2020-08-01-2025-08-01,中国力学学会第10届理性力学和力学中的数学方法专业委员会, 委员
2020-08-01-2025-08-01,中国力学学会第8届《计算力学学报》编委会, 委员
2014年Springer Theses Prize
2013年度中国科学院百篇优秀博士学位论文 (1/100)
陶瑞灵,王智慧. 上层大气层气固相互作用的分子动力学研究. 力学学报, 2025, 57(1): 65-78.
Yao-Yu Guan, Zhi-Hui WANG. Capturing the COVID-19 pandemic characteristics with DSMC method. AIP Conference Proceedings 2996 (1), 2024.
Hui-Jun Gao, Zhi-Hui WANG. Preliminary study on the aeroheating similarity of the hypersonic strong shear-compression flow. AIP Conference Proceedings 2996 (1), 2024.
Rui-Ling Tao, Zhi-Hui WANG. Comparison of two approaches in molecular dynamics simulation of gas-surface interaction. AIP Conference Proceedings 2996 (1), 2024.
Ruiling Tao, Zhihui WANG. Gas-Surface Interaction Features under Effects of Gas-Gas Molecules Interaction in High-Speed Flows. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024, 37(5):228-242.
章顺良,鲍 麟,王智慧. 壁面局部催化特性和微粗糙度对气动加热的影响. 空天技术. 2023(3):21-29.
Shun-Liang Zhang, Zhi-Hui Wang. Theoretical modelling of non-equilibrium reaction–diffusion of rarefied gas on a wall with microscale roughness. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 965, A21.
罗健,王智慧. 考虑振动非平衡的可压缩 Couette 流动及其传热. 力学学报. 2022, 54(1):83-93.
Shunliang ZHANG, Zhihui WANG. Effects of chemical energy accommodation on nonequilibrium flow and heat transfer to a catalytic wall. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(10):165–175.
Jian Luo, Zhi-Hui Wang. Analogy between Vibrational and Chemical Nonequilibrium Effects on Stagnation Flows. AIAA Journal, 58(5):2156-2164, 2020.
Yong-Liang Yu, Xian-Dong Li, Zhi-Hui Wang, Lin Bao. Theoretical modeling of heat transfer to flat plate under vibrational excitation freestream conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 151(4):119434, 2020.
Zhi-Hui Wang. Generalized Hypersonic Equivalence Principle. AIAA Journal, 58(1):255-264, 2020.
沈昊嫣,朱博闻,王智慧,余永亮. 鳗鲡模式游动的鱼体变形曲率波的传播特性研究. 力学学报. 2019, 51(4):1022-1030.
Zhi-Hui Wang. DSMC implementing generalized hypersonic equivalence principle for viscous flows. 2019, AIP Conf. Proc. 2132, 070022.
Jian Luo, Zhi-Hui Wang. Theoretical modeling of vibrational nonequilibrium flows behind strong shock waves. 2019, AIP Conf. Proc. 2132, 130009.
Zhi-Hui Wang, Yong-Liang Yu, Lin Bao. Heat Transfer in Nonequilibrium Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Recombination Reactions. AIAA Journal. 2018, 56 (9), 3593-3599.
童秉纲, 余永亮, 王智慧. 应用流体力学领域采用的理论建模方法及流动物理分析的探索. 气体物理, 2016, 1(5):1-8.
Zhi-Hui Wang. Heat transfer in nonequilibrium boundary layer flow over a partly catalytic wall. 2016, AIP Conf. Proc. 1786, 150010.
Xing-Xing Chen, Zhi-Hui Wang, Yong-Liang Yu. General Reynolds analogy on curved surfaces in hypersonic rarefied gas flows with non-equilibrium chemical reactions. 2016, AIP Conf. Proc. 1786, 150011.
王智慧, 鲍麟, 童秉纲. 尖化前缘的稀薄气体化学非平衡流动和气动加热相似律研究. 气体物理, 2016, 1(1):5-12.
Zhi-Hui Wang. Theoretical modelling of aeroheating on sharpened noses under rarefied gas effects and nonequilibrium real gas effects. Springer Theses. 2015. ISBN: 978-3662443644.
Xing-Xing Chen, Zhi-Hui Wang, Yong-Liang Yu. General Reynolds analogy for blunt-nosed bodies in hypersonic flows. AIAA Journal. 2015,53(8):2410-2416.
Xing-Xing Chen, Zhi-Hui Wang, Yong-Liang Yu. Nonlinear shear and heat transfer in hypersonic rarefied flows past flat plates. AIAA Journal. 2015, 53(2):413-419.
Zhi-Hui Wang, Lin Bao. Modeling study of rarefied gas effects on hypersonic reacting stagnation flows. 2014, AIP Conf. Proc. 1628, 1310-1317.
Wang Zhihui, Bao Lin, Tong Binggang. An analytical study on nonequilibrium dissociating gas flow behind a strong bow shockwave under rarefied conditions. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron. 2013, 56(4):671-679.
Wang Zhihui, Bao Lin, Tong Binggang. Theoretical modeling of chemical nonequilibrium stagnation point boundary layer heat transfer under rarefied conditions. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron. 2013, 56(5).
Zhihui Wang, Lin Bao, Binggang Tong. Theoretical modeling of the chemical non-equilibrium flow behind a normal shock wave. AIAA Journal. 2012, 50(2):494-499.
Zhihui Wang, Lin Bao, Binggang Tong. Rarefaction criterion and non-Fourier heat transfer in hypersonic rarefied flows. Physics of Fluids, 22, 126103(2010).
Wang Zhihui, Bao Lin, Tong Binggang. Variation character of stagnation point heat flux for hypersonic pointed bodies from continuum to rarefied flow states and its bridge function study. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron. 2009, 52(12):2007-2015.
王智慧, 鲍麟. 具有局部稀薄气体效应的高超声速尖锥气动加热特征研究. 计算物理. 2010, 27(1):59-64.
王智慧, 鲍麟, 童秉纲.高超声速尖头体局部稀薄流动气动加热特征及其机理研究.气体物理. 5(2):144-154.
沈昊嫣 硕士研究生 085206-动力工程
罗健 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
章顺良 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
管尧雨 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
高慧君 博士研究生 080103-流体力学
房玮 硕士研究生 080103-流体力学
陶瑞灵 博士研究生 080103-流体力学