
孙晓琦  男  博导  中国科学院福建物质结构研究所
电子邮件: xqsun@fjirsm.ac.cn
通信地址: 福建省厦门市集美区兑山西珩路258号
邮政编码: 361021









2003-09--2007-06   中国科学院研究生院   博士学位

2010年-2012年,美国橡树岭国家实验室 (Chemical Sciences Division,Oak Ridge National Laboratory博士后

2012年-2013年,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 (Glenn T. Seaborg Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory博士后

2013年-2014年,加拿大麦基尔大学 (Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University) 博士后





2014年,加拿大麦基尔大学(Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University),副研究员;

2016-2018年,美国杜克大学(Civil & Environmental Engineering, Duke University)客座教授;

2017-2020 年, 赣州稀土集团(中国南方稀土集团)副总经理、国家离子型稀土资源高效开发利用工程技术研究副主任;




(1) 孙晓琦,王艳良,郭向广;一种稀土的萃取分离方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201410333408.0

(2) 孙晓琦,王艳良,郭向广;一种重稀土元素的萃取分离方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201410481761.3

(3) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种钇的萃取分离用萃取剂及其萃取分离方法;中国发明专利号ZL201510270369.9

(4) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种钇的萃取分离方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201510777786.2

(5) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种从稀土废渣中回收钍和稀土元素的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201610018037.6

(6) 孙晓琦,黄彬,王艳良,黄超;一种纳米稀土氧化物粉体的制备方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201611055990.4

(7) 孙晓琦,董亚敏,王艳良;一种中性膦萃取剂用于萃取分离钍的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201611110454.X

(8) Xiaoqi Sun, Yanling Wang, Yamin Dong; Extractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium; 澳大利亚专利号:AU2016202668

(9) Xiaoqi Sun, Yanling Wang, Yamin Dong; Extractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium; 加拿大专利号:CA2925149

(10) Xiaoqi Sun, Yanling Wang, Yamin Dong; Extractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium; 美国专利号:2019 US10428405B2

(11) Xiaoqi Sun, Yamin Dong, Yanling Wang, Sen Qiu; Method for recovering thorium and rare earth elements from rare earth waste residues; 美国专利号:2019 US10513754B2

(12) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种稀土萃取分离用萃取剂及其制备方法和萃取分离方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201710087507.9

(13) 孙晓琦,苏祥,董亚敏,王艳良;一种基于离子液的沉淀回收稀土的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201710980639.4 

(14) 孙晓琦,王艳良,苏佳;一种混合萃取剂和分离稀土钇的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL 201711079652.9 

(15) 孙晓琦,王艳良,李福建;一种稀土萃取剂和分离稀土钇的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL 201710959340.0 

(16) 孙晓琦,王艳良,苏佳,一种离心萃取法从离子型稀土矿浸出母液中回收稀土的工艺;中国发明专利号:ZL 201710980173.8

(17) 孙晓琦,王艳良,周海月,一种有机沉淀剂及其制备方法和应用;中国发明专利号:ZL201810194694.5 

(18) 孙晓琦,王艳良,崔建国,苏佳,王哲,陈禹夫;一种将硫酸稀土转化为氯化稀土的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201910088950.7

(19) 孙晓琦,苏祥,王艳良,苏佳;一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用;中国发明专利号:ZL201910090076.0

(20) 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种钍的萃取分离方法;中国发明专利号:ZL 201910365340.7

(21) 孙晓琦,胡轶文,倪帅男;一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用;中国发明专利号:ZL201910934304.8

(22) 孙晓琦,陈倩文,倪帅男,赵泽原,高云;一种分离回收稀土离子的方法及其应用;中国发明专利号:ZL 201911225350.7

(23) 孙晓琦,谢文琦,黄彬,肖瑜;一种掺杂铁/铽元素的Bi3YO6无机颜料及其制备方法与应用;中国发明专利号:ZL 201911225352.6

(24) 孙晓琦,倪帅男,一种脂肪酸萃取分离金属离子的方法;中国发明专利号: ZL201910678312.0

(25) 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种基于POAA从放射性废渣浸出液中分离钍和富集稀土方法;中国发明专利号:ZL201911225361.5

(26) 孙晓琦,倪帅男,陈倩文,高云,郭向广;一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用;中国发明专利号:ZL201911225387.X

(27) 孙晓琦,倪帅男,苏祥,支海兰;一种采用有机膦(磷)酸沉淀剂富集稀土矿浸出液中稀土的方法;中国发明专利号:202010238664.7

(28) 孙晓琦,陈倩文,倪帅男;一种采取低共熔溶剂分离钍的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL202010403860.5

(29) 孙晓琦,苏祥;一种苯氧基双羧酸型功能化离子液体的制备及应用;中国发明专利号:ZL 202010513420.5 

(30) 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种离子型稀土矿放射性废渣的逐步浸出方法;中国发明专利号:ZL 202011245764.9 

(31) 孙晓琦,支海兰,倪帅男,苏祥;磷酸类萃取-沉淀剂分离回收稀土的方法;中国发明申请号:202011098724.6.

