刘秀丽  女  博导  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
电子邮件: xiuli.liu@amss.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京中关村东路55号中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院南楼
邮政编码: 100190






2001-09--2004-07   中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院   博士
1998-09--2001-07   山东科技大学   硕士
1994-09--1998-07   山东科技大学   学士
-- 研究生
-- 博士


  1. 2023-02--2023-08,哈佛大学,高级研究学者

  2. 2017-03-今,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员

  3. 2020-05--今,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院  经济分析与预测科学研究室,主任

  4. 2020-01--2020-05, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA,高级研究学者

  5. 2015-11--2015.12,Newyork University,USA,高级研究学者

  6. 2012-04--2013-01, University of Illinois  at Urbana-Champaign,USA,高级研究学者

  7. 2012-01--2020-04,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院  经济分析与预测科学研究室,副主任

  8. 2010-03--2017-02,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,副研究员

  9. 2009-06--今, 中国科学院预测科学研究中心,主任助理

  10. 2008-04--2009-01, University of Illinois  at Urbana-Champaign,USA,访问学者

  11. 2007-03--2010-03 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,助理研究员

  12. 2005-02--2007-03 北京西门子通信网络股份有限公司 工程师

  13. 2004-07--2005-02 机械工业信息研究院 助理研究员

2023-02~2023-08,Harvard University,USA, 高级研究学者
2021-03~现在, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 系统科学研究所第二党支部书记
2020-05~现在, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院经济分析与预测科学研究室, 主任
2020-01~2020-05,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 高级研究学者
2017-03~现在, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 研究员
2015-11~2015-12,Newyork University, 高级研究学者
2012-04~2013-01,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA, 高级研究学者
2012-01~2020-04,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院经济分析与预测科学研究室, 副主任
2010-03~2017-03,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 副研究员
2009-06~2020-05,中国科学院预测科学研究中心, 主任助理
2008-04~2009-01,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 访问学者
2007-03~2010-03,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 助理研究员
2005-02~2007-03,北京西门子通信网络股份有限公司, 工程师
2004-07~2005-02,机械工业信息研究院, 助理研究员
2022-06-30-今,中国投入产出学会, 副理事长、常务理事
2021-06-01-2024-05-31,水利系统工程学会专业委员会常务委员, 水利系统工程学会专业委员会常务委员
2021-05-15-今,中国系统工程学会系统理论专业委员会委员, 委员
2020-10-16-今,全国投入产出与大数据研究会, 副会长
2019-12-30-2025-12-31,中国运筹学会理事, 理事
2019-01-01-今,系统科学与数学编委, 编委
2018-10-30-今,East Asian Economic Association member, member
2017-11-01-2022-11-01,Journal of advanced Statistics, Editor
2017-09-01-2022-09-01,Modern Management Forum, Editor
2016-07-21-今,国际计量经济学会, 会员
2016-05-01-今,国际水资源学会, 会员
2015-07-15-今,中国决策科学学会, 常务理事
2015-06-01-2020-01-01,American Economic Association Member, Member
2014-05-01-今,Frontiers in Environmental Science, Editor
2013-12-31-2018-12-31,系统科学与数学编委, 编委
2013-02-01-今,Senior Member of International Association of Engineering Technology,
2010-04-01-今,International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, 编委
2006-12-31-今,International Input-output Analysis Association, Member


input-output analysis
input-output analysis 英文课程
input-output analysis英文课程


(1) 2022“U.S.-China American Studies Fellowship Award”, 国家级, 2022
(2) 国家万人计划领军人才, , 国家级, 2021
(3) 2021第5 届系统科学大会张贴论文奖, 二等奖, 专项, 2021
(4) 2021年度优秀共产党员, 研究所(学校), 2021
(5) 2019国家公派出国留学基金资助, 国家级, 2019
(6) 2019年度优秀党务工作者, 研究所(学校), 2019
(7) 2018第8届经济计量分析与预测国际学术会议优秀论文奖, , 专项, 2018
(8) 2018年中国管理科学第二十届学术年会优秀论文奖, 专项, 2018
(9) 2016第8届中国决策科学学术年会优秀论文奖, , 专项, 2016
(10) 2015中科院科技促进发展奖, 二等奖, 部委级, 2015
(11) 2015首届中国决策科学青年科技奖, , 国家级, 2015
(12) 2013系统科学最佳论文奖, , 专项, 2013
(13) 2012年中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院突出科研成果奖, , 院级, 2013
(14) 2012年中国科学院公派出国留学资助, , 部委级, 2011
(15) 2011年国家科技进步奖二等奖, 二等奖, 国家级, 2011
(16) Venice Summer Institute Workshop on the Evolving R, , 专项, 2010
(17) 关肇直青年研究奖, , 研究所(学校), 2010
(18) 中国第八届投入产出会议优秀论文奖, , 其他, 2010
(19) 18th International Input-output Analysis Conferenc, , 专项, 2010
(20) 2010年华夏建设科技奖一等奖, 一等奖, 国家级, 2010
(21) 2009 Award for Intellectual Contributions to Regional E, , 其他, 2009
(22) 大禹水利科学技术奖一等奖, 一等奖, 国家级, 2009
(23) 2008年中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院公派出国留学资助, , 院级, 2008
(24) 北京市科学技术奖一等奖, 一等奖, 省级, 2007



