吴春明  男  博导  地球与行星科学学院
电子邮件: wucm@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市石景山区玉泉路19号甲
邮政编码: 100049


变质地质学、前寒武纪地质学、岩石热力学、地质年代学 。




1996-09--1999-08   中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所   博士研究生
1993-09--1996-06   成都理工大学地质系   硕士研究生
1985-09--1990-06   成都理工大学三系   本科生

中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 -- 博士研究生


中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 -- 博士


2007-06~现在, 中国科学院研究生院, 教授、博士生导师
2002-04~2007-06,中国科学院研究生院, 副教授
2001-07~2002-04,中国科学院研究生院, 讲师
1999-09~2001-07,中国地质科学院地质研究所, 博士后
1990-08~1993-08,核工业中南地质勘探局第308地质大队, 技术员、助理工程师
2025-01-01-2027-12-31,《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》, 副主编
2022-03-01-今,《Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences》, 编委
2021-11-01-2025-03-31,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会变质岩专业委员会, 副主任委员
2014-01-01-2017-12-31,《Science Bulletin》, 地学副主编
2014-01-01-2017-12-31,《中国科学(地球科学)》、《SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences》, 编委
2014-01-01-今,《矿物岩石地球化学通报》, 编委
2011-01-01-2027-12-31,《岩石学报》, 编委、副主编(2014~2027)
2011-01-01-今,《中国科学院大学学报》, 编委



Wu CM (2020) Calibration of the biotite-muscovite geobarometer for metapelitic assemblages devoid of garnet or plagioclase. Lithos, 372-373: 105668

Wu CM (2019) Original calibration of a garnet geobarometer in metapelite. Minerals, 9: 540

Wu CM (2018) Metapelitic garnet-muscovite-Al2SiO5-quartz (GMAQ) geothermobarometry. Journal of Earth Science, 29: 977−988

Wu CM (2017) Calibration of the garnet-biotite-Al2SiO5-quartz geobarometer for metapelites. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35: 983–998

Wu CM (2015) Revised empirical garnet-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase geobarometer in metapelites. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33: 167–176

Wu CM and Chen HX (2015a) Calibration of a Ti-in-muscovite geothermometer for ilmenite- and Al2SiO5-bearing metapelites. Lithos, 212–215: 122–127

Wu CM and Chen HX (2015b) Revised Ti-in-biotite geothermometer for ilmenite- or rutile-bearing crustal metapelites. Science Bulletin, 60: 116−121

Wu CM and Zhao GC (2011) The applicability of garnet-orthopyroxene geobarometry in mantle xenoliths. Lithos, 125: 1–9

Wu CM (2010) Comment on “Quantifying the tectono-metamorphic evolution of pelitic rocks from a wide range of tectonic settings: mineral compositions in equilibrium” by M.J. Caddick and A.B. Thompson. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159: 285−287

Wu CM and Zhao GC (2007a) A recalibration of the garnet-olivine geothermometer and a new geobarometer for garnet-olivine-plagioclase-bearing granulites. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 25: 497−505 

Wu CM and Zhao GC (2007b) The metapelitic garnet-biotite-muscovite-aluminosilicate-quartz (GBMAQ) geobarometer. Lithos, 97: 365−372 

Wu CM and Cheng BH (2006) Valid garnet-biotite (GB) geothermometry and garnet-aluminum silicate-plagioclase-quartz (GASP) geobarometry in metapelitic rocks. Lithos, 89: 1−23 

Wu CM and Zhao GC (2006a) The applicability of the GRIPS geobarometry in metapelitic assemblages. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 24: 297−307 

Wu CM and Zhao GC (2006b) Recalibration of the garnet-muscovite (GM) geothermometer and the garnet-muscovite-plagioclase-quartz (GMPQ) geobarometer for metapelitic assemblages. Journal of Petrology, 47: 2357−2368 

Wu CM, Zhang J and Ren LD (2004a) Empirical garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz (GBPQ) geobarometry in medium- to high-grade metapelites. Journal of Petrology, 45: 1907−1921 

Wu CM, Zhang J and Ren LD (2004b) Empirical garnet-muscovite-plagioclase-quartz geobarometry in medium- to high-grade metapelites. Lithos, 78: 319−332 

