly efficient and selective recovery of gallium achieved on an amide-functionalized cellulose. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2020, 237: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2019.116355.
[24] Zhang Yang, Zhao ZhiGang, Xie MeiYing, Xue LiYan, Yu ShuWen, Jiang ZhengMing, Shao ZhiHeng, Wang KaiXian, Yang Fan. New 'Non-phosphorous' and Efficient Diglycolamide-acid Based Extraction Systems. CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY[J]. 2020, 39(12): 2139-2147, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7103737701.
[25] Zhang, Hao, Yang, Fan, Lu, Chuan, Du, Chang, Bai, Ruixi, Zeng, Xian, Zhao, Zhigang, Cai, Chunqing, Li, Jianguo. Effective decontamination of (TcO4-)-Tc-99/ReO4- from Hanford low-activity waste by functionalized graphene oxide-chitosan sponges. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS[J]. 2020, 18(4): 1379-1388, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000527493000001.
[26] Zhao, Zhigang, Chen, Peng, Yang, Fan, Liao, Qiuxia, Zhang, Yang, Zhao, Panpan, Guo, Wanghuan, Bai, Ruixi, Cai, Chunqing. Efficient diglycolamic acid extractant for separating and recycling Au(III). MINERALS ENGINEERING[J]. 2020, 150: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106254.
[27] Cai, Chunqing, Yang, Fan, Zhao, Zhigang, Liao, Qiuxia, Bai, Ruixi, Guo, Wanghuan, Chen, Peng, Zhang, Yang, Zhang, Hao. Promising transport and high-selective separation of Li(I) from Na(I) and K(I) by a functional polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) system. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE[J]. 2019, 579: 1-10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2019.02.046.
[28] Li, Jianguo, Dong, Hongying, Yang, Fan, Sun, Liangcheng, Zhao, Zhigang, Bai, Ruixi, Zhang, Hao. Simple Preparation of LaPO4:Ce, Tb Phosphors by an Ionic-Liquid-Driven Supported Liquid Membrane System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES[J]. 2019, 20(14): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000480449300048.
[29] Hao Zhang, Fan Yang, Ruixi Bai, Zhigang Zhao, Jianguo Li, Xian Zeng, Xuesong Zhang. APD Compressible Aerogel-Like Monoliths with Potential Use in Environmental Remediation. MATERIALS[J]. 2019, 12(20): https://doaj.org/article/c6e033504272466db29c82f5c837cc90.
[30] Zhang, Yang, Bai, Ruixi, Zhao, Zhigang, Liao, Qiuxia, Chen, Peng, Guo, Wanghuan, Cai, Chunqing, Yang, Fan. Highly selective and sensitive probes for the detection of Cr(vi) in aqueous solutions using diglycolic acid-functionalized Au nanoparticles. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2019, 9(19): 10958-10965, [31] Bai, Ruixi, Zhang, Yang, Zhao, Zhigang, Liao, Qiuxia, Chen, Peng, Zhao, Panpan, Guo, Wanghuan, Yang, Fan, Li, Laichao. Rapid and highly selective removal of lead in simulated wastewater of rare-earth industry using diglycolamic-acid functionalized magnetic chitosan adsorbents. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY[J]. 2018, 59: 416-424, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2017.10.053.
[32] Bai, Ruixi, Yang, Fan, Zhang, Yang, Zhao, Zhigang, Liao, Qiuxia, Chen, Peng, Zhao, Panpan, Guo, Wanghuan, Cai, Chunqing. Preparation of elastic diglycolamic-acid modified chitosan sponges and their application to recycling of rare-earth from waste phosphor powder. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS[J]. 2018, 190: 255-261, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.02.059.
[33] Guo, Wanghuan, Yang, Fan, Zhao, Zhigang, Liao, Qiuxia, Cai, Chunqing, Zhang, Yang, Bai, Ruixi. Cellulose-based ionic liquids as an adsorbent for high selective recovery of gold. MINERALS ENGINEERING[J]. 2018, 125: 271-278, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2018.06.012.
[34] Chen, Peng, Yang, Fan, Liao, Qiuxia, Zhao, Zhigang, Zhang, Yang, Zhao, Panpan, Guo, Wanghuan, Bai, Ruixi. Recycling and separation of rare earth resources lutetium from LYSO scraps using the diglycol amic acid functional XAD-type resin. WASTE MANAGEMENT[J]. 2017, 62: 222-228, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.02.020.
[35] Zhao, Panpan, Yang, Fan, Zhao, Zhigang, Liao, Qiuxiao, Zhang, Yang, Chen, Peng, Guo, Wanghuan, Bai, Ruixi. A simple preparation method for rare-earth phosphate nano materials using an ionic liquid-driven supported liquid membrane system. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY[J]. 2017, 54: 369-376, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2017.06.017.
[36] Yang, Fan, Kubota, Fukiko, Kamiya, Noriho, Goto, Masahiro. Extraction of Rare-Earth Ions with an 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivative in an Ionic Liquid. SOLVENT EXTRACTION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT-JAPAN[J]. 2013, 20: 123-129, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000322290600012.
[37] Yang, Fan, Kubota, Fukiko, Kamiya, Noriho, Goto, Masahiro. A Comparative Study of Ionic Liquids and a Conventional Organic Solvent on the Extraction of Rare-earth Ions with TOPO. SOLVENT EXTRACTION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT-JAPAN[J]. 2013, 20: 225-232, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000322290600024.
[38] Yang, Fan, Kubota, Fukiko, Baba, Yuzo, Kamiya, Noriho, Goto, Masahiro. Selective extraction and recovery of rare earth metals from phosphor powders in waste fluorescent lamps using an ionic liquid system. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS[J]. 2013, 254: 79-88, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.03.026.
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( 1 ) 工业废料中所含高值稀缺金属及稀土二次资源的高效绿色回收新工艺的研发, 主持, 省级, 2014-01--2015-12
( 2 ) ADANES先进乏燃料循环稀土, 主持, 国家级, 2014-10--2015-12
( 3 ) 先进液相支撑膜分离材料与装备, 主持, 省级, 2015-01--2016-12
( 4 ) 稀土材料高质利用及高效回收, 参与, 省级, 2014-01--2016-12
( 5 ) 海西离子型稀土钇的高质开发, 参与, 省级, 2015-01--2017-12
( 6 ) 高纯稀土分离用高数控化移动床装备的开发, 主持, 省级, 2015-05--2016-04
( 7 ) 针对LBE冷却堆中环境高危Po210核素的先端后处理, 主持, 院级, 2016-07--2017-10
( 8 ) 硅酸钇镥二次资源中高值重稀土的绿色高效分离与应用, 参与, 省级, 2017-01--2019-12
( 9 ) 风力发电机用无(低)重稀土烧结钕铁硼技术开发及产业化应用, 参与, 省级, 2016-08--2019-07
( 10 ) 废弃光伏组件与二次资源中稀贵金属及稀土材料的回收再利用, 参与, 研究所(学校), 2019-01--2021-12
( 11 ) 利用新型酰胺酸型萃取体系研究复杂溶液中稀土与铝的分离, 主持, 研究所(学校), 2017-01--2019-12
( 12 ) 稀土在耐热不锈钢中的应用技术研发及产业化, 参与, 省级, 2018-04--2020-12
( 13 ) ADANES系统堆芯构件及乏燃料处理关键技术研发, 参与, 部委级, 2018-07--2021-12
( 14 ) 高价值稀土综合回收利用, 参与, 省级, 2017-08--2020-07
(1)新型萃取剂及液膜分离体系在稀土及锂电二次资源分离回收总的应用   第七届全国湿法冶金工程技术交流会   2019-04-24
(2)新型萃取剂及液膜分离体系在稀土及锂电二次资源分离回收总的应用   第七届全国湿法冶金工程技术交流会   2019-04-24
(3)新CHON型绿色萃取剂的设计及在稀土二次资源高效回收中的应用   2015年全国稀土金属冶金工程技术交流会   杨帆;廖秋霞;陈鹏;赵盼盼;   2015-07-02
(4)Transdermal Delivery Of An Anti-Rheumatic Agent Methotrexate Using Solid-in-Oil (S/O) Suspension   F. YANG   2011-06-20
(5)Transdermal Delivery Of An Anti-Rheumatic Agent Methotrexate Using Solid-in-Oil (S/O) Suspension   F. YANG   2010-12-22


