Prof. Xin Zhou (周昕)
Email: xzhou at ucas dot ac dot cn
Mobile phone:
Address: NanYiTiao #3, ZhongGuanCun, School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Science,
Beijing 100190, China
Postcode: 100190
Research Areas
Statistical Physics
Soft Condense Matter Physics
Work Experience
2001 - 2003, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JSPS Fellow
2003 - 2005, Max-Planck Institute for Polymer in Mainz, Germany, Humboldt Fellow
2005-2008, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA, Postdoctoral researcher
2008-2011, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea, Group Leader;
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Adjunct Professor
2011 - , School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Professor
Teaching Experience
Huige Yang, Chao Ma, Kaiyong Li, Kai Liu, Mark Loznik, Rosalie Teeuwen, Jan C. M. van Hest, Xin Zhou*, Andreas Herrmann*, and Jianjun Wang*, Tuning Ice Nucleation with Supercharged Polypeptides, Adv. Matter. 28, 5008 - 5012 (2016)
Biao Wan, Cheng Yang, Yanting Wang, Xin Zhou*, Jarzynski matrix equality: Calculating the free energy difference by nonquilibrium simulations with an arbitrary initial distribution, Phys. Rev. E 93, 043312, (2016).
Cheng Yang, Biao Wan, Shun Xu, Yanting Wang, Xin Zhou*, Equilibrium sampling by re-weighting non-equilibrium simulation trajectories, Phys. Rev. E 93, 033309, (2016).
Seongmin Jeong, Yongseok Jho*, and Xin Zhou*, Micro-structural Change During Nucleation: From Nucleus To Bicontinuous Morphology, Scientific Reports,5:15955 (2015)
Minzhe Shao, Jianjun Wang*, Xin Zhou*, Anisotropy of Local Stress Tensor Leads to Line Tension, Scientific Reports, 5: 9491 (2015)
XU Shun, ZHOU Xin*, JIANG Yi, and WANG YanTing, Fast Adaptive flat-histogram ensemble to enhance the sampling in large systems, Sci. Chin. Phys, Mech. & Astr. 58, 590501 (2015)
HAI Nan-Nan, ZHOU Xin, LI Ming, Influences of the Structure of Lipids on Thermal Stability of Lipid Membranes, Commun. Theor. Phys. 64, 249-258 (2015)
Lin-Tai Da, Chao E, Baogen Duan, Chuanbiao Zhang, Xin Zhou, Jin Yu, A Jump-from-Cavity Pyrophosphate Ion Release Assisted by a Key Lysine Residue in T7 RNA Polymerase Transcription Elongation, Plos Computational Biology, 11, 1004624 (2015)
Linchen Gong, Xin Zhou*, and Zhongcan Ouyang, Reweighted ensemble dynamics simulations: theory, improvement, and application, Chin Phys B, 24,060202 (2015)
Zhang Chuan-Biao, Li Ming, Zhou Xin*, The construction of general basis functions in reweighting ensemble dynamics simulations: Reproduce equilibrium distribution in complex systems from multiple short simulation trajectories, Chin. Phys. B 24, 120202 (2015).
Shijing Lu, Xin Zhou*, Construction of Coarse-Grained Models by Reproducing Equilibrium Probability Density Function, Commun. Theor. Phys. 63,10 (2015)
Linchen Gong, Xin Zhou*, Zhongcan Ouyang, Systematically Constructing Kinetic Transition Network in Polypeptide from Top to Down: Trajectory Mapping, Plos one, 10, 0125932 (2014).
Byoungkoo Lee, Xin Zhou, Kirstein Riching, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Patricia J. Keely, Scott A. Guelcher, Alissa M. Weaver, Yi Jiang, A Three-Dimensional Computational Model of Collagen Network Mechanics, Plos One 9, e111896 (2014)
SeongMin Jeong, Xin Zhou, Ekaterina B. Zhulina, and YongSeok Jho, Monte Carlo Simulation of the Neurofilament Brush, Israel J. Chem. doi:10.1002 (2014)
Kaiyong Li, Shun Xu, Jing Chen, Qianlan Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Dapeng Cui, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang, and Yanlin Song, Viscosity of interfacial water regulates ice nucleation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 101605 (2014)
Fanlong Meng, Ming Li, Xin Zhou*, and Zhongcan Ouyang, A theoretical study on entropy-driven polymer translocation through a finite-sized nanochannel, Chem. Phys. Lett. 565, 116-121, (2013).
Jing Chen, Renmei Dou, Dapeng Cui, Qiaolan Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Fujian Xu, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Robust Prototypical Anti-icing Coatings with a Self-lubricating Liquid Water Layer between Ice and Substrate, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5, 4026-4030 (2013).
Kaiyong Li, Shun Xu, Wenxiong Shi, Min He, Huiling Li, Shuzhou Li, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang, and Yanlin Song, Investigating the Effects of Solid Surfaces on Ice Nucleation, Langmuir, 28, 10749-10754 (2012).
Min He, Xin Zhou, Xiping Zeng, Dapeng Cui, Qiaolan Zhang, Jing Chen, Huiling Li, Jianjun Wang, Zexian Cao, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Hierarchically structured porous aluminum surfaces for high-efficient removal of condensed water, Soft Matter, 8, 6680 (2012).
Shun Xu, Xin Zhou*, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Parallel Tempering Simulation on Generalized Canonical Ensemble,Comm. in Comput. Phys. 12, 1293 (2012).
G. Zuo, P. Xiu, X. Zhou, R. Zhou, H. Fang, Conformational Changes of the Protein Domains Upon Binding with Carbon Nanotubes Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Current Physical Chemistry, 2, 12-22 (2012).
G. Zuo, Xin Zhou, Q Huang, H. P. Fang, and R. H. Zhou,Adsorption of Villin Headpiece onto Graphene, Carbon Nanotube, and C60: Effect of Contacting Surface Curvatures on Binding Affinity,J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 23323-23328,(2011).
P. Reunchan, Xin Zhou, S. Limpijumnong, A. Janotti, C. G. Van de Walle, Vacancy Defects in Indium Oxide: An ab-initio Study,Current Applied Physics, 11, S296 (2011).
Research Interests
- Develop advanced simulation and data analysis techniques
- Multiscale molecular dynamics simulations in water, soft materials and biological macromolecular systems
- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics in small systems