Wu CM, Wang XS, Yang CH, Geng YS and Liu   FL (2002) Empirical garnet-muscovite geothermometry in metapelites. Lithos, 62: 1−13

Wang GD, Wang XL, Li ZMG, Guan Y, Wang J, Shao FL and Wu CM (2024) High-pressure mafic granulite and supracrustal rocks in the southern Hengshan area, North China Craton: Metamorphic P-T-t evolution and geotectonic significance. Precambrian Research, 410: 107501

Chen YC, Liu JH, Zhou RJ, Xiao WJ, Zhang JE, Zhang ZY, Zhang QWL, Li ZMG and Wu CM (2023) Constraint on the temperature of A-type magma from contact metamorphic aureole, Biesituobie batholith, West Junggar in NW China, Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 135: 1265–1279

Chen YC, Liu JH, Zhou RJ, Xiao WJ, Zhang JE, Zhang ZY, Zhang QWL, Li ZMG and Wu CM (2023)  Extensional magmatism caused by strain partitioning: insights from the mafic dikes hosted in Biesituobie batholith in West Junggar, CAOB. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 11233–49

吴春明、刘嘉惠 (2021) 活度在矿物温度计与压力计中的作用−以GB温度计与GASP压力计为例。岩石学报, 37: 35−51

Shi MY, Hou QL, Wu CM, Yan QY, Cheng NN, Zhang QWL and Wang HYC (2021) Origins of the meta-mafic rocks in the southern Dunhuang Block (NW China): Implication for tectonic framework of the southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geological Journal, 56: 3959–3973

Shi MY, Hou QL, Wu CM, Yan QR, Wang HYC, Cheng NN, Zhang QWL and Li ZMG (2020) Paleozoic Sanweishan arc in the northern Dunhuang region, NW China: The Dunhuang block is a Phanerozoic orogen, not a Precambrian block. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences194: 103954

吴春明 (2018) 质地质学研究中的一些困难问题。岩石学报, 34: 873−894

石梦岩、侯泉林、吴春明、王浩、程南南、张谦、Pham VT (2018) 敦煌造山带南部红柳峡混杂带基质的沉积学、地球化学和年代学特征及其大地构造意义。岩石学报, 34: 2099−2118

Xiao LL, Clarke G, Liu FL and Wu CM (2017) Discovery of mafic granulite in the Guandishan area of the Lüliang complex, North China Craton: Age and metamorphic evolution. Precambrian Research, 303: 604‒625

Wang GD, Wang HYC, Chen HX, Zhang B, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2017) Geochronology and geochemistry of the TTG and potassic granite of the Taihua complex, Mts. Huashan: Implications for crustal evolution of the southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 288: 72–90

Wang GD, Wang HYC, Chen HX, Lu JS, Zhang B, Pham VT, Zhang JJ, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2017) Metamorphic P-T-t paths of pelitic granulites of the Taihua metamorphic complex in the Mts. Huashan area and tectonothermal implications for the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 290: 147–162

Wu CM (2015) A newly found Paleozoic Japan-type subduction-accretion system. Science Bulletin, 60: 2069−2070

Wu CM, Lu JS and Wang GD (2014) Determination of pressure-temperature conditions of retrograde symplectic assemblages in granulites and amphibolites. Global Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, 1: 71−83

肖玲玲、刘福来、谢玉玲、吴春明 (2014) 左权变质杂岩区早前寒武纪变质演化及其构造指示。岩石学报30: 2925‒2940

Xiao LL, Wang GD, Wang H, Jiang ZS, Diwu CR and Wu C M (2013) Zircon U–Pb geochronology of the Zanhuang metamorphic complex: reappraisal of the Palaeoproterozoic amalgamation of the Trans-North China Orogen. Geological Magazine, 150: 756‒764

吴春明、陈泓旭 (2013) 变质作用温度与压力极限值的估算方法。岩石学报, 29: 1499–1510 

Wu CM and Zhao GC (2012) Reply to comment on "The applicability of garnet - orthopyroxene geobarometry in mantle xenoliths" by Paolo Nimis and Herman Grütter. Lithos, 142–143: 288–290 

Wang YJ, Wu CM, Zhang AM, Fan WM, Zhang YH, Zhang YZ, Peng TP and Yin CQ (2012) Kwangsian and Indosinian reworking of the eastern South China Block: Constraints on zircon U-Pb geochronology and metamorphism of amphibolites and granulites. Lithos, 150: 227–242

