
周武  男    物理科学学院
电子邮件: wuzhou AT ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南三街8号 A楼238
邮政编码: 100190







For up-to-date info, please refer to our website:http://zhouwu.ucas.ac.cn

Postdoc positions available






2006-08--2010-08   Lehigh University   博士
2002-08--2006-07   清华大学   学士


2012~2015, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Staff Scientist
2012~2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Wigner Fellow
2010~2012, Vanderbilt University/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 博士后





  • 2024      中国科学院青年科学家奖
  • 2024      国家自然科学二等奖
  • 2024      Burton Medal, Major society award from Microscopy Society of  America (MSA)
  • 2023      教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果 自然科学一等奖
  • 2020      中国物理学会胡刚复物理奖
  • 2013      Best Paper Award, <Microscopy and Microanalysis>,  Microscopy  Society of America (MSA)   
  • 2012      Eugene Wigner Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA   
  • 2012      The Albert Crewe Award, Major society award from Microscopy Society of  America (MSA) for early career scientists in the physical sciences.  


For a complete list of publication, please refer to my Publons page or Google Scholar:



70. Xu, M. #; Bao, D.-L. #; Li, A. #; Gao, M.; Meng, D.; Li, A.; Du, S.; Su, G.; Pennycook, S. J.; Pantelides, S. T. *; Zhou, W. * Single-atom vibrational spectroscopy with chemical-bonding sensitivity. Nature Materials 22, 612-618 (2023).

69. Tian, H. #; Ma, Y. #; Li, Z. #; Cheng, M. #; Ning, S. #; Han, E.; Xu, M.; Zhang, P.-F.; Zhao, K.; Li, R.; Zou, Y.; Liao, P.; Yu, S.; Li, X.; Wang, J.; Liu, S.; Li, Y.; Huang, X.; Yao, Z.; Ding, D.; Guo, J.; Huang, Y.; Lu, J.; Han, Y.; Wang, Z.; Cheng, Z. G.; Liu, J.; Xu, Z.; Liu, K.; Gao, P.; Jiang, Y.; Lin, L.; Zhao, X.; Wang, L.; Bai, X.; Fu, W.; Wang, J.-Y.; Li, M.; Lei, T.; Zhang, Y.; Hou, Y.; Pei, J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Wang, E.; Chen, J. *; Zhou, W. *; Liu, L. * Disorder-tuned conductivity in amorphous monolayer carbon. Nature 615, 56-61(2023).

68. Guo, Q. #*; Qi, X.-Z. #; Zhang, L. #; Gao, M. #; Hu, S.; Zhou, W.; Zang, W.; Zhao, X.; Wang, J.; Yan, B.; Xu, M.; Wu, Y.-K.; Eda, G.; Xiao, Z.; Yang, S. A.; Gou, H.; Feng, Y. P.; Guo, G.-C.; Zhou, W.; Ren, X.-F. *; Qiu, C.-W. *; Pennycook, S. J. *; Wee, A. T. S. * Ultrathin quantum light source with van der Waals NbOCl2 crystal. Nature 613, 53-59 (2023).

67. Wang, Y. #; Tao, L. #; Guzman, R.; Luo, Q. *; Zhou, W.; Yang, Y.; Wei, Y.; Liu, Y.; Jiang, P.; Chen, Y.; Lv, S.; Ding, Y.; Wei, W.; Gong, T.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Q.; Du, S. *; Liu, M. * A stable rhombohedral phase in ferroelectric Hf(Zr)1+xO2 capacitor with ultralow coercive field. Science 38, 558-563(2023).

66. Xu, M. #; Li, A.; Pennycook, S. J.; Gao, S.-P. *; Zhou, W*. Probing a Defect-Site-Specific Electronic Orbital in Graphene with Single-Atom Sensitivity. Physical Review Letters 131, 186202

65. Luo, R. #; Gao, M. #; Wang, C. #; Zhu, J.; Guzman, R.; Zhou, W*. Probing Functional Structures, Defects, and Interfaces of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Electron Microscopy. Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2307625 (2023).

64. Zhu, J. *#; Hu, Z. #; Guo, S. #; Luo, R.; Yu, M.; Li, A.; Pang, J.; Xue, M.; Pennycook, S. J.; Liu, Z. *; Zhang, Z. *; Zhou, W*. Non-epitaxial growth of highly oriented transition metal dichalcogenides with density-controlled twin boundaries. The Innovation 4, 100502 (2023).