一. 联合日本国立九州大学(KYUSHU UNIV.); 大连理工大学:
课题:稀土及稀贵金属二次资源绿色回收工程;新型绿色稀土及稀贵金属萃取剂(只含C, H, O, N元素)的研发。
二. 联合日本国立九州大学; 台湾国立科技大学稀土及稀有元素技术开发中心;包头国家稀土工程研究院(包钢):
三. 联合沈阳药科大学:
四.  联合日本国立九州大学:
五. 联合厦门钨业股份有限公司, 长汀金龙稀土有限公司:

1. 日本国立九州大学(KYUSHU UNIV.)
2. 台湾国立科技大学稀土及稀有元素技术开发中心
3. 大连理工大学
4. 大连工业大学
5. 沈阳药科大学
6. 包头国家稀土工程研究院(包钢)
7. 厦门钨业股份有限公司,长汀金龙稀土有限公司

8. 福建青拓镍业股份有限公司

9. 福建省长汀金龙稀土股份有限公司


一. 日本国立九州大学,后藤雅宏实验室(Prof. M. GOTO):

二.台湾国立科技大学稀土及稀有元素技术开发中心 (苏昭瑾教授):


My Lab in AMOY


1、Promising transport and high-selective separation of Li(I) from Na(I) and K(I) by a functional polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) system



2.Highly selective and sensitive probes for the detection of Cr(vi) in aqueous solutions using diglycolic acid-functionalized Au nanoparticles

2019年,RSC ADVANCES3区,影响因子:3.16  


3.Preparation of elastic diglycolamic-acid modified chitosan sponges and their application to recycling of rare-earth from waste phosphor powder

2018年,CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 2区,影响因子:6.12


4.Rapid and highly selective removal of lead in simulated wastewater of rare-earth industry using diglycolamic-acid functionalized magnetic chitosan adsorbents



5.Cellulose-based ionic liquids as an adsorbent for high selective recovery of gold

2018年,MINERALS ENGINEERING3区,影响因子:3.77


6.Recycling and separation of rare earth resources lutetium from LYSO scraps using the diglycol amic acid functional XAD-type resin

2017年,WASTE MANAGEMENT 2区,6.15

7. A simple preparation method for rare-earth phosphate nano materials using an ionic liquid-driven supported liquid membrane system