(32) 孙晓琦,张鹤鹏,郭向广,一种对特辛基苯氧羧酸在含铜废水处理中的应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202011425739.9

(33) 孙晓琦,肖瑜,黄彬,谢文琦,冯罗,一种高近红外反射稀土多彩颜料及其制备方法和应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202011511117.8 

(34) 孙晓琦, 倪帅男,高云;一种有机萃取剂及其回收金属元素的方法和应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202110028207.X

(35) 孙晓琦,冯罗;一种高近红外反射稀土黄色颜料及其制备方法和应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202111140197.5  

(36) 孙晓琦, 曾志远,高云,一种功能离子液体及其制备方法和应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202210427278.1

(37) 孙晓琦,冯罗,章美琪,杨奕婕,一种高近红外反射彩色颜料及其制备方法和应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202210371282.0

(38) 孙晓琦, 刘晨浩,张鹤鹏,一种萃取剂的制备方法及应用;中国发明专利号:ZL202210371476.0 

(39) 孙晓琦,于高珊,曾志远;一种羧酸萃取剂及利用该羧酸萃取剂从稀土料液中分离杂质铝离子的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL 202111358134.7

(40) 孙晓琦,吴珊, 别超;一种萃取剂和分离钇与其他重稀土的方法;中国发明专利号:ZL202111290216.2


  (1)  多功能稀土颜料制备及产业化应用研究, 负责人, 中央引导地方科技发展专项, 2024-08-2027-08 

(2)清洁高效锂萃取分离新流程的研发, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2023-07-2025-06

(3)稀土基高近红外反射材料研发及产业化推广, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2023-07-2026-06

(4)离子型稀土浸出母液新型富集技术研究-江西省重点研发项目, 参与, 地方任务, 2021-01-2022-12

(5)稀土资源高精度探测与高效开采关键技术-中科院重点部署项目, 参与, 中国科学院项目 2021-01-2022-12

(6)福建省稀土材料及应用工程研究中心, 参与, 地方任务, 2019-01-2022-12

(7)福建省****, 负责人, 地方任务, 2018-09-2022-09

(8)离子型稀土矿清洁生产技术的研发及产业化示范, 负责人, 国家重点研发计划, 2018-01-2021-06

  (9)   赣州稀土集团研发经费,负责人,企业横向, 2017-08-2019-08

(10)清洁高效稀土提取和回收技术的研发与产业化示范, 负责人, 中国科学院STS区域重点项目, 2017-01-2018-12

(11)离子液皂化在稀土分离工艺中应用的基础研究, 负责人, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2016-01-2019-12

(12)离子型稀土矿钇分离新工艺及高纯化产业示范, 负责人, 福建省科技重大专项专题, 2015-09-2018-09

(13)中国科学院****择优支持, 负责人, 中国科学院项目, 2015-06-2018-06

(14)中科院福建物质结构研究所高层次人才引进启动专项, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2014-02-2016-01 


2014年,英国化学工程师学会全球奖 (IChemE Global Awards),可持续技术奖,英国化学工程师学会;
















美国橡树岭国家实验室 (ORNL)
加拿大麦基尔大学 (McGill University)



邱森  硕士研究生  085204-材料工程  

赵泽原  博士研究生  070304-物理化学  

李福建  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  

苏祥  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  

苏佳  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  

别超  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  

于高杉  硕士研究生  070301-无机化学  

倪帅男  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  

莫棣棠  硕士研究生  070303-有机化学  

曾志远  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  


雷培林  硕士研究生  070301-无机化学  

张鹤鹏  博士研究生  070301-无机化学  

张艺  硕士研究生  085600-材料与化工  







  1. Jinglin Chen, Zhong Tian, Guisu Yu, Hepeng Zhang, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, A Novel Ternary Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvent Over a Wide pH Range for Lithium Recovery, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 480, 136398

  2. Ruiying Zhai, Yijie Yang, Peilin Lei, Jiahao Lu, Sisi Chen, Xiaoqi Sun*, The development of environmentally friendly Pr/W Co-doped Bi2MoO6 green pigment with high near-infrared reflectivity, Ceramics International, 2024, 50, 49936-49946

