
Dr. Chunlei YANG
Center for photovoltaic solar cells
Shen Zhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS
Telephone: 0755-86392130
Address: Shen Zhen Institute of Advanced Technology
Postcode: 518055
Center for photovoltaic solar cells
Shen Zhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS
Telephone: 0755-86392130
Address: Shen Zhen Institute of Advanced Technology
Postcode: 518055
Research Areas
Photovoltaic solar cells
Phd --- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2005)
Mphil -- Chang Chun Institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, Chinese academy of Sciences (1999)
B.S. --- Hu Bei University (1997)
Mphil -- Chang Chun Institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, Chinese academy of Sciences (1999)
B.S. --- Hu Bei University (1997)
2010.9 -- Now, Professor, Shen Zhen Institue of Advanced Technology
2006-2010, Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University
1. High responsivity ultraviolet photodetector realized via a carrier-trapping process
J. S. Liu, C. X. Shan, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, C. L. Yang, D. Z. Shen, and X. W. Fan, Applied Physics Letters 97, 251102 (2010)
2. Magneto-electric photocurrent generated by direct interband transitions in InGaAs/InAlAs two-dimensional electron gas
J. F. Dai, H. Z. Lu, C. L. Yang, S. Q. Shen, F. C. Zhang, and X. D. Cui
Physical Review Letters 104, 246601 (2010).
3. Determination of the sign of g factors for conduction electrons using time-resolved Kerr rotation
C. L. Yang, Junfeng Dai, W. K. Ge, and Xiaodong Cui
Applied Physics Letters 96, 152109 (2010)
4. Spin relaxation in submonolayer and monolayer InAs structures grown in a GaAs matrix
C. L. Yang, Xiaodong Cui, Shun-Qing Shen, Zhongying Xu, and Weikun Ge
Physical Review B 80, 035313 (2009)
5. Phase stability of cubic MgZnO thin film studied by continuous thermal annealing method0.550.45
Z. G. Ju, C. X. Shan, C. L. Yang, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, and X. W. Fan Applied Physics Letters 94, 101902 (2009)
6. MgxZn1-xO solar-blind photodetector grown by radio frequency magnetron sputtering
D. Y. Jiang, C. X. Shan, J. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Lu, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, Z. Z. Zhang, D. Z. Shen, and C. L. Yang
Journal of Physics D- Applied Physics 42, 025106 (2009)
7. Light-induced incandescence of single-walled carbon nanotubes
H. L. Zeng, C. L. Yang, J. F. Dai, X. D. Cui
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 4172 (2008)
8. On the nature of the carriers in ferromagnetic FeSe
X. J. Wu D. Z. Shen, Z. Z. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, K. W. Liu, B. H. Li, Y. M. Lu, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, B. S. Li, C. X. Shan, and X. W. Fan H. J. Liu C. L. Yang
Applied Physics Letters 90, 112105 (2007) (cited: 5)
9. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of ZnO nanorods prepared by a simple solution route
Lv YZ, Zhang YH, Li CP, Ren LR, Guo L, Xu HB, Ding L, Yang CL, Ge WK, Yang SH
Journal of Luminescence 122, 816 (2007)
10. Fabrication of highly (1000) oriented textured zinc oxide films by metal cathodic arc and oxygen dual plasma deposition and their optical properties
Y. F. Mei, K. Y. Fu, G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, Z. M. Li, C. L. Yang, W. K. Ge, Z. K. Tang, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong
Surface and Coatings technology 201, 8348 (2007)
11. Spectral Dependence of Spin Photocurrent and Current-Induced Spin Polarization in an InGaAs/InAlAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
C. L. Yang, H. T. He, Lu Ding, L. J. Cui, Y. P. Zeng, J. N. Wang, and W. K. Ge
Physical Review Letters 96 (18), 186605 (2006)
12. Low temperature synthesis and optical properties of small-diameter ZnO nanorods
Lv YZ, Guo L, Xu HB, Ding L, Yang CL, Wang JN, Ge WK, Yang SH, Wu ZY
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (11): 114302 (2006)
13. Electron energy dependence on inducing the photoluminescence lines of 6H-SiC by electron irradiation
Ling CC, Chen XD, Gong M, Yang CL, Ge WK, Wang JN
Physica B-Condensed Matter 376: 374-377 (2006)
14. Magnetophotoluminescence of Zn0.88Mn0.12Se grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs substrates
Lu SL, Jiang DS, Dai JM, Yang CL, He HT, Ge WK, Wang JN, Chang K, Zhang JY, Shen DZ
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (7): 073517 (2006)
15. Influence of the carrier gas on the luminescence of ZnO tetrapod nanowires
Leung CY, Djurisic AB, Leung YH, Ding L, Yang CL, Ge WK
Journal of Crystal Growth 290 (1): 131-136 (2006)
16. Resistivity minima and Kondo effect in ferromagnetic GaMnAs films
H. T. He, C. L. Yang, W. K. Ge, and J. N. Wang, X. Dai, Y. Q. Wang,
Applied Physics Letters 87, 162506 (2005).