[1] 秦明慧, 刘秀丽. 流域经济系统中细分产业用水量变化的主导因素辨识与分时段动态对比分析. 资源科学[J]. 2024, [2] 窦羽星, 刘秀丽. 居民食物消费变化引致的环境足迹测算. 中国环境科学[J]. 2023, 43(01期): 446-455, VIP_JournalArticle.
[3] 秦明慧, 刘秀丽. 海河流域水环境安全评价及动态耦合协调度分析. 灌溉排水学报[J]. 2023, [4] Xiuli Liu, Mun S. Ho, Geoffrey J Hewings, Yuxing Dou, Shouyang Wang, Guangzhou Wang, Dabo Guan, Shantong Li. Aging population, balanced diet and China’s grain demand. Nutrients[J]. 2023, 15: 2877-, [5] Songhua Huan, Xiuli Liu. Network modeling and stability improvement of the water-energy-fertilizer-food nexus flows based on global agricultural trade. Sustainable Production and Consumption[J]. 2023, 39: 480-494, [6] 郇松桦, 刘秀丽*. 海水淡化业全球发展现状及生产成本动态对比分析. 水利经济[J]. 2022, [7] 郇松桦, 刘秀丽*. COVID-19背景下基于Neural Prophet模型的社会消费品零售总额月度 预测研究. 计量经济学报[J]. 2022, [8] Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey J Hewings, Yuxing Dou, Guangzhou Wang, Shouyang Wang. Aging population, balanced diet and grain demand in China. 中国人口学年会——2022年会从七普看中国人口问题分论坛null. 2022, [9] 郇松桦, 刘秀丽. 海水淡化业发展现状及生产成本动态对比分析. 水利经济[J]. 2022, 40(4): 28-33, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7107652448.
[10] Xin Xiang, Xiuli Liu. Research on the economic and environmental impacts of China's seawater desalination industry with different technologies in the macroeconomic system. Desalination[J]. 2022, 533(115734): 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2022.115734.
[11] 刘秀丽. 线性、非线性、随机博弈投入产出分析模型的研究与应用. 中国科学院数学院学术报告会null. 2022, [12] Xiang, Xin, Liu, Xiuli. Research on the economic and environmental impacts of China's seawater desalination industry with different technologies in the macroeconomic system. DESALINATION[J]. 2022, 533: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2022.115734.
[13] 刘秀丽. 一种主导产业结构的可视化方法及其应用研究(大会特邀报告). 华罗庚经济最优化理论的新探索学术研讨会null. 2022, [14] 刘秀丽*, 相鑫, 秦明慧, 窦羽星. 中长期粮食需求预测研究综述与展望. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2022, [15] Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey J Hewings. How much grain demand will be in China: considering nexus effects of population's structure, dietary structure, and production technology. 2022北美区域科学协会年度会议null. 2022, [16] Xiuli Liu*, Minghui Qin, Xin Xiang. Forecasting on China’s Water Demand by Industry in 2021. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, (Online ISSN: 1755-1315)[J]. 2021, [17] Liu,Xiuli, Qin,Minghui, Xiang,Xin. Forecasting on China’s Water Demand by Industry in 2021. IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 772(1): [18] Li, Xuefeng, Xiuli Liu*. Identifying hub wastewater propagation chains in China’s national economic system: A model coupled input-output analysis with graphical theory. Water, 2021, 13: 2351. Water[J]. 2021, 13: [19] 成升魁, 董纪昌, 刘秀丽, 刘晓洁, 宗耕, 李秀婷, 邓祥征. 新时代中国国民营养与粮食安全研究中的关键科学问题——第249期“双清论坛”综述. 中国科学基金[J]. 2021, 35(3): 426-434, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7105183018.
[20] Xiuli Liu*, Yuxing Dou, Kexin Zhai, Songhua Huan. Forecasting on China’s final consumption in 2021. E3S Web of Conferences 257[J]. 2021, [21] Songhua Huan, Xiuli Liu*. Development Status of Global Seawater Desalination Industry and Dynamically Comparative Analysis of Its Production Cost. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, (Online ISSN: 1755-1315)[J]. 2021, [22] Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu*. Evaluating the Impacts of Universal Two-child Policy on Beijing’s Population. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity[J]. 2020, [23] 陈红莉, 武燕燕, 刘秀丽, 张文菊. Chen Hongli, Wu Yanyan, Liu Xiuli*and Zhang Wenju*,Competitiveness Evaluation of Chinese Dairy Industry Based on Accelerated Genetic Algorithm Projection Pursuit Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering[J]. 2020, [24] Xiuli Liu*. Forecasting on China’s Final Consumption in 2020. Computational Social Science[J]. 2020, [25] 刘秀丽. Xiuli Liu*, Forecasting on Water Demand by Industry in China in 2020. Computational Social Science[J]. 2020, [26] 陈红莉, 刘秀丽. Hongli Chen* and Xiuli Liu, The formation mechanism of green dairy industry chain from the perspective of green sustainable development. Complexity[J]. 2020, [27] 刘秀丽, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, 汪寿阳, 秦明慧, 相鑫, 郑杉. Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings*, Shouyang Wang*, Minghui Qin, Xin Xiang, Shan Zheng, Xuefeng Li, Modeling the situation of COVID-19 and effects of different containment strategies in China with dynamic differential equations and parameters estimation. MedRxiv[J]. 2020, [28] Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu*. Evaluating the Impacts of Universal Two-Child Policy on Beijing's Population. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY[J]. 2020, 33(4): 1126-1143, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=00002EOFK7407JP0MPDO5JP16HR.
[29] Chen Hongli, Wu Yanyan, Liu Xiuli, Zhang Wenju. Competitiveness Evaluation of Chinese Dairy Industry Based on Accelerated Genetic Algorithm Projection Pursuit Model. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING[J]. 2020, 2020: https://doaj.org/article/351791d5819c4da48757ff1f2d13bcbf.