  3. Xirong Chen, Xinyu Fu, Yun Gao, Zhiyuan Zeng, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Selective recovery of Th(IV) from radioactive rare earth waste residue by utilizing MoS2-modified ion-absorbed type rare earth tailings, Journal of Rare Earths, 2024, 40, 1782-1791

  4. Guisu Yu, Hepeng Zhang, Zhong Tian, Yun Gao, Xinyu Fu, Xiaoqi Sun*, An eco-friendly and high-yield extraction of rare earth from the leaching solution of ion adsorbed minerals, Journal of Hazardous Materials 473 (2024) 134633

  5. Chao Bie, Shan Wu,Xiaoqi Sun*, The fractional extraction for sustainable recovery of rare earth and thorium in radioactive waste with oxoacetate functionalized ionic liquid, Separation and Purification Technology, 350 (2024) 127898

  6. Zhiyuan Zeng , Yun Gao , Shuainan Ni , Xinyu Fu , Xiaoqi Sun*, Efficient separation for yttrium and heavy rare earth elements using functionalized quaternary ammonium ionic liquids, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 136 (2024) 577–588

  7. Tong Su, Xinyu Fu, Ao Wang, Yujun Chai* and Xiaoqi Sun*, An environmental friendly capacitive deionization recovery strategy for rare-earth (La/Nd/Ce/Pr) ions based on nickel foam, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 20, 112287

  8. Shan Wu, Chao Bie, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, A novel bifunctional ionic liquid [N1888][OOB] for the separation of rare earth and transition metal in NdFeB magnet, Materials Today Sustainability, 2024, 26, 100713

  9. Yijie Yang, Meiqi Zhang, Luo Feng, Bin Huang, Ruiying Zhai, Xiaoqi Sun*, Sustainable reutilization of ion-adsorbed rare earth tailings: Preparation of low-cost functionalized pigments, Ceramics International, 2024, 50, 11575-11587

  10. Sijia Zhang, Shuainan Ni, Zhiyuan Zeng, Guisu Yu, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, A clean process for the recovery of rare earth and transition metals from NiMH battery based on primary amine and lauric acid, Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 351, 119788

  11. Bing Luo, Shuainan Ni, Chenhao Liu, Xiaoqi Sun*, The sustainable recovery of rare earth in the leaching solution of Baotou minerals with extraction-precipitation strategy based on fatty acids, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2024, 37, 101381

  12. Guisu Yu, Shuainan Ni, Yun Gao, Ditang Mo, Zhiyuan Zeng and Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of rare earth from NdFeB magnet leachate with hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent, Hydrometallurgy, 2024, 223: 106209.

  13. Sijia Zhang, Shuainan Ni, Zhiyuan Zeng, Ditang Mo, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, A sustainable separation strategy for recovering Sm/Co from SmCo magnets with fatty acid and primary amine, Journal of Molecular Liquids 2023, 392, 123490

  14. Bing Luo, Shuainan Ni, Xinyu Fu, Xiaoqi Sun*, A Synergistic Extraction for the Separation of Scandium with Cyanex572 and Cyanex923, ChemistrySelect, 20238 (42), e202302380.

  15. Shuainan Ni, Yun Gao, Guisu Yu, Sijia Zhang, Zhiyuan Zeng, Xiaoqi Sun*, A sustainable strategy for targeted extraction of thorium from radioactive waste leachate based on hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 460: 132465

  16. Hao Su, Shuainan Ni, Chenhao Li, Xiaoqi Sun*, Purification and enrichment of rare earth in ion-adsorbed rare earth ores using fatty acid based separation processes, Minerals Engineering, 2023, 201: 108232

  17. Yun Gao, Jia Su, Chao Bie, Yamin Dong, Zhiyuan Zeng, Xiaoqi Sun*, Thermodynamic data of separating yttrium from heavy rare earths via phenoxypropionate based ionic liquid, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2023, 68, 6, 1411–1418

  18. Zhiyuan Zeng, Yun Gao, Shuainan Ni, Sijia Zhang, Xinyu Fu and Xiaoqi Sun*, Investigation on the recovery of thorium and rare earth from radioactive waste residue by functionalized ionic liquids, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 317: 123901.

  19. Shuainan Ni, Guisu Yu, Yun Gao, Shijia Zhang, Hao Su, Xiaoqi Sun*. Tailored hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent for removing trace aluminum impurity to produce high-purity GdCl3. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 314: 123620.

  20. Meiqi Zhang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yijie Yang, Luo Feng, Synthesis and characterization of Fe3+ doped YIn1-yMnyO3 black pigment with high near-infrared reflectance, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(11): 19290-19300

  21. Ditang Mo, Guisu Yu, Zhiyuan Zeng, Shuainan Ni, Sijia Zhang and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of lithium and transition metals in the leaching solution of spent lithium ion battery with sec-octylphenoxyacetic acid, ChemistrySelect, 2023, 8(18): e202301036

  22. Huang, B., Zhang, S., Ni, S., Ye, C., Wang, Y., Sun, X*,.The novel strategy of ion-adsorbed minerals leaching based on high abundance yttrium for resources, environment and efficiency. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(3), 109876.

