Wei-Qiang Chen
Professor of Sustainability Science
Email: wqchen@iue.ac.cn
2004/08–2010/07 Ph.D., Environmental Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2006/09–2006/12 Exchange Student, Venice International University, Venice, Italy
2000/09–2004/07 B.S., Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Work Experience
2015/08–Present Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013/03–2015/07 Associate Research Scientist, Yale University
2010/06–2013/02 Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University
- Ai, N.*; Zheng, J.; and Chen, W.-Q. U.S. end-of-life electric vehicle batteries: Dynamic inventory modeling and spatial analysis for regional solutions. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019, 144: In Press.
- Qu, S.; Guo Y.-H.; Ma Z.-J.; Chen, W.-Q.; Liu, J.-G.; Liu, G.; Wang, Y.-T.; Xu, M. Implications of China’s Foreign Waste Ban on the Global Circular Economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019, 144: 252-255.
- Huang, B.-J.*; Zhao, F., Fishman, T., Chen, W.-Q.; Heeren, N.; and Hertwich, E. G. Building Material Use and Associated Environmental Impacts in China 2000-2015. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(23):14006-14014.
- Han, J.*; Chen, W.-Q.; Zhang, L.-X.; and Liu, G.* Uncovering the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Infrastructure Development: A High Spatial Resolution Materials Stock and Flow Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(21): 12122-12132.
- Jiang, D.*; Chen, W.-Q.*; Zeng, X.-L.; and Tang, L.Dynamic Stocks and Flows Analysis of Bisphenol A (BPA) in China: 2000-2014. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, In Press: DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05709
- Zhang, C.*; Chen, W.-Q.; and Ruth, Matthias. Measuring Material Efficiency: A Review of the Historical Evolution of Indicators, Methodologies and Findings. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018, In Press
- Chen, J.; Zhu, X.; Liu, G.*; Chen, W.-Q.; and Yang, D. China’s Rare Earth Dominance: The Myths and the Truths from an Industrial Ecology Perspective. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018, 132: 139-140.
- Tian, X.; Wu, Y.-F.*; Qu, S.; Liang, S.; Chen. W.-Q.; Xu, M.; and Zuo, T.-Y. Deriving hazardous material flow networks: A case study of lead in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 199:391-399.
- Liu, S.; Tian, X.*; Cai, W.; Chen, W.-Q.; and Wang, Y. How the Transitions in Iron and Steel and Construction Material Industries Impact China’s CO2 Emissions: Comprehensive Analysis from an Inter-sector Linked Perspective. Applied Energy. 2018, 211: 64-75.
- Chen, W.-Q.* Dynamic Product-Level Analysis of In-Use Aluminum Stocks in the United States. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2017, In Press: DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12710
- Jiang, D.*; Chen, W.-Q.; Liu, W.; and Chertow, M.* Inter-Sectoral Bisphenol A (BPA) Flows in the 2012 Chinese Economy. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51 (15): 8654–8662
- Zhang, C.; Chen, W.-Q.*; Liu, G.; and Zhu, D.-J. Economic Growth and the Evolution of Material Cycles: An Analytical Framework Integrating Material Flow and Stock Indicators. Ecological Economics. 2017, 140: 265-274.
- Shi, Y.-L.; Chen, W.-Q.*; Wu, S.-L.; and Zhu, Y.-G.* Anthropogenic Cycles of Arsenic in Mainland China: 1990-2010. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51(3): 1670-1678.
- Huang, C.; Han, J.*; and Chen, W.-Q. Changing Patterns and Determinants of Infrastructures’ Material Stocks in Chinese Cities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2017, 123: 47-53.
- Chen, W.-Q.*; Shi, Y.-L.; Wu, S.-L.; and Zhu, Y.-G.* Anthropogenic Arsenic Cycles: A Research Framework and Features. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 139:328-336.
- Nuss, P.*; Chen, W.-Q.*; Ohno, H.; and Graedel, T.E. Structural Investigation of Aluminum in the US Economy using Network Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, (50): 4091-4101.
- Ohno, H.*; Nuss, P.; Chen, W.-Q.*; and Graedel, T.E. Deriving the Metal and Alloy Networks of Modern Technology. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, (50): 4082-4090.
- Chen, W.-Q.*; Graedel, T.E.; Nuss, P.; and Ohno, H. Building the Material Flow Networks of Aluminum in the 2007 U.S. Economy. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, (50): 3905-3912.
- Zeng, X.-L.*; Gong, R.-Y.; Chen, W.-Q.; and Li, J.-H.* Uncovering the Recycling Potential of ‘New’ WEEE in China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015 (50): 1347-1358.
- Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E.* In-Use Product Stocks Link Manufactured Capital to Natural Capital. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015, 112(20): 6265-6270.
- Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E. Improved Alternatives for Estimating In-Use Material Stocks. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49(5): 3048–3055.
- Ciacci, L.; Eckelman, M.J.; Passarini, F.*; Chen, W.-Q.; Vassura, I.; and Morselli, L. Historical Evolution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aluminum Production at a Country Level. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014, 84:540-549.
- Chen, W.-Q.* Recycling Rates of Aluminum in the United States. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2013, 17(6): 926-938.
- Ciacci, L.; Chen, W.-Q.; Passarini, F.*; Eckelman, M.J.; Vassura, I.; and Morselli, L. Historical Evolution of Anthropogenic Aluminum Stocks and Flows in Italy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2013, 72:1-8.
- Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E. Anthropogenic Cycles of the Elements: A Critical Review. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46: 8674-8586.
- Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E. Dynamic Analysis of Aluminum Stocks and Flows in the United States: 1900-2009. Ecological Economics. 2012, 81: 92-102.
- Chen, W.-Q.* and Shi, L. Analysis of Aluminum Stocks and Flows in Mainland China from 1950 to 2009: Exploring the Dynamics Driving the Rapid Increase in China's Aluminum Production. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2012, 65: 18-28.
- Chen, W.-Q.; Shi, L.*; and Qian Y. Substance Flow Analysis of Aluminium in Mainland China for 2001, 2004 and 2007: Exploring its Initial Sources, Eventual Sinks and the Pathways linking them. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2010, 54(9): 557-70.
- Xu, M.*; Allenby, B.R.; and Chen, W.-Q. Energy and Air Emissions Embodied in China-US Trade: Eastbound Assessment Using Adjusted Bilateral Trade Data. Environmental Science & Technology. 2009, 43: 3378-84.
- Wen, Z.-G.*; Zhang, K.-M.; Huang, L.-Y.; Du, B.; Chen, W.-Q.; and Li W. Genuine Saving rate: An Integrated Indicator to Measure Urban Sustainable Development towards an Ecocity. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2005, 12: 184-96.
Research Interests
Industrial Ecology and Urban Ecology
Complex System Science
Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Economics, and Ecological Economics
Environmental Policy and Sustainable Resources Management
Anthropogenic Cycles of Materials
Environmental Consequences of International Trade
Urban Metabolism
Industrial Symbiosis
Urban Environmental Management
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