[30] Hongli Chen, Xiuli Liu. The Formation Mechanism of Green Dairy Industry Chain from the Perspective of Green Sustainable Development. COMPLEXITY[J]. 2020, 2020: https://doaj.org/article/c17df265d1e6476282151e5ec2444f8d.
[31] Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey J D Hewings. Identification of changes in the economic interactions among sectors from 1995 to 2010 for Chicago economy using hierarchical feedback loop analysis. ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE[J]. 2019, 62(3): 637-655, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/35111, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/6869790, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/35112, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000474265700008&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=3a85505900f77cc629623c3f2907beab.
[32] Siqing You, Lu Yi, Xiuli Liu*. Assessment on Water Environmental Safety in Haihe River Basin in China. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research[J]. 2019, [33] Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings. Identification of Changes in the Economic Interactions among Sectors for Chicago Economy Using Feedback Loop Analysis. The Annals of Regional Science[J]. 2019, [34] Xiuli Liu*, Qin, Minghui. Study on the Balance of Dietary Structure of Residents in China by Province and Age Group Based on the Diet Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016). BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY[J]. 2019, 124: 376-377, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/34411, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/6869751, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/34412, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000465090800593&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=3a85505900f77cc629623c3f2907beab.
[35] Shan Zheng, Xiuli Liu*. Prediction of China's Household Consumption and Its Effects on China’s GDP. Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences[J]. 2019, [36] Liu, Xiuli, Chen, Xikang, Wang, Shouyang. The Comparative Study on Changes of Dietary Structure Among Residents in Mainland China and Other Regions. BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY[J]. 2019, 124: 378-379, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/34558, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/6869761, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/34559, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000465090800596&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=3a85505900f77cc629623c3f2907beab.
[37] Xin Xiang, Xiuli Liu*. Evaluating Impacts of the Ternary Structure Change of Population in Urban and Rural Areas on Industrial Development in China. Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences[J]. 2019, [38] 刘秀丽, 陈锡康, 汪寿阳. Xiuli Liu*, Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang.The Comparative Study on Changes of Dietary Structure among Residents in Mainland China and Other Regions. BASICCLINICALPHARMACOLOGYTOXICOLOGY[J]. 2019, [39] Sun Li, Ma Danni, Xiuli Liu*. Analysis of Influence Factors of Dietary Structure of Urban Residents in Beijing and Heilongjiang Areas——A Case Study of Grain and Aquatic Products. Advances in Computer Science Research[J]. 2019, [40] 郑杉, 刘秀丽. 新时期我国居民消费总量与结构预测研究. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2018, [41] 刘庆, 刘秀丽, 汪寿阳. 基于合理膳食结构的2020-2050年我国食物用粮需求测算. 系统工程理论与实践[J]. 2018, 38(3): 615-622, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=674788603.
[42] 刘庆, 刘秀丽. 生育政策调整背景下2018-2100年中国人口规模与结构预测研究. 数学的实践与认识[J]. 2018, 48(8): 180-188, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=675020614.
[43] Liu, Xiuli. Forecasting on China's Total Water Demand in 2018. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER MODELING, SIMULATION AND ALGORITHM (CMSA 2018)[J]. 2018, 151: 254-257, [44] 相鑫, 刘秀丽. 改进型四层参数自调整BP神经网络模型及其对人口死亡率预测的应用. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2018, [45] Xiuli Liu. A Method to Visualize the Skeleton Industrial Structure with Input- Output Analysis and its Application in China, Japan and USA. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity[J]. 2018, [46] 刘秀丽, 涂卓卓. 刘秀丽*,涂卓卓,水环境安全评价方法及其在京津冀地区的应用. 中国管理科学[J]. 2018, [47] Xiuli Liu. Xiuli Liu*. Forecasting on China's Total Water Demand in 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research[J]. 2018, [48] 相鑫, 刘秀丽. 四层参数自调整BP神经网络模型及其在人口死亡率预测中的应用. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2018, 38(6): 702-710, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=676129538.
[49] 刘秀丽, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, 汪寿阳, 陈锡康. Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey Hewings J. D., Shouyang Wang and Xikang Chen,Intervention effects on the dietary structure and habits of patients with type 2 diabetes in regions of China. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology[J]. 2018, [50] 秦明慧, 刘秀丽. Minghui Qin,Xiuli Liu*,Analysis of the Influence of Dietary Pattern on the Health Level of Residents in China--Based on the DEA method. BASICCLINICALPHARMACOLOGYTOXICOLOGY[J]. 2018, [51] 刘秀丽, 汪寿阳. 两孩政策背景下2018—2025年我国分年龄组劳动力供给量测算研究. 科技促进发展[J]. 2018, 17-22, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/39851, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/6870131, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/39852.
