Xiaoxiang Jiao, Professor.
Telephone: 010-88256334
Mobile phone:
Address: Yuquan Rd. No. 19, Beijing.
Postcode: 100049
Telephone: 010-88256334
Mobile phone:
Address: Yuquan Rd. No. 19, Beijing.
Postcode: 100049
Research Areas
Global Differential Geometry.
Ph D, UCAS, 1998,01.
(From 2000)
[1] Factorization of Harmonic Maps of Surfaces into Lie Groups by Singular Dressing Action. Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems (Tokyo, 2000), 199--204, Contemp. Math., 308, Amer. Math. Soc., Prvidence, RI, 2002.
[2] On Non-isotropic Harmonic Maps of Surfaces into Complex Projective Spaces (with Peng Jiagui), Science in China, Ser. A, 44(5)(2001), 555--561.
[3] The Isoenergy Inequality for Harmonic Maps from Rotational Symmetric Manifolds (with Li Jiayu), Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 15(1)(2002), 1--6.
[4] Rigidity of Holomorphic Curves in Complex Grassmann Manifolds (with Peng Jiagui), Mathematische Annalen, 327(3)(2003), 481--486.
[5] Pseudo-holomorphic Curves in Complex Grassmann Manifolds (with Peng Jiagui), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 355(9)(2003), 3715--3726.
[6] Classification of Holomorphic Spheres of Constant Curvature in Complex Grassmann Maniofolds G(2,5) (with Peng Jiagui), Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 20(3)(2004), 267--277.
[7] Curve Shortening Flow in Arbitary Dimensional Eucldian Space (with Yang Yunyan), Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 21(4) (2005), 715--722.
[8] Minimal 2-Spheres in A Complex Projective Space (with Peng Jiagui), Differential Geometry and its Applications, 25(5)(2007), 506--517.
[9] Pseudo-Holomorphic Curves of Constant Curvature in Complex Grassmannians, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 163(1)(2008), 45--63.
[10] Holomorphic Two-Spheres in Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,4) (with Xu Xiaowei), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.-Math. Sci, 118(3)(2008), 381--388.
[11] Conformal Minimal Immersions of S^2 in CP^n (with Chen Hongxia), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 25(4)(2008), 452--459.
[12] On Minimal Two-Spheres in G(2, 4) (with Peng Jiagui), Front Math China, 5(2)(2010), 297--310.
[13] On Pseudo-Holomorphic Curves from Two-Spheres into A Complex Grassmannian G(2,5), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 26(4)(2010), 759--762.
[14] On Some Conformal Minimal Two-Spheres in A Complex Projective Space (with Peng Jiagui), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 61(1)(2010), 87--101.
[15] Conformal Minimal Two-Spheres in Q_n (with Wang Jun), Science China Mathematics, 54(4)(2011), 817--830.
[16] Conformal minimal two-spheres in Q_2 (with Wang Jun), Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 6(3)(2011), 535--544.
[17] On Holomorphic Curves in A complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,n) (with Yu Yan), Archiv der Mathematik, 96(3)(2011), 291--300.
[18] On Holomorphic Curves of Constant Curvature in A Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,5) (with Peng Jiagui), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 31B(1) (2011), 237--248.
[19] Holomorphic 2-Spheres in A Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,5) (with Fei Jie), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 28(2)(2011), 131--140.
[20] Construction of Homogenous Minimal 2-Spheres in Complex Grassmannians (with Fei Jie & Xu Xiaowei), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 31B(5)(2011), 1889--1898.
[21] On Conformal Minimal 2-Spheres in Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,n) (with Fei Jie & Xu Xiaowei), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 121(2)(2011), 181--199.
[22] Harmonic Two-Spheres in the Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,5) (with Li Kang), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 28(5)(2011), 573--582.
[23] The Classification of Homogeneous 2-Spheres in Complex Grassmannians (with Fei Jie, Xiao Liang, Xu Xiaowei), Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 50(1)(2013), 135-152.
[24] SU(2)-Orbits in A Six-Sphere (with Zhou Xianchao), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 29(1)(2012), 1--11.
[25] On Almost Complex Curves in the Nearly Kaehler Six-Sphere (with Zhou Xianchao), Differential Geometry and its Applications, 30(2)(2012), 148--152.
[26] Minimal Surfaces in A Complex Hyperquadric Q_2 (with Wang Jun), Manuscripta Mathematica, DOI: 10.1007/s00229-012-0554-1.
[27] On Minimal Two-Spheres Immersed in Complex Grassmann Manifolds with Parallel Second Fundamental Form, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 168(3-4)(2012), 381--401.