63. Yang, H. #; Huang, Z. #; Zhang, Y. #; Zhao, Z. #; Shi, J.; Luo, H.; Zhao, L.; Qian, G.; Tan, H.; Hu, B.; Zhu, K.; Lu, Z.; Zhang, H.; Sun, J.; Cheng, J.; Shen, C.; Lin, X.; Yan, B.; Zhou, X.; Wang, Z.; Pennycook, S. J.; Chen, H. *; Dong, X. *; Zhou, W. *; Gao, H.-J*. Titanium doped kagome superconductor CsV3-xTixSb5 and two distinct phases. Science Bulletin 67, 2176-2185 (2022)

62. Wang, L. #; Wang, J. #; Gao, X. #; Chen, C.; Da, Y.; Wang, S.; Yang, J.; Wang, Z.; Song, J.; Yao, T.; Zhou, W. *; Zhou, H. *; Wu, Y*. Periodic One-Dimensional Single-Atom Arrays. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 15999-16005 (2022)

61. Pan, Y. #; Guzman, R. #; Li, S.; Xu, W.; Li, Y.; Tang, N.; Yin, H.; He, J.; Wu, A.; Chen, J. *; Zhou, W. *; Xu, X. *; Ye, Y. *, Heteroepitaxy of semiconducting 2H-MoTe2 thin films on arbitrary surfaces for large-scale heterogeneous integration. Nature Synthesis 1, 701-708 (2022).

60. Gao, Z.-Y.; Xu, W.; Gao, Y.; Guzman, R.; Guo, H.; Wang, X.; Zheng, Q.; Zhu, Z.; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Lin, X.; Huan, Q.; Li, G. *; Zhang, L. *; Zhou, W. *; Gao, H.-J. *, Experimental Realization of Atomic Monolayer Si9C15. Advanced Materials 2204779 (2022)

59. Dong, C. #; Gao, Z. #; Li, Y. #; Peng, M. #; Wang, M.; Xu, Y.; Li, C.; Xu, M.; Deng, Y.; Qin, X.; Huang, F.; Wei, X.; Wang, Y.-G. *; Liu, H. *; Zhou, W. *; Ma, D. *, Fully exposed palladium cluster catalysts enable hydrogen production from nitrogen heterocycles. Nature Catalysis, 5, 485-493 (2022)

58. Zhang, J. #; Wang, M. # *; Gao, Z. #; Qin, X.; Xu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Zhou, W. *; Ma, D. *, Importance of Species Heterogeneity in Supported Metal Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 5108-5115 (2022)

57. Gao, Z.; Li, A.; Ma, D.*; Zhou, W. *, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy for Single Atom CatalysisTopics in Catalysis 65, 1609-1619 (2022)

56. Zhu, Y.; Tao, L.; Chen, X.; Ma, Y.; Ning, S.; Zhou, J.; Zhao, X.; Bosman, M.; Liu, Z.; Du, S. *; Pantelides, S. T.; Zhou, W. *, Anisotropic point defects in rhenium diselenide monolayers. iScience, 24, 103456 (2021)

55. Chen, X.; Lei, B.*; Zhu, Y.; Zhou, J.; Gao, M.; Liu, Z.; Ji, W. *; Zhou, W. *, Diverse Spin-Polarized In-Gap States at Grain Boundaries of Rhenium Dichalcogenides Induced by Unsaturated Re–Re Bonding. ACS Materials Letters, 3, 1513-1520 (2021)

54. Chen, C. #*; Lin, Y. #; Zhou, W. #; Gong, M.; He, Z.; Shi, F.; Li, X.; Wu, J. Z.; Lam, K. T.; Wang, J. N.; Yang, F.; Zeng, Q.; Guo, J.; Gao, W.; Zuo, J.-M.; Liu, J.; Hong, G.; Antaris, A. L.; Lin, M.-C.; Mao, W. L. *; Dai, H. *, Sub-10-nm graphene nanoribbons with atomically smooth edges from squashed carbon nanotubes. Nature Electronics 4, 653-663 (2021)

