Song, Xianfeng
Professor, Remote Sensing and GIS Section,
College of Resources and Environment,
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: xfsong (at)
Tel: +86-10-88256432
Fax: +86-10-88256152
19A, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100049, China

Research Areas | GEOLAB@UCAS

Geographic Information Sciences (GIS)
Geospatial data minning (vechicle GNSS trajectory data, cellular network signaling data, and on-vehicle DVR data),  geo-computing and web mapping, LBS service
Remote Sensing Hydrology
Assimilation of remote sensing data for hydrologic model, modelling watershed processes for water resource management, watershed resource management


BS, China University of Mining & Technology, Geology, 1992
MS, China University of Mining & Technology, Remote Sensing Geology, 1995
PhD, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Geographic Informaion System (GIS), 1998


Work Experience

June. 2011 -  Present
Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
July. 2005 - May. 2011
Associate Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Apr. 2002 – June 2005
Assistant Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2002
JSPS Postdoctor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Sept. 1998 - Mar. 2000
IT Manager at Chinese Investment Corporation for Sciences and Technology

Teaching Courses

Geographic Information Scieneces (A), 3 credits/54 hours

Geo-Processing with Python, 3 credits/50 hours

Spatial Analysis, 4 credits/60 hours



1.Spatio-temperal data minning
Kemin Zhu, Junli Liu, Xianfeng Song*, Weifeng Wang, Hao Chen. Refining Sparse Cell-ID Trajectory of Public Service Vehicles by Spatiotemporal Modelling. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, (SCI).
Weifeng Wang, Kemin Zhu*, Junli Liu, Jinghao Hu, Venkatesh Raganvan, Jiang Xu and Xianfeng Song*. Traffic speed mapping with cellular network signaling data by FOSS4G, Spatial Information Research, 2021,
Junli Liu, Miaomiao Pan, Xianfeng Song*, Jing Wang, Kemin Zhu, Runkui Li, Xiaoping Rui, Weifeng Wang, Haojing Hu, Venkatesh Raghavan. Filtering Link Outliers in Vehicle Trajectories by Spatial Reasoning. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10(5):333.  (SCI).
Hao Chen, Xianfeng Song*, Changhui Xu & Xiaoping Zhang. Using Mobile Phone Data to Examine Point-of-Interest Urban Mobility, Journal of Urban Technology, 2020, 27:4, 43-58. (SCI)
Chen Hao, Xu Changhui, and Song Xianfeng*. Understanding urban travel behavior based on cellular network data a case study of Hangzhou, China. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 2019, 15(3):1-12.
Zhang Guangyuan, Rui Xiaoping*, Poslad Stefan, Song Xianfeng, Fan Yonglei, Ma Zixiang. Large-scale, fine-grained, spatial, and temporal analysis, and prediction of mobile phone users' distributions based upon a convolution long short-term model[J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(9), 2156 (SCI)
Jing Wang, Chaoliang Wang, Xianfeng Song*, Venkatesh Raghavan, Automatic intersection and traffic rule detection by mining motor-vehicle GPS trajectories, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2017, 64:19-29.(SCI)
Jing Wang, Xiaoping Rui, Xianfeng Song*, Xiangshuang Tan, Chaoliang Wang, Venkatesh Raghavan, A novel approach for generating routable road maps from vehicle GPS traces, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2015, 29(1):69-91. (SCI)
Jing Wang, Venkatesh Raghavan, Xianfeng Song*. Estimating Traffic Speed Using Cellular Phone Data. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 2015, 11(3):9-16.
Changhui Xu, Xiaoping Rui, Xianfeng Song*, Jingxiang Gao. Generalized reliability measures of Kalman filtering for precise point positioning. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2013, 24(4): 699-705. (SCI)
Xianfeng Song, Venkatesh Raghavan and Daisuke Yoshida, Matching of vehicle GPS traces with urban road networks, Current Science, 2010, 98(12):1592-1598. (SCI)
Daisuke Yoshida, Xianfeng Song and Venkatesh Raghavan, Development of track log and point of interest management system using Free and Open Source Software, Applied Geomatics, 2010, 2(3):123-135.
王卫锋, 胡靖昊, 贺琰, 宋现锋, 芮小平, 刘军利, 朱克忞*. 出租车司机的多源轨迹同轨分析, 中国科学院大学学报, 2023,40(3):319-328.
陈浩, 许长辉, 张晓平, 宋现锋*. 基于隐马尔科夫模型和动态规划的手机数据移动轨迹匹配. 地理与地理信息科学, 2019, 35(03):7-14.
潘苗苗、芮小平、王静、宋现锋*,一种基于统计推断模型的车辆GNSS轨迹滤波方法,地理与地理信息科学,2017, 33(5):28-34,41.
陈浩,许长辉,宋现锋*,孙伟. BDS/GPS短基线解算的随机模型研究. 测绘科学,2016,41(3):12-17.
王静;谭祥爽;宋现锋*;汪超亮,一种GPS航迹线的自适应折半查找化简算法,西安电子科技大学学报,2014,41(5):155-160. (EI)

