
吕晓蓉 女 硕导 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院
电子邮件: xrlu@apm.ac.cn
通信地址: 湖北省武汉市武昌区徐东大街340号中科院精测院(东湖园区)
电子邮件: xrlu@apm.ac.cn
通信地址: 湖北省武汉市武昌区徐东大街340号中科院精测院(东湖园区)
2018-10--2019-11 Texas A&M University 博士联合培养
2014-09--2020-07 中国科学院大学 理学博士
2014-09--2020-07 中国科学院大学 理学博士
2020年7月-2022年12月 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院 博士后
2023年1月-至今 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院 副研究员
2023-01~现在, 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院, 副研究员
2020-07~2023-01,中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院, 博士后
2020-07~2023-01,中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院, 博士后
(1) 中科院武汉分院“优秀毕业生”荣誉称号, 院级, 2020
(2) 中国科学院大学“朱李月华”奖, 部委级, 2019
(3) 中科院武汉分院院长奖特别奖, 院级, 2019
(4) 博士研究生国家奖学金, 国家级, 2018
(5) 中国科学院大学“优秀学生干部”荣誉称号, 院级, 2016
(6) 中国地理学会学术年会优秀论文一等奖, 一等奖, 其他, 2015
(2) 中国科学院大学“朱李月华”奖, 部委级, 2019
(3) 中科院武汉分院院长奖特别奖, 院级, 2019
(4) 博士研究生国家奖学金, 国家级, 2018
(5) 中国科学院大学“优秀学生干部”荣誉称号, 院级, 2016
(6) 中国地理学会学术年会优秀论文一等奖, 一等奖, 其他, 2015
(1) Identifying and Interpreting Hydrological Model Structural Nonstationarity Using the Bayesian Model Averaging Method (通讯作者), Water, 2024,
(2) Assessing the long-term impact of cascade hydropower development on the inundation patterns of floodplain wetlands (通讯作者), Journal of Environmental Management, 2023,
(3) Dispersal and transport of microplastic particles under different flow conditions in riverine ecosystem (第一作者), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,
(4) Combined Effects of Artificial Surface and Urban Blue-Green Space on Land Surface Temperature in 28 Major Cities in China, REMOTE SENSING, 2022,
(5) Considering ecological flow in multi-objective operation of cascade reservoir systems under climate variability with different hydrological periods(第一作者), JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 2022,
(6) 长江中游河湖湿地系统演变与生态修复, Evolution and Ecological Restoration of Riverine and Lacustrine Wetland System in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, 中国科学基金, 2022, 第 4 作者
(7) 2000~2018年鄂西山区植被EVI时空变化特征及其地形效应, Spatio-temporal Variation Characteristics of Vegetation EVI and Their Topographic Effects in the West Mountain Regions of Hubei Province from 2000 to 2018, 长江流域资源与环境, 2021, 第 5 作者
(8) Seasonal Variations of Daytime Land Surface Temperature and Their Underlying Drivers over Wuhan, China, REMOTE SENSING, 2021,
(9) 2000年—2015年长江流域植被GPP时空变化特征及其驱动因子, Spatio-temporal variation characteristics of vegetation GPP and underlying drivers over the Yangtze River Basin from 2000 to 2015, 华中师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2021, 第 4 作者
(10) Transport characteristics of non-cohesive sediment with different hydrological durations and sediment transport formulas (第一作者), Journal of Hydrology, 2020,
(11) 长江流域湿地保护、修复与生态管理策略, Strategies of Wetland Protection, Restoration and Ecological Management in the Yangtze River Basin, 长江流域资源与环境, 2020, 第 2 作者
(12) 2005年、2010年和2017年神农架大九湖湿地土地利用格局及其变化, Land Use Patterns of Dajiuhu Wetlands,Shennongjia in 2005,2010 and 2017 and Their Changes, 湿地科学, 2020, 第 7 作者
(13) 长江葛洲坝下游鱼类资源量的关键水文指标识别, Dentification of the key hydrologic indicators affecting fish resources in the downstream of Gezhouba Dam, 水利水电科技进展, 2019, 第 4 作者
(14) 五个时期谷城汉江湿地的景观变化及其生态服务价值评估, Landscape Pattern Change and Evaluation on Values of Ecosystem Services of Hanjiang River Wetlands in Gucheng County for 5 Periods, 湿地科学, 2019, 第 1 作者
(15) Improving forecasting accuracy of river flow using gene expression programming based on wavelet decomposition and de-noising (第一作者), HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, 2018,
(16) 汉江流域气象水文变化趋势及驱动力分析, Trend and Driving Force of Climate and Hydrological Process in Hanjiang Basin, 长江流域资源与环境, 2018, 第 5 作者
(17) 应用物种敏感性分布评价中国湖泊水体中重金属污染的生态风险, Ecological risks assessment of selected heavy metals in the waters of Chinese lakes based on species sensitivity distributions, 湖泊科学, 2018, 第 6 作者
(18) Assessment of Streamflow Change in Middle-Lower Reaches of the Hanjiang River (第一作者), JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING, 2018,
(19) Changes and Driving Forces of the Water-Sediment Relationship in the Middle Reaches of the Hanjiang River (第一作者), WATER, 2018,
(20) Effect of environmental regulations on China's graphite export, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2017,
(21) 湖北省潜在蒸散量的时空变化及其影响因子分析, Analysis on spatial-temporal variation of potential evapotranspiration and its influencing factors in Hubei Province, 华中师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2016, 第 1 作者
(22) 基于BP神经网络的洪湖水质指标预测研究, Prediction ofWater Quality Index of Honghu Lake based on Back Propagation Neural Network Model, 湿地科学, 2016, 第 5 作者