53. Gu, J.; Jian, M.; Huang, L.; Sun, Z.; Li, A.; Pan, Y.; Yang, J.; Wen, W.; Zhou, W.; Lin, Y.; Wang, H.-J.; Liu, X.; Wang, L.; Shi, X.; Huang, X.; Cao, L.; Chen, S.; Zheng, X.; Pan, H.; Zhu, J.; Wei, S. *; Li, W.X. *; Lu, J. *, Synergizing metal–support interactions and spatial confinement boosts dynamics of atomic nickel for hydrogenations. Nature Nanotechnology 16, 1141-1149 (2021)

52. Wu, L.; Wang, A.; Shi, J.; Yan, J.; Zhou, Z.; Bian, C.; Ma, J.; Ma, R.; Liu, H.; Chen, J.; Huang, Y.; Zhou, W.; Bao, L.*; Ouyang, M.*; Pennycook, S. J.; Pantelides, S. T.; Gao, H.-J.*, Atomically sharp interface enabled ultrahigh-speed non-volatile memory devices. Nature Nanotechnology 16, 882-887 (2021)

51. Meng, L. J.; Zhou, Z.; Xu, M. Q.;Yang, S. Q.; Si, K. P.; Liu, L. X.; Wang, X. G.; Jiang, H. N.; Li, B. X.; Qin, P. X.; Zhang, P.; Wang, J. L.; Liu, Z. Q.; Tang, P. Z.; Ye, Y.*; Zhou, W.*; Bao, L. H.*; Gao, H. J.; Gong, Y. J.*, Anomalous thickness-dependence of Curie temperature in air-stable two-dimensional ferromagnetic CrTe2 grown by chemical vapor deposition. Nature Communications 12809, (2021)

50. Zhang, X.; Zhang, M. T.; Deng, Y. C.; Xu, M. Q.; Artiglia, L.; Wen, W.; Gao, R.; Chen, B. B.; Yao, S. Y.; Zhang, X. C.; Peng, M.; Yan, J.; Li, A. W.; Jiang, Z.; Gao, X. Y.; Cao, S. F.; Yang, C.; Kropf, A. J.; Shi, J. A.; Xie, J. L.; Bi, M. S.; Bokhoven, J. A.; Li, Y. W.; Wen, X. D.; Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, M.; Shi, C.*; Zhou, W.*; Ma, D.*, A stable low-temperature H2-production catalyst by crowding Pt on α-MoC. Nature 589, 396-401, (2021)

49. Ge, Y. Z.#; Qin, X. T.#; Li, A. W.#; Deng, Y. C.; Lin, L. L.; Zhang, M. T.; Yu, Q. L.; Li, S. W.; Peng, M.; Xu, Y.; Zhao, X. Y.; Xu, M. Q.; Zhou, W.*; Yao, S. Y.*; Ma, D.*, Maximizing the Synergistic Effect of CoNi Catalyst on α-MoC for Robust Hydrogen Production. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 628-633, (2021)

48. Lin, L. L.#; Yu, Q. L.#; Peng, M.#; Li, A. W.#; Yao, S. Y.; Tian, S. H.; Liu, X.; Li, A.; Jiang, Z.; Gao, R.*; Han, X. D.; Li, Y. W.; Wen, X. D.; Zhou, W.*; Ma, D.*, Atomically dispersed Ni/α-MoC catalyst for hydrogen production from methanol/water. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 309-317, (2021)

47. Xu, M. Q.#; Li, A. W.#; Gao, M.#; Zhou, W.*, Single-atom electron microscopy for energy-related nanomaterialsJournal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 16142-16165, (2020)

46. Chen, X. Y.#; Lei, B.#; Zhu, Y.; Zhou, J. D.; Liu, Z.; Ji, W.*; Zhou, W.*, Pristine edge structures of T”-phase transition metal dichalcogenides (ReSe2, ReS2) atomic layers. Nanoscale, 12, 17005-17012, (2020)

45. Zhao, X. X.#; Song, P.#; Wang, C. C.; Riis-Jensen, A. C.; Fu, W.; Deng, Y.; Wan, D. Y.; Kang, L. X.; Ning, S. C.; Dan, J. D.; Venkatesan, T.; Liu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Thygesen, K. S.; Luo, X.*; Pennycook, S. J.*; Loh, K. P.*, Engineering covalently bonded 2D layered materials by self-intercalation. Nature 581, 171-177, (2020)