2.Remote sensing hydrology
Yan He, Chen Wang, Jinghao Hu, Huihui Mao, Zheng Duan, Cixiao Qu, Runkui Li, Mingyu Wang and Xianfeng Song*, Discovering Optimal Triplets for Assessing the Uncertainties of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Products, Remote Sens. 2023, 15(13), 3215.
Suraj Shah, Achyut Tiwari, Xianfeng Song*, Rocky Talchabahdel, Telesphore Habiyakare, Arjun Adhikari, Drought index predictability for historical and future periods across the Southern plain of Nepal Himalaya, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194(9):642. (SCI)
Suraj Shah, Zheng Duan, Xianfeng Song*, Runkui Li*, Huihui Mao, Junzhi Liu, Tianxiao Ma, Mingyu Wang. Evaluating the added value of multi-variable calibration of SWAT with remotely sensed evapotranspiration data for improving hydrological modelling, Journal of Hydrology, 2021.  (SCI)
Tianxiao Ma, Zheng Duan, Runkui Li, Xianfeng Song*. Enhancing SWAT with remotely sensed LAI for improved modelling of ecohydrological process in subtropics, Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 570:802-815. (SCI TOP期刊)
Zheng Duan, Ye Tuo, Junzhi Liu*, Hongkai Gao*, Xianfeng Song, Zengxin Zhang, Lei Yang, Dagnenet Fenta Mekonnen, Hydrological evaluation of open-access precipitation and air temperature datasets using SWAT in a poorly gauged basin in Ethiopia, Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 569:612-626. (SCI)
Zheng Duan, Qiuwen Chen*, Cheng Chen,Junzhi Liu ,Hongkai Gao,Xianfeng Song,Meng Wei. Spatiotemporal analysis of nonlinear trends in precipitation over Germany during 1951–2013 from multiple observation - based gridded products, International Journal of Climatology, 2019, 39(4):2120-2135. (SCI)
Tianxiao Ma, Runkui Li*, Jens-Christian Svenning, Xianfeng Song. Linear spectral unmixing using endmember coexistence rules and spatial correlation, International Journal of Remote Sensing,2018, 39(11):3512-3536. (SCI)
Xin Zhao, Ni Huang, Zheng Niu, Venkatesh Raghavan & Xianfeng Song*. Soil moisture retrieval in farmland with C-band SAR and Optical Data. Spatial Information Research, 2017,25(3): 2366-3286.
Runkui Li, Xiaoping Rui, A-Xing Zhu, Junzhi Liu, Lawrence E. Band, Xianfeng Song*. Increasing detail of distributed runoff modeling by using fuzzy logic in curve number. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73(7): 3197-3205. (SCI)
RUI Xiao-ping, SONG Xian-feng, JU Yi-wen,LU Jin, DING Zhen. Adaptive Dynamic Water Flow Simulation Driving by River Velocity Field. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences. 2014,9(4): 1493-1508. (SCI)
RUI Xiaoping, DING Zhen, LU Jin, SONG Xianfeng*. Simulation of Point Source Pollution Diffusion Using a Velocity Field-Cellular Automata Coupled Method. Information Technology Journal. 2013,12(20):5424-5431.
Runkui Li, A-Xing Zhu, Xianfeng Song*, Baolin Li, Tao Pei, Chengzhi Qin, Effects of aggregation of soil spatial information on watershed hydrological modeling, Hydrological Processes,  2012, 26(9):1390-1404. (SCI)
Xianfeng Song, Zheng Duan, Yasuyuki Kono, Mingyu Wang, Integration of remotely sensed C factor into SWAT for modeling sediment yield, Hydrological Processes, 2011, 25(22): 3387-3398. (SCI)
Xianfeng Song, Zheng Duan and Xiaoguang Jiang, Comparison of artificial neural networks and support vector machines classifiers for land cover classification in northern China using SPOT-5 HRG image, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(10): 3301-3320. (SCI)
陆妍如,毛辉辉,贺琰,宋现锋*. 基于Deeplab V3+的高分辨率遥感影像地物分类研究. 地理空间信息,2022,20(6):1-6.
罗贞宝,陆妍如,高知灵,阳国发,贺琰,毛辉辉*. 基于GF-1/2影像数据的烟草种植区信息遥感监测,中国烟草科学,2022,43(4):87-95.
李景,马天啸,陆妍如,宋现锋*,李润奎,刘军志,段峥. SWAT模型多目标率定与评价-以梅川江流域为例. 中国科学院大学学报,2021,38(5): 590-600.
马天啸,宋现锋,赵昕,李润奎*. 2000-2010黄河源区植被覆盖率时空变化及其影响因素[J]. 干旱区研究,2016, 33(6):1217-1225.
赵昕、黄妮、宋现锋*、李增元、牛铮,基于Radarsat2与Landsat8协同反演植被覆盖地表土壤水分的一种新方法,红外与毫米波学报,2016,35(5): 609~616. (SCI)
李志鹏,宋现锋,李润奎. 基于样本分级的土壤属性自适应回归拟合方法. 土壤,2014, 46(3): 562-568.
胡霞、宋现锋、牛海山,基于修正MCMC的端元可变的混合像元分解算法,计算机科学,2013, 40(11):308-311.
吴日峰、李润奎、刘生根、李志鹏、胡正义、宋现锋*,不同原理土壤水分传感器的室内外标定方法及对比测试研究,安徽农业科学,2013, 41(13): 6048-6050.
宋现锋、段峥、牛海山、河野泰之,土壤侵蚀模型中植被管理因子的遥感估算方法, 北京林业大学学报, 2009,31(3):58-63.
段峥、宋现锋*、石敏俊,密云县土地利用景观格局时空变化及驱动力分析, 水土保持研究, 2009,15(5):1-6.