[52] Xiuli Liu*, Shouyang Wang, Geoffrey J Hewings. Evaluating the impacts of waste treatment management modes on each sector's price in a macro economic system. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION[J]. 2018, 200: 188-195, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.232.
[53] Liu Xiuli. A Method to Visualize the Skeleton Industrial Structure with Input-Output Analysis and Its Application in China, Japan and USA. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY[J]. 2018, 31(6): 1554-1570, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/32019.
[54] 刘庆, 刘秀丽. 刘庆,刘秀丽,基于合理膳食结构的2020-2050年我国食物用粮需求测算. 系统工程理论与实践[J]. 2018, [55] Xiuli Liu*, Shouyang Wang, Geoffrey J Hewings. Evaluating the impacts of waste treatment management modes on product price by sector in a macro economic system. Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change[J]. 2018, [56] 郑杉, 刘秀丽. 新时期中国居民消费总量与结构预测研究. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2018, 38(10): 1149-1159, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=6100077619.
[57] 刘秀丽, 涂卓卓. 水环境安全评价方法及其在京津冀地区的应用. 中国管理科学[J]. 2018, 26(3): 160-168, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=674849029.
[58] Xiuli Liu*. Xiuli Liu.Estimation of Surface Water Quality in China. 2017 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Energy Engineering[J]. 2017, [59] 陈锡康, 杨翠红, 刘秀丽. 全国及区域粮食产量预测——中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院陈锡康团队成果. 科技成果管理与研究[J]. 2016, 63-64, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=669588479.
[60] Liu, Xiuli. A New Indicator to Evaluate by Sector Water Use Efficiency and Its Application. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING AND PHARMACY (BEP 2016)[J]. 2016, 3: 375-378, [61] Liu Xiuli, Hewings, J D Geoffrey, Chen Xikang, Wang Shouyang. A Factor Decomposing Model of Water Use Efficiency at Sector Level and Its Application in Beijing. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY[J]. 2016, 29(2): 405-427, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/41053, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/6870218, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/41054.
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[65] 刘秀丽, 邹庆荣. 我国用水总量预测研究. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2016, 36(10): 1643-1651, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=670801573.
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[67] 刘秀丽, 陈锡康. 全国及九大流域5类用水影子价格的计算与预测研究. 水利水电科技进展[J]. 2015, [68] 刘秀丽, 张标. 我国水资源利用效率和节水潜力. 水利水电科技进展[J]. 2015, 35(3): 5-10, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=664582089.
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[72] 刘秀丽, 邹璀. 全国及九大流域分类用水影子价格的计算与预测. 水利水电科技进展[J]. 2014, 34(4): 10-15, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=661624620.
[73] 孔亦舒, 刘秀丽. 中国废水排放量预测研究. 环境科学与管理[J]. 2014, 39(3): 5-7, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=48976781.
[74] 刘秀丽. Research on Regional Comprehensive Production Capacity of Hog Industry in China with the Constraints of Resources and Environment. Advanced Material Research[J]. 2014, [75] 刘秀丽. Research on industrial water demand forecasting model and its application in China. Applied Mechanics and Materials[J]. 2014, [76] 刘秀丽. Understanding Water Consumption and Demand in China. Advanced Material Research[J]. 2014, [77] 刘秀丽, Geoffrey J Hewings. FINDING UNDERLYING CHANGES AMONG SECTORS FOR THE STRUCTURE TRANSFORMATION OF AN ECONOMY WITH HIERARCHICAL FEEDBACK LOOP ANALYSIS. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE MEDICINE[J]. 2014, 62(8): S58-S59, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000348121600071.
[78] 刘秀丽. Prediction of wastewater emission in China. Advanced Material Research[J]. 2014, [79] 邹璀, 刘秀丽. 山东省粮食产量预测研究. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2013, 97-109, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFD2013&filename=STYS201301013&v=MzA3MTRyblZydktOam5TZmJHNEg5TE1ybzlFWjRSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00xRnJDVVI3cWZidVp0RkM=.
[80] 刘秀丽. A Multi-Factor Decomposing Model and Its Application in Finding Impacting Factors of Beijing Water Use Efficiency. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research[J]. 2013, [81] Liu Xiuli. What Impact Water Use Efficiency? A Factor Decomposing Model and Its Application in Beijing. 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (ICIEMS 2013)[J]. 2013, 149-155, http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitedFullRecord.do?product=UA&colName=WOS&SID=5CCFccWmJJRAuMzNPjj&search_mode=CitedFullRecord&isickref=WOS:000329353500023.