Hu X, Liu X, He Q,Wang H, Qin S, Ren L, Wu CM and Chang L (2011) Thermal expansion of andalusite and sillimanite at ambient pressure: a powder X-ray diffraction study up to 1000°C. Mineralogical Magazine, 75: 363−374

吴春明 (2009) 地幔岩矿物压力计评述。岩石学报,25: 2089–2112 

任留东、牛宝贵、 吴春明、任纪舜 (2008) 大别山霓辉花岗片麻岩中磁铁矿的形成。矿物岩石,28: 36−42

吴春明、肖玲玲、倪善芹 (2007) 泥质变质岩系主要的矿物温度计与压力计。地学前缘,14: 144–150

Wu CM, Pan YS, Wang KY and Zhang J (2002) A report on a biotite-calcic hornblende geothermometer. Acta Geologica Sinica, 76: 126−131

吴春明、赵英俊 (2001) 石榴石−白云母温度计的合理修正。中国科学(D),31: 162–170 

吴春明、耿元生 (2001) 变质作用精细过程研究进展。地球科学进展,16: 785–794

Kapp P, Yin A, Manning CE,  Murphy M,  Harrison TM,  Spurlin M, Ding L, Deng XG and Wu CM (2000) Blueschist-bearing metamorphic core complexes in the Qiangtang block reveal deep crustal structure of northern Tibet. Geology, 28: 1922 

吴春明、潘裕生、王凯怡 (1999) 黑云母−斜方辉石温度计的重新标度及其应用。岩石学报15: 463−468

Wu CM and Pan YS (1999) Reviews in garnet − biotite geothermometry: its versions, inherent problems of accuracy and precision, and perspectives for further research. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 18: 54–61 

Wu CM, Pan YS, Wei GY and Shi SQ (1999) Evidence of comagmatic origin of the rocks of the Zhahebar Ophiolitic Suite, Xinjiang. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 8: 383−390

Yin A, Kapp PA, Murphy MA, Manning CE, Harrison TM, Grove M, Ding L, Deng XG and Wu CM (1999) Significant late Neogene east-west extension in northern Tibet. Geology, 27: 787790


Wu CM (2021) Geothermobarometry. In: Alderton D and Elias SA (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geology (2nd edition)vol. 2, pp. 423-432. United Kingdom: Academic Press

吴春明 (2013) 矿物温度计与压力计的标定方法及其应用。见: 丁仲礼主编 (2013) 固体地球科学研究方法。科学出版社。699–714


吴春明 (2015) 培养有学术思想的研究生-讲授“变质地质学”研究生课程的体会。中国地质教育, 24: 45–48



Li ZMG, Chen YC, Zhang HCG and Wu CM (2025) Common metamorphic P-T-t history of metabasite and metapelite in the Danba Barrovian sequence (SW China): Implications for the Mesozoic tectono-thermal evolution of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin (in press. doi:10.1130/B37575.1)

Li ZMG, Wang J, Wang MW and Wu CM (2024) Origin of the coeval cordierite granite, metapelite and diorite in the Qinghai Nanshan (NW China): Evidences from petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and P-T conditions. Lithos, 486-487: 107773

Li ZMG, Gaidies F, Chen YC, Zhao YL and Wu CM (2024) Petrogenesis of sector-zoned garnet in graphitic metapelite from the Danba dome, eastern Tibetan Plateau (SW China). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179: 56

Li ZMG, Chen YC, Gaidies F, Zhao YL and Wu CM (2024) Identical metamorphic record in distinct petrochemical systems: case study of microscopically interlayered garnet amphibolite and metapelite from the Danba dome, SW China. Lithos, 468-469: 107488

Li ZMG, Chen YC and Wu CM (2023) Discrepant age records of Permian thermal overprint in metapelite in the Neoproterozoic Kang-Dian Orogenic Belt (SW China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 254: 105737

Peng T, Gerdes A, Zeng LS, Millonig LJ, Albert R, Marko L, Wang HYC and Wu CM (2022) Divergent metamorphism within the Namche Barwa Complex, the Eastern Himalaya, southeast Tibet, China - Insights from in-situ U-Th-Pb dating of metamorphic monazite. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 40: 307–328