  23. Zeyuan Zhao , Shuainan Ni, Hailan Zhi, Hepeng Zhang, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, High-Flux and High-Selectivity Graphene Oxide Membrane Prepared by a Two-step Reduction Method for Metal Ion Separation, ChemistrySelect, 2023, 8.2: e202203445

  24. Gaoshan Yu, Zhiyuan Zeng, Yun Gao, Shuainan Ni, Hepeng Zhang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of aluminum from rare earth by solvent extraction with 4-octyloxybenzoic acidJournal of Rare Earths, 2023, 290-299

  25. Meiqi Zhang, Luo Feng, Zhiyuan Zeng, Yijie Yang and Xiaoqi Sun*, Environmental-friendly High Near Infrared Reflectance Blue Pigment YIn0.9-xMn0.1MxO3-δ Based on Li/Zn Doping, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering  2022, 10, 41, 13877-13886

  26. Shuainan Ni, Yun Gao, Guisu Yu, Sijia Zhang, Zhiyuan Zeng and Xiaoqi Sun*, Tailored ternary hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents for synergistic separation of yttrium from heavy rare earth elements, Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 7148 – 7161

  27. Chenhao Liu, Hepeng Zhang, Bing Luo, Liqing Li, Xiaoqi Sun*, A quantitative recovery process of rare earth in bastnaesite leachate for energy saving and emission reduction, Minerals Engineering, 2022, 107920

  28. Lei Wang, Yun Gao, Xiuman Wang, Yujun Chai* and Xiaoqi Sun*. Efficient and sustainable electro-sorption of rare earth by laser-induced graphene film." Separation and Purification Technology 2022: 121853.

  29. Luo Feng, Liqing Li, Meiqi Zhang, Yijie Yang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Novel and environment-friendly high NIR reflectance color pigments based on Fe, Pr, Ho, Nd, Er and Ce doped lithium aluminum molybdate: Syntheses and properties, Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (20), 30630-30639

  30. Zhiyuan Zeng, Yun Gao, Chenhao Liu, Xiaoqi Sun*, A novel functionalized ionic liquid [DOC4mim][DEHG] for impurity removal of aluminum in rare earth leaching solution, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022: 121388

  31. Lei Wang, Yun Gao, Yujun Chai*, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of rare earth ions by electro-sorption with sodium diphenylamine sulfonate modified activated carbon electrode, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 292, 21005

  32. Liqing Li, Chenhao Liu, Hepeng Zhang, Bin Huang, Bing Luo, Chao Bie, and Xiaoqi Sun* The enrichment of rare earth from magnesium salt leaching solution of ion-adsorbed type deposit: a waste-free process for removing impurities, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 310, 114743

  33. Shuainan Ni, Hepeng Zhang, Chenhao Liu, Yun Gao, Hao Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of rare earth elements from CaCl2 and MgSO4 leach solutions of ion-adsorbed rare earth deposits, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 340, 130790

  34. Chao Bie, Shan Wu, Hepeng Zhang, Shuainan Ni, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, The selective recovery of rare earth from radioactive waste residue using improved oxamic acid for environmental and resource concerns, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10, 107186

  35. Shan Wu, Chao Bie, Hao Su, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, The effective separation of yttrium and other heavy rare earth elements with salicylic acid derivatives, Minerals Engineering, 2022, 178, 107396.

  36. Hao Su, Shuainan Ni, Chao Bie, Shan Wu and Xiaoqi Sun*,Efficient and sustainable separation of yttrium from heavy rare earth using functionalized ionic liquid [N1888][NDA], Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 285: 120302

  37. Hepeng Zhang, Jinqing Chen, Shuainan Ni, Chao Bie, Hailan Zhi and Xiaoqi Sun*,A clean process for selective recovery of copper from industrial wastewater by extraction-precipitation with p-tert-octyl phenoxy acetic acid, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 304, 114164

  38. Hailan Zhi, Shuainan Ni, Xiang Su, Wenqi Xie, Hepeng Zhang,,and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation and recovery of rare earth from waste nickel-metal hydride batteries by phosphate based extraction-precipitation. Journal of rare earth, 2022, 40, 974-980

  39. Liqing Li, Luo Feng, Yu Xiao, Wenqi Xie and Xiaoqi Sun*, Synthesis and Characterization of Yellow Pigment (LiREAl)1/2MoO4-BiVO4 with high NIR reflectance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 16606