44. Wu, L. M.#; Shi, J. A.#; Zhou, Z.; Yan, J. H.; Wang, A. W.; Bian, C.; Ma, J. J.; Ma, R. S.; Liu, H. T.; Chen, J. C.; Huang, Y.; Zhou, W.*; Bao, L. H.*; Ouyang, M.; Pantelides, S. T.; Gao, H. J., InSe/hBN/graphite heterostructure for high-performance 2D electronics and flexible electronics. Nano Research 13, 1127–1132, (2020)

43. Zhou, J. D.; Lin, J. H.; Sims, H.; Jiang, C. Y.; Cong, C. X.; Brehm, J. A.; Zhang, Z. W.; Niu, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, Y. L.; Liu, F. C.; Zhu, C.; Yu, T.; Suenaga, K.; Mishra, R.; Pantelides, S. T.; Zhu, Z. G. *, Gao, W. B. *, Liu, Z. *, Zhou, W. *, Synthesis of Co-doped MoS2 monolayers with enhanced valley splitting. Advanced Materials 32, 1906536, (2020)

42. Gao, C.; Tao, L.; Zhang, Y.*; Du, S.; Pantelides, S.T.; Idrobo, J.C.; Zhou, W.*; Gao, H.J. Spectroscopic signatures of edge states in hexagonal boron nitride. Nano Research 12, 1663-1667 (2019)

41. Lin, L.; Yao, S.; Gao, R.; Liang, X.; Yu, Q.; Deng, Y.; Liu, J.; Peng, M.; Jiang, Z.; Li, S.; Li, Y.; Wen, X.*; Zhou, W.*; Ma. D.* A highly CO-tolerant atomically dispersed Pt catalyst for chemoselective hydrogenation. Nature Nanotechnology 14, 354-361 (2019).

40. Yang, S.; Sun, W.; Zhang, Y.; Gong, Y.; Oxley, M.P.; Lupini, A.R.; Ajayan, P.M.; Chisholm, M.F.; Pantelides, S.T.*; Zhou, W.* Direct cation exchange in monolayer MoS2 via recombination-enhanced migration. Physical Review Letters 122, 106101 (2019).

39. Zhao, X.; Ji, Y.; Chen, J.; Fu, W.; Dan, J.; Liu, Y.; Pennycook, S.J.; Zhou, W.*; Loh, K.P.* Healing of planar defects in two-dimensional materials via grain boundary sliding. Advanced Materials 31, 1900237 (2019)

38. Yang, S.; Gong, Y.*; Manchanda, P.; Zhang, Y.; Ye, G.; Chen, S.; Song, L.; Pantelides, S.T.; Ajayan, P.M.*; Chisholm, M.F.; Zhou, W.* Rhenium-doped and stabilized MoS2 atomic layers with basal-plane catalytic activity. Advanced Materials 30, 1803477 (2018)

37. Zhou, W.#,*; Zhang, Y.#; Chen, J.; Li, D.; Zhou, J.; Liu, Z.; Chisholm, M.F.; Pantelides, S.T.; Loh, K.P. Dislocation-driven growth of two-dimensional lateral quantum well superlattices. Science Advances 4, eaap9096 (2018).

36. Zhao, X.; Ding, Z.; Chen, J.; Dan, J.; Poh, S.M.; Fu, W.; Pennycook, S.J.; Zhou, W.*; Loh, K.P.* Strain modulation by van der Waals coupling in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide. ACS Nano 12, 1940-1948 (2018).

35. Zhao, X.; Dan, J.; Chen, J.; Ding, Z.; Zhou, W.*; Loh, K.P.*; Pennycook, S.J.* Atom-by-atom fabrication of freestanding monolayer molybdenum membranes. Advanced Materials 1707281 (2018).

34. Zhao, X.; Fu, D.; Ding, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wan, D.; Tan, S.J.R.; Chen, Z.; Leng, K.; Dan, J.; Fu, W.; Geng, D.; Song, P.; Du, Y.; Venkatesan, T.; Pantelides, S.T.; Pennycook, S.J.; Zhou, W.*; Loh, K.P.* Mo-terminated edge reconstructions in nanoporous molybdenum disulfide film. Nano Letters 18, 482-490 (2018).