[82] 邹璀, 刘秀丽. Urban Building Energy Consumption Calculation with the IPAT Theory. Periodical of Advanced Materials Research[J]. 2013, [83] 刘秀丽. A grey neural network and input-output combined forecasting model and its application in primary energy related CO2 emissions estimation by sector in China. TERRAGREEN 13 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2013 - ADVANCEMENTS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY AND CLEAN ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2013, 36: 815-824, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2013.07.094.
[84] 张标, 刘秀丽. 河北省分季粮食产量预测研究. 农业展望[J]. 2013, 9(8): 42-47, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=46935490.
[85] 刘秀丽. A Grey Neural Network and Input-Output Combined Forecasting Model and Its Application in Primary Energy Related CO2 Emissions Estimation by Sector in China. ENERGY PROCEDIA[J]. 2013, 36: 815-824, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2013.07.094.
[86] 梁小珍, 刘秀丽, 杨丰梅. 考虑资源环境约束的我国区域生猪养殖业综合生产能力评价. 系统工程理论与实践[J]. 2013, 2263-, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/40798, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/6870195, http://ir.amss.ac.cn/handle/2S8OKBNM/40799.
[87] 欧变玲, 刘秀丽, 汪寿阳. 我国原料奶年度供给量预测研究. 农业展望[J]. 2012, 8(1): 43-47, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=40826487.
[88] 刘秀丽, 杨翠红, 汪寿阳. 实施建筑节能标准的宏观经济和环境影响测算模型研究. 中国管理科学[J]. 2012, http://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?QueryID=0&CurRec=1382&recid=&FileName=ZGGK201201018&DbName=CJFD2012&DbCode=CJFQ&yx=&pr=&URLID=&bsm=QK0102;QS0102;.
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[92] 邹璀, 刘秀丽. 基于IPAT理论的城镇建筑能耗测算模型和应用. 中国人口·资源与环境[J]. 2012, 82-85, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=1002122762.
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[95] 刘秀丽, 汪寿阳. 2011年我国分行业一次能源消费产生的二氧化碳排放量预测. 科技促进发展[J]. 2011, 22-33, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=1001760030.
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[97] 韩一杰, 刘秀丽. 基于超效率DEA模型的中国各地区钢铁行业能源效率及节能减排潜力分析. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2011, 31(3): 287-298, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=37318736.
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[101] 汪寿阳, 杨晓光, 刘秀丽, 谢海滨. Fighting China s Financial Crisis with O.R.,How China economy recovered from the Great Recession to reach its growth target of 8 percent by the end of 2009. OR/MS Today[J]. 2010, [102] 刘秀丽, 韩一杰, 汪寿阳. 实现低碳目标要增加多少增量成本. 能源评论[J]. 2010, [103] 刘秀丽, 汪寿阳, 杨翠红, 陈锡康, 谢刚, 李慧勇. 基于投入产出分析的建筑节能经济-环境影响测算模型的研究和应用. 系统科学与数学[J]. 2010, 12-21, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=32890717.
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[106] 刘秀丽, Geoffrey J.D.Hewings, 汪寿阳, 杨晓光. 中美温室气体排放趋势及我国节能减排潜力的测算(上). 节能与环保[J]. 2009, http://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?QueryID=0&CurRec=1960&recid=&FileName=BJJN200908020&DbName=CJFD2009&DbCode=CJFQ&yx=&pr=&URLID=&bsm=QK0203;.
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[108] 刘秀丽. 生猪主产区养殖规模预测研究. 中国猪业[J]. 2009, 4(5): 18-20, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=31401510.
[109] 向钧, 刘秀丽. 1987~2005年水的生产和供应部门对国民经济影响分析. 水利经济[J]. 2009, 27(1): 14-18+28+75, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=29484757.
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(1) 中国投入产出分析理论和实践研究进展, Some Advance of Input-Output Analysis-Theory and Practice in China, VDM published,Germany, 2009-07, 第 1 作者
(2) 金融危机背景下大规模投资对中国经济增长与就业影响测算及对策研究, The impacts of large scale investments on Chinese economic growth and employment and their anti-measures under the background of the world financial crisis, 科学出版社, 2010-04, 第 2 作者
(3) 投入产出技术, input-output technology, 科学出版社, 2011-04, 第 3 作者
(4) 畜产品供需协调度和生产区域优化布局研究, Research on Livestock products supply and demand coordination degree and production regional optimization in China, 科学出版社, 2012-12, 第 1 作者
(5) 基于投入占用产出技术的水资源管理关键问题研究, Key issues in water resources management based on input-occupancy-output technology, 科学出版社, 2016-08, 第 1 作者
(6) 我国行业用水分析及2017年需水量预测, 科学出版社, 2017-03, 第 1 作者
(7) 2017年我国消费形势分析与预测, 科学出版社, 2017-03, 第 1 作者
(8) 2018年中国最终消费形势分析与预测, 科学出版社, 2018-06, 第 1 作者
(9) 我国行业用水分析及2018年需水量预测, 科学出版社, 2018-06, 第 1 作者
(10) 2019年中国最终消费形势分析与预测, 科学出版社, 2019-07, 第 1 作者
(11) 我国行业用水分析及2019年需水量预测, 科学出版社, 2019-07, 第 1 作者
(12) 章节:刘秀丽(通讯作者),郑杉,窦羽星,2020年中国最终消费形势分析与预测, 科学出版社, 2020-06, 第 1 作者
(13) 章节:刘秀丽(通讯作者),秦明慧,相鑫,我国行业用水分析及2020年需水量预测, 科学出版社, 2020-06, 第 1 作者
(14) 章节:刘秀丽(通讯作者),窦羽星,郇松桦,2021年中国最终消费形势分析与预测,2021年中国经济预测与展望,2021.6出版, 科学出版社, 2021-06, 第 1 作者
(15) 章节:刘秀丽(通讯作者),秦明慧,相鑫,我国行业用水分析及2021年需水量预测,2021年中国经济预测与展望,科学出版社出版,2021.6出版, 科学出版社, 2021-06, 第 1 作者
(16) 章节:刘秀丽*,窦羽星,郇松桦,2022年中国最终消费形势分析与预测,2022年中国经济预测与展望, 科学出版社, 2022-03, 第 1 作者
(17) 章节:刘秀丽(通讯作者),秦明慧,相鑫,李学峰,承子杰,我国行业用水分析及2022年需水量预测,2022年中国经济预测与展望, 科学出版社, 2022-03, 第 1 作者
(18) Xiuli Liu*, Minghui Qin, Shan Zheng, Xin Xiang, Chapter ‘Quantitative Economics in China :from Planned Economy to Socialist Market Economy’, Rowman & Littlefield, 2022-12, 第 1 作者
(19) 章节:刘秀丽,窦羽星,郇松桦,2023年中国最终消费形势分析与预测,2023年中国经济预测与展望, 科学出版社, 2023-03, 第 1 作者
(20) 章节:刘秀丽(通讯作者),承子杰,相鑫,秦明慧,我国行业用水分析及2023年需水量预测,2023年中国经济预测与展望, 科学出版社, 2023-03, 第 1 作者
(21) 刘秀丽等,中长期我国人口结构变化及其影响研究[M], 科学出版社, 2023-06, 第 1 作者