  40. Jinqing Chen, Hepeng Zhang, Zhiyuan Zeng, Yun Gao, Chenhao Liu, Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of lithium and transition metals from the leachate of spent lithium-ion battery by extraction-precipitation with p-tert-butylphenoxy acetic acid, Hydrometallurgy, 2021, 206, 105768

  41. Zhao Cao, Yiwen Hu, Shuainan Ni, Zhengguan Liu, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Enrichment of rare earth from wasted NdFeB lotion with extraction-precipitation method, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 13338–13347

  42. Hailan Zhi, Luo Feng, Shuainan Ni, and Xiaoqi Sun*, The transformation and enrichment of rare earth sulfate by dibenzyl phosphate based extraction-precipitation method. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 277, 119464

  43. Yu Xiao, Bin Huang, Jinqing Chen, Wenqi Xie, Luo Feng and Xiaoqi Sun*, Synthesis and characterization of multi-colored pigments of LiRE(MoO4+δ)2 (RE = Ce, Pr, Nd, Er) with high near-infrared reflectance, Ceramics International, 2021, 47, 29856–29863

  44. Shuainan Ni, Jia Su, Hepeng Zhang, Zhiyuan Zeng, Hailan Zhi, Xiaoqi Sun*, A cleaner strategy for comprehensive recovery of waste SmCo magnets based on deep eutectic solvents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 412, 128602

  45. Jia Su, Yun Gao, Shuainan Ni, Ruigao Xu, Xiaoqi Sun*, A safer and cleaner process for recovering thorium and rare earth from radioactive waste residue, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 406, 124654

  46. Xiang Su, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, A Sustainable [P666,14]2[OPBOA]-based separation process of rare earth and transition metal in waste NiMH battery, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 160, 106641

  47. Zhiyuan Zeng, Xiang Su, Yun Gao, Gaoshan Yu, Shuainan Ni, Jia Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of lutetium using a novel bifunctional ionic liquid based on phosphonate functionalization, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 264:118439

  48. Jia Su, Xiangguang Guo, Yun Gao, Shan Wu, Ruigao Xu, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of thorium and rare earths from ion-absorbed rare earth radioactive residues, Journal of Rare Earths, 2021, 39: 1273-1281

  49. Qianwen Chen, Shuainan Ni, Guanghua Ai, Tao Zhang, Xiaoqi Sun*, A recovery strategy of Sm, Co for waste SmCo magnets by fatty acid based ionic liquids, Mineral engineering, 2020, 158, 106581

  50. Fujian Li, Zhong Xiao, Jingyao Zeng , Jinqing Chen, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of REEs from leaching liquor of ion-adsorbed-type rare earths ores, Hydrometallurgy, 2020,196,105449.

  51. Chao Bie, Yun Gao, Jia Su, Yamin Dong, Xiangguang Guo, Xiaoqi Sun*, The efficient separation of thorium from rare earth using oxamic acid in hydrochloric acid medium, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 251: 117358

  52. Xiang Su, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Phenoxy dicarboxylate type functionalized ionic liquids for selective recovery of valuable metals, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59: 14075

  53. Fujian Li, Jingyao Zeng, Xiaoqi Sun*, Functionalized ionic liquids based on vegetable oils for rare earth elements recovery, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 26671

  54. Jinqing Chen, Wenqi Xie, Xiangguang Guo, Bin Huang, Yu Xiao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Near infrared reflective pigments based on Bi3YO6 for heat insulation, Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 24575

  55. Xiangguang Guo, Jia Su, Wenqi Xie, Shuainai Ni, Yun Gao, Xiang Su and Xiaoqi Sun*, Selective Th(IV) capture from a new metal–organic framework with O groups, Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49 (13) , 4060-4066.

  56. Shuainan Ni, Qianwen Chen, Yun Gao, Xiangguang Guo, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of rare earths from industrial wastewater using extraction-precipitation strategy for resource and environmental concerns, Mineral engineering, 2020, 151: 106315

  57. Jia Su, Ruigao Xu, Shuainan Ni, Fujian Li, and Xiaoqi Sun*, A cost-effective process for recovery thorium and rare earths from radioactive residues to relieve environmental concerns, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 254: 119931

  58. Yanliang Wang, Jia Su, Xiangguang Guo, Yan Bai, Fujian Li, Xiaoqi Sun*, Precipitation transformation of rare earth sulfate into chloride with p-dodecylphenoxy carboxylic acids, Journal of Rare Earths, 2019, 37: 1326-1333

  59. Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yan Bai, Xiaoqi Sun*, Effective removal of calcium and magnesium sulfates from wastewater in rare earth industry, RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 33922-33930