3.Environmental GIS
Zhang, Guangyuan, Stefan Poslad, Xiaoping Rui, Guangxia Yu, Yonglei Fan, Xianfeng Song, and Runkui Li. Using an Internet of Behaviours to Study How Air Pollution Can Affect People's Activities of Daily Living: A Case Study of Beijing, China. Sensors, 2021, 21(16): 5569. (SCI)
Guangyuan Zhang, Xiaoping Rui *, Stefan Poslad, Xianfeng Song, Yonglei Fan, Bang Wu. A Method for the Estimation of Finely-grained Temporal Spatial Human Population Density Distributions Based on Cell Phone Call Detail Records. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12(16), 2572 (SCI)
Runkui Li, Tianxiao Ma, Qun Xu, Xianfeng Song*, Using MAIAC AOD to verify the PM2.5 spatial patterns of a land use regression model, Environmental Pollution, 2018, Volume 243, Part A, 2018, Pages 501-509. (SCI)
Runkui Li, Zhipeng Li, Wenju Gao, Wenjun Ding, Qun Xu, Xianfeng Song*. Diurnal, seasonal, and spatial variation of PM2.5 in Beijing. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(3):387-395. (SCI)
Hongyuan Huo, Xiaoguang Jiang, Xianfeng Song*, Zhaoliang Li, Zhuoya Ni, Caixiao Gao. Detection of Coal Fire Dynamics and Propagation Direction from Multi-Temporal Nighttime Landsat SWIR and TIR Data: A Case Study on the Rujigou Coalfield, Northwest (NW) China, Remote Sensing. 2014, 6(2):1234-1259. (SCI)
刘生根,吴日峰,李润奎,胡正义,宋现锋*. 煤火裂隙区 CO2排放通量观测装置的开发与应用. 环境污染与防治, 2014, 36(2): 32-36, 42
徐方舟、宋现锋*、马灵玲、唐伶俐,基于DEMETER卫星观测数据的电离层离子温度时间序列预测模型,遥感信息,2012, (2): 27-32.

4. Surface interpolation
Xiaoping Rui, Xianfeng Song, Yongguo Yang and Yiwen Ju, An effective method of rendering oil extraction contour under constrained conditions, Mining Science and Technology, 2011, 21(3):337-342. (EI)
Xianfeng Song, Xiaoping Rui, Yiwen Ju and Yongguo Yang, Improved geologic surface approximations using the multiquadric method with additional constraints, Mining Science and Technology, 2010, 20(4):600-606. (EI)
孟伟,李润奎,段峥,徐江,宋现锋*,.基于地貌特征的数字高程模型融合方法–以ASTER GDEM、SRTM为例. 地球信息科学学报,2018, 20(7):895-905.
张晓萌、吕泽锋、陈仕林、芮小平、琚宜文、侯泉林、宋现锋*,煤层气田地面集输系统的气井生产状态自动判识,辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版).2012, (4),445-451.
宋现锋、徐方舟,地层产状及高程约束条件下煤层底板高程曲面的最佳拟合,煤炭学报,2010,35(5):782-786. (EI)
冯磊、宋现锋*、石泰来,3DGIS中复合地形纹理生成与应用, 地理与地理信息科学, 2009,25(2):15-18.

Xianfeng Song, Xiaoping Rui, Wei Hou and Haiqiao Tan, An OGC standard-oriented architecture for distributed coal mine map services. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, 2008,18(3):381-385. (EI)
宋现锋、刘军志,基于QoS的GIS服务链最优化问题研究, 电子科技大学学报, 2010, 39(2):298-301+315. (EI)
冯磊、宋现锋*、石泰来,大规模3DGIS场景的多通道渲染算法研究,高技术通讯,2010,20(9):6-12. (EI)
刘军志、宋现锋*、汪超亮、胡勇,基于OGC WPS的遥感图像分布式检索系统研究, 地理与地理信息科学, 2008,24(4):1-5.

Research Interests

Environmental Modeling and Resource Management with Remote Sensing and GIS. 
Open Standard and Open Source Geospatial Engineering.
Geo-sensor network for environmental data capture.