
1989.9-1993.6 吉林大学环境科学系环境科学专业 学士
1996.9-1999.6 中国环境科学研究院环境科学专业 硕士
2003.9-2006.6 中国科学院生态环境研究中心生态学专业 博士
1996.9-1999.6 中国环境科学研究院环境科学专业 硕士
2003.9-2006.6 中国科学院生态环境研究中心生态学专业 博士
-- 研究生
-- 博士
1993.7-2006.8 中国环境科学研究院
2006.8-现在 中国科学院城市环境研究所
2006.8-现在 中国科学院城市环境研究所
1. Wang ZS, Yan CZ(通讯作者), Vulpe CD, et al. Incorporation of in situ exposure and biomarkers response in clams Ruditapes philippinarum for assessment of metal pollution in coastal areas from the Maluan Bay of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.10.017.
2. Wang ZS, Yan CZ(通讯作者), Yan YJ, et al. Integrated assessment of biomarker responses in caged shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) exposed to complex contaminants from the Maluan Bay of China. Ecotoxicology 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10646-011-0849-0.
3. Xue PY and Yan CZ(通讯作者). Arsenic accumulation and translocation in the submerged macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Chemosphere 2011, 85: 1176-1181.
4. Luo ZX, Wang ZH, Wei QS, Yan CZ(通讯作者) and Liu F. Effects of engineered nano-titanium dioxide on pore surface properties and phosphorus adsorption of sediment: Its environmental implications. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 192: 1364– 1369.
5. Luo ZX, Wang ZH, Li QZ, Pan QK, Yan CZ(通讯作者)and Liu F. Spatial distribution, electron microscopy analysis of titanium and its correlation to heavy metals: Occurrence and sources of titanium nanomaterials in surface sediments from Xiamen Bay, China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13: 1046-1052.
6. Xue PY, Li GX, Liu WJ, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Copper uptake and translocationin a submerged aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Chemosphere 2010, 81: 1098-1103.
7. Li QZ, Luo ZX, Yan CZ(通讯作者), Zhang X. Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls contamination in sediment and organism from Xiamen offshore area, China. Bull of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2011, 4:372-376.
8. Zhang X, Gao YJ, Li QZ, Li GX, G QH, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Distribution characteristics of estrogenic compounds in surface water, sediments and organisms from Yundang Lagoon in Xiamen, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2011, 61(1): 93–100.
9. Wang ZS, Yan CZ. Effects of Dietary Cadmium Exposure on Reproduction of Saltwater Cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday: Implications in Water Quality Criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2010, 29:365-372.
10. Li QZ, Yan CZ (通讯作者), Luo ZX, Zhang X.. Occurrence and levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in recent sediments and marine organisms from Xiamen offshore areas, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2010, 60, 464-469.
11. Yan CZ (通讯作者), Li G.X, Xue PY, et al. Competitive effect of Cu(II) and Zn(II) on the biosorption of lead(II) by Myriophyllum spicatum. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 179:721–728.
12. Luo ZX, Wang ZH, Li QZ, Pan QK, Yan CZ (通讯作者). Effects of titania nanoparticles on phosphorus fractions and its release in resuspended sediments under UV irradiation, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 174(1-3): 477-483.
13. Yan CZ (通讯作者), Li QZ, Zhang X, Li GX. Mobility and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of Xiamen Bay and its adjacent areas, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 2010, 60(7): 1469-1479.
14. Li QZ, Zhang X, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contamination of recent sediments and marine organisms from Xiamen Bay, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2010, 58: 711–721.
15. Li GX, Xue PY, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Copper biosorption by Myriophyllum spicatum: Effect of temperatureand pH, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2010, 27(4): 1239-1245.
16. Wang ZS, Yan CZ, Zhang X. Acute and chronic cadmium toxicity to a saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday and its relative importance. Ecotoxicology 2009, 18:47-54.
17. Zhang X, Li QZ, Li GX, Wang ZS, Yan CZ (通讯作者). Levels of estrogenic compounds in Xiamen Bay sediment, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009, 58, 1210–1216.
18. Yan CZ(通讯作者), Lu X, Zhao XL. Protection and sustainable utilization of water resources in Lake Erhai basin. The international Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 2008, 15, 357-361.
19. Jin XC, Xu QJ, Yan CZ, et al. Effects of pH on antioxidant enzymes and ultrastructure of Hydrilla verticillata. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2006, 21, 77-80.