Li ZMG, Chen YC, Zhang QWL, Liu JH and Wu CM (2022) P-T conditions and timing of metamorphism of the Yuanmou area, southern Neoproterozoic Kang-Dian Orogenic Belt, southwest China. Precambrian Research, 374: 106642

Zhang QWL, Chen YC, Li ZMG, Liu JH, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2022) Identification of continental fragments in orogen: An example from Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, NW China. Science Bulletin, 67: 1549–1552

Zhang QWL, Chen YC, Shi MY, Li ZMG, Liu JH and Wu CM (2022) Permian-Triassic magmatic and thermal events in the Dunhuang orogenic belt: implications for subduction records of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. International Geology Review, 64: 2306–2329

李真、吴春明 (2022) 递增变质作用研究中的科学问题。地质学报, 96: 3182–3194

Li Z, Wang H, Zhang Q, Shi MY, Lu JS, Liu JH and Wu CM (2021) Ultra-high pressure metamorphism and geochronology of garnet clinopyroxenite in the Paleozoic Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, northwestern China. Minerals, 11: 117

Li ZMG, Chen YC, Zhang QWL, Liu JH and Wu CM (2021) U-Pb dating of metamorphic monazite of the Neoproterozoic Kang-Dian Orogenic Belt, southwestern China. Precambrian Research, 361: 106262

Zhang HCG, Liu JH, Wang J, Chen YC, Peng  P and Wu CM (2021) Paleoproterozoic metamorphism of metaultramafic rocks in the Miyun area, northeastern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 354: 106048

Zhang QWL, Li ZMG, Shi MY, Chen YC, Liu JH and Wu CM (2021) 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende and U-Pb dating of zircon in the Aketashitage orogen, NW China: constraints on exhumation and cooling in the Paleoproterozoic. Precambrian Research, 352: 106018

Zhang QWL, Liu JH, Li ZMG, Shi MY, Chen YC and Wu CM (2021) Juxtaposition of diverse, subduction-related tectonic blocks with contrasting metamorphic features and ages in the Paleoproterozoic Aketashitage orogen, NW China: Implications for Precambrian orogeny. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 133: 1483–1504

Liu JH, Wang J, Li ZMG, Zhang QWL and Wu CM (2021) Paleoproterozoic medium to high pressure metamorphism in the Wanzi supracrustal association, Trans-North China Orogen: New insights from the gedrite-bearing gneiss, gedrite-free gneiss, and amphibolite. Precambrian Research, 360: 106248

Liu JH, Chen YC, Li ZMG, Zhang QWL, Lan TG, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2021) Temperature and timing of ductile deformation of the Longquanguan shear zone, Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 359: 106217

Liu JH, Zhang QWL, Wang J, Zhang HCG and Wu CM (2021) Metamorphic evolution and SIMS U-Pb geochronology of orthopyroxene-bearing high-pressure semipelitic granulite in the Fuping area, middle Trans-North China Orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39: 297–320

Liu JH, Li ZMG, Zhang QWL, Zhang HCG, Chen YC and Wu CM (2021) New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology data of the Fuping and Wutai Complexes: Further constraints on the thermal evolution of the Trans-North China OrogenPrecambrian Research, 354: 106046

梁爽、张谦、刘嘉惠、李真、闫全人、吴春明 (2021) 西峡-内乡地区秦岭岩群变质独居石和锆石的U-Pb定年。岩石学报, 37: 3797–3814

Liu JH, Zhang QWL, Li ZMG, Zhang HCG, Chen YC and Wu CM (2020) Metamorphic evolution and U-Pb geochronology of metapelite, northeastern Wutai Complex: implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 350: 105928

Zhang HCG, Peng T, Liu JH, Wang J, Chen YC, Zhang QWL and Wu CM (2020) New geochronological evidences of late Neoarchean and late Paleoproterozoic tectonic-metamorphic events in the Miyun area, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 345: 105774

Zhang QWL, Wang HYC, Liu JH, Shi MY, Chen YC, Li ZMG and Wu CM (2020) Diverse subduction and exhumation of tectono-metamorphic slices in the Kalatashitage area, western Paleozoic Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, northwestern China. Lithos, 360-361: 105434

Chen HX, Liu JH, Zhang QWL, Wang HYC and Wu CM (2020) A long-lived tectono-metamorphic event in the late Paleoproterozoic: Evidence from SIMS U-Th-Pb dating of monazite from metapelite in central-south Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 336: 105497