33.   Yao, S.#; Zhang, X.#; Zhou, W.#; Gao, R.; Xu, W.; Ye, Y.; Lin, L.; Wen, X.; Liu, P.; Chen, B.; Crumlin, E.; Guo, J.; Zuo, Z.; Li, W.; Xie, J.; Lu, L.; Kiely, C.J.; Gu, L.; Shi, C.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Ma, D. Atomic layered Au clusters on α-MoC as catalyst for the low temperature water gas shift reaction. Science 357, 389-393 (2017).

32.  Lin, L.#Zhou, W.#; Gao, R.#; Yao, S.; Zhang, X.; Xu, W.; Zheng, S.; Jiang, Z.; Yu, Q.; Li, Y.; Shi, C.; Wen, X.; Ma. D. Low-temperature hydrogen production from water and methanol using Pt/α-MoC catalysts. Nature 544, 80-83 (2017).

31.  Zhou, W.; Soultanidis, N.; Xu, H.; Wong, M. S.; Neurock, M.; Kiely, C. J.; Wachs, I. E. Nature of catalytic active sites in the supported WO3/ZrO2 solid acid system: A current perspective. ACS Catalysis 7, 2181-2198 (2017)

30.   Yin, K.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Sun, L.; Chisholm, M. F.; Pantelides, S. T.; Zhou, W.* Unsupported single-atom-thick copper oxide monolayers2D Materials 4, 011001 (2017).

29.   Zheng, W.; Lin, J.; Feng, W.; Xiao, K.; Qiu, Y.; Chen, X.; Liu, G.; Cao, W.; Pantelides, S.T.; Zhou, W.*; Hu, P.* Patterned growth of p-type MoS­2 atomic layers using sol-gel as precursor. Advanced Functional Materials 26, 6371-6379 (2016).

28.    Lin, J.*; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, W.*; Pantelides, S.T. Structural flexibility and alloying in ultrathin transition-metal chalcogenide nanowiresACS Nano 10, 2782-2790 (2016).

27.     Zhou, W.*; Yin, K.; Wang, C.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, T.; Borisevich, A.; Sun, L.; Idrobo, J.C.; Chisholm, M.; Pantelides, S.T.; Klie, R.; Lupini, A.R. The observation of square ice in graphene questionedNature 528, E1-E2 (2015). 

26.     Gong, Y.; Lin, J.; Wang, X.; Shi, G.; Lei, S.; Lin, Z.; Zou, X.; Ye, G.; Vajtai, R.; Yakobson, B.I.; Terrones, H.; Terrones, M.; Tay, B.K.; Lou, J.; Pantelides, S.T.; Liu, Z.; Zhou, W.*; Ajayan, P.M.* Vertical and in-plane heterostructures from WS2/MoS2 monolayersNature Materials 13, 1135-1142 (2014). 

25.     Shen, X.#, *; Hernandez-Pagan, E. A.#Zhou, W.#, *; Idrobo, J. C.; MacDonald, J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Pantelides, S. T. Interlaced crystals having a perfect Bravais lattice and complex chemical order revealed by real-space crystallographyNature Communications 5, 5431 (2014). 

24.     Lin, J.*; Cretu, O.; Zhou, W.* et al. Flexible metallic nanowires with self-adaptive contact to semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayersNature Nanotechnology 9, 436-442 (2014). 

23.     Zhou, W. Electron microscopy: A phase transition glides into view. Nature Nanotechnology 9, 333-334 (2014).

22.     Gong, M.#Zhou, W.#; Tsai, M.; Zhou, J.; Guan, M.; Lin, M.; Zhang, B.; Hu, Y.; Wang, D.; Yang, J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Hwang, B.; Dai, H. Nanoscale nickel oxide/nickel hetero-structures for active hydrogen evolution electrocatalysisNature Communications 5, 4695 (2014). 

21.     Najmaei, S.#; Liu, Z.#Zhou, W.#; Zou, X.; Shi, G.; Lei, S.; Yakobson, B. I.; Idrobo, J. C.; Ajayan, P. M.; Lou, J. Vapor phase growth and grain boundary structure of molybdenum disulfide atomic layersNature Materials 12, 754-759 (2013). 