( 1 ) 国民经济和社会发展中若干重大问题研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2010-01--2012-12
( 2 ) 可持续发展水资源管理的投入占用产出模型研究和应用, 负责人, 国家任务, 2008-01--2010-12
( 3 ) 建筑节能标准对国民经济和社会发展影响的模型测算, 参与, 国家任务, 2007-05--2008-12
( 4 ) 金融危机背景下大规模投资对中国经济增长与就业影响测算及对策研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2009-04--2009-11
( 5 ) 农产品数量安全智能分析与预警的关键技术及平台研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2008-07--2012-04
( 6 ) 非线性投入占用产出技术及其在预测中的应用, 参与, 国家任务, 2009-01--2011-12
( 7 ) 利用反映加工贸易特点的非竞争进口型投入占用产出模型和CGE模型研究出口对国内增加值、国民总收入及就业, 参与, 国家任务, 2009-01--2011-12
( 8 ) 基于水利投入占用产出技术的区域水安全多策略综合仿真模型研究及应用, 负责人, 国家任务, 2012-01--2015-12
( 9 ) 欧洲主权债务危机对中国实体经济的影响及对策研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2012-06--2012-12
( 10 ) 区域粮食产量预测, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2011-01--2025-12
( 11 ) 全国粮食产量预测研究, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2004-03--2010-12
( 12 ) 中长期我国人口结构预测研究, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2014-09--2016-09
( 13 ) 全国粮棉油产量数学模型预测, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2011-01--2025-12
( 14 ) 人口规模总量及结构预测模型及实证, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2017-01--2018-12
( 15 ) 海河流域水污染在部门间传导的关键路径辨识及部门联动治理的经济策略研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2019-01--2022-12
( 16 ) 国民营养与粮食安全子课题:居民膳食结构对国民营养与健康的影响分析研究, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2018-06--2019-12
( 17 ) 经济预测及其政策分析, 参与, 国家任务, 2017-01--2018-12
( 18 ) 2022“U.S.-China American Studies Fellowship Award”, 负责人, 其他国际合作项目, 2023-02--2023-08
( 19 ) 营养导向型粮食需求预测与粮食安全提升策略研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2023-01--2025-12
(1)dentifying Key Paths in the World Production Network: A Potential International Cooperation Way to Reduce Methane Emissions Effectively   Xiuli Liu   2023-11-17
(2)Aging Population, Balanced Diets, and Predicting China's Grain Demand   Xiuli Liu   2023-11-10
(3)Estimating the economic and environmental impacts of China's seawater desalination industry with different technologies in the macroeconomic system   Xiuli Liu, Xin Xiang   2023-11-02
(4)Network modeling and stability improvement of the water-energy-fertilizer-food nexus flows based on global agricultural trade   水利系统工程专业委员会换届会议暨2023年学术年会   Songhua Huan, Xiuli Liu   2023-10-26
(5)Reducing environmental footprints and promoting health: optimizing dietary structure in China   2023年中国绿色金融学术年会   Yuxing Dou, Xiuli Liu   2023-09-24
(6)How much grain demand will be in China: considering nexus effects of population's structure, dietary structure, and production technology   Xiuli Liu, Geoffrey Hewings   2022-11-10
(7)一种主导产业结构的可视化方法及其应用研究   华罗庚经济最优化理论的新探索学术研讨会   刘秀丽   2022-09-24
(8)Aging population, balanced diet and grain demand in China   中国人口学年会——2022年会从七普看中国人口问题分论坛   Xiuli Liu,Geoffrey Hewings, Yuxing Dou, Guangzhou Wang, Shouyang Wang   2022-07-22
(9)Forecasting long-term food grain demand in China considering nexus effects of population's structure, dietary structure, and fertility policies   2021-12-11
(10)Xiuli Liu*, Yuxing Dou, China’s food grain demand with balanced dietary in different fertility policies   第五届中国系统科学大会   Xiuli Liu*, Yuxing Dou   2021-05-22
(11)Xiuli Liu* et al., Forecasting on China’s Water Demand by Industry in 2021   2021-04-11
(12)Songhua Huan, Xiuli Liu*, Development Status of Global Seawater Desalination Industry and Dynamically Comparative Analysis of Its Production Cost   2   2021-04-10
(13)Xiuli Liu* et al. Forecasting on China’s final consumption in 2021   第二届管理科学与工程管理国际学术会议   2021-04-02
(14)Xiuli Liu*, Estimating the Course of COVID-19 in Mainland China and Effects of Different Containment Strategies   中国运筹学会第十一次全国会员代表大会暨第十五次学术年会   Xiuli Liu   2020-10-15
(15)Xiuli Liu*,Forecasting on Water Demand by Industry in China in 2020   Xiuli Liu   2020-09-25
(16)Minghui Qin, Xiuli Liu*, Analysis of influencing factors of waste water discharge in Haihe River Basin   2020年第四届中国系统科学大会   Minghui Qin, Xiuli Liu*   2020-09-19
(17)Xin Xaing, Xiuli Liu*, Estimation of food loss and waste in China and its impact on natural resources and environment   第四届中国系统科学大会   2020-09-10
(18)Xiuli Liu*, Forecasting on China’s Final Consumption in 2020   Xiuli Liu   2020-08-15
(19)Xiuli Liu*, Forecasting on China’s Final Consumption in 2020   Xiuli Liu   2020-08-14
(20)刘秀丽*,基于居民膳食结构变化的粮食(食物)需求预测   国家自然科学基金委员会第249届双清论坛   刘秀丽   2019-11-21
(21)Xiuli Liu*, Evaluating the impacts of family household size on residential energy consumption in China   2019中国投入产出学会第十一届年会   Xiuli Liu   2019-08-20
(22)秦明慧,刘秀丽*,基于CGE模型的水资源税对我国经济环境的影响分析   2019中国投入产出学会年会   秦明慧,刘秀丽   2019-08-17
(23)郑杉,刘秀丽*,居民消费预测及其对GDP增速的拉动作用测算   2019中国投入产出学会年会   郑杉,刘秀丽   2019-08-16
(24)城乡人口三元结构变化对我国产业发展的影响测算   2019中国投入产出学会年会   相鑫,刘秀丽   2019-08-16
(25)Evaluating Method on Water Environment and its Application in Jing-Jin-Ji Region of China   Xiuli Liu, Zhuozhuo Tu   2019-07-16
(26)Forecasting on Four Kinds of Water Demands in China in 2019   Xiuli Liu   2019-07-16
(27)Evaluating the Impacts of Waste Treatment Management Modes on Each Sector’s Price in a Macro Economic System   Xiuli Liu, Hewings G. J. D   2019-06-30
(28)Uncovering the Structural Transformation of the Chicago Economy Using Feedback Loop Analysis   2019年第3届系统科学大会   Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey Hewings   2019-05-18
(29)Evaluating the impacts of family household size on residential energy consumption in China   Xiuli Liu*, Shouyang Wang   2019-05-09
(30)Prediction of China's Household Consumption and Its Effects on China’s GDP   Shan ZHENG and Xiu-li LIU   2019-04-21
(31)Evaluating Impacts of the Ternary Structure Change of Population in Urban and Rural Areas on Industrial Development in China   Xin XIANG and Xiu-li LIU   2019-04-21
(32)Forecasting on Total Water Demand in China in 2018   Xiuli Liu   2018-11-17
(33)A Method to Visualize the Skeleton Industrial Structure with Input- Output Analysis and its Application in China, Japan and USA   Xiuli Liu   2018-11-06
(34)Evaluating impacts of the three element structure change of population in urban and rural areas on economic development in China   Xin Xiang, Xiuli Liu   2018-11-06
(35)Forecasting on Urban Household Debt in China   Eremina Ekaterina, Xiuli Liu   2018-09-10
(36)Intervention effects on the dietary structure and habits of patients with type 2 diabetes in regions of China   Liu X. L., Hewings G. J. D., Wang S. Y. and Chen X. K.    2018-09-07
(37)Analysis of the Influence of Dietary Pattern on the Health Level of Residents in China--Based on the DEA method   Qin Minghui and Liu X. L.   2018-09-07
(38)Forecasting on Urban Household Debt in China   Eremina Ekaterina, Xiuli Liu   2018-08-16
(39)Evaluating the impacts of waste treatment management modes on product price by sector in a macro economic system   Xiuli Liu   2018-08-06