Zhang QWL, Liu JH, Wang HYC, Shi MY, Chen YC, Li ZMG, Zhang HCG, Pham VT and Wu CM (2019) Amphibolite facies metamorphism and geochronology of the Paleoproterozoic Aketashitage Orogenic Belt, northwestern China. Precambrian Research, 328: 146–160

Liu JH, Zhang QWL, Zhang HCG, Wang HYC, Chen HX, Pham VT, Peng T and Wu CM (2019) Metamorphic evolution and SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of mafic granulites with double symplectites in the Fuping metamorphic complex, middle Palaeoproterozoic Trans-North China OrogenPrecambrian Research, 326: 142–154

Peng T, Wang GD, Wang HYC, Liu JH, Zhang HCG, Chen HX and Wu CM (2019) Metamorphic P-T path and geochronology of garnet-bearing amphibolite of the Inyoni Shear Zone, southwestern Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 321: 261–276

Zhang HCG, Liu JH, Chen YC, Zhang QWL, Pham VT, Peng T, Li ZMG and Wu CM (2019) Neoarchean metamorphic evolution and geochronology of the Miyun metamorphic complex, North China OrogenPrecambrian Research, 320: 78–92

Peng T, Zeng LS, Gao LE, Gerdes A, Gao JH, Hu ZP and Wu CM (2018) Metamorphic P-T path and SIMS zircon U-Pb dating of amphibolite of the Namche Barwa Complex, southeast Tibet, China. Lithos, 320–321: 454–469 (corrigendum: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105511)

Wang HYC, Zhang QWL, Lu JS, Chen HX, Liu JH, Zhang HCG, Pham VT, Peng T and Wu CM (2018) Metamorphic evolution and geochronology of tectonic mélange of the Dongbatu and Mogutai blocks, middle Dunhuang orogenic belt, northwestern China. Geosphere, 14: 883–906

Wang HYC, Zhang QWL, Chen HX, Liu JH, Zhang HCG, Pham VT, Peng T and Wu CM (2018) Paleozoic subduction of the southern Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, northwest China: metamorphism and geochronology of the Shuixiakou area. Geodinamica Acta, 30: 63–83

范文寿、王浩、张谦、刘嘉惠、石梦岩、李真、吴春明 (2018) 敦煌造山带长山子地区变质演化及年代学研究。岩石学报, 34: 2773–2792

张慧、王娟、彭涛、范文寿、陈艺超、侯泉林、吴春明 (2018) 北京云梦山大水峪韧性剪切带糜棱岩的变形温度。岩石学报, 34: 1801–1812

Wang HYC, Chen HX, Zhang QWL, Shi MY, Yan QR, Hou QL, Zhang Q, Kusky T and Wu CM (2017) Tectonic mélange records the Silurian-Devonian subduction-metamorphic process of the southern Dunhuang terrane, southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geology, 45: 427–430

Meng J, Peng T, Liu JH, Zhang HCG, Wang GD, Lu JS, Chen HX, Wang HYC, Zhang QWL and Wu CM (2017) Metamorphic evolution and SIMS zircon U-Pb geochronology of mafic granulite and amphibolite enclaves of the Pingyang trondhjemitic pluton, Fuping terrane, north China. Precambrian Research, 303: 75–90

Wang HYC, Wang J, Wang GD, Lu JS, Chen HX, Peng T, Zhang HCG, Zhang QWL, Xiao WJ, Hou QL, Yan QR, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2017) Metamorphic evolution and geochronology of the Dunhuang orogenic belt in the Hongliuxia area, northwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 135: 51–69

Lu JS, Zhai MG, Lu LS, Wang HYC, Chen HX,  Peng T, Wu CM and Zhao TP (2017) Metamorphic P-T-t path retrieved from metapelites in the southeastern Taihua metamorphic complex, and the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the southern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134: 352–364

Wang HYC, Chen HX, Lu JS, Wang GD, Peng T, Zhang HCG, Yan QR, Hou QL, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2016) Metamorphic evolution and SIMS U-Pb geochronology of the Qingshigou area, Dunhuang block, NW China: Tectonic implications of the southernmost Central Asian orogenic belt. Lithosphere, 8: 463–479