20.     Lee, J.#Zhou, W.#; Pennycook, S. J.; Idrobo, J. C.; Pantelides, S. T. Direct visualization of reversible dynamics in a Si6 cluster embedded in a graphene pore. Nature Communications 4, 1650 (2013). (Highlighted on DOE homepage)

19.     Zhou, W.*; Lee, J.; Nanda, J.; Pantelides, S. T.; Pennycook, S. J.; Idrobo, J. C.* Atomically localized plasmon enhancement in monolayer graphene. Nature Nanotechnology 7, 161-165 (2012). (Highlighted on DOE homepage)

18.  Li, Y.; Zhou, W.; Wang, H.; Xie, L.; Liang, Y; Wei, F.; Idrobo, J.C.; Pennycook, S. J.; Dai, H. An oxygen reduction electrocatalyst based on carbon nanotube-graphene complexesNature Nanotechnology 7, 394-400 (2012).

17.  Zhou, W.; Ross-Medgaarden, E. I.; Knowles, W. V.; Wong, M. S.; Wachs, I. E.; Kiely, C. J. Identification of active Zr-WOx clusters on a ZrO2 support for solid acid catalystsNature Chemistry 1, 722-728 (2009).

16.  Zhou, W.*; Kapetanakis, M.; Prange, M. P.; Pantelides, S. T.; Pennycook, S. J.; Idrobo, J. C.* Direct determination of the chemical bonding of individual impurities in graphenePhysical Review Letters 109, 206803 (2012). (Featured as Editors’ Suggestions; highlighted on DOE homepage)

15.  Zhou, W.*; Zou, X.; Najmaei, S.; Liu, Z.; Shi, Y.; Kong, J.; Lou, J.; Ajayan, P. M.; Yakobson, B. I.; Idrobo, J. C. Intrinsic structural defects in monolayer molybdenum disulfideNano Letters 13, 2615-2522 (2013).

14.  Zhou, W.*; Oxley, M.P.; Lupini, A.R.; Krivanek, O.L.; Pennycook, S.J.; Idrobo, J.C*. Single atom microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 18, 1342-1354 (2012).

13.  Zhou, W.*; Pennycook, S. J.; Idrobo, J. C.*Localization of inelastic electron scattering in the low-loss energy regimeUltramicroscopy 119, 51-56 (2012).

12.  Lin, J.; Pantelides, S.T.; Zhou, W.*Vacancy-induced growth of inversion domains in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayerACS Nano 9, 5189-5197 (2015). 

11.  Gong, M.#Zhou, W.#; Kenney M.J.; Kapusta, R.; Cowley, S.; Wu, Y.; Lu, B.; Lin, M.; Wang, D.; Yang, J.; Hwang, B.; Dai, H. Blending Cr2O3 into NiO-Ni electrocatalyst for sustained water splitting. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit 127, 12157-12161 (2015). 

10.  Gong, Y.; Lei, S.; Ye, G.; Li, B.; He, Y.; Keyshar, K.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Q.; Lou, J.; Liu, Z.; Vajtai, R.; Zhou, W.*; Ajayan, P.M.* Two-step growth of two-dimensional WSe2/MoSe2 heterostructures. Nano Letters 15, 6135-6141 (2015). 

9.  Gong, Y.; Liu, Z.; Lupini, A.R.; Shi, G.; Lin, J.; Najmaei, S.; Lin, Z.; Elias, A.L.; Berkdemir, A.; You, G.; Terrones, H.; Terrones, M.; Vajtai, R.; Pantelides, S.T.; Pennycook, S.J.; Lou, J.; Zhou, W.*; Ajayan, P.M.* Band gap engineering and layer-by-layer mapping of selenium-doped molybdenum disulfide. Nano Letters 14, 442-449 (2014). 

8.  Dixit, H.#Zhou, W.#; Idrobo, J. C.; Nanda, J.; Cooper, V. R. Facet dependent disorder in the pristine high voltage lithium-manganese-rich cathodesACS Nano 8, 12710-12716 (2014). 

7.  Lin, J.; Fang, W.; Zhou, W.*; Lupini, A.R.; Idrobo, J.C.; Kong, J.; Pennycook, S.J.; Pantelides, S.T. AC/AB stacking boundaries in bilayer graphene. Nano Letters13, 3262-3268 (2013) 

6.  Wang, H.#Zhou, W.#; Liu, J.#; Si, R.; Sun, G.; Zhong, M.; Su, H.; Zhao, H.; Rodriguez, J.A.; Pennycook, S. J.; Idrobo, J. C.; Li, W.; Kou, Y.; Ma, D. Platinum-modulated cobalt nanocatalysts for low-temperature aqueous-phase Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 4149-4158 (2013). 