[28] Holomorphic two-spheres in the complex Grassmann manifold G(k,n) (with Zhong Xu and Xu Xiaowei), Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, 122(3)(2012), 399-409.
[1] Factorization of Harmonic Maps of Surfaces into Lie Groups by Singular Dressing Action. Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems (Tokyo, 2000), 199--204, Contemp. Math., 308, Amer. Math. Soc., Prvidence, RI, 2002.
[2] On Non-isotropic Harmonic Maps of Surfaces into Complex Projective Spaces (with Peng Jiagui), Science in China, Ser. A, 44(5)(2001), 555--561.
[3] The Isoenergy Inequality for Harmonic Maps from Rotational Symmetric Manifolds (with Li Jiayu), Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 15(1)(2002), 1--6.
[4] Rigidity of Holomorphic Curves in Complex Grassmann Manifolds (with Peng Jiagui), Mathematische Annalen, 327(3)(2003), 481--486.
[5] Pseudo-holomorphic Curves in Complex Grassmann Manifolds (with Peng Jiagui), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 355(9)(2003), 3715--3726.
[6] Classification of Holomorphic Spheres of Constant Curvature in Complex Grassmann Maniofolds G(2,5) (with Peng Jiagui), Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 20(3)(2004), 267--277.
[7] Curve Shortening Flow in Arbitary Dimensional Eucldian Space (with Yang Yunyan), Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 21(4) (2005), 715--722.
[8] Minimal 2-Spheres in A Complex Projective Space (with Peng Jiagui), Differential Geometry and its Applications, 25(5)(2007), 506--517.
[9] Pseudo-Holomorphic Curves of Constant Curvature in Complex Grassmannians, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 163(1)(2008), 45--63.
[10] Holomorphic Two-Spheres in Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,4) (with Xu Xiaowei), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.-Math. Sci, 118(3)(2008), 381--388.
[11] Conformal Minimal Immersions of S^2 in CP^n (with Chen Hongxia), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 25(4)(2008), 452--459.
[12] On Minimal Two-Spheres in G(2, 4) (with Peng Jiagui), Front Math China, 5(2)(2010), 297--310.
[13] On Pseudo-Holomorphic Curves from Two-Spheres into A Complex Grassmannian G(2,5), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 26(4)(2010), 759--762.
[14] On Some Conformal Minimal Two-Spheres in A Complex Projective Space (with Peng Jiagui), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 61(1)(2010), 87--101.
[15] Conformal Minimal Two-Spheres in Q_n (with Wang Jun), Science China Mathematics, 54(4)(2011), 817--830.
[16] Conformal minimal two-spheres in Q_2 (with Wang Jun), Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 6(3)(2011), 535--544.
[17] On Holomorphic Curves in A complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,n) (with Yu Yan), Archiv der Mathematik, 96(3)(2011), 291--300.
[18] On Holomorphic Curves of Constant Curvature in A Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,5) (with Peng Jiagui), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 31B(1) (2011), 237--248.
[19] Holomorphic 2-Spheres in A Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,5) (with Fei Jie), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 28(2)(2011), 131--140.
[20] Construction of Homogenous Minimal 2-Spheres in Complex Grassmannians (with Fei Jie & Xu Xiaowei), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 31B(5)(2011), 1889--1898.
[21] On Conformal Minimal 2-Spheres in Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,n) (with Fei Jie & Xu Xiaowei), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 121(2)(2011), 181--199.
[22] Harmonic Two-Spheres in the Complex Grassmann Manifold G(2,5) (with Li Kang), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 28(5)(2011), 573--582.
[23] The Classification of Homogeneous 2-Spheres in Complex Grassmannians (with Fei Jie, Xiao Liang, Xu Xiaowei), Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 50(1)(2013), 135-152.
[24] SU(2)-Orbits in A Six-Sphere (with Zhou Xianchao), J Grad. Univ. of Chin. Acad. Sci., 29(1)(2012), 1--11.
[25] On Almost Complex Curves in the Nearly Kaehler Six-Sphere (with Zhou Xianchao), Differential Geometry and its Applications, 30(2)(2012), 148--152.
[26] Minimal Surfaces in A Complex Hyperquadric Q_2 (with Wang Jun), Manuscripta Mathematica, DOI: 10.1007/s00229-012-0554-1.
[27] On Minimal Two-Spheres Immersed in Complex Grassmann Manifolds with Parallel Second Fundamental Form, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 168(3-4)(2012), 381--401.
[28] Holomorphic two-spheres in the complex Grassmann manifold G(k,n) (with Zhong Xu and Xu Xiaowei), Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, 122(3)(2012), 399-409.
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