Chen HX, Wang HYC, Peng T and Wu CM (2016) Petrogenesis and geochronology of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic granitoid and monzonitic gneisses in the Taihua complex: Episodic magmatism of the southwestern Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 287: 31–47

陈泓旭、王浩、彭涛、张慧、吴春明 (2016) 华北中部造山带南缘洛宁东部太华变质杂岩SIMS 锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义。地球科学与环境学报, 38: 822–834

Chen HX, Wang J, Wang H, Wang GD, Peng T, Shi YH, Zhang Q and Wu CM (2015) Metamorphism and geochronology of the Luoning metamorphic terrane, southern terminal of the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 264: 156–178

Lu JS, Wang GD, Wang H, Chen HX, Peng T and Wu CM (2015) Zircon SIMS U-Pb geochronology of the Lushan terrane: dating metamorphism of the southwestern terminal of the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen. Geological Magazine, 152: 367–377

孟洁、彭涛、张继军、吴春明 (2015) 山西义兴寨岩体和车厂-北台岩体的变质程度及变质作用K-Ar定年。岩石矿物学杂志, 34: 991–1004

Lu JS, Wang GD, Wang H, Chen HX and Wu CM (2014) Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic evolution and geochronology of the Wugang block, southeastern terminal of the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 251: 197–211

Wang GD, Wang H, Chen HX, Lu JS and Wu CM (2014) Metamorphic evolution and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Mts. Huashan amphibolites: insights into the Palaeoproterozoic amalgamation of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 245: 100–114

彭涛、王浩、陈泓旭、孟洁、卢俊生、王国栋、吴春明 (2014) 甘肃敦煌观音沟地区变质作用初步研究。岩石学报, 30: 503–511

卢俊生、王浩、王国栋、陈泓旭、吴春明 (2014) 河南鲁山太华变质杂岩前寒武纪变质作用。岩石学报, 30: 3062–3074

Lu JS, Wang GD, Wang H, Chen HX and Wu CM (2013) Metamorphic P-T-t paths retrieved from the amphibolites, Lushan terrane, Henan Province and reappraisal of the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 238: 61–77

Xiao LL, Wang GD, Wang H, Jiang ZS, Diwu CR and Wu CM (2013) Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Zanhuang metamorphic complex: reappraisal of the Paleoproterozoic amalgamation of the Trans-North China Orogen. Geological Magazine, 150: 756–764

王国栋、卢俊生、王浩、陈泓旭、肖玲玲、第五春荣、季建清、吴春明 (2013) 华山地区太华变质杂岩中LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年及角闪石40Ar/39Ar定年。岩石学报, 29: 3099–3114

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( 1 ) 变质岩中主要变质矿物化学成分环带性质的基本规律研究及其应用(国家自然科学基金重点项目), 负责人, 国家任务, 2024-01--2028-12
( 2 ) 基性麻粒岩中矿物温度计与压力计的洽合性(国家自然科学基金面上项目), 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2025-12


博士研究生:赵燕琳 (2023)

硕士研究生:贾雪丽 (2023)Hussain Rabbani (2023)


李  真  2024年毕业 理学博士  (获得2024年中国科学院院长优秀奖)

刘嘉惠  2022年毕业 理学博士  (获得2021年中国科学院院长优秀奖)

张  谦 2022年毕业 理学博士 (获得2022年中国科学院院长特别奖、2022年国家“博新计划”项目)

彭  涛  2020年毕业 理学博士

陈泓旭  2017年毕业 理学博士

   2017年毕业 理学博士 (获得2017年中国科学院院长优秀奖、2017年国家“博新计划”项目、


王国栋  2015年毕业 理学博士

卢俊生  2014年毕业 理学博士 (获得2015年中国科学院百篇优秀博士学位论文奖)

肖玲玲  2011年毕业 理学博士

梁  爽  2021年毕业 理学硕士

张  慧  2019年毕业 理学硕士

范文寿  2018年毕业 理学硕士

   2015年毕业 理学硕士

蒋宗胜  2011年毕业 理学硕士

罗志高  2010年毕业 理学硕士


2022 中国科学院 优秀导师奖

2020 中国科学院大学 讲席教授

2018 中国科学院 优秀导师奖

2017 中国科学院大学 特聘教授

2015 中国科学院 特聘研究员

2015 中国科学院 优秀导师奖

2014 Science Bulletin优秀副主编

2012 国家杰出青年科学基金项目主持人