5.  Shi, Y.#Zhou, W.#; Lu, A.; Fang, W.; Lee, Y.; Hsu, A.L.; Kim, S.M.; Kim, K.K.; Yang, H.Y.; Li, L.; Idrobo, J.C.; Kong, J. van der Waals epitaxy of MoS2 layers using graphene as growth templates. Nano Letters 12, 2784-2791(2012). 

4.  Zhou, W.*; Wachs, I. E.; Kiely, C. J.* Nanostructural and chemical characterization of supported metal oxide catalysts by aberration corrected analytical electron microscopy. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 16, 10-22 (2012). 

3.  Lee, J.; Yang, Z.; Zhou, W.; Pennycook, S.J.; Pantelides, S.T.; Chisholm, M.F. Stabilization of graphene nanopore. PNAS 111, 7522-7526 (2014). 

2.  Liu, Z.; Ma, L.; Gang, S.; Zhou, W.; Gong, Y.; Lei, S.; Yang, X.; Zhang, J.; Yu, J.; Hackenberg, K. P.; Babakhani, A.; Idrobo, J. C.; Vajtai, R.; Lou, J.; Ajayan, P. M. In-plane heterostructures of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride with controlled domain sizes. Nature Nanotechnology 8, 119-124 (2013).

1.  Lee, J.; Zhou, W.; Idrobo, J. C.; Pennycook, S. J.; Pantelides, S. T. Vacancy-driven anisotropic defect distribution in the battery-cathode material LiFePO4. Physical Review Letters 107, 085507 (2011). (Featured as Editors’ Suggestions) 


Prof. Hongjun Gao (IoP, CAS); Prof. Ding Ma (Peking University); Prof. Sokrates Pantelides (Vanderbilt University); Prof. Stephen Pennycook (UCAS); Prof. Zheng Liu (Nanyang Technological University); Prof. Kian Ping Loh (National University of Singapore); Prof. Hongjie Dai (Stanford University); Prof. Pulickel M. Ajayan (Rice University); Prof. Jun Lou (Rice University); Dr. Kazu Suenaga (AIST, Japan); Prof. Qihua Xiong (Tsinghua University); Prof. Juan-Carlos Idrobo (University of Washington); Dr. Andrew Lupini (Oak Ridge National Laboratory); Prof. Jing Kong (MIT); Prof. Christopher Kiely (Lehigh University); Prof. Yongji Gong (Beihang University); Prof. Yu-Yang Zhang (UCAS)


JinAn Shi, Electron Microscopy Engineer

Tianqi Gao, Electron Microscopy Engineer

Yiqiao Wang, Secretary

Roger Guzman, Research Scientist

Tong LiuPhD Candidate

Yixiang LuPhD Candidate

Jingbo Pang, PhD Candidate

Zhaoqing Wang, PhD Candidate

Chunwen WangPhD Candidate

Linxuan Li, PhD Candidate

Ang LiPhD Candidate

Shixiang YuPhD Candidate (PKU)

Meng Gao, PhD Candidate

Xingjie Peng, PhD Candidate


​Mingquan Xu, Associate Professor at Hunan University (2023 PhD, UCAS)

Yong Zhu, Postdoc at Nanjing University (2023 PhD, UCAS)

Dongqian Meng (2022 M.S., UCAS)

Yunli Da (2021 M.S., UCAS)

Kai Xu (2021 B.S., UCAS)

Xiya Chen东方晶源微电子科技有限公司 电子光学工程师。(2020 Ph.D., UCAS. Co-supervised with Prof. Hong-Jun Gao.)

Xin Wei, Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University. (2020 B.S., UCAS)

Ziyu Xiang, Ph.D. candidate at University of California, Berkeley. (2020 B.S., UCAS)

Chuang Gao, Ph.D. candidate at University of Antwerp. (2019 Master, UCAS. Co-supervised with Prof. Hong-Jun Gao).

Xiaoxu Zhao, Assistant Professor, Peking University. (2019 Ph.D., National University of Singapore. Co-supervised with Profs. Kian Ping Loh and Steve Pennycook.)

Junhao LinAssociate Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology. (2015 Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Co-supervised with Prof. Sokrates Pantelides.)