(40)一种主导产业结构的可视化方法及其应用研究   2018第8届经济计量分析与预测国际学术会议   Xiuli Liu   2018-06-22
(41)Impacts of Waste Treatment Management Modes on Products' Prices by Sector: a Case Study for China Waste Water Treatment   2018-03-05
(42)中长期我国人口结构预测及劳动力供需缺口分析   2017年中国人口发展与粮食安全研讨会   2017-12-20
(43)我国人口结构预测及其社会经济环境影响分析   2017年人口、粮食、资源管理与经济发展研讨会   2017-12-10
(44)What Are Impacts of Waste Treatment Option on Green Products' Prices by Sector?   2017-06-18
(45)基于投入产出分析的绿色产品价格测算模型及应用研究   2017年第一届系统科学大会   2017-05-12
(46)北京市人口规模与结构预测研究   2017年第一届系统科学大会   2017-05-12
(47)Estimation of Surface Water Quality in China   2017-01-15
(48)2017年我国最终消费预测   2017年中国经济预测发布与研讨会   2017-01-05
(49)Hybrid Input-Output Analysis of Waste Treatment Management Modes Impacts on Products' Prices by Sector: a Case Study for China Waste Water Treatment   经济模型与政策分析研讨会   Xiuli Liu   2016-12-10
(50)Forecast on Total Water Demand in China    Xiuli Liu   2016-12-09
(51)Hybrid Input-Output Analysis of Waste Treatment Modes Impacts on Products' Prices by Sector: a Case Study for China Waste Water Treatment   Xiuli Liu   2016-11-02
(52)Population Forecast in Beijing from 2020 to 2050 Based on the PDE Model   Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu   2016-11-02
(53)基于PDE模型的2016-2050北京市人口预测研究   第八届中国决策科学学术年会   刘庆,刘秀丽   2016-10-22
(54)The Population Structure Change of China and the Urban Development   2016海峡两岸绿色经济与城市发展研讨会   Xiuli Liu,Shouyang Wang   2016-10-21
(55)废物处理方式选择对分行业绿色产品价格影响的评价模型及应用   中国投入产出学会第十届年会   刘秀丽   2016-08-19
(56)基于投入产出模型的营改增对行业税负的影响研究   中国投入产出学会第十届年会   张标,刘秀丽   2016-08-19
(57)A method to identify key sectors and their feedback loops for a certain industry in one economy and its application in the evaluation of the role of real estate industry in Chicago   Xiuli Liu, Geoffrey Hewings   2016-07-04
(58)Uncovering the Structural Transformation of the Chicago Economy Using Feedback Loop Analysis   Xiuli Liu, Geoffrey J. D. Hewing   2016-01-14
(59)Using Average Propagation Lengths to Identify the Structural Change in the Chinese Economy,   Zhuozhuo Tu, Xiuli Liu   2016-01-14
(60)Impact of Recycled Water Price Adjustment on Price Level in China   Zou Qingrong, Xiuli LIU   2016-01-13
(61)Identification Change of Economic Interactions among Sectors for Chicago Economy Using Feedback Loop Analysis   Xiuli Liu   2015-11-11
(62)Double Filtering Method and Its Application: Skeleton Industrial Structure Development of China, Japan and USA   Xiuli Liu   2015-02-23
(63)Calculate and Forecast Shadow Prices of Kinds of Consumption Water in China and its Nine Major River Basins   Xiuli Liu   2014-11-11
(64)What Impact Water Use Efficiency A Factor Decomposing Model and Its Application in Beijing   兩岸節能減碳策略研討會   Xiuli Liu Hewings Geoffrey Chen Xikang Shouyang Wang   2014-08-21
(65)Research on Regional Comprehensive Production Capacity of Hog Industry in China with the Constraints of Resources and Environment   Xiaozhen Liang Xiuli Liu Fengmei Yang   2014-04-24
(66)A grey neural network and input-output combined forecasting model and its application in primary energy related CO2 emissions estimation by sector in China   Xiuli Liu, Shouyang Wang, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings   2013-02-15
(67)By Sector Water Consumption Evaluation and an Improved LMDI: A case Study in Beijing, China   Xiuli Liu, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings ,Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang   2012-11-07
(68)Assessing the economic and environment impacts of mitigating water consumption and pollution strategies with an input-output model in Beijing, China   xiuli liu   2012-06-24
(69)Water Consumption and Economy Analysis Integrated Model   xiuli liu   2012-05-27
(70)The economic impacts of dumping and dumping extent change on importing country   Xiuli Liu   2011-07-02
(71)A Computable Input-Output Price Pass-Through Time Delay Model   Han Yijie, Liu Xiuli   2011-06-12
(72)Grey Neural Network and Input-Output Combined Forecasting Model and its Application in 2011 Sub-sector Energy-related Carbon Dioxide Emissions Estimation in China   Xiuli Liu, Geoffrey Hewings   2011-06-12
(73)A Kind of Product Green Price Calculation Model Based on Input-Output Analysis   Xiuli Liu ,Yijie Han, Cui Zou   2011-05-28
(74)Grey Neural Network and Input-Output Combined Forecasting Model and its Application in Sub-sector Energy-related Carbon Dioxide Emissions Estimation in China   xiuli liu   2010-10-10
(75)我国猪肉价格波动对其他部门价格及CPI的波及影响测算   全国现代农业与信息智能分析预警学术研讨会   韩一杰,刘秀丽   2010-09-16
(76)金融危机背景下我国居民消费潜力、经济增长、投资效应及其资源环境影响的测算   第8届中国投入产出会议   刘秀丽,祝坤福,王会娟,夏炎,段玉婉,韩一杰   2010-08-19
(77)2010 Chinese Household Consumption Potential And Its Pulling Effect Evaluation   Xiuli Liu, Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang   2010-07-21
(78)2010 Chinese Household Consumption Potential And Its Pulling Effect Evaluation   Xiuli Liu, Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang   2010-07-21
(79)Evaluating Chinese Household Consumption Potential, Their Export Replacement Capacity and Pulling Effect on Chinese Economic System amid the 2008 World Financial Crisis   Xiuli Liu   2010-06-20
(80)Evaluation on Rural Residents Consumption Potential, Their Export Replacement Capacity and Pulling Effect on Chinese Economic System    Liu Xiuli, Hewings Geoffrey, Chen Xikang, Wang Shouyang   2009-07-13
(81)Evaluation on the impacts of the implementation of building energy efficiency standards on Chinese economic system and environment   Liu Xiuli, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Wang Shouyang, Yang Cuihong   2009-07-13
(82)An analysis of directly and indirectly related impacts of building energy efficiency standards on Chinese economic and environmental attributes   Xiuli Liu, Shouyang Wang, Cuihong Yang, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings   2009-01-05
(83)The Impacts of the Implementation of Building Energy Efficiency Standards on Chinese Economic System and Environment   Xiuli Liu, Shouyang Wang, Cuihong Yang, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings   2008-10-20
(84) Evaluating coal and oil shadow prices in China   Hongxia Zhang, Xiuli Liu   2008-10-20
(85)Calculate and Forecast Shadow Price of Water Resource In China and Its Nine Major River Basins   Liu Xiuli, Chen Xikang, Li Jinghua, Zhang Hongxia   2007-07-01
(86)The RD Inter-industry Spillover Change in China: on the analysis of 1997 and 2002 IO tables of China   Hongxia Zhang, Xiuli Liu   2007-07-01
(87)The Nonlinear Important Coefficients Input-Holding-Output Model   Liu Xiuli ,Chen Xikang   2005-06-27
(88)CPE-IHO Model to Calculate the Direct, Complete and Conjunct Impact of Unfair Importation on Import Country’s Economy   xiuli liu   2005-06-27