(23) Remotely Sensed Trajectory Analysis of Channel Migration in Lower Jingjiang Reach during the Period of 1983-2013, REMOTE SENSING, 2015,
(2) Assessing the long-term impact of cascade hydropower development on the inundation patterns of floodplain wetlands (通讯作者), Journal of Environmental Management, 2023,
(3) Dispersal and transport of microplastic particles under different flow conditions in riverine ecosystem (第一作者), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,
(4) Combined Effects of Artificial Surface and Urban Blue-Green Space on Land Surface Temperature in 28 Major Cities in China, REMOTE SENSING, 2022,
(5) Considering ecological flow in multi-objective operation of cascade reservoir systems under climate variability with different hydrological periods(第一作者), JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 2022,
(6) 长江中游河湖湿地系统演变与生态修复, Evolution and Ecological Restoration of Riverine and Lacustrine Wetland System in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, 中国科学基金, 2022, 第 4 作者
(7) 2000~2018年鄂西山区植被EVI时空变化特征及其地形效应, Spatio-temporal Variation Characteristics of Vegetation EVI and Their Topographic Effects in the West Mountain Regions of Hubei Province from 2000 to 2018, 长江流域资源与环境, 2021, 第 5 作者
(8) Seasonal Variations of Daytime Land Surface Temperature and Their Underlying Drivers over Wuhan, China, REMOTE SENSING, 2021,
(9) 2000年—2015年长江流域植被GPP时空变化特征及其驱动因子, Spatio-temporal variation characteristics of vegetation GPP and underlying drivers over the Yangtze River Basin from 2000 to 2015, 华中师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2021, 第 4 作者
(10) Transport characteristics of non-cohesive sediment with different hydrological durations and sediment transport formulas (第一作者), Journal of Hydrology, 2020,
(11) 长江流域湿地保护、修复与生态管理策略, Strategies of Wetland Protection, Restoration and Ecological Management in the Yangtze River Basin, 长江流域资源与环境, 2020, 第 2 作者
(12) 2005年、2010年和2017年神农架大九湖湿地土地利用格局及其变化, Land Use Patterns of Dajiuhu Wetlands,Shennongjia in 2005,2010 and 2017 and Their Changes, 湿地科学, 2020, 第 7 作者
(13) 长江葛洲坝下游鱼类资源量的关键水文指标识别, Dentification of the key hydrologic indicators affecting fish resources in the downstream of Gezhouba Dam, 水利水电科技进展, 2019, 第 4 作者
(14) 五个时期谷城汉江湿地的景观变化及其生态服务价值评估, Landscape Pattern Change and Evaluation on Values of Ecosystem Services of Hanjiang River Wetlands in Gucheng County for 5 Periods, 湿地科学, 2019, 第 1 作者
(15) Improving forecasting accuracy of river flow using gene expression programming based on wavelet decomposition and de-noising (第一作者), HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, 2018,
(16) 汉江流域气象水文变化趋势及驱动力分析, Trend and Driving Force of Climate and Hydrological Process in Hanjiang Basin, 长江流域资源与环境, 2018, 第 5 作者
(17) 应用物种敏感性分布评价中国湖泊水体中重金属污染的生态风险, Ecological risks assessment of selected heavy metals in the waters of Chinese lakes based on species sensitivity distributions, 湖泊科学, 2018, 第 6 作者
(18) Assessment of Streamflow Change in Middle-Lower Reaches of the Hanjiang River (第一作者), JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING, 2018,
(19) Changes and Driving Forces of the Water-Sediment Relationship in the Middle Reaches of the Hanjiang River (第一作者), WATER, 2018,
(20) Effect of environmental regulations on China's graphite export, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2017,
(21) 湖北省潜在蒸散量的时空变化及其影响因子分析, Analysis on spatial-temporal variation of potential evapotranspiration and its influencing factors in Hubei Province, 华中师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2016, 第 1 作者
(22) 基于BP神经网络的洪湖水质指标预测研究, Prediction ofWater Quality Index of Honghu Lake based on Back Propagation Neural Network Model, 湿地科学, 2016, 第 5 作者
(23) Remotely Sensed Trajectory Analysis of Channel Migration in Lower Jingjiang Reach during the Period of 1983-2013, REMOTE SENSING, 2015,
(1) 湖北龙感湖国家级自然保护区生态系统功能价值评估, 湖北科学技术出版社,副主编, 2020-05, 第 3 作者
(2) 大美湖北湿地, 湖北科学技术出版社, 2022-10, 第 5 作者
(2) 大美湖北湿地, 湖北科学技术出版社, 2022-10, 第 5 作者
( 1 ) 梯级开发下汉江中游洲滩湿地植被格局对水位变化的响应机制, 负责人, 国家任务, 2023-01--2025-12
( 2 ) 汉江中下游洲滩湿地时空演变及驱动机制研究, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2021-01--2024-12
( 3 ) 多源遥感数据和水动力模型支持下的汉江中下游洲滩湿地演化研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-01--2022-12
( 4 ) 梯级开发下汉江中下游四大家鱼产卵栖息地适宜性模拟研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2021-09--2023-09
( 5 ) 遥感水文耦合的汉江中游洲滩湿地多尺度时空演变研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2023-09--2025-09
( 2 ) 汉江中下游洲滩湿地时空演变及驱动机制研究, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2021-01--2024-12
( 3 ) 多源遥感数据和水动力模型支持下的汉江中下游洲滩湿地演化研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-01--2022-12
( 4 ) 梯级开发下汉江中下游四大家鱼产卵栖息地适宜性模拟研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2021-09--2023-09
( 5 ) 遥感水文耦合的汉江中游洲滩湿地多尺度时空演变研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2023-09--2025-09