17. ZnO nanobelt arrays grown directly from and on zinc substrates: Synthesis, characterization, and applications
Wen XG, Fang YP, Pang Q, Yang CL, Wang JN, Ge WK, Wong KS, Yang SH
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (32): 15303 (2005)
18. Thermally activated carrier transfer processes in InGaN/GaN light emitting devices
Yang CL, L. Ding, Fung KK, Wang JN, Ge WK Liang H, Qi YD, Lu ZD, Wang DL, Lau KM,
Journal of Applied physics, 98, 023703 (2005)
19. Photoreflectance study of 0.4 nm single walled carbon nanotubes
Yang CL, Hou B, Li I, Li ZM, Tang ZK, Wang JN, Ge WK,
Physical Review B, brief reports, 71 (23), 233404 (2005)
1. High responsivity ultraviolet photodetector realized via a carrier-trapping process
J. S. Liu, C. X. Shan, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, C. L. Yang, D. Z. Shen, and X. W. Fan, Applied Physics Letters 97, 251102 (2010)
2. Magneto-electric photocurrent generated by direct interband transitions in InGaAs/InAlAs two-dimensional electron gas
J. F. Dai, H. Z. Lu, C. L. Yang, S. Q. Shen, F. C. Zhang, and X. D. Cui
Physical Review Letters 104, 246601 (2010).
3. Determination of the sign of g factors for conduction electrons using time-resolved Kerr rotation
C. L. Yang, Junfeng Dai, W. K. Ge, and Xiaodong Cui
Applied Physics Letters 96, 152109 (2010)
4. Spin relaxation in submonolayer and monolayer InAs structures grown in a GaAs matrix
C. L. Yang, Xiaodong Cui, Shun-Qing Shen, Zhongying Xu, and Weikun Ge
Physical Review B 80, 035313 (2009)
5. Phase stability of cubic MgZnO thin film studied by continuous thermal annealing method0.550.45
Z. G. Ju, C. X. Shan, C. L. Yang, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, and X. W. Fan Applied Physics Letters 94, 101902 (2009)
6. MgxZn1-xO solar-blind photodetector grown by radio frequency magnetron sputtering
D. Y. Jiang, C. X. Shan, J. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Lu, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, Z. Z. Zhang, D. Z. Shen, and C. L. Yang
Journal of Physics D- Applied Physics 42, 025106 (2009)
7. Light-induced incandescence of single-walled carbon nanotubes
H. L. Zeng, C. L. Yang, J. F. Dai, X. D. Cui
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 4172 (2008)
8. On the nature of the carriers in ferromagnetic FeSe
X. J. Wu D. Z. Shen, Z. Z. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, K. W. Liu, B. H. Li, Y. M. Lu, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, B. S. Li, C. X. Shan, and X. W. Fan H. J. Liu C. L. Yang
Applied Physics Letters 90, 112105 (2007) (cited: 5)
9. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of ZnO nanorods prepared by a simple solution route
Lv YZ, Zhang YH, Li CP, Ren LR, Guo L, Xu HB, Ding L, Yang CL, Ge WK, Yang SH
Journal of Luminescence 122, 816 (2007)
10. Fabrication of highly (1000) oriented textured zinc oxide films by metal cathodic arc and oxygen dual plasma deposition and their optical properties
Y. F. Mei, K. Y. Fu, G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, Z. M. Li, C. L. Yang, W. K. Ge, Z. K. Tang, W. Y. Cheung, S. P. Wong
Surface and Coatings technology 201, 8348 (2007)
11. Spectral Dependence of Spin Photocurrent and Current-Induced Spin Polarization in an InGaAs/InAlAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
C. L. Yang, H. T. He, Lu Ding, L. J. Cui, Y. P. Zeng, J. N. Wang, and W. K. Ge
Physical Review Letters 96 (18), 186605 (2006)
12. Low temperature synthesis and optical properties of small-diameter ZnO nanorods
Lv YZ, Guo L, Xu HB, Ding L, Yang CL, Wang JN, Ge WK, Yang SH, Wu ZY
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (11): 114302 (2006)
13. Electron energy dependence on inducing the photoluminescence lines of 6H-SiC by electron irradiation
Ling CC, Chen XD, Gong M, Yang CL, Ge WK, Wang JN
Physica B-Condensed Matter 376: 374-377 (2006)
14. Magnetophotoluminescence of Zn0.88Mn0.12Se grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs substrates
Lu SL, Jiang DS, Dai JM, Yang CL, He HT, Ge WK, Wang JN, Chang K, Zhang JY, Shen DZ
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (7): 073517 (2006)
15. Influence of the carrier gas on the luminescence of ZnO tetrapod nanowires
Leung CY, Djurisic AB, Leung YH, Ding L, Yang CL, Ge WK
Journal of Crystal Growth 290 (1): 131-136 (2006)
16. Resistivity minima and Kondo effect in ferromagnetic GaMnAs films
H. T. He, C. L. Yang, W. K. Ge, and J. N. Wang, X. Dai, Y. Q. Wang,
Applied Physics Letters 87, 162506 (2005).
17. ZnO nanobelt arrays grown directly from and on zinc substrates: Synthesis, characterization, and applications
Wen XG, Fang YP, Pang Q, Yang CL, Wang JN, Ge WK, Wong KS, Yang SH
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (32): 15303 (2005)
18. Thermally activated carrier transfer processes in InGaN/GaN light emitting devices
Yang CL, L. Ding, Fung KK, Wang JN, Ge WK Liang H, Qi YD, Lu ZD, Wang DL, Lau KM,
Journal of Applied physics, 98, 023703 (2005)
19. Photoreflectance study of 0.4 nm single walled carbon nanotubes
Yang CL, Hou B, Li I, Li ZM, Tang ZK, Wang JN, Ge WK,
Physical Review B, brief reports, 71 (23), 233404 (2005)
Research Interests
Semiconductor Materials Growth
Photovoltaic solar cells
Semiconductor devices and Physics
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何陈莹 博士研究生 070304-物理化学
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