韩一杰  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

邹璀  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

张标  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

孔亦舒  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

邹庆荣  硕士研究生  020209-数量经济学  

涂卓卓  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

刘庆  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

秦明慧  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

张昊田  硕士研究生  125100-工商管理  

陆子含  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

郑杉  硕士研究生  020209-数量经济学  

相鑫  博士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

陈红莉  博士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

艾克热木·阿布拉  博士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

李学峰  博士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  


秦明慧  博士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

郇松桦  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

承子杰  硕士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  

窦羽星  博士研究生  120100-管理科学与工程  


刘秀丽,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员、博士生导师,经济分析与预测科学研究室主任、系统科学研究所第二党支部书记,Harvard UniversityUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignNew York University高级访问学者,国家万人计划领军人才入选者研究领域为:宏观经济-人口-粮食-水资源安全与可持续发展;大数据、因果分析与预测;投入产出分析及复杂系统分析与建模等。已Energy, Desalination, Economic Systems Research,Water Resources Management, Nutrients 等国内外相关领域顶级和重要期刊发表论文120余篇。独立或一作出版英文和中文专著4部,合编著作近20部。已向中办和国办提交主笔的政策研究报告90余篇,得到国家主要领导人的批示60余次,相关建议被纳入中央文件和国家发展规划中,有效支持了国家相关部门的科学决策。研究成果曾获国家科技进步二等奖、大禹水利科学技术一等奖、华夏建设科学技术一等奖、北京市科学技术一等奖、Award for Intellectual Contributions to Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, Illinois, USA,中国决策科学青年科技奖等重要奖项。目前兼任中国投入产出学会副理事长与常务理事、水利系统工程学会专业委员会常务委员、中国系统工程学会系统理论专业委员会委员、中国运筹学会理事、中国投入产出与大数据研究会副会长等。是国际投入产出学会、北美区域经济学会、美国经济学会、国际水资源学会等的资深会员。担任多个国内外重要期刊的编委和审稿人。