20. Yan CZ, Wang SR, Zeng AY, et al. Equilibrium and kinetics of copper (II) biosorption by Myriophyllum spicatum L. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2005, 17, 1025-1029.
1. Wang ZS, Yan CZ(通讯作者), Vulpe CD, et al. Incorporation of in situ exposure and biomarkers response in clams Ruditapes philippinarum for assessment of metal pollution in coastal areas from the Maluan Bay of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.10.017.
2. Wang ZS, Yan CZ(通讯作者), Yan YJ, et al. Integrated assessment of biomarker responses in caged shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) exposed to complex contaminants from the Maluan Bay of China. Ecotoxicology 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10646-011-0849-0.
3. Xue PY and Yan CZ(通讯作者). Arsenic accumulation and translocation in the submerged macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Chemosphere 2011, 85: 1176-1181.
4. Luo ZX, Wang ZH, Wei QS, Yan CZ(通讯作者) and Liu F. Effects of engineered nano-titanium dioxide on pore surface properties and phosphorus adsorption of sediment: Its environmental implications. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 192: 1364– 1369.
5. Luo ZX, Wang ZH, Li QZ, Pan QK, Yan CZ(通讯作者)and Liu F. Spatial distribution, electron microscopy analysis of titanium and its correlation to heavy metals: Occurrence and sources of titanium nanomaterials in surface sediments from Xiamen Bay, China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13: 1046-1052.
6. Xue PY, Li GX, Liu WJ, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Copper uptake and translocationin a submerged aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Chemosphere 2010, 81: 1098-1103.
7. Li QZ, Luo ZX, Yan CZ(通讯作者), Zhang X. Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls contamination in sediment and organism from Xiamen offshore area, China. Bull of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2011, 4:372-376.
8. Zhang X, Gao YJ, Li QZ, Li GX, G QH, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Distribution characteristics of estrogenic compounds in surface water, sediments and organisms from Yundang Lagoon in Xiamen, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2011, 61(1): 93–100.
9. Wang ZS, Yan CZ. Effects of Dietary Cadmium Exposure on Reproduction of Saltwater Cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday: Implications in Water Quality Criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2010, 29:365-372.
10. Li QZ, Yan CZ (通讯作者), Luo ZX, Zhang X.. Occurrence and levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in recent sediments and marine organisms from Xiamen offshore areas, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2010, 60, 464-469.
11. Yan CZ (通讯作者), Li G.X, Xue PY, et al. Competitive effect of Cu(II) and Zn(II) on the biosorption of lead(II) by Myriophyllum spicatum. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 179:721–728.
12. Luo ZX, Wang ZH, Li QZ, Pan QK, Yan CZ (通讯作者). Effects of titania nanoparticles on phosphorus fractions and its release in resuspended sediments under UV irradiation, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 174(1-3): 477-483.
13. Yan CZ (通讯作者), Li QZ, Zhang X, Li GX. Mobility and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of Xiamen Bay and its adjacent areas, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 2010, 60(7): 1469-1479.
14. Li QZ, Zhang X, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contamination of recent sediments and marine organisms from Xiamen Bay, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2010, 58: 711–721.
15. Li GX, Xue PY, Yan CZ(通讯作者). Copper biosorption by Myriophyllum spicatum: Effect of temperatureand pH, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2010, 27(4): 1239-1245.
16. Wang ZS, Yan CZ, Zhang X. Acute and chronic cadmium toxicity to a saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday and its relative importance. Ecotoxicology 2009, 18:47-54.
17. Zhang X, Li QZ, Li GX, Wang ZS, Yan CZ (通讯作者). Levels of estrogenic compounds in Xiamen Bay sediment, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009, 58, 1210–1216.
18. Yan CZ(通讯作者), Lu X, Zhao XL. Protection and sustainable utilization of water resources in Lake Erhai basin. The international Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 2008, 15, 357-361.
19. Jin XC, Xu QJ, Yan CZ, et al. Effects of pH on antioxidant enzymes and ultrastructure of Hydrilla verticillata. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2006, 21, 77-80.
20. Yan CZ, Wang SR, Zeng AY, et al. Equilibrium and kinetics of copper (II) biosorption by Myriophyllum spicatum L. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2005, 17, 1025-1029.
李国新 博士研究生 083002-环境工程
李庆召 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
卢新 博士研究生 083020-环境经济与环境管理
潘齐坤 硕士研究生 083001-环境科学
薛培英 博士研究生 083001-环境科学
王若师 硕士研究生 083001-环境科学
周石磊 博士研究生 083001-环境科学