  60. Zeyuan Zhao, Shuainan Ni, Xiang Su, Yun Gao, Xiaoq Sun*, Thermally reduced graphene oxide membrane with ultra high rejection of metal ions separation from water, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 717, 14874-14882

  61. Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Jia Su, Wei Lai, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Enrichment of rare earths in magnesium sulfate leach solutions of ion-absorption ores by extraction-precipitation, Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 189: 105-119

  62. Shuainan Ni, Caibin Wu, Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Zeyuan Zhao and Xiaoqi Sun*, An extraction and precipitation process for the removal of Ca and Mg from ammonium sulfate rare earth wastewaters, Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 187: 63-70

  63. Fujian Li, Yangliang Wang, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Towards zero-consumption of acid and alkali recycling rare earths from scraps: A precipitation-stripping-saponification extraction strategy using CYANEX®572, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 228: 692-702

  64. Ying Xiong, Yun Gao, Xiangguang Guo, Yanliang Wang, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Water-stable MOF material with uncoordinated terpyridine site for selective Th(IV)/Ln(III) separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,  2019, 7, 3120–3126

  65.  Haiyue Zhou, Yamin Dong, Yabin Wang, Zeyuan Zhao, Yu Xiao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of Th(IV) from leaching solutions of rare earth residues using a synergistic solvent extraction system consisting of Cyanex 572 and n-octyl diphenyl phosphate (ODP), Hydrometallurgy, 2019,183,186-192

  66. Chao Huang, Yabing Wang, Bin Huang, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*,⁠ The recovery of rare earth elements from coal combustion products by ionic liquidsMinerals Engineering, 2019, 130: 142-147

  67. Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yamin Dong, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of Sm(III), Co(II) and Cu(II) from waste SmCo magnet by ionic liquid-based selective precipitation process, Waste Management, 2018, 78: 992-1000

  68. Bin Huang, Yu Xiao, Haiyue Zhou, Jinqing Chen, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Synthesis and characterization of yellow pigments of Bi1.7RE0.3W0.7Mo0.3o6 with highly NIR reflectance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 10735-10741

  69. Xiang Su, Xiangguang Guo, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Fujian Li and Xiaoqi Sun*, An efficient and sustainable [P666,14]2[BDOAC] ionic liquid based precipitation strategy for rare earth recovery, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 136, 786-794

  70. Yu Xiao, Jinqing Chen, Bin Huang, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Novel Bi3+ doped and Bi3+/Tb3+ co-doped LaYO3 pigments with high near-infrared reflectances, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 762, 873-88

  71. Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yanfeng Bi, Jia Su, Weichang Kong and Xiaoqi Sun*, Enrichment of trace rare earth elements from leaching liquor of ion-absorption minerals by solid complex centrifugal separation process, Green Chemistry, 2018, 20: 1998-2006

  72. Yabing Wang, Yanliang Wang, Xiang Su, Haiyue Zhou, Xiaoqi Sun*, Complete separation of aluminum from rare earths using two-stage solvent extraction, Hydrometallurgy 2018,179:181–187

  73. Jinqing Chen, Yu Xiao, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Sustainable cool pigments based on iron and tungsten co-doped lanthanum cerium oxide with high NIR reflectance for energy saving, Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 154:1-7

  74. Haiyue Zhou, Yangliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yamin Dong, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, The recovery of rare earth by a novel extraction and precipitation strategy using functional ionic liquids, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 254: 414420

  75. Li Ma, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, A synergistic extraction strategy by Cyanex572 and Cyanex923 for Th(IV) separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 191: 307-313.

  76. Huaping Nie, Yabing Wang, Yanliang Wang, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong and Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of scandium from rare earths and leaching solution of tungsten residue by Cyanex 572, Hydrometallurgy, 2018,175: 117-123.

  77. Xiangguang Guo, Zaiyong Zhang, Sen Qiu, Xiang Su, Yabing Wang and Xiaoqi Sun*,Versatile tailoring of NH2-containing metal-organic frameworks with paddle wheel units, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017, 23: 1-8.

  78. Xiang-Guang Guo, Sen Qiu, Xiuting Chen, Yu Gong, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Post-synthesis modification of metallosalen-containing MOF for selective Th(IV)/Ln(III) separation, Inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56 (20): 12357-12361.

  79. Bin Huang, Yu Xiao, Chao Huang, Jinqing Chen, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Environment-friendly pigments based on praseodymium and terbium doped La2Ce2O7 with high near-infrared reflectance: Synthesis and characterization, Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 147: 225-233.

  80. Yanliang Wang, Yabing Wang, Haiyue Zhou, Fujian Li and Xiaoqi Sun*, Extraction kinetics of mixed rare earth elements with bifunctional ionic liquid using a constant interfacial area cell, RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 39556-39563.

  81. Yamin Dong, Shun Li, Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Yinglin Shen* and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of thorium from rare earths with high-performance diphenyl phosphate extractant, Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 171: 387-393.

  82. Zeyuan Zhao, Hui Lyu, Xiangguang Guo, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Xiaoqi Sun*,The synergistic extraction by combined ammonium and phosphonium type ionic liquids for rare earth elements separation, Hydrometallurgy, 2017,174: 234-247.

  83. LI Fujian, HE Qiaoyan, WANG Yanliang, ZHOU Hong, ZHANG Shuibo, SUN Xiaoqi*, Preparation of high purity neodymium chloride by solvent extraction in the mixer-settlers: a pilot-scale investigation, Journal of Rare Earths, 2017, 35: 1133-1140

  84. Sen Qiu, Shun Li, Yamin Dong, Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Yinglin Shen*, Xiaoqi Sun*, A high-performance impregnated resin for recovering thorium from radioactive rare earth waste residue, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 237: 380-386.

  85. Chao Huang, Bin Huang, Yamin Dong, Jingqing Chen, Yangliang Wang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Efficient and sustainable regeneration of bifunctional ionic liquid for rare earth separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5: 3471-3477

  86. Yanliang Wang, Haiyue Zhou, Yabing Wang, Fujian Li and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of high-purity yttrium from ion-absorbed rare earth concentrate using (2,6-dimethylheptyl) phenoxy acetic/propanoic acid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 184 : 280-287

  87. Bin Huang, Chao Huang, Jinqing Chen, Xiaoqi Sun*, Size-controlled synthesis and morphology evolution of Nd2O3 nano-powders using ionic liquid surfactant templates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 712: 164-171.

  88. Yamin Dong, Xiangguang Guo, Yanliang Wang, Zeyuan Zhao, Chao Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, A separation processing for industrial rare earth feed solution by phosphonium ionic liquid type saponification strategy, Journal of Rare Earths, 2017, 35: 290-299.

  89. Jinqing Chen, Bin Huang, Chao Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Preparation of nanoscaled yttrium oxide by citrate precipitation method, Journal of Rare Earths, 2017, 35: 79-84.

  90. Xiangguang Guo, Ruoou Yang, Yu Gong, Zheng Jiang, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Insight of coordination and extraction of Yttrium (III) with a new phenoxyacetic acid ionic liquid extractant, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 117: 2332-2339.

  91. Yanliang Wang, Chao Huang, Fujian Li, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Process for the separation of thorium and rare earth elements from radioactive waste residues using Cyanex®572 as a new extractant, Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 169, 158-164

  92. Sen Qiu, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Development of magnetic silica hybrid material with P507 for rare earth adsorption, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2017, 62: 469-476.

  93. Li Ma, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, A synergistic extraction strategy by [N1888][SOPAA] and Cyphos IL 104 for heavy rare earth elements separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 174: 474-481.

  94. Xiangguang Guo, Haitao Sun, Xiaoqi Sun*, Structure, bonding and electronic properties of four rare earth complexes with a phenoxyacetic acid ligand: X-ray diffraction and DFT studies, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55: 6716-6722.

  95. Jinqing Chen, Chao Huang, Yanliang Wang, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Extraction behavior of bifunctional ionic liquid [N1888][SOPAA] and TBP for rare earth elements, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34: 1252-1259.

  96. Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yanliang Wang, Chao Huang, Zeyuan Zhao, The sustainable and efficient ionic liquid type saponification strategy for rare earth separation processing, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4: 1573-1580

  97. Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yujun Chai, Yanliang Wang, Reversed micelle synergistic extraction from phosphonium ionic liquid extractants in diluent for rare earth, AIChE Journal, 2016, 62: 2163-2169. 

  98. Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yamin Dong, Synergistic effect of doped functionalized ionic liquids in silica hybrid material for rare earth adsorption, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55: 2221-2229.

  99. Yanliang Wang, Chao Huang, Fujian Li, Yamin Dong, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, The development of sustainable yttrium separation process from rare earth enrichments using bifunctional ionic liquid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 162: 106-113. 

  100. Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Synergistic effect of acid–base coupling bifunctional ionic liquids in impregnated resin for rare earth adsorption, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4: 616-624.

  101. Xiaoqi Sun*, Huimin Luo*, Shannon M. Mahurin, Rui Liu, Xisen Hou, Sheng Dai, The adsorption of rare earth ions using carbonized polydopamine nano carbon shells, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34: 77-81.  

  102. Yanliang Wang, Fujian Li, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, The novel extraction process based on CYANEX® 572 for separating heavy rare earths from ion-adsorbed deposit, Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 151: 303-308.

  103. Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yanliang Wang, Yujun Chai, The development of an extraction strategy based on EHEHP-type functional ionic liquid for heavy rare earth element separation, Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 157: 256-260. 

  104. Xiaoqi Sun*, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Yujun Chai*, The Synergistic extraction of heavy rare earth elements using EHEHP-Type and BTMPP-Type functional ionic liquids, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 49500-49507. 

  105. Xiaoqi Sun, Zhicheng Zhang, Zanonato Pier Luigi, Plinio dibernardo, Linfeng Rao*, Sorption of uranium and other metal ions on amine-functionalized silica materials, Separation Science and Technology, 2015, 50: 2769-2775.

  106. Xiaoqi Sun, Kristian E. Waters*, Synergistic effect between bifunctional ionic liquids and a molecular extractant for lanthanide separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2014, 2: 2758-2764.

  107. Xiaoqi Sun, Kristian E. Waters*, Development of industrial extractants into functional ionic liquids for environmentally-friendly are earth separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2014, 2: 1910-1917. 

  108. Xiaoqi Sun, Kristian E. Waters*, The adjustable synergistic effects between acid-base coupling bifunctional ionic liquid extractants for rare earth separation, AIChE Journal, 2014: 60: 3859-3868.

  109. Xiaoqi Sun, Chi-Linh Do-Thanh, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, The optimization of an ionic liquid-based TALSPEAK-like process for rare earth ions separation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 239: 392-398.

  110. Xiaoqi Sun, Guoxin Tian, Chao Xu, Linfeng Rao*, Sinisa Vukovic*, Sung Ok Kang, Benjamin P. Hay, Quantifying the binding strength of U(VI) with phthalimidedioxime in comparison with glutarimidedioxime, Dalton Transations, 2014, 43: 551-557.

  111. Xiaoqi Sun, Chao Xu, Guoxin Tian, Linfeng Rao*, Complexation of glutarimidedioxime with Fe(III), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II), the competing ions for the sequestration of U(VI) from seawater, Dalton Transations, 2013, 42: 14621-14627

  112. Xiaoqi Sun, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Mechanistic investigation of solvent extraction based on anion-functionalized ionic liquids for selective separation of rare-earth ions, Dalton Transations, 2013, 42: 8270-8275.

  113. Xiaoqi Sun, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Ionic liquids based extraction: a promising strategy for the advanced nuclear fuel cycle, Chemical Reviews, 2012, 112: 2100-2128

  114. Xiaoqi Sun, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Solvent extraction of rare-earth ions based on functionalized ionic liquids, Talanta, 2012, 90: 132-137. 

  115. Xiaoqi Sun, Jason R. Bell, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Extraction separation of rare-earth ions via competitive ligand complexations between aqueous and ionic-liquid phases, Dalton Transations, 2011, 40: 8019-8023. 

  116. Xiaoqi Sun*, Yang Ji, Lin Guo, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, A novel ammonium ionic liquid based extraction strategy for separating scandium from yttrium and lanthanides, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 81: 25-30. 

  117. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Lina Zhang, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, The novel separation protocol of cobalt and nickel using inner synergistic extraction from bifunctional ionic liquid extractant (Bif-ILE), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 182: 447-452. 

  118. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Fengchun Hu, Bo He, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, The inner synergistic effect of bifunctional ionic liquid extractant for solvent extraction, Talanta, 2010, 81: 1877-1883.

  119. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Yu Liu, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, An engineering-purpose preparation strategy for ammonium-type ionic liquid with high purity, AIChE Journal, 2010, 56: 989-996. 

  120. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Ji Chen*, Jiutong Ma, The solvent impregnated resin prepared using task-specific ionic liquids for rare earth separation, Journal of Rare Earths, 2009, 27: 932-936.

  121. Xiaoqi Sun, Bo Peng, Yang Ji, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, Chitin (chitosan)/cellulose composite biosorbents prepared using ionic liquid for heavy metal ions adsorption, AIChE Journal, 2009, 55: 2062-2069. 

  122. Xiaoqi Sun, Bo Peng, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, Fang Luo, An effective method for enhancing metal-ions’ selectivity of Ionic Liquid-based extraction system: adding water-soluble complexing agent, Talanta, 2008, 74: 1071-1074. 

  123. Xiaoqi Sun, Bo Peng, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, The solid-liquid extraction of yttrium from rare earths by solvent (ionic liquid) impreganated resin coupled with complexing method, Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 63: 61-68.

  124. Xiaoqi Sun, Dongbei Wu, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, Separation of scandium(III) from lanthanides(III) with room temperature ionic liquid based extraction containing Cyanex 925, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2007, 82: 267-272.